他们要去动物园或打排球。 They will go to the zoo or play volleyball.
这些动物仅在夜间才出来. These animals only come out at night.
我们可以把动物分成很多种类。 We can group animals into many types.
狮子一走近,小动物们都跑开了。 The lion's approach drove away the small animals.
熊猫是珍贵的动物。 Pandas are precious creatures.
饲养员正在喂动物。 The keeper is feeding the animals.
饲养员就是饲养动物的人。 A breeder means a person who breeds animals.
很多种类的动物现在已经从地球上绝迹了。 Many types of animals have now vanished from the earth.
蜥蜴和蛇是冷血动物。 Lizards and snakes are cold-blooded animals.
这只小动物有一双淡褐色的眼睛。 This small animal has a pair of hazel eyes.
北极熊虽然会游泳,但也是陆栖动物。 Although they can swim, the polar bears are terrestrial animals.
松鼠,啮齿类动物的代表;举例介绍每一个生词的用法 The squirrel, an example of a rodent; introduced each new word with examples of its use.
有些科学家用动物做试验。 Some scientists experiment on animals.
老虎是猫科动物的典型。 The tiger is a representative of the cat family.
看到动物受痛苦是很难受的。 A suffering animal is a distressing sight.
很少植物或动物能在沙漠中很好地生长。 Few plants or animals thrive in the desert.
动物园里的动物不是生活在自然环境中。 Animals in zoos are not in their natural surroundings.
熊猫现在是稀有动物. The panda is now a rare animal.
他终生献身于珍稀动物的保护。 He's devoted his whole life to the protection of the rare animals.
寓言一种通常短小的故事,用来表示启发或谨慎的观点,常利用说话或有人的行为的动物为角色 A usually short narrative making an edifying or cautionary point and often employing as characters animals that speak and act like human beings.
动物脂可以用来做香皂。 Tallow can be used for making soap.
鹦鹉螺是种小型海洋动物。 Nautilus is a small sea animal.
上星期你在动物园里看到大象了吗? Did you see any elephants in the zoo last week?
瘤动物或植物体内组织的异常新生物;肿瘤 An abnormal new growth of tissue in animals or plants; a tumor.
我宁愿观赏居住在自然栖息地里的动物,而不愿看关在动物园里的动物。 I prefer to see animals in their natural habitat, rather than in zoos.
生物学生命或生物的科学,包括其结构、机能、生长、起源、进化及分布。包含植物学和动物学及所有的分支 The science of life and of living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution. It includes botany and zoology and all their subdivisions.
角制的用动物角或类似物质制成的 Made of horn or a similar substance.
行为的修正由动物过去的经历导致的保持终生的行为修正 Persistent modification of behavior resulting from an animal's experience.
适应气候动物或植物在生理上对气候或环境的变化,比如光线,气温或高度变化的适应 The physiological adaptation of an animal or a plant to changes in climate or environment, such as light, temperature, or altitude.
圈著的动物繁殖不好. Wild animals don't breed well in captivity.
动物的粪便可以作为肥料使用。 Animal dung may be used as manure.
在动物园我看见了两只小骆驼。 I saw two small camels in the zoo.
养殖对动物的饲养或植物的种植,尤指为了产生改良品种 The breeding of animals or growing of plants, especially to produce improved stock.
骡子是公驴和母马交配而生的杂种动物. A mule is a hybrid of a male donkey and a female horse.
他们隔著笼子的栏杆用尖东西捅那动物. They prodded (at) the animal through the bars of its cage.
老虎逃出了动物园, 张牙舞爪乱窜了几小时. The tiger escaped from the zoo and ran amok for hours.
动物能思考吗? Are animals able to think?
青蛙和蝾螈都是两栖动物. Frogs and newts are amphibians.
鲸鱼和马一样都是哺乳动物。 A whale is no less a mammal than a horse is.
动物生态的高级形式;高等数学 High forms of animal life; higher mathematics.
紧跟在他身後出现了一个带角的分趾蹄动物 Close behind him appear an animal with horn and cleave hooves.
既没打电话也没写信给我们;既非植物也非动物的生命形态 Has neither phoned nor written us; life forms that are neither plants nor animals.
重物,坠脚一种重物,如大块物品,系在动物腿上阻碍行动 A weight, such as a block, attached to the leg of an animal to hinder movement.
食物,粮食通常是源于植物和动物的物质,包含有人体营养物的必不可少物质或由其组成如:糖类、脂肪、蛋白质、维他命和矿物质等,由产生能量、促进发育和维持生命的组织消化和吸收 Material, usually of plant or animal origin, that contains or consists of essential body nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals, and is ingested and assimilated by an organism to produce energy, stimulate growth, and maintain life.
沙漏;滴漏用于计时的仪器,由两个玻璃盒组成,中由一细颈相连,盒内装有一定量的沙子,水银或其他流动物质,这些物质在一固定量的时间里,通常为一个小时,从上方的盒内慢慢流入下方的盒子中 An instrument for measuring time, consisting of two glass chambers connected by a narrow neck and containing a quantity of sand, mercury, or another flowing substance that trickles from the upper chamber to the lower in a fixed amount of time, often one hour.
牛和其它牵引重物的动物 Oxen and other draft animals.
在自然界, 一切动物都是野生的, 自由自在的. In nature, all animals are wild and free.
移动物体的力与该物体的质量成正比。 The force moving a body is proportional to the mass of the body.
她对孩子和动物总是很温柔。 She always shows kindness to children and animals.
毒液的输入毒液输入动物的细胞组织 Introduction of a venom into animal tissue.
我宁愿看处于野生状态的动物。 I prefer to see animals living in their natural state.
阻力流体介质,如水或空气对移动物体施加的阻力 The retarding force exerted on a moving body by a fluid medium such as air or water.
动物分类的门界的一个基本分支,如动物界的,在范围上大于纲 A primary division of a kingdom, as of the animal kingdom, ranking next above a class in size.
她捐款给一个动物保护协会。 She subscribes to an animal protection society.
跟踪野生动物必须悄然无声。 Tracking wild animals requires great stealth.
那只鹰向那小动物猛扑过去把它叼走了. The hawk pounced on its prey and carried it off.
这动物嗅觉灵敏弥补了视力之不足. The animal's good sense of smell compensates for its poor eyesight.
她把棍子朝里面捅了好深,可是没有动物出来。 She poked the stick in a long way, but no animal came out.
对我们来说,猫是热情又充满深情的动物,但是在鸟儿和老鼠看来,猫是恶毒的食肉动物。 Cats are warm and affectionate creatures to us, but viewed through the eyes of birds and mice they are vicious predators.
哈吉司羊肉一种苏格兰菜,由绵羊或牛切碎的心,肺,肝与板油,洋葱,燕麦片和调味料混合在被屠宰动物的腹中煮熟而成 A Scottish dish consisting of a mixture of the minced heart, lungs, and liver of a sheep or calf mixed with suet, onions, oatmeal, and seasonings and boiled in the stomach of the slaughtered animal.
胸脯其它哺乳动物的相应器官 A corresponding organ in other mammals.
兔子在澳洲是较为近期引进的动物. The rabbit is a relatively recent introduction in Australia.
内脏尤指心脏、肝脏和肺等动物的内脏或内部器官 An animal's viscera or internal organs, especially the heart, liver, and lungs.
从动物我们得到像羊毛、丝、皮革、与毛皮这样的材料。 From animals we get such materials as wool, silk, leather and furs.
生物卫星设计用于运送和搭载人、动物或其他生物的、人造可返回式卫星 An artificial, recoverable satellite that is designed to carry and support humans, animals, or other living organisms.
防御器官动物或植物的防护层,结构或器官,如牙齿,爪子,荆棘或乌龟的壳 A protective covering, structure, or organ of an animal or a plant, such as teeth, claws, thorns, or the shell of a turtle.
动物优于人类的几点有:没有神学家为它们说教,殡殓不费分文,更无一个对其遗嘱提出诉讼者。 Animals have these advantages over man: they have no theologians to instruct them, their funerals cost them nothing, and no one starts lawsuits over their wills.
印刻作用,烙印社会性动物生命早期出现的认知过程,通过与父母或一个其他角色模式的接触而形成的特别的行为方式 A learning process occurring early in the life of a social animal in which a specific behavior pattern is established through association with a parent or other role model.