他以晓之以礼的态度劝说她。 He talked to her with persuasive manner.
学生们接受老师的劝告。 The students take the admonition from their teacher.
尽管我努力劝说,他还是不同意。 In spite of my efforts at persuasion, he wouldn't agree.
他不听母亲的劝告,参加了那次聚会。 He disobeyed his mother and went to the party.
不晓得该听谁的劝告。 I don't know which advise to follow.
法官劝告他改变生活方式。 The judge advised him to amend his way of living.
她的劝说很有力, 我完全接受. Defeated by her powers of persuasion, I accepted.
警方劝嫌疑犯招供. The police persuaded the suspect to talk.
我使尽了浑身解数也劝不动他们. I tried every trick in the book but I still couldn't persuade them.
机动车协会劝告开车的人暂时不要使用公路。 Motoring organization is urging driver not to travel by road if possible.
她循循善诱地劝他改掉坏脾气。 She coaxed him out of his bad temper.
能劝得她把房子卖了吗? Can she be persuaded to sell (the house)?
她的劝告大有益处. Her advice was a great help.
他不顾同事的劝告辞了职. He went against the advice of his colleagues and resigned.
他用长辈的口气劝告年轻的同事. He adopts an avuncular tone of voice when giving advice to junior colleagues.
甚至他最知己的朋友也劝阻他去寻求更高的职位。 Even his closest friends discouraged him from seeking higher office.
他遵照医生的劝告而行。 He acted on his doctor's advice.
我们的律师劝告不要起诉房东。 Our lawyer have advise against suing the landlord.
喜爱保健食品的人总爱劝别人都吃保健食品. Health food supporters are always evangelizing.
他受劝阻去做另一次的尝试。 He was discouraged from making another attempt.
我劝他不要急急忙忙递交辞职书。 I dissuade him from rush in to submit his resignation.
我劝他不要冲进去,递交辞职书。 I dissuaded him from rushing in to submit his resignation.
经劝说, 他们签署了放弃向房东索赔的权利. They were persuaded to sign a waiver of claims against the landlord.
然而,其他的同事们却听信了青年就业新闻发布官员的那一番明智的劝告。 And the rest of the fellows fell for the Youth Employment Officer's words of wisdom.
连哄带劝他才坦白. The confession had to be cajoled out of him.
他非但不接受我的劝告,反而背叛了我。 Far from accepting my advice, he went back on me.
如果这种婚姻出自一个女人的自愿选择,甚至是不顾亲友的劝告而选择的,那么就让她自己去品尝这枚果实的滋味吧。 But this never fails, if the bad husbands were of their own choosing, against their friends consent; for then they will be sure to make good their own folly.
他们在会议前争吵起来, 经劝说最後言归於好. They exchanged angry words before the meeting but were finally persuaded to agree.
如果你想象我一样做一个新闻工作者,那我决不会劝阻你。来吧,快来吧! If you're thinking of becoming a journalist like me, I'd be the last to discourage you. Come on in, the water's fine!