那种声音很刺耳。 The sound was very discordant.
它比另外一个的声音大十倍。 It is ten times louder than another.
群众高声喊叫把演讲人的声音压了下去。 The crowd shouted the speaker down.
教士那圆润低沉的声音在教堂里回响。 The sonorous voice of the priest resounded in the church.
马路上来往的车辆声音不断地破坏我们家的安宁。 The noise of cars passing along the road is a continual disturbance to our quiet at home.
声音通过空气这一媒介传播。 Sound travels through the medium of air.
他一转旋钮,声音就变小了。 As he turned the knob, the sound diminished.
耳膜的振动帮助声音传送到大脑。 A vibrating membrane in the ear helps to convey sounds to the brain.
他听到的唯一的声音就是那台机器的嗡嗡声。 The only sound he heard was the hum of the machine.
他听到汽车刹车发出的尖锐的声音,然后就摔倒了。 He heard a screech of brakes and then fell down.
我们听见敲鼓的声音. We heard the beat of a drum.
那只鸟飞了过去, 翅膀发出呼呼的声音. The bird flew past, its wings whirring.
影片中的声音必须与动作配合一致. The sound on a film must synchronize with the action.
录像磁带一种比较宽的磁带,用来记录图像和对应的声音以进行复放或者播放 A relatively wide magnetic tape used to record visual images and associated sound for subsequent playback or broadcasting.
音乐的声音太大了,把我耳朵震得直响。 The music was so loud it made my ears ring.
录音磁带一种相对狭长的磁带,用于录下声音以便日后重放 A relatively narrow magnetic tape used to record sound for subsequent playback.
老师以嘶哑的声音说话。 The teacher speaks with a husky voice.
听到他咂咂舌头的声音,她疑惑不解在想:"我说错了什么?" "What have I said wrong now? " She wondered, as she heard he click his tongue.
诗以生动的和充满想象的方式来表达经验、思想或情感的口述文学作品,以运用其声音和暗示力而选用浓缩的语言为特征,并运用如节奏、暗喻和音韵等文学手法 A verbal composition designed to convey experiences, ideas, or emotions in a vivid and imaginative way, characterized by the use of condensed language chosen for its sound and suggestive power and by the use of literary techniques such as meter, metaphor, and rhyme.
我听见有流水的声音. I can hear running water.
他害怕得声音发抖。 His voice shook with fear.
重击有力而声音响亮的重击 A forceful, resounding blow.
他的样子和他在电话中说话的声音反映的病情是一样的。 He looks as ill as he sounded on the phone.
本周这里格外地充满了让人高兴快乐而无害的声音。 The place was particularly full of noises this week that gives delight and hurt not.
他困得那副样子, 连汽车朝那房子开去时发出的声音都没能使他清醒. In his sleepy state, the sound of a car driving up to the house scarcely impinged on his consciousness.
他的声音有点颤抖. There was a tremble in his voice.
她的声音中能听出有些颤抖. You could hear the quaver in her voice.
他争论着,他的声音由于生气而颤抖。 He argued, his voice trembling with anger.
欢叫声表示愉悦或欢喜的口齿不清的声音 An inarticulate sound expressive of pleasure or delight.
他的声音在空荡的大厅里发出回声。 His voice echoed in the big empty hall.
汤姆把他叔叔的声音和姿态模仿得惟妙惟肖. Tom mimicked his uncle's voice and gestures perfectly.
那窃贼听到他们汽车的声音就从窗口逃走了. When the burglar heard their car he hopped it out of the window.
当男主角策马向夕阳驰去时,尾声音乐逐渐消失。 The closing music fades out when the hero rides off into the sunset.
喂,鲍勃。是的,这是因为线路不好。我再说大一点声音。好些了吗? Oh, hello, Bob. Yes, the line is not very good. I'll speak a bit louder. Is that any better?
耳鸣一个耳朵或两耳中的声音,如嗡嗡声或哨声,在没有外界刺激的情况下发生,通常由某种特定情况如耳朵感染、使用某种药物、听觉管道堵塞或头部受伤引起 A sound in one ear or both ears, such as buzzing, ringing, or whistling, occurring without an external stimulus and usually caused by a specific condition, such as an ear infection, the use of certain drugs, a blocked auditory tube or canal, or a head injury.
汽车的声音消失在远方. The noise of the car died away in the distance.
她美妙的声音把他们迷住了。 Her beautiful voice fascinated them.
那声音大得让邻居讨厌。 The noise was so loud that it was a nuisance to the neighbors.
他用庄重的声音宣布这一消息。 He gave the news out in grave voice.
回音测深仪一种声音测深仪的商标 A trademark used for a sonic depth finder.
由重重的行走或行军产生的声音 The sound produced by heavy walking or marching.
观众静得连别针落地的声音也能听见. The audience was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop.
平常的地下火车接近车站时,发出的声音可能是最大声的喷射机的两倍。 An ordinary subway train, approaching the station, can be twice as loud as the loudest jet.
我们坐着倾听海浪的声音。 We sat listening to the sound of the waves.
他的声音中带有权威的口气。 His voice carries the ring of authority.
一丁点儿声音就足以把他吵醒. The merest noise is enough to wake him.
那台陈旧的发动机抖动著发出摩擦的声音。 The old engine ground and shuddered.
音轨一独立的轨道,如沿着一段胶片或磁带的,可将声音或其它信息记录在上面 A distinct path, as along a length of film or magnetic tape, on which sound or other information is recorded.
水声上述汹涌或起伏的声音 The sound of this rush or surge.
这个管弦乐队演奏的特色是声音优美柔和. The orchestra had a distinctively warm and mellow sound.
卡祖笛一种当吹奏者向吹口处低吟或哼唱时一个膜能够发出声音的玩具乐器 A toy instrument with a membrane that produces a sound when a player hums or sings into the mouthpiece.
你的立体声音响在哪儿? Where's your stereo?
吵闹的声音这样大,我怎能读书呢? How can I read with all this row going on?
刺耳的声音刺耳的碰撞声或摩擦声;不和谐 Harsh or grating sound; discord.
我倒是想要一套新的立体声音响器材, 可是没这笔钱(买). I'd like a new stereo, but I haven't got the wherewithal (to buy it).