我的周末过得很无聊--只是在屋子里 转转或者看看电视. My weekend was boring I just floated about (the house) or watched TV.
她新找的这份工作星期六放假,而原来的那份工作周末是隔周放假。 She get Saturday off in her new job as against work alternate weekend in her last one.
你周末计划做什么? What are your plans for the weekend?
你放心好了, 本周末一定下雨. You can rely upon it that it will rain this weekend.
一到周末纪律往往松弛下来. Discipline is often relaxed at weekends.
在远庄园欢度周末,使弗雷德和我极感高兴,我简直不知道眼前还有什么其他事情能比得上它。 I can't think of anything Fred and I would enjoy more right now than a weekend at Far Acres.
我喜欢在周末做些剧烈运动。 I like to take some energetic exercise at weekend.
这个周末我们将去杭州旅行。 We shall make an excursion to Hangzhou this weekend.
他喜欢在周末看滑稽剧来放松自己。 He likes to watch farces at weekends to relax himself.
他们周末喜欢乘气球玩. They like to go ballooning at weekends.
我常在周末去看望我姑母。 I often go to visit my aunt at weekends.
他邀请我们到他乡下的庄园去过一次打猎的周末。 He invited us to his country estate for a weekend shoot.
我们的房子只住我们两人实在太大了,所以我们利用周末抽空外出看看是否有合适的套房,想买一套。 Our house is too large for just the two of us and so we spent part of the weekend seeing over some flats with a view to buying one.
上周末失踪的登山队至今下落不明,全无踪迹。 All trace has been lost of the climbing team missing since last weekend.