这间办公室里非常吵。 It's very noisy in this office.
吵闹声使他烦躁。 The loud noise chafed him.
他们正在恶狠狠地争吵,我想他们可能要打架了。 They were having a fierce argument and I thought they might hit each other.
父亲想到乡下去,可是孩子们吵着要去海滨。 Father wanted to go to the country, but the children were whooping it up for the beach.
我不喜欢它因为很吵闹。 I didn't like it because it was noisy.
别降低身份为这事去跟她争吵。 Don't stoop to quarrel with her about it.
这场讨论演变成了激烈的争吵. The discussion deteriorated into a bitter quarrel.
这次争吵是两家不和引起的。 The quarrel originated in rivalry between the two families.
吵闹的年青人都已从影院被逐出去了。 The noisy youths were ejected from the cinema.
那些男孩子为几支圆珠笔而争吵起来了。 The boys were bickering over some ballpoints.
吵闹声不绝于耳,我很难保持精神集中。 I found it hard to keep my concentration with such a noise going on.
邻居们请他们停止吵闹, 可他们不听还是继续吵闹。 The neighbors asked them to stop making a noise, but they kept on.
这场辩论逐渐变成了激烈的争吵. The argument developed into a bitter quarrel.
整件事酿成了激烈的争吵. The whole thing turned into a bitter quarrel.
他常常为了噪音和邻居们争吵。 He was always fighting with his neighbors about the noise.
那些吵吵闹闹的邻居成了我生活中的一大忧患. Those noisy neighbours are the bane of my life.
双方随後不可避免地争吵起来。 Inevitably, a quarrel followed between the two sides.
我们吵架以後, 他一直如避蛇蝎似的躲著我. He's been avoiding me like the plague since our quarrel.
叫那些男孩子别在院子里吵闹:妈妈正在睡觉。 Tell the boys to stop messing about in the courtyard: Mother is sleeping.
我理论,而不是和他吵架。 I reasoned rather than quarreled with him.
我们吵架时她总是占上风. She always gets the better of our quarrels.
他们争吵到打架的程度。 They argued to the point of fighting with each other.
孩子们不断吵架,破坏了我们的假期。 The children kept quarreling and spoiled our holiday.
母亲总是想把我们的谈话引回到家庭争吵的话题上来。 Mother always tries to lead the conversation back to the family quarrel.
我宁愿被嘲笑,也不愿和他吵架。 I would rather be laughed at than quarrel with him.
我们很快就来到一条很宽、很吵杂,各种车辆来往行驶的大马路上。 Soon we came to a crowded street, a very wide street crowded with allsorts of vehicles.
就这样子,那争吵是一次漂亮的争吵;若要为它解释一番,就只会糟踢它罢了。 The quarrel is a very pretty quarrel as it stands; we should only spoil it by trying to explain it.
他们互相争吵。 They quarreled among themselves.
邻居的夫妇总吵架. The couple next door are always arguing.
孩子们为新玩具争吵。 The children were wrangling over the new toy.
你一直睡著, 这场雷雨都没把你吵醒. You slept right through the thunderstorm.
邻居们请他们安静一些, 可他们还是吵吵闹闹。 The neighbors asked them to stop making a noise, but they kept on.
一丁点儿声音就足以把他吵醒. The merest noise is enough to wake him.
我厌恶为钱的事兴太太争吵。 I hate to squabble with my wife about money.
我们轻声谈话, 以免吵醒婴儿. We spoke in whispers for fear of waking the baby/for fear (that) we might wake the baby.
他和妻子吵架後就把她抛弃了。 He had a row with his wife and just walked out on her.
吵闹的声音这样大,我怎能读书呢? How can I read with all this row going on?
孩子们常常(为玩具)争吵. The children are always bickering (with each other) (over their toys).
他们在会议前争吵起来, 经劝说最後言归於好. They exchanged angry words before the meeting but were finally persuaded to agree.
我想现在我明白你的意思了。如果你所说的“正直”就是我所说的“一贯性”,那么我们刚才的争吵就是彼此误解了。 I get your drift now, I think. If you mean by"integrity", what I would call"consistency" then we've been arguing at cross-purposes.