他的诗集去年发表了。 His poetry was published last year.
那位著名的进步思想家被邀请在会议上发表演讲。 That famous progressive thinker was asked to deliver a speech at the meeting.
他发表了不少文章。 He has published quite a lot of articles.
他的文章在省报上发表了。 His articles are published on the provincial newspaper.
终于在一六八七年他发表了他的新理论。 Only in 1687 did he at last publish his new theory.
他刚发表了英国鸟类生活观察报告. He's just published his observations on British bird life.
这个节目给普通观众提供了一个发表意见的机会. This programme gives ordinary viewers a chance to make their voice(s) heard.
以下是他在华府所发表的那篇著名的演讲中的一些摘录。 What follows is some excerpts of the famous speech he delivered in Washington D.C.
许多杂志发表了由俄国航天探测器获得的有关金星的信息。 Information about Venus obtained by Russian probes has been published on some magazines.
部长在公开发表言论时比他在私下批评时的调子要缓和一点儿。 In his public statement the minister toned down his criticisms he had made in private.
由于她发表了关于公司安全记录的言论,该公司正以诽谤罪起诉她。 Her company is suing her for slander because of her remarks about their safety record.
她的日记发表後, 补充了一些有关这些事件的趣闻. There was an interesting postscript to these events when her private diaries were published.
她发表时事广播演说。 She broadcasts on current affairs.
报社记者把部长团团围住,坚持要他发表一个声明。 Newspaper reporters pushed round the Minister, urging him to give them a statement.
他在下议院当众发表了一个声明。 He made a statement before the House of Commons.
他对他们的候选人发表了一些有利的评论。 He made several favorable comments about their candidate.
一名新教徒向人群发表了演说。 A Protestant delivered a speech to the crowd.
部长拒绝就他辞职一事的传闻发表评论。 The minister refused to comment on the rumors of his resignation.
他的文章昨天发表于“中国日报”上。 His article appeared in China Daily yesterday.
他坐在那儿发表他对法制的高论, 虽然他对此一窍不通. He sat there pontificating about the legal system although it was clear that he knew very little about it.
他发表时事广播演说. He broad-casts on current affairs.
该报认为不宜发表我的信. The newspaper did not see fit to publish my letter.
人们有集会和发表言论的权利。 People have the rights of assembly and expression.
发表这个声明只是为了提高他个人的威信。 The statement was aimed at raising his personal prestige.
官方尚未就总统的健康状况发表公告. There has been no official pronouncement yet on the state of the president's health.
最新的进展情况已向大众传播媒介发表。 The latest developments have just been released to the media.
这一杂志下周要发表一篇关於教育的专题文章. This magazine will be running a special feature on education next week.
讣闻死亡后发表的通告,有时附有死者简要传记 A published notice of a death, sometimes with a brief biography of the deceased.