管理部门采取了一切合理的安全措施。 The management took all reasonable safety precautions.
他对我作了合理的解释。 He gave me a reasonable explanation.
我觉得这是个合理的建议,但他不同意。 I thought it was a reasonable proposal, but he didn't agree.
某位哲学家认为, 存在的事物都是合理的。 According to some philosopher, everything in existence is reasonable.
不合理的规则被废除了。 The unreasonable rules were revoked.
你在良心上总不能认为那样的报酬算是合理的吧. You cannot in all conscience regard that as fair pay.
这价格是合情合理的,因为质量极好。 The price is reasonable because the quality is super.