你要是英语讲得不好,找工作时就会处于非常不利的地位。 If you don't speak good English, you'll be at a big disadvantage when you try to get a job.
我们的经济正处于复苏阶段。 Our economy is undergoing a revival.
我们真的处于困境——没人照顾婴儿。 We are in a real fix - there is nobody to look after the baby.
你在发动引擎时,一定要让汽车处于空档。 When you start the engine, be sure the car is in neutral.
改革正处于关键阶段。 The reform is at its critical stage now.
这所房子处于一个很好的位置。 The house has a very good position.
这间屋子在村子的中心草地上,处于引人注目的位置。 The house is in a prominent position on the village green.
我们正处于严重危险之中,我们必须把军人动员起来。 Our country's in great danger; we must mobilize the army.
他处于异常焦虑的状态。 He was in a state of great agitation.
东部地区处于东面的区域或地带 An area or a region lying in the east.
处于这种可怕的压力之下,不疯才怪呢。 It's hard to stay sane under such awful pressure.
船处于顶风位置的风以阻碍船只前进的方式推动 In such a way that the wind pushes against the forward side of a sail or sails.
在漫长的世界历史中,只有少数几代人在自由处于最危急的时刻被赋予保卫自由的责任。 In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger.
下的处于下方的或向下生长的 Located beneath or directed downward.
宇宙探索仍处于初级阶段 Space exploration is still in its infancy.
这所房屋已处于荒废的状态。 The house has fallen into a state of neglect.
身体同侧的处于或影响着身体的同侧的 Located on or affecting the same side of the body.
在进入喷嘴之前,蒸汽处于高压状态。 Prior to entering the nozzle, the steam is at high pressure.
处于…境地;位于 Having been placed; located.
崭新的处于新鲜和未使用状态的;全新的 Being in a fresh and unused condition; completely new.
潜隐体一种处于发育阶段的疟疾寄生虫,在侵入红血细胞之前,寄生在体内组织中 A malarial parasite at the stage of development in which it inhabits bodily tissue before invading the red blood cells.
一种正在执行中的程序,是一种活着的实体,能引起事件的发生;而程序是被动的,处于静止状态。 A program in execution, a process is an active entity, which can cause things to occur, as opposed to a program, which is a passive entity.
病,疾病有机体的某一部位、某一器官或系统处于病理状态,由各种因素引起,如传染、遗传缺陷或环境紧张,而且以被视为相同的一组表象或症状为特征 A pathological condition of a part, an organ, or a system of an organism resulting from various causes, such as infection, genetic defect, or environmental stress, and characterized by an identifiable group of signs or symptoms.
他处于悔恨的海洋中。 He was in an agony of remorse.
附属物,辅助物附加于他物的处于附属或从属地位的物品 Something attached to another in a dependent or subordinate position.
在最近的这次危机中,没有一家银行能帮助那些处于困境的公司渡过难关。 In the recent crisis no banks could manage to bail out the companies feeling financial pressure.
我宁愿看处于野生状态的动物。 I prefer to see animals living in their natural state.
那个国家现在正处于军事独裁统治之下。 That country is now living under a military dictatorship.
由于海关征收繁重的紧急关税,使得我们处于极其困难的境地。 The imposition of heavy emergency custom duties have render our position exceedingly difficult.
膝处于坐姿的人从腰到膝盖的大腿正面部位 The front area from the waist to the knees of a seated person.
非洲有一些地区这时仍然处于殖民主义的统治之下。 Some parts of Africa still remained under colonialism.
从经济学的观点来说,国家处于很兴旺的状态之中。 Economically, the country is in a very healthy state.
重力天体如地球,所施加的自然吸引力,如地球,对处于或接近其表面的物体有将它们拉向其中心的趋势 The natural force of attraction exerted by a celestial body, such as Earth, upon objects at or near its surface, tending to draw them toward the center of the body.
病人情况危急,因而需要手术,但又无法保证她是否能经受得住麻醉剂,外科医生处于进退两难的境地。 The patient's condition was critical and she needed an operation but there was no guarantee that she would survive the anaesthetic; the surgeon was on the horns of a dilemma.
饮食失常一种饮食无序,在这种情况下,一个人常常处于不正常的贪食和厌食的交替状态,特点是偶尔的暴饮暴食继而又很快的引起呕吐或腹泻 An eating disorder in which one alternates between abnormal craving for and aversion to food. It is characterized by episodes of excessive food intake followed by periods of fasting and self-induced vomiting or diarrhea.
在远程通信系统中,当报文发往的工作站处于不工作状态时控制站所采取的行动,即接收并存储该报文直到该工作站恢复工作时,再由控制站将报文送给它。在报文交换系统中,控制站可以是一台计算机。 In a remote communication system, the action taken by a control station whereby messages addressed to an inoperative station are accepted and stored at the control station until they can be sent to the destination station. The control station may be a computer in a message switching system.
在1939年,当时人人都感到欧洲处于极度危险的境地。 In 1939 everyone felt Europe was on the edge of the precipice.