我一刻也不能再呆下去了。 I can't stay any longer.
再呆10个星期,一共3个月。 Another ten weeks three months altogether.
他在一家汽车旅馆呆了一晚上,就又接着旅行了。 He stayed one night in a motel and went on travelling.
几个星期来她一直呆在家中照顾有病的父亲。 She has been tied to the house for weeks looking after her invalid father.
他呆在幕后为了避开公众的注意。 He stayed in the background to escape from the public attention.
大雨迫使我们呆在户内。 The heavy rain compelled us to stay indoors.
如果你一直呆在家里,就永远不会有生活经验。 You'll never see life if you stay at home forever.
他看到那恐怖的情景吓呆了. He stiffened (with terror) at the horrific sight.
她熨衬衣时样子呆板, 不动脑筋. She was quite mechanical and unthinking in the way she ironed the shirts.
他被那可怕的景象吓呆了. He stood aghast at the terrible sight.
我呆在那个办公室里感觉真像在笼子里一样. I felt terribly caged in in that office.
吉姆的子女都成家了,他成天都呆在家里不出门。 Jim's children are married and he stays at home all the time.
他们断定还是呆在原地好。 They figured it was better to stay where they were.
乡村风光太美了,以致于他决定再多呆一星期。 The rural scenery was so beautiful that he decided to stay one more week.
女士们喜欢在自由市场呆上很长时间,同货主们讨价还价。 The ladies like to spend hours in the free market, bargaining about the goods.
这个贫穷的女孩被大厦里的豪华的陈设惊呆了。 The poor girl was astonished by the sumptuous furnishings of the mansion.
在这个可怕的地方呆了将近4个星期的时间,我完全依靠自己的力量生活。 During nearly for weeks in this glorious place I have lived on my own hump.