做广告的根本目的是要多出售货物. The primary reason for advertising is to sell more goods.
老太婆一个个地数出三十便士给了售货员. The old lady counted out thirty pence and gave it to the shop assistant.
我们有个协议,不向对方的顾客出售货物。 There is an understanding between us that we will not sell to each other's customers.
盈亏平衡点尤指在出售货物或服务的水平上,投资的收益与投资的数量恰好相等的一点 The point, especially the level of sales of a good or service, at which the return on investment is exactly equal to the amount invested.
现售货物;现在正在衰老下去的独裁者 Goods now on sale; the now aging dictator.