要么进来,要么出去。 Either come in or go out.
我十二点出去吃午饭。 I go out for lunch at twelve.
好像她已出去好几天了。 It looks as if she's gone away for a few days.
我们出去吸口新鲜空气吧。 Let's go out for a breath of fresh air.
他把文件使劲扔在我的桌子上便怒气冲冲地走了出去。 He slammed the papers down on my desk and angrily walked out.
猫在门口哀叫着想出去。 The cat whined at the door, asking to be let out.
粉刷房间就要把钢琴搬出去。 Painting the room involved moving out the piano.
我冒雨出去,结果被淋得湿透了。 I went out in the rain and got wet through.
我不愿意在交通高峰时间出去。 I don't like to go out during the rush hour.
出去吃晚餐如何? How about going out for dinner?
父亲有时候带着手杖出去散步。 My father sometimes goes out for a stroll with a stick in his hand.
请他出去吃午饭, 那样他心情就会好些. Offer to take him out for lunch, then (ie as a result of this) he'll feel in a better mood.
那件大衣看来是绝对旧得穿不出去了. That overcoat is looking decidedly past it.
吵闹的年青人都已从影院被逐出去了。 The noisy youths were ejected from the cinema.
从她那封信的字里行间我得知, 她把他赶了出去。 Reading between the lines of her letter, I learned she had driven him out.
这个分裂出去的派别受到其他宗教团体的蔑视。 The break-away sect was contemned by other religious groups.
他竖起大衣领子, 匆匆冒雨出去了. He turned up the collar of his coat and hurried out into the rain.
她未请示上级擅自把所有这些请柬都发了出去. She issued all these invitations without any reference to her superiors.
管弦乐队新来的指挥一上任就先把较差的演奏人员清除出去了。 The new conductor start by weed out the weaker player in the orchestra.
所谓的叛徒均已(从队伍中)清洗出去. So-called traitors were purged (from their ranks).
喂,把桥牌轰出去吧;让咱们找个更愉快的方式一同难受好了。 I say banishing bridge; let's find some pleasant way of being miserable together.
我得出去进修一个星期——经理今天早晨突然向我宣布此事。 I've got to go away for a week on a training course-the manager sprang it on me this morning.
这会儿我不想出去散步。 I don't feel like a walk just now.
我带你出去用餐, 花费多少都无所谓. I'm going to take you out to dinner, no expense spared.
这个房客因为没有交房租而被赶出去了。 The tenant was evicted for non-payment of rent.
我们自己无法做这项工作, 所以要承包出去. We haven't the resources to do the work ourselves, so we'll put it out to contract.
我出去疯狂地购物。 I went out on a shopping spree.
我偶尔晚上出去看看戏. I enjoy an occasional night out at the theatre.
把你的游泳衣里的水拧出去. Wring the water out of your wet bathing costume.
小偷乘没人注意时溜了出去. The thief slid out (of the door) while no one was looking.
我正打算出去一会儿,可我舅舅来了。 I was just going out for a bit when my uncle came.
你千万别穿戴成那样子出去. 那会让你祖母躺在坟里也不得安生. You can't go out dressed like that. It's enough to make your grandmother turn in her grave!
八条大道从广场呈辐射形伸展出去。 Eight roads radiate from the square.
鸽子被放出去传送发生叛乱的消息。 Pigeons were sent out to spread the tidings of rebellion.
那个贼偷偷(从後门)溜出去了. The thief slipped out (by the back door).
约翰逊上上下下打量了她一番,决定邀请她出去。 Johnson looked her up and down and decided to ask her out.
他们保证该党一定把种族主义分子清除掉[把种族主义分子从党内清洗出去]. They promised that the party would be purged of racists/that racists would be purged from the party.
我父亲刚出去散步,但半个钟点后就要回来。 My father has just gone for a walk, but he'll be back in half an hour.
警察系上皮带,走了出去。 The police belted up and went out.
水手很利落地把绳子放出去了. The sailor ran the line out neatly.
我因为严寒没出去看电影。 I did not go to the cinema because of the intense cold.
我母亲恰巧那天出去了。 It happened that my mother was out that day.
把这些捣乱分子赶出去。 Let's pitch out the troublemakers.
男孩子们带着猎鹰出去打猎了。 The boys went hunting with their falcon.
这些细节原属秘密,可是不知怎么给泄露出去了。 The details were supposed to be secret but somehow leaked out.
大门锁上了,但是我们从篱笆的缺口中钻了出去。 The gate was locked but we went through a gap in the fence.
我想我们今天的讨论大家都谈得差不多了。让我的秘书来送诸位出去吧。 I think that just about concludes our discussion. Let my secretary show you out.
走读生凡拟在校用午餐者希于10时前通知总务管理员,今天你在家吃午饭还是出去吃饭? Non-resident students who wish to lunch in should inform the Bursar before ten o'clock.