木匠量了一下棚屋的尺寸, 立刻估计出它的大小。 The carpenter ran his ruler over the shed and sized it up at once.
这个铁匠给铁棒加热,直到烧红为止。 The blacksmith heated the iron bar until it glowed.
他是一个多面手,既是修理工,也是木匠,既是一个理发师,也是一个好裁缝。 He is a man of parts; he is either a repairman, or a carpenter, either a barber or a good tailor.
能工巧匠的特点是一丝不苟. Attention to detail is the hallmark of a fine craftsman.
工作台在上面做手工工作的坚固的桌子或长凳,如机械工人、木匠或珠宝匠的工作台 A sturdy table or bench at which manual work is done, as by a machinist, carpenter, or jeweler.
她丈夫是个砌砖匠。 Her husband is a brick layer.
那个木匠做的这个柜子很漂亮--他真是个能工巧匠. The carpenter has made this cupboard beautifully he's a real artist.
木匠店的地板上满是刨花. The floor of the carpenter's shop was covered with shavings.
琼斯先生是个巧木匠。 Mr. Jones is a clever carpenter.