她各种音乐都喜爱,和我一样。 She enjoys all kinds of music, as I do.
他伯伯特别喜爱他. He is a favourite with his uncle/a favourite of his uncle's/his uncle's favourite.
有些上了年纪的人非常喜爱京剧。 Some elder people enjoy Beijing opera immensely.
她最喜爱的运动是滑雪, 其次是冰球. Next to skiing her favourite sport was ice-hockey.
哼一哼你喜爱的曲子的开头几个小节. Hum the opening bars of your favourite tune.
我倒喜爱她那古怪的举止. I love her nutty behaviour!
熊猫被全世界的人们喜爱。 Pandas are loved by people all over the world.
我很喜爱纺纱. Spinning is one of my hobbies.
帆船运动是他最喜爱的活动. Sailing is the love of his life.
我特别喜爱集邮. Stamp collecting holds a certain fascination for me.
喜爱保健食品的人总爱劝别人都吃保健食品. Health food supporters are always evangelizing.
这位著名的戏剧演员即便是在死后,也仍受到人们的喜爱。 This famous comic actor is loved by the people even after his death.
有些人在戏院附近留恋不去,希望看一看他们喜爱的演员。 Some people lingered about near the theatre, hoping to get a glimpse of their memory lingers on.
棒球是美国全民喜爱的运动。 Baseball is the national game of the USA.
享乐主义者喜爱豪华奢侈生活的人;享乐主义者 A devotee to sensuous and luxurious living; an epicure.