她是饭店的女服务员。 She is a waitress in a restaurant.
那店员一点也不怕麻烦。 The shop assistant was not in the least afraid of the trouble.
她最初是以当演员而成名的. She first made a name for herself as an actress.
委员会今天三点开会。 The committee meets at three today.
这些球员们配合得很好。 These players made a very good combination.
别忘了给服务员小费. Please remember (ie Don't forget to tip) the waiter.
我们跟服务员争执那顿饭的价钱. We argued with the waiter about the price of the meal.
那家剧院得到了艺术委员会的赞助。 The theatre is under the patronage of the Arts Council.
几乎所有的成员都同意这项提议。 Virtually all the members were in agreement with the proposal.
电影导演测试了一下那位新演员的演技。 The film director put the new actor through his paces.
火警警报响时全体人员应到楼外集合. If the fire-alarm goes, staff should assemble outside the building.
这家公司的主要问题是缺少有技术的人员。 The company's main problem is the shortage of skilled personnel.
工会领袖号召抗议那天全体会员积极参加. Union leaders called for the active participation of all members in the day of protest.
别穿这些衣服去工作,要穿得象个专业人员的样子。 Don't wear those clothes to work; try to look more professional!
因为缺乏一名运动员我们只好叫这个小男孩做我们的队员。 In the default of one player we have to take the little boy as our team member.
议会开会的第一天,新政府中的一位部长就和反对党的一位议员争论起来。 A minister in the new government crossed swords with a member of the Opposition on the first day after Parliament opened.
饲养员正在喂动物。 The keeper is feeding the animals.
她是一名公共汽车售票员。 She is a bus conductor.
我的弟弟是饲养牛的饲养员。 My brother is a cattle breeder.
饲养员就是饲养动物的人。 A breeder means a person who breeds animals.
海关人员问我是否有要报税的东西。 The customs asked me if I had anything to declare.
该足球队员向旁边跨步以避开对方拦截动作. The footballer side-stepped the tackle.
他因未对事故进行汇报而受到委员会的批评。 He was criticized by the committee for failing to report the accident.
陪审团的全体成员,你们现在必须退下去考虑应如何裁决。 Members of the jury, you must now retire to consider your verdict.
杰克不仅是个好学生,而且还是名篮球队员。 Jack is not only a good student but also a basketball player.
这些优异的成绩给我们全体工作人员带来了莫大的光荣. These excellent results reflect great credit on all our staff.
他打了个榧子招呼服务员. He snapped his fingers to attract the waiter.
运动员们离开赛场时,被愤怒的人群推搡着。 The players were jostled by an angry crowd as they left the field.
利物浦队因对方一队员用手触球而得到一个罚球。 Liverpool were given a penalty when one of their opponents handled the ball.
他胜任新闻广播员的工作,在於他有当过记者的锻炼。 His strength as a news-reader lies in his training as a journalist.
我是技术员。 I am a technician.
他也不是技术员。 He's not a technician, either.
她看起来像运动员。 She looks like an athlete.
助教学校中的助理教员 An assistant teacher in a school.
学生们很快就动员起来了。 The student mobilize quickly.
她向一个中国教员学习英语。 She learned English from a Chinese teacher.
他是大学教师联合会的一名成员。 He is a member of the Association of University Teachers.
他是个自命不凡的官员。 He is a pompous official.
职员们在专心工作。 The clerks are at work attentively.
共产党员是无神论者。 The communist is atheist.
她是个优秀的管理人员. She's an excellent administrator.
探险人员消失在密林里了. The jungle swallowed up the explorers.
他是一个成功的性格演员。 He is a successful character actor.
他是大学足球代表队的球员。 He is a member of the varsity football team.
当地人选举了六名立法委员。 Six legislators were elected by local people.
这本书描述了一个演员的一生。 The book portrays the life of an actor.
据说他已经成为一名党员了。 It is said that he has became a Party member.
委员会打算休会几个星期。 The committee is going into recess for a couple of weeks.
做个消防队员有时候会有危险。 Being a fireman sometimes may be dangerous.
他出生于一个历史悠久的演员世家。 He comes from a long line of actors.
增加工作不一定需要增添人员。 More work does not necessarily call for more men.
该演员与观众建立了密切的关系. The actor developed a close rapport with his audience.
海关官员根本没检查我们的行李。 The Customs officer didn't bother to check our luggage.
我假期在宾馆里干活儿,当服务员。 I got holiday jobs in guesthouses, waiting on tables.
选举之后,该党的党员所剩无几了。 After the election the party was reduced to a rump.
马克曾在密西西比河上当过领航员。 Mark used to be a pilot on the Mississippi River.
俱乐部的成员限定在三十岁以下。 Membership in this club is restricted to man under 30.
图书管理员从书架上随便拿了一本书。 The librarian took a book at random from the shelf.
篮球运动员们正在体育馆进行训练。 The basketball players are working out at the gym.
那个喜剧演员讲的笑话把人们都逗笑了。 The comedian tickled the crowd with his jokes.
这名伤员由于失血过多而昏迷不醒。 This wounded soldier was unconscious from his loss of blood.
说阿拉伯语的人说阿拉伯语民族的一个成员 A member of an Arabic-speaking people.
主席一职由委员会的成员轮流担任。 The post of chairman rotates among members of the committee.
在等待开演的时候,演员们十分紧张 The performers were edgy as they waited for the show to begin.
全体居民都动员起来,防止森林火灾。 The entire population was mobilized to watch for forest fires.
总统有六名警卫员时时刻刻在左右保卫. The President always has six bodyguards in close attendance.
那项政策经修改后才获得委员会同意。 The policy was agreed by the committee, but only in a modified form.
一名通讯员被派去给前线士兵送消息。 A messenger was despatched to take the news to the soldiers at the front.
委员会决定取消对他那项计划的资助。 The committee decided to make a withdrawal of financial support for his scheme.
除了没挂名以外,实际上他就是委员会的主席。 He is the chairman of the committee in all but the name.
消防队员需用呼吸器械才能进入燃烧著的房屋. Firemen needed breathing apparatus to enter the burning house.
这个餐馆有公共卫生部门官员定期前来检查. The restaurant is visited regularly by public health officers.
那个有名的运动员已经没有优势赢得那场比赛了。 The famous athlete had no vantage to win the game.
旅游团成员从导游那里拿到详细的日程表。 The member of the group is given a detailed tour itinerary by the courier.
这家公司将为所有运动员提供全套运动服装。 The company will provide the sports outfits for all the players.
把这份报告中的有关事项提交委员会讨论。 The relative items in this report will be submitted to the committee for discussion.
她做护士很不顺心, 但当管理人员似乎倒很适合. As a nurse she got very frustrated, but being an administrator seems to suit her.
我们正处于严重危险之中,我们必须把军人动员起来。 Our country's in great danger; we must mobilize the army.
我们的职员少一些也能发挥同样效率, 这是言之成理的. It is arguable that we would be just as efficient with fewer staff.
一个管理人员要想改善管理的话,就必须学点经济学。 A manager has to learn some economics if he wants to improve his management.
专业人员的助手受过训练辅助专门人员的非专职人员 A trained worker who is not a member of a given profession but assists a professional.
旅馆工作人员对我们照顾得无微不至,尽量让我们住得舒适, The hotel staff spared no pains to ensure that our stay was as enjoyable as possible.
运动员护身一种运动员用的护身弹性织物,有用保护性的坚硬塑料或金属制成的加强层 An athletic supporter having a protective reinforcement of rigid plastic or metal.
他把驾驶员当做人质。 He kept the pilot as a hostage.
那个邮递员被一只恶狗咬了。 The postman was bitten by a fierce dog.
宇航员有特殊的呼吸装置。 The astronauts have special breathing apparatus.
那个抄写员辛勤工作来养家。 The scribe worked hard to support his family.
这个运动员具有惊人的爆发速度。 The athlete has an electrifying burst of speed.
他的话对社区所有成员是故意的侮辱。 His speech was an affront to all members of the community.
委员会一致同意拒绝这项申请。 The committee were unanimous that the application should be turned down.
凡是飞机驾驶员均应对乘客的安全负责. All pilots are responsible for their passengers' safety.
经理把工作尽量平均分配给雇员. The manager tried to even out the distribution of work among his employees.
主席的简短陈辞概括了委员会的观点. The chairman's short statement encapsulates the views of the committee.
载有受过训练的宇航员的火箭马上就要发射了。 A rocket manned by trained astronauts will launch soon.
公司仅在雇员严重失职的情形下才予以解雇. The company only dismisses its employees in cases of gross misconduct.
受训的突击队员要参加令人筋疲力尽的突击课程. Trainee commandos are put through an exhausting assault course.
工会说他们将采取行动维护会员的工作权益。 The union said that they would take action to defend their member's jobs.
有些职员要被解雇,不过请放心,你不在此列。 Some of our staff are to be dismissed, but I hasten to add you won't be among them.
他是个优秀的运动员,他所有的动作都非常协调。 He is an excellent athlete; all his movements are perfectly coordinated.
一个见习技术员被建筑物上落下的一块石头砸着了。 A technician on probation was hit by a piece of falling masonry.
在她被接受为固定雇员之前经过了三个月的试用期。 He was taken on for a three-month trial period before being accepted as a permanent member of staff.
最好的队员都投奔大俱乐部去了,留给他们这些不怎么样的球员。 The best players have gone off to the big clubs, leaving them the dross.
这位推销员干得非常成功,到后来,他脱离公司自行开业。 The salesman was so successful that in the end he hived from the firm into his own business.
飞船驾驶员,气球驾驶员轻于空气的航空器,例如气球的驾驶员或导航员 A pilot or navigator of a lighter-than-air craft, such as a balloon.
组织秘书发给本党党员的通知在立法机构中传达给政党成员的一个在特定时间保证其出勤率的通知 A call issued to party members in a lawmaking body to ensure attendance at a particular time.
演员们向鼓掌的观众鞠躬. The cast bowed as the audience applauded.
那个年轻演员扮演哈姆雷特。 The young actor pretended to be Hamlet.
内阁阁员是由首相挑选的. Members of the Cabinet are chosen by the Prime Minister.
大使馆的两名随员已驱逐出境. Two attaches at the embassy were expelled from the country.
政府雇员宣誓不泄露官方机密. Government employees swear an oath not to reveal official secrets.
劫匪假装成保安人员进入银行。 The robbers got into the bank by masquerading as security men.
这个芭蕾舞女演员的每一个动作都很优美。 All the moves of the ballerina were graceful.
我对这些官员的普遍受贿感到震惊。 I'm shocked at the prevalence of bribery among these officials.
他从初级职员做起,最终成了这家公司的董事。 He joined the firm as a junior clerk, and finished up a director.
管弦乐队新来的指挥一上任就先把较差的演奏人员清除出去了。 The new conductor start by weed out the weaker player in the orchestra.
她用欺骗手法取得了理科教员的职位,她谎称曾在大学读过书。 She got the job of science teacher by fraudulent means; she pretended she'd studied at university.
我们亟需增加工作人员。 Our immediate requirement is extra staff.
我被带到後台去会见演员. I was taken backstage to meet the actors.
抢救人员冲向飞机坠毁的现场。 Rescue workers rushed to the site of the plane crash.
主席敦促党的工作人员采取行动。 The chairman exhorted the party workers to take action.
计算机程序设计人员的一般工资是多少? What's the going rate of computer programmers?
演员背台词的时候经常自己嘀嘀咕咕。 Actors often mutter to themselves when rehearsing their lines.
船员夺船未遂, 均以叛乱罪被枪决. The crew tried to seize control of the ship, and were shot for mutiny.
广告称`聘请有积极性的年轻人任推销员'. The advertisementread Young self-starter wanted as salesperson'.
每一个演员在临到开始表演之前都会心惊“腿”震。 Every actor has cold feet just before the beginning of a show.
推销员竭力怂恿我, 说可以节省一大笔取暖费用. The salesman tried to lead me on with talk of amazing savings on heating bills.
拣信室安装了自动拣信机之後, 许多拣信员都失业了. Many workers in the sorting office lost their jobs when an automatic sorter was introduced.
邮递员的工作,不论天气如何,概括地说来就是“送信”。 The mailman's job, in all kinds of weather, is summed up in the phrase"Deliver the mail."
必须把滥竽充数的科研人员调到其他工作岗位上去。 The scientific research personnel who held the post without qualification must be transferred to another post.
动画片绘制者设计、创作或制作动画片的人,如艺术家或技术人员 One, such as an artist or a technician, who designs, develops, or produces an animated cartoon.
他以前从未做过这种工作, 我不知道他是否能(与其他雇员)配合好. He's never done this type of work before; I'm not sure how he'll fit in (with the other employees).
我们把旅客登记簿翻了一下,发现我们的采购员三天前就已登记了。 Looking through the reception book of the hotel we found our purchasing agent had booked in three days before.
美国以及其他发达国家的官员说,将保护科技(以阻止外流)与对付饥饿问题混为一谈是在混淆视听。 Officials of the United States and other developed countries said that linking technology protection to the fight against hunger was a red herring.
民兵民兵织中的一员 A man who is a member of a militia.
我是学校足球队的队员。 I am in the school football team.
店员要轮流休息。 The shop assistants had to have their days off by turns.
他们有三个队员防守球门. They had three players defending the goal (against attack).
司令员对地形作了仔细研究。 The commander made a detailed study of the terrain.
消防队员无法控制这场大火。 The firemen were unable to control the blaze.
他已把各项任务分配给队员们. He apportioned the members of the team their various tasks.
移民局的官员将要求你出示证件. Immigration officials will ask to see your papers.
那个印第安人是临近部落的成员。 That Indian man is a member of the neighbouring tribe.
我们拍战斗场面需要上百的临时演员. We need hundreds of extras for the battle scenes.
在我们大多数办公室任职的是志愿人员。 Most of our offices are staffed by volunteers.
要加入俱乐部必须有一位会员做介绍人. To join the club you have to be put up by an existing member.
对队员的挑选似乎完全是主观决定的。 The choice of players for the team seems completely arbitrary.
他是地方行政官员, 也就是说是文官. He's a local government administrator, that is to say a Civil Servant.
委员会一些成员对这项提议持保留态度。 Some members of the committee expressed reservations about the proposal.
军职人员常被禁止与平民百姓友好往来. Army personnel are often forbidden to fraternize with the civilian population.
他表现出了事业有成的经理人员所具有的一切品质. He incarnates all the qualities of a successful manager.
这个官员对穷人的需求表现出完全漠视的态度。 The official has shown a total disregard for the needs of the poor.
我想介绍我的地理老师给你认识,你现在是国会议员。 I'd like you to meet my geography professor. He's in the congress.
救护车工作人员带来了一副担架抢救那位受伤的女子。 An ambulance officer brought a stretcher for the injured woman.
保管员负责某个学校或学院队的器材和记录的学生 A student who is in charge of the equipment and records of a school or college team.
自从上个赛季加入这个队以来,她就使人感到她是个举足轻重的队员。 Since she joined the team last season she has made her presence felt.
虽说委员会中的多数赞成这项议案,但还有一些人持不同看法。 Although most of members of the committee spoke for the bill, a few still held different views.
附近的居民们一致赞成市政委员会关于关闭这座小印染厂的决定。 The residents in the neighbourhood all applauded the council's decision to close the small dye factory.
拨100找接线员。 Dial 100 for the operator.
竞技状态极佳的运动员 An athlete in excellent shape.
喂,服务员,这汤太咸了。 I say, waiter, the soup is too salty.
有两个镜头被审查员剪掉了. Two scenes were cut by the censor.
委员会工作伊始即十分不利. The committee began its work under unfavourable auspices.
裁判员判定决赛双方分数相同. The judges awarded both finalists equal points.
向议员游说的反核群众声势渐强。 The anti-nuclear lobby is becoming stronger.
这个少先队员扶着盲人过了马路。 The Young Pioneer saw the blind man across the road.
那个推销员试图说服她买他的东西。 The salesman tried to persuade her to buy his goods.
驾驶员把失灵的飞机降落在田地里。 The pilot brought his crippled plane down in a field.
电影审查员坚持剪去影片的这一段. The censor insisted on excising the passage from the film.
电影审查员坚持剪去影片的这一段。 The censor insist on excise the passage from the film.
警察怀疑银行职员与强盗有勾结。 The police suspected that the bank clerk was in league with the rubbers.
委员会的事务因程序上有困难而耽搁了. The business of the committee was delayed by procedural difficulties.
这一新裁定使特别委员会的推荐生效. The new ruling gives effect to the recommendations of the special committee.
参谋人员在地图上把这个地区精确地标了出来。 The staff officers mapped out the area thoroughly.
只有在王室成员在场的时候才升起这面旗帜。 The flag is only raised when royalty are present.
老太婆一个个地数出三十便士给了售货员. The old lady counted out thirty pence and gave it to the shop assistant.
今晚有多布斯参议员光临, 我们感到十分荣幸. We are very privileged to have Senator Dobbs with us this evening.
英格兰队某些主力运动员受伤而使攻球削弱. England's attack has been weakened by the injury of certain key players.
该委员会的建立不合规定, 因而没有合法的权力. The committee had been improperly constituted, and therefore had no legal power.
人们经常发现在同一剧中同一演员兼演父与子。 It is often found the same actor doubles with father and son in the same play.
突击队员在敌后来了一个突然袭击。摧毁了雷达站。 The commandos made a lightning strike behind enemy lines and destroyed the radar station.
副官,人事行政参谋帮助指挥官处理行政事务的人事官员 A staff officer who helps a commanding officer with administrative affairs.
书记员保管档案记录及从事法庭或立法机关日常事务的人 A person who keeps the records and performs the regular business of a court or legislative body.
很多队员渐渐变得动作迟缓了。这支队所需的是一些新鲜血液。 Many of the players are getting sluggish and what this team needs is some fresh blood.
衡量驾驶员水平的决定性考验, 就是看他在紧急关头能否保持镇静. The acid test of a good driver is whether he remains calm in an emergency.
住舱区一个适合或被配给的住所或场所,如在军舰上配给军官和船员的 A proper or assigned station or place, as for officers and crew on a warship.
我方接受委托推荐下列人员,他们愿意提供你方所需的任何情况。 As reference we wish to give the following who have kindly agreed to give any information you may desire.
剧情解说员在戏剧或诗朗诵中齐声朗诵或演唱一个指定部分或作品的人们 A group of persons who speak or sing in unison a given part or composition in drama or poetry recitation.
体操运动员在双杠上摆动身子. The gymnast swung on the parallel bars.
炊事员去照看炉子里的蛋糕了。 The cook went to see after the cake left in the oven.
乐队的每个成员都必须跟着拍子演奏。 Every member of the band must follow the beat.
绝大部分党员对极端分子不予理睬. The lunatic fringe is/are ignored by most members of the party.
那个林务员已经勘测了那些热带雨林。 The forester has explored those tropical rain forests.
俄罗斯运动员囊括体操项目奖牌. The Russians made a clean sweep of (the medals in) the gymnastics events.
这名参议员因逃避缴纳所得税而受到指责。 The senate was censured for income tax evasion.
救援人员挖地道通向那些探察洞穴的人. The rescuers tunnelled their way (in) to the pot-holers.
那个驾驶员设法让滑翔机着陆到一个安全的地方。 The pilot managed to land the glider on a safe place.
抗荷衣宇航员或喷气机飞行员穿的飞行服,在快速垂直加速中增加身体下部的压力以保持脑部血液供应 A flight garment worn by astronauts and jet pilots that presses on the lower body to maintain the blood supply to the brain during rapid vertical acceleration.
无产者无产阶级的一员;产业工人 A member of the proletariat; a worker.
他们把事故归咎于驾驶员的疏忽。 They imputed the accident to the driver's carelessness.
飞机猛然俯冲致使驾驶员昏厥。 The plane dive suddenly, cause the pilot to black out.
我们难以招募到素质好的职员。 We are having difficulties in recruiting well-qualified staff.
他是一位很有能力的业务员,可不是吗? He's a capable businessman, is he?
经理敦促年纪较大的职员提前退休。 The manager urged older staff to take up early retirement.
街道布满了花朵以迎接王室成员莅临. The streets were strewn with flowers for the royal visit.
民兵和公安人员这时(向这些特务)包围上来。 Militiaman and public security men now closed in(on the spies).
彗星和其他的行星同样是太阳家族的成员。 Comets are just as much members of the sun's family as (are) the other planets.
射箭运动员,弓箭手用弓箭射击的技艺、运动或技巧 The art, sport, or skill of shooting with a bow and arrow.
这次攀登并不难--对於有经验的登山运动员应是轻而易举的事。 It's not a difficult climb it should be child's play for an experienced mountaineer.
军功章的获得者们被按级别高低召见──等级最高的官员排在第一位 Recipients of military honors were called in order of precedence梙ighest ranking officers first.
"老板威胁说要解雇所有同情罢工的员工,但是这不过是恐吓而已。" "The boss threatened to dismiss all the employees who had expressed their sympathy for the strike, but it's all bluff."
昨天一位男子在火车上胡作非为—他打伤了两名铁路员工,砸碎了几扇车厢窗户。 A man ran amok in the train yesterday—he struck two railway staff and smashed several carriage windows.
海底(实验室)工作人,深水操作人员训练能在水下装置物中生活并引导、辅助或作为科学研究的对象 A person trained to live in underwater installations and conduct, assist in, or be a subject of scientific research.
装备有雷达的飞机,在夜间飞行时飞行员能够在雷达屏幕上看见远处的建筑物、或许还能看见前面几英里远的险峻山峰。 The pilot in an airplane equipped with radar, flying at night, can see on the radar viewing screen distant buildings, or perhaps a dangerous mountain peak that is miles ahead.
她从小就想当演员. She's wanted to go on the stage from an early age.
我们开始只有六个会员。 We have only six members to start with.
这个月,我将作你的译员。 I will be your interpreter in this month.
这个女演员的第一部电影使她一举成名。 The actress won overnight fame with her first film.
新闻广播员正在为八点钟的播音节目作好准备。 The news announcer is standing by for the broadcast program at8.
那位官员必须免职。 That officer must be removed.
议员们离开了会议厅. The members left the council chamber.
他父亲是一位海关官员。 His father is a customs officer.
把伤员安置在农家住宿. The wounded were bedded in the farmhouse.
他的邻居是一个乘务员领班。 His neighbor is a chief steward.
登山队员在半山腰扎营. The climbers made camp half-way up the peak.
这位参议员投票支持总统。 The senator voted to support the president.
这个公司又有新人员加入。 Several new members have come into this corporation.
这位市议员受到市民的敬重。 The alderman was respected by the citizens.
当地政府一位官员来看他。 An official of the local government called to see him.
讲解员要我们注意另一幅画. The guide directed our attention to the other picture.
许多伤员死在去医院的途中了. Many of the wounded died on their way to hospital.
许多伤员死在去医院的途中了。 Many of the wounded die on their way to hospital.
他为竞选国会议员席位进行游说。 He canvassed for a seat in Parliament.
委员会建议著手起草新法规. The committee proposed that new legislation should be drafted.
公社社员们正忙着收割庄稼。 The commune members were busy getting in the crops.
任职时间最长的官员事事优先. The longest-serving officer always takes precedence.
我向委员会报告了我们的进展情况. I updated the committee on our progress.
旅馆工作人员等到淡季再休假. Hotel workers wait until the off-season to take their holidays.
未经委员会批准,我们不能动工。 We can't start building without the council's approval.
全体会员都被要求出席这次晚会。 It is requested that all members be present at the party.
我有许多著名足球运动员的亲笔签名. I've got lots of famous footballers' autographs.
在法国,时新的式样都是演员们首创的。 The actors set the fashion in France.
委员会主要由教师和学生家长组成. The committee was composed mainly of teachers and parents.
报界把那个新运动员吹捧成为超级明星。 The newspaper puff up that new athlete into a superstar
这套程序是经理人员制订计划的可贵的工具。 This program gives managers a valuable planning tool.
那球被正站在边界线内的守场员接住了. The ball was caught by a fielder standing just inside the boundary.
有个机警的店员准确记得那个男子的穿著. An observant shop assistant had remembered exactly what the man was wearing.
那个会计向营业部的职员介绍了自己的工作情况. The accountant described his work to the sales staff.
议员坚持要充分了解政府计画的详情. Members of Parliament insisted on being put in the picture about the government's plans.
反对党的下院议员强迫部长收回在他的声明。 The opposition mps force the minister to withdraw his statement.
该委员会需要彻底改组,去除某些不合格的成员。 The committee needs to be shaken out to get rid of some unqualified members.
那位新近走红的男演员在这部新影片中扮演重要角色。 The latest popular actor is featured in this new film.
委员会开始讨论之前,先宣读了上次的会议记录。 Before the committee started its work, the minutes of the last meeting were read out.
理事会成员们意见相左,分成自由和保守两个阵营 The council members disagreed, falling into liberal and conservative camps.
这位著名的戏剧演员即便是在死后,也仍受到人们的喜爱。 This famous comic actor is loved by the people even after his death.
她是个好演员,但仍需要时间去熟悉她要扮演的角色。 She is a good actress, but still needs time to grow into the part she is playing.
他渴望当演员, 你就得容他时间让他施展自己的抱负. He desperately wants to be an actor, so you'll have to give him time to get it out of his system.
只有当演员把台词背得滚瓜烂熟时,我们排戏才会有成效。 Only when the actors have their lines(down) pat can we practice the play effectively.
有些人在戏院附近留恋不去,希望看一看他们喜爱的演员。 Some people lingered about near the theatre, hoping to get a glimpse of their memory lingers on.
人事经理发起了一个全面性的运动,使工作人员星期五下午都上班。 The personnel manager have launch an all-out campaign to get the staff to work on Friday afternoon.
特写一种简要但有戏剧性的重要演员的出场,如动作画面的单一场景 A brief but dramatic appearance of a prominent actor, as in a single scene of a motion picture.
我一整天都在家里等候你们的电视修理员来取电视机,但他失约了。 I've been waiting in all day for your television repair man to collect the set, but he didn't come as he promised.
应召显贵法国革命前要员议会的一员,在紧急时刻被召到大会进行商讨 One of a council of prominent persons in pre-Revolutionary France called into assembly to deliberate at times of emergency.
护理人员,医务辅助人员一种受过进行紧急医务护理或辅助专职医护人员训练的人 A person who is trained to give emergency medical treatment or assist medical professionals.
在英国,一些反对党的领袖是政府成员,有人建议美国也采用类似的作法。 In Britain, some opposition party leaders are members of the government, and some say that a similar device should be adopted here.
由终端操作员或计算机发送的字符或其它的短报文,用以指出已经收到前一报文。 By a terminal operator or computer;to send a character or other message to indicate that the previous message has been received.
驾驶员减低速度。 The driver lessened his speed.
他当选为切斯特地方议员。 He got in for Chester.
驾驶员使飞机安全降落。 The pilot landed the plane safely.
那店员穿著白色长罩衣. The shop assistant was wearing a white overall.
推销员拒绝讨价还价。 The salesman refused to bargain over the price.
宇宙飞船里有五个飞行员。 There are five spacemen in the spaceship.
他正考虑从委员会中辞职。 He is considering resignation from the committee.
这个党的核心成员决定一切。 The hard core in the party make all the decisions.
这座公寓的管理员不在公寓里住. This block of flats has a non-resident caretaker.
无人驾驶飞机无飞行员的遥控飞机 A pilotless aircraft operated by remote control.
文书工作耗费了委员会许多时间。 Paperwork consumed much of the committee's time.
为节省开支现正逐渐裁员. The number of employees is being whittled down in order to reduce costs.
交付将立法议案交归委员会的行动 The act of referring a legislative bill to committee.
公务员须签署遵守公务保密条例. Civil Servants are required to sign the Official Secrets Act.
被旅馆服务人员洗烫得很整洁的衬衣 Shirts that were neatly laundered by the hotel staff.
人事部门正在组织新雇员的培训. Personnel is/are organizing the training of the new members of staff.
该团体的成员之间有牢固的友情. There were strong ties of friendship between the members of the society.
那个推销员试图以劣质牌号骗卖给我们。 The salesman tried to fob off an inferior brand on us.
罢工的办公室人员占据了整座建筑物。 The striking office workers have occupied the whole building.
守门员用手掌将球托出了球门的横木。 The goalkeeper just managed to palm the ball over the crossbar.
那位职员用算盘将上周的花销计算出来。 The clerk reckoned the expenditure last week with an abacus.
鉴于这些事实,一个专门委员会被委任。 In view of these facts, one the specialized commission is appointed.
总裁的年龄甚至是比他的一些雇员还小。 The president was so young that he was junior to some of his employees.
这个记者很想知道那位官员是否涉及此案。 The reporter is curious to know whether the official is involved in the case.
我并不是永久雇员,而是根据定期合同在此工作的。 I'm not a permanent employee; I'm working here on a fixed-term contract.
我想你方技术人员可以在我方用户的工厂里接受培训。 I think your technician can be trained in the factory of our customer.
如果可能的话,希望能在贵方的培训中心训练我方专业人员。 If possible, you are expected to train our specialist in your training center.
圣公会教区委员圣公会教区委员会中推选的两位主要执事之一 One of two elected chief lay officers of the vestry in the Episcopal Church.
然而,其他的同事们却听信了青年就业新闻发布官员的那一番明智的劝告。 And the rest of the fellows fell for the Youth Employment Officer's words of wisdom.
新牧师访问了他教堂所属的各个家庭的每个成员,以便更好地了解他们。 The new minister called on each of the families of his church in order to become better acquainted with them.
办事处的气氛已紧张一段时日,而最近解雇员工一事使事态的发展达到了顶点。 The atmosphere in the office has been tense for some time but this latest dismissal brings matter to a head.
军事法庭由指挥官指定的官员组成的军事或海军法庭以对违反军事法的人进行审判 A military or naval court of officers appointed by a commander to try persons for offenses under military law.
我已经注意到有些雇员上班迟到一个小时. 我不点出名字来, 但是要是你觉得我说的是你.... I have noticed some employees coming to work an hour late. I shall name no names, but if the cap fits....
在一出极为成功的演出中,一位著名演员有一次被选派扮演一名贵族。这位贵族被关押在巴士底狱已20年了。 A famous actor in a highly successful play was once cast in the role of an aristocrat who had been imprisoned in the Bastille for twenty years.
招聘店员. 请进面洽. Shop assistant required. Apply within.
乐队奏乐欢迎演员登台. The band played the performers onto the stage.
侦察员向目的地疾驰而去。 The scout spurred on to the destination.
勘探人员进入了一片沙漠地带。 The explorers entered upon a desert tract.
会员们对你的建议甚为恼火. The membership is/are very annoyed at your suggestion.
那个贼被旅店的巡察职员抓住了. The thief was caught by the hotel dick.
该足球队已签约聘用了两名新队员。 The football team has signed two new players.
窃贼把夜班守卫员捆住, 把他的嘴也堵住了. The thieves left the night-watchman tied up and gagged.
炊事员把罐头食品分给所有登山队员。 The cook served out tins of food to all the mountaineers.
侦察员们分成两人一组,开始巡逻这一地区。 The scouts paired off and began to patrol the area.
巡道工,护路员受雇保养或巡查铁道的工人 A worker employed to maintain or inspect railroad tracks.
我们新派遣一组护理人员开赴受灾最重的地区. We're sending a fresh draft of nurses to the worst hit area.
为了避免饿死,那些迷路的勘探人员吃鸟蛋充饥。 The lost explorers ate birds' eggs to stave off starvation.
这些推销员可从推销的商品上获得一定百分比的佣金. The salesmen get a percentage (ie a commission) on everything they sell.
船上定员行驶船舶所要求配备的全体官员和在编士兵 The full crew of officers and enlisted personnel required to run a ship.
能被选拔出来代表国家参赛, 是多数运动员的最高荣誉. To be chosen to represent their country is the highest accolade for most athletes.
联邦政府的官员们对他大加排挤,他已经成为无关紧要的人了。 He had been so harried by the Federal officers that he had faded off the map.
潜水员水下工作者,尤指配有呼吸器和加重衣服的水下工作者 One that works under water, especially one equipped with breathing apparatus and weighted clothing.
新演员们受到评论界热烈的赞扬,迫使老演员们虚心谨慎,力保桂冠。 Enthusiastic critical acclaim for the newcomers is forcing older actors to look to their laurels.
火车中的侍者,服务员火车上的卧铺车厢或特等豪华客车中服务于旅客的雇员 A railroad employee who waits on passengers in a sleeping car or parlor car.
杰克在赛跑中的名次排在其他两名运动员之后,而他原来是希望得第一名的。 Jack was placed behind two other runners in the race that he had hoped to win.
看到政府官员在内阁改组之前耍弄花招以讨得首相欢心是很有趣的。 It's amusing to watch members jockeying for the Prime Minister's attention prior to Cabinet reshuffle.
地方法官拥有有限司法权,尤其是在刑事案件中有司法权的司法官中的地方成员 A local member of the judiciary having limited jurisdiction, especially in criminal cases.
医生做完了手术,但他的成功有赖于那些发明了新型激光手术刀的研究人员。 The doctor finished the operation, but his success depended on the backroom boys who had invented the new laser scalpel.
象中国一样,美国继承了幅员辽阔的国土,有一望无际的丛山峻岭,沃土良田和无边草原。 Like you, we inherited a vast land of endless skies, tall mountains, rich fields, and open prairies.
这位下级行政官员急不可待地想晋升,但他知道只有待某人死后或退休后才能步其后尘,谋取其职。 The junior executive was impatient for promotion but knew that he would only get it by stepping into a dead man's shoes.
比尔的母亲为比尔所属的俱乐部会员们准备热狗当点心,汤姆的母亲因此说她要招待得更好,除了给你们热狗外,另再加冰淇淋。 Bill's mother gave the boys in Bill's club hot dogs for refreshments, so Tom's mother said that she would go her on better next time by giving them ho dogs and icecream.
他喜欢对下级职员逞威风. He likes to lord it over the junior staff.
委员会什麽时候做出裁决? When will the committee give/make its ruling?
她是缴(清)了党费的党员. She's a (fully) ,paid-up member of the party.
移民官员在我的护照上盖了戳。 The immigration officer stamped my passport.
飞机猛然俯冲致使驾驶员昏厥. The plane dived suddenly, causing the pilot to black out.
大选後有几位新议员脱颖而出. After the election several new Members of Parliament came to the fore.
银行的职员从格栅後面看著顾客. The bank clerk peered at the customer through/from behind the grille.
店员(向顾客)示范如何使用洗衣机. An assistant demonstrated the washing machine (to customers).
小职员迪克很快就被排挤出了这家店铺。 Dick, the junior clerk, was soon shouldered out of the shop.
它有一座医院,有42名经过训练的医务人员。 It has a hospital served by42 trained medical workers.
由於全体演员的出色表演, 那出戏才获得成功. The play succeeded thanks to fine acting by all the cast.
救济人员在(向生还者)分发紧急配给品. Relief workers were handing out emergency rations (to the survivors).
工资固定又无晋升机会遏制了雇员的积极性. Fixed wages and lack of promotion act as a disincentive to employees.
该报每周刊登一篇关於一个优秀运动员的简介。 The newspaper publish a profile of a leading sportsman every week.
公司被迫裁员, 恐怕我是其中之一(冗员). The company is being forced to reduce staff and I fear I'm a likely candidate (for redundancy).
同事同行、职员或学院教工的同僚之一;同事 A fellow member of a profession, a staff, or an academic faculty; an associate.
有多少受训的飞行员没有通过上次考核而被淘汰? How many pilots in training were washed out in the last examination?
飞机上升到这样高度时,飞行员昏厥了片刻时间。 The pilot blacked out for a moment upon reaching such a high altitude.
那个芭蕾舞女演员在下台之前(向观众)行屈膝礼. The ballerina bobbed a curtsy (to the audience) before leaving the stage.
选拔委员会选中那位稳健、有保守倾向的候选人。 The selection committee plumped for the safe, conservatively inclined candidate.
资产阶级在马克思的理论中,所有者阶层的一员;资本家 In Marxist theory, a member of the property-owning class; a capitalist.
与新来乍到者不同,对那些工作多年的雇员将予以优待。 Employee who has worked here for many years will be given preference over newcomer.
由於发动机突然出现故障, 飞行员不得不(在爱尔兰海上)紧急降落. A sudden engine failure forced the pilot to ditch (in the Irish Sea).
调查人员在飞机残骸中搜索, 希望找出造成这一悲惨事件的原因. Investigators are searching the wreckage of the plane to try and find the cause of the tragedy.
由于患有“运动员心脏”症,西蒙没有通过警方医务处的体格检查。 Simon failed to qualify before the Medical Board of the police because he had an"athlete's heart".
解说员在伊丽莎白戏剧中朗诵序言和尾声以及有时关于演出评论的演员 An actor in Elizabethan drama who recites the prologue and epilogue to a play and sometimes comments on the action.
于是,村办学校继续办下去,至少暂时能这样,让我们为现在的职员高呼万岁! So the village school stays open, for the time being at least, and long live our present incumbent.
难怪他们的队打败了我们;他们请了一个冒名为丹·史密斯的职业队员替他们投球。 No wonder their team beat us; they rang in a professional to pitch for them under the name of Dan Smith.
破墙槌一种非常沉重的金属槌,是救火人员和执法官员用来捣破墙和门而用的 A very heavy metal bar used by firefighters and law enforcement officers to break down walls and doors.
州议院议员马里兰州、弗吉尼亚州和西弗吉尼亚州三州国会议员中的众议院议员 A member of a House of Delegates, the lower house of the Maryland, Virginia, or West Virginia legislature.
走读生凡拟在校用午餐者希于10时前通知总务管理员,今天你在家吃午饭还是出去吃饭? Non-resident students who wish to lunch in should inform the Bursar before ten o'clock.
(古罗马)占卜官古罗马宗教官员的一员,可通过观察并解释某些信号及预兆来预言事情 One of a group of ancient Roman religious officials who foretold events by observing and interpreting signs and omens.
犬儒学派古代希腊哲学学派的成员,认为美德是唯一的善的东西,自制是唯一获得美德的方法 A member of a sect of ancient Greek philosophers who believed virtue to be the only good and self-control to be the only means of achieving virtue.
公社一个比较小、常在乡村的公社,它的成员分享公共财产、工作和收入,并常集中自己的财产 A relatively small, often rural community whose members share common interests, work, and income and often own property collectively.
水门事件包括共和党官员滥用权力、违背公众信任、贿赂、蔑视国会及企图防碍司法的丑闻 A scandal involving abuse of power by public officials, violation of the public trust, bribery, contempt of Congress, and attempted obstruction of justice.
由于没有适当的导航援助,飞行员不了解周围气候的变化情况,将飞机直接飞入了热带飓风眼内。 Not having proper navigational aids the pilot had been unaware of the changing conditions and had flown the plane right into the eye of the tropical storm.
警察局说该局反对非执法人员私自执法,可是辖区警员及当地居民对该[警卫]公司的策略颇感兴趣。 The Police Department says it opposes vigilante justice, but officers on the beat and neighborhood residents say they are enthusiastic about the company's tactics.
的确,新闻媒介及公众对法国橄榄球队选拔员的尊重,几乎同法国政治家受到的尊重不相上下,当然,那也并非多大的荣耀。 Indeed French rugby selectors receive just about the same respect from their Press and public as do French politicians, which, of course, isn't saying much.
一种安全设备(通常是终端的一部分),它可以读取插入槽中的标记卡上的信息(这些信息往往以磁条码的形式记录在标记卡上)。用这种办法,在允许操作员进入系统前,可以防止对一个显示工作站的非法使用。参阅badge。 A security device(often part of a terminal) that reads information(often from a magnetic strip) on a badge inserted in a slot. In this way, it can prevent the unauthorized use of a display station before allowing an operator to sign on.