月球绕地球运行。 The moon revolves around the earth.
海洋几乎占地球表面的四分之三。 The sea covers nearly three-fourths of the world's surface.
很多种类的动物现在已经从地球上绝迹了。 Many types of animals have now vanished from the earth.
地球内部是什么样子? What is it like in the bowels of the earth?
月球对地球的吸引力造成潮汐。 The attraction of the moon for the earth causes the tides.
我们太阳系的行星有水星、金星、地球、火星、木星、土星、天王星和海王星。 The planets of our solar system are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
月球是地球的卫星. The moon is the Earth's satellite.
地球环绕太阳运行。 The earth revolves round the sun.
他指出地球是围绕太阳转的. He taught that the earth revolves around the sun.
火箭绕地球运行一周后返回基地。 The rocket did one circuit of the earth and returned to base.
地球只是宇宙中众多星球中的一个。 The Earth is only one of the numerous planets in the universe.
地球的圆周长约为25000. The circumference of the earth is almost 25000 miles/The earth is almost 25000 miles in circumference.
地球是绕轴旋转的吗? Does the earth rotate on an axis?
月亮每28天绕地球一圈. The moon circles the earth every 28 days.
你喜欢草地球场还是硬地球场? Do you prefer grass or hard courts?
有多少颗人造卫星已送入绕地球轨道? How many satellites have been put into orbit round the earth?
万一太阳消失了,地球会变成什么样子? If the sun were to disappear, what would the earth be like?
习惯上说,地球上最大的一块陆地是沿着乌拉尔山脉分为两大“洲”的。 The largest landmass is usually divided into two"continents" along the Ural Mountains.
如同地球一样,火星绕太阳转。 Like the earth, Mars go round the Sun.
指挥部命令宇宙飞船返回地球. Mission control ordered the spacecraft to return to earth.
很快,飞船离开了地球,大家俯视着下面这颗燃烧着的星球。 Soon, the spaceship left Earth, and everyone looked down at the burning planet.
大气中如果没有氧和氮,人就无法生存于地球了。 If it were not for oxygen and nitrogen in the air, no man could live on the earth.
"太阳给地球热量,引起空气上升,刮起风来。" "The sun heats the earth, causing the air to rise and the winds to blow."
指南针用于确定地理方向的设备,通常包括一个或多个水平安装或悬挂的磁针,可在枢轴上自由活动直到与地球磁场在一条线上 A device used to determine geographic direction, usually consisting of a magnetic needle or needles horizontally mounted or suspended and free to pivot until aligned with the magnetic field of Earth.
我可不知道在这地球上有什么东西比七厘利息更无情的。 I do not know of anything more remorseless on the face of the earth than seven per cent interest.
也许太空的智慧生物已经访问过地球。 Maybe the earth has been visited by intelligent creatures from outer space.
地震本身的真正原因是地球表面的或地底下的岩石断裂或破裂。 The actual cause of the quake itself is the rupturing or breaking of rocks at or below the earth's surface.
地球上空气的大部分成分是氮气。 Nitrogen forms most of the Earth's air.
重力天体如地球,所施加的自然吸引力,如地球,对处于或接近其表面的物体有将它们拉向其中心的趋势 The natural force of attraction exerted by a celestial body, such as Earth, upon objects at or near its surface, tending to draw them toward the center of the body.
微陨星微小的陨星颗粒,特指大量坠向地球或月球表面的微陨星 A tiny particle of meteoric dust, especially one of many that fall to the surface of the earth or moon.
对伽利略来说,地球上和太空中有不同的运动法则是没有多大意义。 It didn't make much sense to Galileo to have different rules for motion on earth and in space.
纬线,纬度圈与赤道平面平行且环绕地球用来表明纬度高低的许多假想线中的任意一条 Any of the imaginary lines representing degrees of latitude that encircle the earth parallel to the plane of the equator.
没有一件事情比得上有朋在远方更使这地球显得如此广大的了;他们构成纬度,也构成经度。 Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make latitudes and longitudes.