我们说服她参加了宴会。 We argued her into joining us.
我们想去参加化装舞会。 We want to join in the masquerade.
他昨天参加了我们的讨论。 He joined us in the discussion yesterday.
对不起,我不能来参加晚会了。 Sorry, but I can not join you for the evening party.
他自从参加了会话班,法语取得了很大进步。 His French has come on a lot since he joined the conversation class.
参加考试的人大多数语法及格. Most candidates passed in grammar.
他们估计参观者人数为1000万。 They estimated the number of visitors at 10 million.
他们从远处赶来参观这个展览会。 They came from afar to see the exhibition.
您被邀请参观我们的秋季时装展览。 You are invited to view our autumn collection.
我们大家都得参加跑步训练, 无人例外. We all had to take part in the training run, with nobody excepted.
我因有约在先,所以未能参加这个会。 I was unable to attend the meeting because of a prior engagement.
工会领袖号召抗议那天全体会员积极参加. Union leaders called for the active participation of all members in the day of protest.
他不听母亲的劝告,参加了那次聚会。 He disobeyed his mother and went to the party.
所有的申请者一个接着一个参加面试。 All the applicants were interviewed one by one.
雇用了没参加工会的工人以结束罢工行动. Non-union labour was used to end the strike.
不论何时我到台北,我一定去参观故宫博物院。 Whenever I go to Taipei, I make a point of visiting the National Palace Museum.
撞船事故发生地区的所有船只都参加了搜寻幸存者的工作。 All the ships in the vicinity of the crash joined in the search for survivors.
伦敦是值得参观的城市。 London is a city worth visiting.
参观博物馆人们络绎不绝。 People went to visit the Museum on and on.
我真的必须参加这个会议吗? Is it necessary for me to attend the meeting?
我想请你下星期日去参加舞会好吗? I would like to invite you to a ball next Sunday.
她不但参加了竞赛--而且居然获胜了! She not only entered the competition she actually won it!
你们参加高级程度英语考试要读哪些必修课本? What are your set books for English A Level?
这位医生颇为炫耀地带着我们参观了他的医院。 The doctor showed us about his hospital with much flourish.
要参加体育活动--篮球、 冰球、 游泳之类的活动. Take any sport basketball, ice hockey, swimming or whatever.
我已报名参加跳高比赛. I've entered for the high jump.
讲话时他经常参考笔记。 He frequently referred to the notes during the course of the talk.
我及时参加了会议。 I went to attend the meeting betimes.
他邀请我们参加晚会。 He invited us to the party.
我们参加了春季展览会。 We participated in the spring fair.
她打扮停当准备去参加晚会。 She dressed up for the party.
所有的条约都由参议院批准。 The Senate confirms all treaties.
她参加初级饭店经理课程。 She attend a course for junior hotel manager.
我最讨厌的是得参加这些会议. I loathe having to go to these conferences.
由于他的参与,我们赢了比赛。 We win the game because of his participation.
他鼓起全部的勇气参加比赛。 He mustered all his courage to take part in the game.
他只是因为受人激将才参加竞赛. He only entered the competition for a dare.
那个专门小组被选中参加讨论。 The panel was chosen to take part in discussion.
参赛者中包括三名世界记录保持者。 The field includes three world record holders.
这些队在各自参加了一场比赛后不分胜负。 The teams are all square at one match each.
不管他愿意与否,他非得去参加讲座。 Whether he wanted it or not, he had to attend the lecture.
接替他担任主席的人将参加本次会议。 His successor as the chairman will be at the conference.
本阅览室的参考书不得私自带出。 No reference books are to be taken out of the reading room without permission.
我认为能被邀请参加晚宴是很大的荣幸。 I consider it a great honor to be invited to dinner.
由于找不到工作,许我男人都报名参了军。 Many men sign up for the army because they can not get ordinary jobs.
在我回来途中,我停下来参观了这个县刚建立的两座工厂。 On my return journey, I stopped to see two factories the county had just established.
政治家不应该参与那些可能会影响其政治判断力的商业事务。 Politicians should not engage in business affairs that might affect their political judgement.
他喜欢参观名胜古迹。 He likes to visit place of interest.
我们趁便参观了皇宫. We took the opportunity of visiting the palace.
他们打扮得漂漂亮亮去参加聚会。 They all spruced up for the party.
那女孩随时都准备着去参加聚会。 The girl is ready at all times to go to parties.
所有参加辩论的人都有机会发言. All the participants in the debate had an opportunity to speak.
下星期,他将要参加一场国际象棋比赛。 He will take part in a chess tournament next week.
她宁可辞职也不愿参与这种不正当的买卖. She would sooner resign than take part in such dishonest business deals.
受训的突击队员要参加令人筋疲力尽的突击课程. Trainee commandos are put through an exhausting assault course.
咱们去参观一下这个地方,譬如说明天或是后天去。 Let's go and visit the place, say tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.
只有少数亲戚参加了他的葬礼。 Only a few of his kindred were present at his funeral.
她的女仆帮助她穿上参加晚会的礼服。 Her maid helped her to dress up for the party.
这本参考书对我有用处吗? Is this reference book of any use to me?
约翰的哥哥已报名参加了空军,这是他渴望已久的。 John's brother signed up with the Air Force, something he always wanted to do.
旅游为了公务、娱乐或教育参观多处名胜的一次旅行 A trip with visits to various places of interest for business, pleasure, or instruction.
这时,在周一初步解雇7000人以后,公司昨天又遣散了2500名未参加工会的工人……。 Meanwhile, the company laid off another2, 500 nonunion workers yesterday after sending an initial7, 000 packing on Monday….
应参加诉讼的当事人的不参预应该被包括在内作为一宗诉论或诉案的一部分的一方。原告、被告或诉讼的案件不履行法律责任 Omission of a party, plaintiff, defendant, or cause of action that should have been included as a part of an action or a suit.
到工地的所有参观者必须带上安全帽。 All visitors to the site must wear safety helmet.
她自愿参加救济工作. She volunteered (her services) for relief work.
人们穿著古装参加游行. People wore historical costumes for the parade.
我们在有人引导下参观了大教堂. We were given a conducted (ie guided) tour of the cathedral.
贵宾们在大餐厅参加一个宴会。 The guests partook of a luxurious repast in the banqueting hall.
他对是否参加考察队仍拿不定主意. He's still hesitating about joining/over whether to join the expedition.
我首先得向你们表示歉意,没来参加你们的晚会。 I have in the first place to apologize for not coming to your party.
大家都在给他们心目中的热门参赛者加油, 暗使劲儿使之获胜. The crowd were cheering their favourite on, willing her to win.
参观博物馆被推迟了。 Our visit to the museum is postponed.
我们有必要参加开幕式. We were obligated to attend the opening ceremony.
参加聚会的男子大都非常年轻。 The men at the party were mostly fairly young.
我要是你就不参加了,他的计划似乎不妥当。 I should lie off if I were you, his scheme doesn't seem sound.
参谋人员在地图上把这个地区精确地标了出来。 The staff officers mapped out the area thoroughly.
今晚有多布斯参议员光临, 我们感到十分荣幸. We are very privileged to have Senator Dobbs with us this evening.
把孩子的头发用梳子梳梳,他可不能这样参加聚会。 Run a comb through the childs hair he can't go to a party looking like that.
我得说我对他真是敬佩--我从未想到他能参加甲队. I must say I take my hat off to him I neverthought he would get into the first team.
副官,人事行政参谋帮助指挥官处理行政事务的人事官员 A staff officer who helps a commanding officer with administrative affairs.
英国大使代表女王参加了葬礼. The Queen was represented at the funeral by the British ambassador.
这名参议员因逃避缴纳所得税而受到指责。 The senate was censured for income tax evasion.
参加董事会议必须习惯那些古板的语言。 At board meetings you have to get used to the formality of the language.
你打算挑选谁参加这个队? Who are you going to pick for the team?
参加了训练课程就有资格成为[当]驾驶教练. The training course qualifies you to be/as a driving instructor.
我应邀参加亚洲人的婚礼. 这种婚礼是如何举行的? I've been invited to an Asian wedding. What happens on such occasions?
自从她选美获胜後,她就像活在金鱼缸中,任人参观,毫无隐私。 She has been living in a goldfish bowl since she won the beauty contest.
为便于编写计算机辅助教学的课程软件而发展的一种专用语言。参阅authorlanguage。 A special language for easily developing software of computer-aid courses.
她参加了百米赛跑和跳远. She's put herself in for the 100 metres and the long jump.
我不知不觉被拉来参加了这次远足旅行。 I was roped in for this excursion before I knew it.
参议院决议如下... The senate resolved that...
一年以前,他参军了。 He joined the army a year ago.
我很想参与这项计画. I'd like to be in on the scheme.
参加马拉松长跑要有耐力. Marathon runners need plenty of stamina.
这位参议员投票支持总统。 The senator voted to support the president.
有3000个男孩子参加了选拔赛。 3000 boys turned up for the selective trials.
在明年的重选中她参加竞选。 She comes up for re-election next year.
她打著平等的旗号参加了竞选. She fought the election under the banner of equal rights.
某数值偏离参考值的一种系统偏差。 A systematic deviation of a value from a reference value.
我从不后悔参军,我认为自己做得对。 I never regretted joining up. I think I did the right thing.
参议院已经投票支持总统的防卫计划。 The Senate has voted to support the President's defense plans.
根据法律规定青年人年满十八岁必须参军。 "According to the law, a young man should enlist when he is18."
参观的人成千上万, 把台阶踩得不像样子了. The steps had been worn away by the feet of thousands of visitors.
所有的学生毫无例外,都必须参加英语考试。 All students without exception must take the English examination.
查阅与物品搭配用的确切量词,请参考有关词条。 Please consult the relevant entry to find the correct word for the item concerned.
我知道你不喜欢他,但你至少要照顾一下面子去参加他公司的开典仪式。 I know you didn't like him, but at least have the decency to go to his opening ceremony of the company.
如果一项促进和平的安排开始进行,沙特阿拉伯将直接参与有关航运及污染等地区性问题的多边谈判。 If a peace process got under way, Saudi Arabia would participate directly in multilateral talks about such problems of regional concern as shipping and pollution.
导游带领游客参观博物馆. A guide conducted the visitors round the museum.
她否认参与了这一密谋. She disavows any part (ie says she was not involved) in the plot.
我们全都被邀请参加这次盛典。 We are all invited to take part in the pageant.
我们得找个借口不去参加聚会。 We'll have to find a pretext for not going to the party.
会诊商议,尤指医生们参予的会诊 A consultation, especially one involving physicians.
参加协商的人花了十个小时才敲定一桩生意。 It take the negotiator ten hours to nail down a deal.
夏季游人成群结队到博物馆和艺术馆参观。 In the summer, tourists flock to the museums and art galleries.
参加打猎者打猎中的跟随着一群猎狗的全体骑马猎人 The body of riders following a pack of hounds in hunting.
比尔不肯参加球赛,因为他知道他的球艺不好,而他又爱面子。 Bill would not play in the game because he knew he could not do well and he wanted to save face.
脚注放在书或手稿的页底的注释,对文中的标明的一部分加以评论或引出参考书目 A note placed at the bottom of a page of a book or manuscript that comments on or cites a reference for a designated part of the text.
我们随着导游参观了城堡。 We went on a guided tour round the castle.
来城堡参观者不得拍照。 Visitors to the castle are asked not to take photographs.
参观者川流不息地向这所房子走来. A procession of visitors came to the house.
在上次战争中他在北非战役参战. He fought in the N African campaign during the last war.
这个侦探试图查明都有谁参加了聚会。 The detective was trying to ascertain exactly who was at the party.
请准备一枝尖的铅笔和一块橡皮参加考试。 Please equip yourself with a sharp pencil and a rubber for the exam.
我不愿让他参加俱乐部,因为他有点捣蛋的味道。 I couldn't care for him to join the club, because he is sort of mischievous.
这个参赛者下定决心无论如何要赢得500公尺赛跑的胜利。 The racer meant to win the500-meter race at all risks.
雷吉参与了这个公司的创办,公司发展了,他也获利了。 Reg had got in on the ground floor, and as the firm had progressed, so had he.
能被选拔出来代表国家参赛, 是多数运动员的最高荣誉. To be chosen to represent their country is the highest accolade for most athletes.
贝蒂穿着最好的服装来参加聚会,她理所当然地引起了广泛的注意。 Betty came to the party dressed to kill and she certainly was the center of attention.
鉴别器,鉴频器一种将输入信号的某一特征,如频率或相位转变为幅度变化装置,其变化大小因信号与标准或参考信号的不同程度而异 A device that converts a property of an input signal, such as frequency or phase, into an amplitude variation, depending on how the signal differs from a standard or reference signal.
什麽也不能引诱我参军. Nothing would tempt me to join the army.
他在多大程度上参与了这些犯罪活动? To what degree (ie To what extent, How much) was he involved in the crimes?
五十位国家元首参加了女王的加冕典礼,向女王表示敬意。 Fifty heads of state attended the Queen's coronation to do her honour.
这本书的作者是一个退休上校,他过去常参与策划间谍活动。 The book was written by a retired colonel who used to take part in cloak and dagger plots.
事件剧一种即兴的、通常是自发的、尤指由观众参与的场景或演出 An improvised, often spontaneous spectacle or performance, especially one involving audience participation.
计算机或某个工作站为获得线路控制权以进行数据传输的一种企图。参阅BID。 An attempt by the computer or by a station to gain control of a line in order to transmit data.
互见参照从书、索引、目录或文件的一部分到另一含有相关资料部分的参照 A reference from one part of a book, index, catalogue, or file to another part containing related information.
联编实用程序的简称,是一种能够实现联接和编辑的操作系统级的程序。参阅link-editor。 Short for binder utility, an operating-system program that performs binding.
参照今日和你方的谈判记录,兹随函寄上详细叙述订购卫生衣的订单2份,请查收。 Referring to my conversation with you today, I now enclose an order sheet for hosiery as specified.
附注列在一篇文章、一个章节或一本书尾的注解,对文中指定部分做评论或引述参考书 A note placed at the end of an article, a chapter, or a book that comments on or cites a reference for a designated part of the text.
参议院编写税法的人对众议院的提案,迟疑不愿同意,因为他们顾虑这仅是帐篷底下一只骆驼的鼻子。 Senate tax writers were hesitant to agree to the House proposal because of concerns that it represented the camel's nose under the tent.
在光记录技术中,指光道上两个凹槽之间的区域。在制作母盘时记录激光束不照射这些区域。参阅pit。 In optical recording, refers to the areas of the data tracks which are between the pits. These are typically the areas not touched by the recording laser beam during mastering.
用于修饰或说明经由通道到通道适配器连接的处理部件,通过这些适配器在处理机之间传递控制信息。参阅tightly-coupled。 Pertaining to processing units that are connected by means of channel-to-channel adapters that are used to pass control information between the processors.
在计算机程序运行过程中发生的一种不希望有的或意料之外的停机,一般是由于编码失误、硬件故障或操作者的错误而引起的。参阅run。 In computing, an unwanted or unforeseen halt in a program run, due to faulty coding, hardware errors or operator mistakes.
一种安全设备(通常是终端的一部分),它可以读取插入槽中的标记卡上的信息(这些信息往往以磁条码的形式记录在标记卡上)。用这种办法,在允许操作员进入系统前,可以防止对一个显示工作站的非法使用。参阅badge。 A security device(often part of a terminal) that reads information(often from a magnetic strip) on a badge inserted in a slot. In this way, it can prevent the unauthorized use of a display station before allowing an operator to sign on.