她喜欢各种运动。 She likes all kinds of sports.
早饭后,他读了各种报纸。 After breakfast he perused the newspapers.
她各种音乐都喜爱,和我一样。 She enjoys all kinds of music, as I do.
警方查获了各种书和磁带. The police seized various books and tapes.
我的各种问题似乎同时出现了 All my troubles seem to come together.
这个城市因为各种桥梁而著称。 This city is noted for its various bridges.
各种各样的影响有助于塑造我们的孩子们的性格。 Many influences help to fashion our children's characters.
五月里各种植物鲜花盛开。 In May, all kinds of plants are in full bloom.
他们探索过各种途径,但是没有找到解决的办法。 They exploded every avenue but could not find a solution.
这些树林里经常栖息着各种鸟类。 These woods are frequented by all kinds of birds.
老是有各种各样的天气,不论我们喜欢不喜欢。 There's always weather, weather, whether we like it or not.
由于各种原因,我不愿见他。 For various reasons I'd prefer not to meet him.
你不应该硬是反对各种进步形式. You shouldn't set your face against all forms of progress.
他们为穷人准备了米,面及其它各种食物。 They prepared rice, flour and sundry other items of food for the poor.
党的领导人的各种观点已统一为一致的政策. The views of party leaders coalesced to form a coherent policy.
您知道,我们可以供应各种类型和尺码的机床。 As you know, we can supply machine tools of all types and size.
球拍用于各种运动的球拍,如乒乓球和网球的球拍 The racket used in various games, such as table tennis or racquets.
大多数语言学家都会说,他们主要研究各种语言的结构。 Most linguists would say they were concerned primarily with the structure of languages.
超级市场销售各种货物。 The supermarket sells goods of all descriptions.
这个中心提供各种娱乐活动设施。 The center provides facilities for a whole range of leisure activities.
把铝和其他金属混合,科学家们能够制造出各种合金,其中一些具有钢一样的强度,但其重量只是钢的三分之一。 By mixing aluminium with other metals, scientists have been able to produce a variety of alloys, some of which have the strength of steel but weigh only one third as much.
阳光穿过棱镜时将分解成各种颜色。 The sunlight will break into different colors through a prism.
综合各种因素之後她决定辞职。 A combination of factors led to her decision to resign.
她失踪一事引起了各种流言蜚语. Her disappearance gave rise to the wildest rumours.
使用了各种车辆. All manner of vehicles were used.
桌子上摆着各种各样的物体。 Various objects were on the table.
这家商店供应各种野营用品。 The shop furnishes everything that is needed for camping.
我深信自满情绪是我们各种问题的根源. It's my conviction (ie I firmly believe) that complacency is at the root of our troubles.
他一向是不厌其烦地尝试各种播种农作物的方法。 He was never weary of experimenting with different ways of planting his crops.
宝石一种精细地切割成多个面的各种形式的宝石,尤指钻石 A precious gem, especially a diamond, finely cut in any of various forms with numerous facets.
这个旅馆为住客提供了各种各样的娱乐活动。 The hotel offers its guest a wide variety of amusement.
他已阅读了论及他研究领域的当前的各种刊物。 He's read all the current publications touching on his field of research.
示威者用棍棒和各种投掷物攻击警察。 Demonstrators attacked the police, using sticks and assorted missiles.
汞齐,汞合金各种汞和其它金属,如锡或银的合金 Any of various alloys of mercury with other metals, as with tin or silver.
瓜形甜点一种用两层或多层各种风味的冰淇淋做成的球形或瓜形的甜点 A dessert consisting of two or more layers of variously flavored ice cream frozen in a round or melon-shaped mold.
国际象棋的各种走法你都会吗? Do you know all the possible moves in chess?
由Apple计算机公司制造的各种普及型微型计算机。 A range of popular microcomputers manufactured by Apple Computers.
我们很快就来到一条很宽、很吵杂,各种车辆来往行驶的大马路上。 Soon we came to a crowded street, a very wide street crowded with allsorts of vehicles.
别取笑青年人的装模作样;他们只不过是为了找寻自我而逐一试装出各种面孔罢了。 Do not laugh at a youth for his affectations; he is only trying on one face after another to find his own.
石脑油一种高度挥发性的易燃液态碳氢化合物混合物,从石油、煤焦油和天然气中提炼出来,并用作石油、溶剂和制造各种化合物中 Any of several highly volatile, flammable liquid mixtures of hydrocarbons distilled from petroleum, coal tar, and natural gas and used as fuel, as solvents, and in making various chemicals.
病,疾病有机体的某一部位、某一器官或系统处于病理状态,由各种因素引起,如传染、遗传缺陷或环境紧张,而且以被视为相同的一组表象或症状为特征 A pathological condition of a part, an organ, or a system of an organism resulting from various causes, such as infection, genetic defect, or environmental stress, and characterized by an identifiable group of signs or symptoms.
我不会以各种各样的名义做这件事。 I will never do this under all sorts of names.
我们把能想到的各种组合都试了一遍. We tried it in every conceivable combination.
她对着镜子作出各种面容。 She was making faces in the glass.
即使要求很高的市场对不同种类的商品,也需要有各种档次的货色和价格。 Even highly demanding markets require a wide range of quality and price levels for any group of products.
梗草各种草的硬花梗 The stiff stalk of various grasses.
他受到各种诱惑的包围。 He was surrounded by temptations.
美国人是各种种族人的熔合体。 Americans are the fusion of many different races.
解放前,各种捐税沉重地压在人民身上。 Before liberation, taxes weighed heavily upon the people.
在各种医药研究中, 应首先解决寻找新疫苗的问题. The search for a new vaccine took priority over all other medical research.
这样,我9岁就挑起了家庭的重担。我想方设法,干各种杂活,养家活口。 So I was a bread winner when I was nine. I did odds and sods to get things by any means.
大学的任务是训练学生以从事各种适合的工作吗? Is it the business of the universities to train students for suitable jobs?
我们可以合作发射各种新型卫星,包括用于导航、气象预报、广播、电子计算机技术等方面的卫星。 New satellites can be launched for use in navigation, weather forecasting, broadcasting, and computer technology.