出现了新困难. A new difficulty has arisen.
我们是六点出发的. We started at six.
要么进来,要么出去。 Either come in or go out.
他提出了一种新理论。 He put forward a new theory.
我十二点出去吃午饭。 I go out for lunch at twelve.
不要把过去的事都翻出来。 Don't rake up the past.
她提出把汽车借给我用。 She offered me the loan of her car.
他欢喜得说不出来。 In the fullness of his joy, he could hardly speak.
已经出现了一些问题. A number of (ie some) problems have arisen.
他给她叫了一辆出租汽车。 He called her a taxi.
他想出了一个极好的主意。 He worked out an excellent idea.
他洗澡时想出了这个主意。 The idea came to him in his bath.
好像她已出去好几天了。 It looks as if she's gone away for a few days.
留出星期五下午的时间做复习。 Friday afternoons are left free for revision.
老师在黑板上写出新单词。 The teacher wrote down the new words on the blackboard.
我汽车里的暖气设备出了点毛病。 The heater in my car doesn't work properly.
如果明天天气好,我门可能出门。 If it is fine tomorrow, we may go out.
过10分钟会有一辆出租汽车到那儿。 A cab will be there in ten minutes.
这本书从前很出名, 现在没人看了. This book was once famous, but nobody reads it today.
他又拿出惯用的借口,说他太忙了。 He came out with his staple excuse that he was too busy.
一般认为出国旅游可增广见闻。 It is generally thought that traveling abroad can enrich one's knowledge.
我们是在试验的基础上得出这个结论的。 We drew this conclusion on the basis of experiments.
二十世纪六十年代出现了许多新兴国家。 The 1960s saw the emergence of many new nations.
那个小男孩第一次会将汉字慢慢地读出来。 That boy can spell out the Chinese for the fast time.
只要你不出卖我,要我做什么我都愿意。 As long as you don't betray me, I'll do whatever you ask me to (do).
他跑步出发,但很快就累得慢下来成了步行。 He started off at a run but soon tired and slowed to a walk.
在出访外国之前要做好许多准备工作。 There are a lot of preliminaries to be gone through before you can visit a foreign country.
这一情况出现得很突然,把我们的计划全都打乱了。 This sudden development turned all our plans topsy-turvy.
现在是休息时间, 学生们一个接一个走出教室。 It was the time of break and students came out of classroom one after another.
今年我们不能出国,所以只能去上海度假了。 We can't go abroad this year, so we'll have to content ourselves with a holiday in Shanghai.
演出极为成功。 The performance was immense.
巴西出口大量咖啡。 Brazil exports a lot of coffee.
他的书上个月出版了。 His book came out last month.
他从箱子里拿出一本书。 He took out a book from the case.
这只钟发出很响的滴答声。 The clock ticks very loudly.
她脸上露出愉快的微笑。 There is a merry smile on her face.
那是一场死气沉沉的演出。 It was a lifeless performance.
这些动物仅在夜间才出来. These animals only come out at night.
我们出去吸口新鲜空气吧。 Let's go out for a breath of fresh air.
出门之前把窗户关严。 Make the windows secure before leaving the house.
我的各种问题似乎同时出现了 All my troubles seem to come together.
所有乘客都必须出示车票。 All passengers are required to show their tickets.
他时常提出一些奇怪的问题。 He raises some strange questions now and again.
请派一辆出租汽车到国际饭店。 Please send a taxi to Park Hotel.
本次会议将就这些问题作出处理。 The meeting will deal with these problems.
工厂的平均支出是二千美元。 The average outgo of the factory is 2000 dollars.
出国前我必须进行体格检查。 I have to have a medical examination before going abroad.
我出生在河北省的一个小村庄。 I was born in a small village in Hebei Province.
我们得设计出三年级的新课程. We shall have to design a new curriculum for the third year.
今天的天气已露出了一丝秋天的气息。 There is a breath of autumn in the air today.
他们看见了灯塔发出一闪一灭的光。 They saw the intermittent flashes from a lighthouse.
两国关系已达到出现危机的地步。 Relation between the two countries has reached a crisis point.
那个地方在地图上以十字形记号标出。 The place is marked on the map with a crossing.
你的精彩报告引出了几个重要问题。 Your interesting report raises several important queries.
他伸出手去,保护他的孩子免受伤害。 He raised his arm to protect his child from hurt.
他对他的选民表现出很有感染力的热情。 He expressed infectious enthusiasm to his voters.
对全体学生的功课作出连贯性的评定。 Continuous assessment is made of all students' work.
他向我走来,微笑著伸出手来和我握手。 He came towards me, smiled and offered his hand.
他在面对危险的时候表现出非凡的勇气。 He showed remarkable courage when he faced the danger.
他用自来水龙头流出的凉水把手洗干净。 He cleaned his hands in the cold water from the tap.
教会应当就基本道德问题多做出些榜样. The Church should give more of a lead on basic moral issues.
他们的足球队在昨天的比赛中表现突出。 Their football team performed very well in the match yesterday.
那位代表提出了一项对新闻法的修正案。 That representative brought forth an amendment to the press law.
她从火车窗口里伸出手挥动手帕道别。 She fluttered her handkerchief from the train window as a good-bye.
演完戏之后, 他们要求作者出来和大家见面。 After the play they called for the author to show himself.
从他领导后,一个又一个革新项目出现了。 After being led by him, one innovation after another are showing.
他们出示了一些统计数字来支持他们的论点。 They showed some statistical evidence to support their argument.
他在那个伸出到街上的阳台上种了些花。 He planted some flowers on the balcony that projects over the street.
政府还没有找出对付失业的有效措施。 The government hasn't worked out the effectual measures to combat unemployment.
通常, 是男士伸出手来邀请女士跳舞。 As a rule, it's the gentleman that holds out his hand to invite a lady to dance.
我总是分不出这对姐妹, 她们看上去简直一模一样. I always confuse the sisters: they look so alike.
在我看来,这次演出恐怕不能算是完全成功的。 I'm afraid that the performance was not a total success.
开往北京的火车将于半小时后从三站台开出。 The train to Beijing will depart from platform 3 in half an hour.
班里所有的男孩都想陪这个漂亮的女孩一起出游。 All the boys in the class want to go out with the pretty girl.
自由党候选人轻易获胜,超出选票数以千计。 The liberal candidate romped through with thousands of votes to spare.
前一代人制造出来的空洞理论,下一代人把它们打破。 One generation blows bubbles, and the next breaks them.
在空无一人的办公室里电话铃突然地发出刺耳的尖叫声。 Telephone shrilled unattended in deserted office.
他把文件使劲扔在我的桌子上便怒气冲冲地走了出去。 He slammed the papers down on my desk and angrily walked out.
即使多年没有看见我的同学,我也马上认出了他。 Even though I hadn't seen my classmate for many years, I recognized him immediately.
我在会上真出了洋相了--一站起来就把问题忘了. I made a real ass of myself at the meeting standing up and then forgetting the question.
就翻译训练而言我认为这是一本无出其右的好书。 This is a book, which I dare say, is unequaled as far as translation practice is concerned.
他们如果还顾及人的生命就不会做出这样可怕的事来。 If they had any respect for human life they wouldn't do such terrible things.
他放弃了一份安定的工作而自己创业,表现出了极大的勇气。 He showed a lot of pluck to leave a safe job and set up his own business.
他忍受对自己人品的攻击而不发火,表现出巨大的自我控制能力。 He showed great moderation in not responding angrily to the attacks on his character.
他的画在画廊展出。 His pictures were showed in the gallery.
他把椅子从窗户中抛出。 He hove a chair through the window.
他对那个罪犯做出了裁决。 He passed judgement on the guilty man.
猫在门口哀叫着想出去。 The cat whined at the door, asking to be let out.
粉刷房间就要把钢琴搬出去。 Painting the room involved moving out the piano.
我冒雨出去,结果被淋得湿透了。 I went out in the rain and got wet through.
我们能用半径计算出圆的面积。 We can compute the circular area with radius.
我不愿意在交通高峰时间出去。 I don't like to go out during the rush hour.
猎人守候着兔子从洞里出来。 The hunter watched for the hare to come out of the burrow.
除非出现奇迹, 不然我们现在是输定了. Short of a miracle, we're certain to lose now.
警方把建筑物的所有出口都封锁住了. Police sealed off all the exits from the building.
如果机器出故障,就把开关关掉。 Turn off the switch when anything goes wrong with the machine.
他公然蔑视上司,并要求他作出解释。 He bearded his boss and demanded an explanation.
财务上出现问题延误了我们的建设计画。 Financial problems have set back our building programme.
他申请出国签证经历了很大的困难。 He experienced great difficulty in getting a visa to leave the country.
他并没有把这首诗的意义真正揭示出来. The meaning of the poem doesn't really come out in his interpretation.
她在科学方面的倾向性在孩童时代就已显现出来。 Her scientific bias showed itself in early childhood.
他还告诉我说你的辅导课和讨论课出勤率不高。 He also tells me that your attendance at his tutorial and seminar have been poor.
她的考试成绩令人失望,但却装出若无其事的样子。 Her exam result was disappointing but she tried to put a brave face on it.
我怀疑在我有生之年这个国家会不会出现一位女总统。 I doubt if there will be a female president in this country in my lifetime.
我一整天围着火热的炉子辛辛苦苦地做出这顿饭,可是他们现在几乎一点儿也没有吃。 I slaved away all day over a hot stove to produce this meal, and now they've hardly eaten any of it.
汗从毛孔中渗出. Sweat exudes through the pores.
花发出一阵幽香。 The flowers gave off a fragrant odor.
他总是露出忧郁的表情。 He always shows a doleful expression.
一只老鼠从黑暗的洞口跑出。 A mouse ran out from the dark orifice of the cave.
他打开窗户,放出污浊的空气。 He opened the window to let out the foul air.
他的绘画正在展览会上展出。 His paintings are on display at the exhibition.
魔术师从他的帽子里变出一只兔子。 The magician conjured a rabbit out of his hat.
他把花茎折断,汁液就流了出来。 The sap flowed out when he broke the stem of the flower.
每次她动一下腿,就发出一声呻吟。 Each time she moved her leg, she let out a moan.
她穿着纽约杰出设计师设计的服装。 She was dressed by a leading New York designer.
一块煤炭从火中掉出来,烧坏了地席。 A coal fell from the fire and burned the mat.
他学得慢,但是他表现出不屈不挠的毅力。 He is slow to learn, but shows great perseverance.
我希望我的告诫会促使她作出更大的努力。 I hoped my warning would stimulate her to greater efforts.
他用一支笔在地图上标出了波斯湾的位置。 He indicated the location of the Persian Gulf with a pen on the map.
这位科学家在许多知识领域中都是杰出的。 The scientist is distinguished in many spheres of knowledge.
郁金香在春天开出颜色鲜亮的杯状的花朵。 Tulip grows large brightly-colored cup-shaped flower in spring.
他听到汽车刹车发出的尖锐的声音,然后就摔倒了。 He heard a screech of brakes and then fell down.
木匠量了一下棚屋的尺寸, 立刻估计出它的大小。 The carpenter ran his ruler over the shed and sized it up at once.
魔术师口中念念有词, 把兔子从礼帽中掏了出来. `Abracadabra,' said the conjuror as he pulled the rabbit from the hat.
他们的主要出口货物是纺织品,特别是丝绸和棉布。 Their main exports are textiles, especially silk and cotton.
这块地毯已经脏得辨认不出原来的颜色了. The carpet was badly stained, to such an extent that (ie so much that) you couldn't tell its original colour.
开出鲜艳花朵的爬藤植物瀑布般悬挂在花园墙上。 Climbing plants with their bright flowers hung in cascades over the garden wall.
财务董事派人带话说,她因不能出席会议而向大家道歉。 The Finance Director sends her apology and is unable to attend the meeting.
这世上有些人把整个时间花费于搜寻正义,却腾不出时间来付诸实践。 Some folks in this world spend their whole time hunting after righteousness and can not find any time to practice it.
出去吃晚餐如何? How about going out for dinner?
出国要多少钱? How much does it cost to go abroad?
你要出来散散步吗? Are you coming out for a walk?
婴儿在8点钟出生。 The baby was born on 8 o'clock.
他精神抖擞准备出发. He's full of sap and ready to start.
是谁造出“quiz”这个词的? Who coined the word "quiz"?
他不愿做出任何承诺。 He would not commit himself in any way.
那只猫大声地发出呼噜呼噜声。 The cat purred loudly.
你能抽出五分钟和我谈谈吗? Can you spare me five minutes?
约翰甚至在夏天也不出门。 John doesn't go out even in the summer.
父亲有时候带着手杖出去散步。 My father sometimes goes out for a stroll with a stick in his hand.
作者从每本卖出的书中可得10%的版税。 The writer gets a 10% royalty on each copy sold of his book.
她还没做出什麽成绩来。但她确实很努力。 She hasn't had much success yet. Mark you, she does try hard.
法律禁止向18岁以下的人出售含有酒精的饮料。 The law forbids the sale of alcohol to people under 18.
这台泵通过这个阀门把(容器中的)空气抽出. The pump sucks air out (of the vessel) through this valve.
他由於一件表现出精湛技艺的作品而受到赞扬. He was complimented on a very professional piece of work.
我只是出于好奇,请问你买这辆车花了多少钱? Just to satisfy my curiosity, how much did you pay for your car?
往日激情将熄的余烬仍可从他的文章中看出来。 The dying embers of a former passion can still be seen in his article.
你弟弟小小的年龄竟高出你一大截,真令人恼火! How maddening to have your younger brother tower over you, at his age, too!
要是太阳从西边出来,他就会通过考试--他不可能通过考试。 If the sun were to rise in the west, he would pass the exam.
哲瑞米是初出茅庐,所以我们并不指望他在这次比赛中表现得很好。 Jeremy's just being blooded, so we don't expect him to be very good at the game.
天上星星出来了。 Overhead the stars were out.
他星期五要出院了. He's coming out of hospital on Friday.
展出的服装都过时了。 The dresses on show are out of date.
她从热水瓶倒出热水。 She poured hot water from the thermos.
一接到通知,我们就出发了。 We had to set out on short notice.
你能把那一点指出来,我感到很高兴。 I'm glad you raised that point.
出门前你应该把房间收拾整齐。 You should straighten up your room before going out.
那张照片上的突出物是我们的大楼。 The projection on the picture is our building.
他们不得不为了那条消息作出声明。 They have to make a protestation of that news.
有人向部长提出了工业计划问题。 The minister was queried about his plans for the industry.
那所房子是出卖的,房子里有暖气设备。 That house is for sale. It has central heating.
爸爸刚出门, 那男孩就跑向电影院。 As soon as his father went out, the boy ran to the cinema.
我把那封信挂号寄出了,因为里面有钱。 I registered the letter because it contain some money.
这五年来,出生人数有很大的增长。 There has been a great leap in the number of births in these past five years.
你应该查字典找出这个单词的正确读音。 You should look up the right pronunciation of this word in the dictionary.
请他出去吃午饭, 那样他心情就会好些. Offer to take him out for lunch, then (ie as a result of this) he'll feel in a better mood.
必须明确指出,部长的言论有两点是错误的。 Just for the record, the minister's statement is wrong on two points.
他姐姐过去一直指导他,给他出主意,是他的朋友。 His elder sister had been his guide, counsellor and friend.
自从我上次离开这里以来,这小城已变得认不出来了。 The town has altered out of all recognition since I was last here.
自从我上次离开这里以来,这小城已经变得认不出来了。 The town has altered out of all recognition since I was last there.
请出示护照。 Show me your passport, please.
水从孔中射出. Water spewed out of the hole.
水从洞口流出。 Water sluiced out of the hole.
她发出痛苦的呼叫. She emitted a cry of pain.
子弹从枪中射出。 The bullet was expelled from the gun.
我们主要的出口货是大米. Our main export is rice.
请说出你的姓名和地址。 State your name and address.
水正从管子里喷出来。 Water is spouting out of the pipe.
这出戏得到很好的评价。 The play was very well reviewed.
你只要出示你的护照即可。 You have only to show your passport.
他掏出一叠用旧了的纸币。 He pulled out a pile of used bank note.
很多东西是由竹子做出的。 Many things are made out of bamboo.
那只船划出到了河中央. The boat pulled out into the middle of the river.
这座剧场一天演出两场。 The theater gives two performances a day.
太阳从云层后面露出来了。 The sun emerged from behind the clouds.
我的支出受我的收入限制。 My expenditure is conditioned by my income.
这本书出版社已印了10000册. The publisher has printed10000 copies of the book.
我们在地图上画出我们的路线. We traced out our route on the map.
天在下雪,所以我无法外出。 It was snowing, and so I could not go out.
我与他合伙做出口生意。 I enter into partnership with him to do export business.
冷天出门时要披上披肩。 You should put a robe on if you go out in a cold day.
这首诗表现出强烈的激情。 The poem showed great intensity of feeling.
黄油从冰箱中取出会变软. The butter will soften out of the fridge.
有一次他大胆提出了自己的看法。 Once he made bold to air his views.
今年物价没显出多大变化。 Prices have not shown much variation this year.
房间里发出一片兴奋的嚷嚷声。 The room buzzed with excitement.
我一看见冒烟,就发出了警报。 I gave the alarm as soon as I saw the smoke.
他指出地球是围绕太阳转的. He taught that the earth revolves around the sun.
注意你的举止, 别闹出笑话来。 Behave yourself; don't make a fool of yourself.
他的花白的头发显示出了他的年龄。 His hoary hair showed his age.
一个人的衣著可反映出其个性. Your clothes are a reflection of your personality.
他只是短期外出--至多一周. He's only away for short periods a week at the longest.
他为他出身于名门望族而骄傲。 He was proud of his impeccable pedigree.
这个地图集是由我们公司出版的。 The atlas was published by our company.
从几个例子中仅给你举出一例.... To give you only one example out of several....
她被派出国执行一项艰巨任务. She was sent abroad on a difficult assignment.
这地方因出手工艺品而出名。 The place is known for its handicraft products.
获胜的队扛著队长走出场地. The winning team chaired their captain off the field.
如果明天天气好,我门宜于出门。 If it is fine tomorrow, we should go out.
他们对官方的政策表示出异议。 They expressed their dissent from official policy.
这些腐烂的香蕉发出难闻的气味. These rotting bananas are giving off a bad smell.
他出生于一个历史悠久的演员世家。 He comes from a long line of actors.
不是父亲而是母亲出席此一仪式。 Not father but mother was present at the ceremony.
警察朝人群上方射出一排子弹。 Police fired a volley over the heads of the crowd.
这件事完全超出了他的生活范围了. It took him completely out of his sphere.
我讨厌的一切都在他身上体现出来了。 He epitomizes everything I dislike.
他对他的新制度提出过分的要求。 He makes the most extravagant claims for his new system.
那件大衣看来是绝对旧得穿不出去了. That overcoat is looking decidedly past it.
那些出席者中有首相及其丈夫. Among those present were the Prime Minister and her husband.
那只鸟飞了过去, 翅膀发出呼呼的声音. The bird flew past, its wings whirring.
印度向许多国家出口茶叶和棉花. India exports tea and cotton to many different countries.
直到太阳从东方升起,我们才出发。 We did not start until the sun rose in the east.
现实中, 事情总是出乎意料地发生。 In reality, things always happen out of expectation.
他对你给他的东西没流露出一丝兴趣。 He showed no glimmer of interest in what you had offered.
吵闹的年青人都已从影院被逐出去了。 The noisy youths were ejected from the cinema.
你可以使用联机打印机把数据打印出来。 You may use an online printer to print out the data.
只有练习能帮你熟练地用眼作出判断。 Only practice can help you to keep your eye in.
每月都从运河中打捞出几辆旧汽车来. Several old cars are fished out (of the canal) every month.
他试著用叉子把罐头里的肉使劲叉出来。 He tried to hoick the meat out of the tin with a fork.
他在布置新房子中表现出富有技巧。 He display a great deal of artifice in decorate his new house.
她意识到在所采用的方法中可能出错. She recognized the potential for error in the method being used.
本阅览室的参考书不得私自带出。 No reference books are to be taken out of the reading room without permission.
他每次外出都会顺道去那家书店待一会儿。 He never goes out but he drops in at that bookstore.
他不喜欢对他自己的所作所为作出解释。 He didn't relish the prospect of having to explain his behavior.
他们针对我们的建议提出了一项相反的建议. They countered our proposal with one of their own.
我们为这一项目付出了大量的时间和精力. We've put a great deal of time and effort into this project.
他不仅以才能出名,而且是出名的好心。 He is famous not only for his talent but (also) for his kindness.
汽车展览会上展出了今年所有的新型号。 All this year's new models are displayed at the motor show.
那件紧身套头毛衣反更突出了他那肥胖的肚子. The tight jumper only accentuated his fat stomach.
你不能穿那种衣服出席招待会--不太庄重. You can't wear that to the reception it's not dressy enough.
他们装出信心十足的样子却欺骗不了任何人。 Their assumptions of an air of confidence fooled nobody.
他应该主动提出付款--他有的是钱, 别忘了. He should have offered to pay he has plenty of money, after all.
那年轻画家的作品已在几家美术馆中展出. The young painter has exhibited (his work) in several galleries.
正如他所指出的那样,一切反动派都是纸老虎。 As he pointed out, all reactionaries are paper tiger.
这项工作需要我拿出自己的全部精力和耐性。 The job called for all my resources of energy and patience.
那位作家拒绝和他们的出版社进一步商讨。 The writer refused to make further negotiations with their publisher.
着火的房子的冒出的烟在几个街区外都能看到。 The smoke of the burning house could be seen many blocks away.
他掏出烟斗,装满烟丝,一言不发地抽了起来。 Fishing out his pipe, he filled it and puffed at it without a word.
不久她看出,她已经到达这座城市的郊区。 Presently she recognized that she was already in the outskirts of the city.
直到一八八四年,第一个人造纤维才制造出来。 It was not until 1884 that the first artificial fiber was made.
她最近的一部小说在出版当年就印行了三次. Her last novel ran into three reprints in its first year of publication.
你真走运, 不用出席那死气沉沉的招待会. You can thank your lucky stars (that) you don't have to go to this dreary reception.
没有海关的许可,这些货物是不允许出口的。 The goods are not allowed to be exported without approbation of the customs.
上诉法院宣布少年法院发出的照看命令无效。 The appeal court quash the care order make by the juvenile court.
我与她的第一次会面的情景经常出现在我的记忆中。 My first meeting with her often recurs to my memory.
这家石油公司将用船运出输油管道和重型设备。 The oil company will ship out piping and heavy equipment.
处理这类案件的常规做法是请求法院发出指令。 The general practice in such cases is to apply for a court order.
从她那封信的字里行间我得知, 她把他赶了出去。 Reading between the lines of her letter, I learned she had driven him out.
临近终点时,那几匹马齐头并进,简直分不出先后。 As the horses raced towards the finishing post, there was nothing in it.
我瞧不起那些工作不顺心就拿家里人出气 的男人。 I look down on man who vents his anger on his family after having a bad day at work.
如果能开发出新产品,我们将乐于引进先进技术。 If new product can be developed, we'll be very glad to import advanced technology.
从一间屋子的量度可以推断出整座建筑物的大小. One can extrapolate the size of the building from the measurements of an average room.
美国入侵这个国家一定是出于不可告人的政治目的。 America's invasion of the country must be done for unspeakable political purpose.
这张照片没有真实地反映出花园的丰富色彩. The photograph does not do full justice to (ie does not truly reproduce) the rich colours of the gardens.
把这两个计划仔细地加以对比就可以看出一些关键性的差异. Careful contrast of the two plans shows up some key differences.
我想我们应该制订出一项行动计划,用来对付这种情况。 I think we should work out a strategy to deal with this situation.
原生的出现于某一发展或进化早期阶段的或具有其特征的 Occurring in or characteristic of an early stage of development or evolution.
这套书出版以来,在市场上反应良好,我们决定推广这种学习方法。 The series of books gained applause. We decided to popularize the method.
在看过建筑师的设计图后。他很容易想像出房子完工时的模样。 After looking at the architect's plans, it was easy for him to see the completed house in his mind's eye.
一本好的学生字典应该既提供词语的含义,又举出应用这些词语的例子。 A good learner's dictionary should give both the meanings of the words and examples of the constructions in which they are used.
狗露出了牙齿。 The dog bared its teeth.
他出生于英格兰。 He was born in England.
她提出了离婚申请。 She filed a petition for divorce.
这列火车半夜出轨了。 The train wrecked at midnight.
我对他的粗暴提出抗议。 I made remonstrance against his rudeness.
他出生在一个富裕的家庭。 He was born in a wealthy family.
爆炸发出巨大的声响。 The explosion gave forth a tremendous sound.
社会年刊已经出版了。 The annals of the society have been published.
口袋裂开了, 大米撒出来了. The sack split and the rice poured out.
该油漆以粉制品形式出售. The paint is sold in powdered form.
这个商店专门出售巧克力。 This shop specializes in chocolates.
他为阻止她作出了极大的努力。 He made strenuous attempts to stop her.
病人因出现并发症而死亡。 Complications set in, and the patient died.
当地所有的牧师出席了仪式。 All the local clergy attended the ceremony.
弓箭手向空中射出利箭。 The archers sent their shafts through the air.
推断出的明显结论是她有罪. It's an obvious deduction that she is guilty.
群众迅速聚集在出事现场. A crowd soon collected at the scene of the accident.
大多数松木燃烧时都发出断裂声。 Most pine snaps as it burns.
暴雨中出现了好多次闪电。 There were many flashes of lightning during the storm.
他详细列出全部被盗的财物。 He gave full particulars of the stolen property.
他因过早出院而使病情恶化. He aggravated his condition by leaving hospital too soon.
水从冷凝器流出,流入灰浆室。 Water flows from the condenser to the ash room.
博物馆展出了许多出土文物。 Many unearthed cultural relics were exhibited at the museum.
你的胶卷后天就可以冲洗出来。 Your film will be processed the day after tomorrow.
那老人好容易喘著气说出几句话。 The old man manage to puff out a few words.
隔壁房间里突然爆发出一阵笑声。 There was a burst of laughter in the next room.
他拣起信封时,一把钥匙掉了出来。 As he picked up the envelope, a key dropped out.
他发出一声绝望的叹息,转身走开了。 With a hopeless sigh, he turned away.
出售枪支受到许多法律限制。 The sale of firearms is subject to many legal restrictions.
登记出生或死亡的手续很简单. Registering a birth or death is a straightforward procedure.
那士兵看见一支枪从矮树丛伸出来。 The soldier saw a gun jutting out from a bush.
你拿可怜的迈克尔打趣可要出圈儿了. All your teasing of poor Michael is getting beyond a joke.
我们得把发动机拆卸开来找出毛病。 We'll have to strip the engine down to find the fault.
花朵在阳光下清晰地显现出轮廓。 The flower was clearly outlined in the light of the lamp.
我牙缝里塞了点东西,就是弄不出来。 There is something between my teeth and I can't dislodge it.
他用塑料铲把盆里的混合料刮了出来. He scraped the mixture out of the bowl with a plastic spatula.
他未做认真的调查就仓促做出了结论。 He jumped to a conclusion without careful investigation.
政府将制定法规限制枪支出售。 The government will introduce legislation to restrict the sale of firearms.
这个国家应该主动提出禁止核武器. It's up to this country to take the initiative in banning nuclear weapons.
进出口的高关税是国际贸易的障碍。 Heavy duties on imports and exports are a barrier to international trade.
这出戏公演时,当地报纸对它评价不佳。 When the play opened, the local press gave it the thumbs down.
我可以给你举出她故意粗暴待人的几个例子. I can quote you several instances of her being deliberately rude.
这两块粘合得真好, 几乎看不出接缝. The two pieces were stuck together so well that you could hardly see the join.
他出事后重新学习走路要有极大的毅力。 Learning to walk again after his accident required great patience.
发射以光线或波的形式发出和传播能量 Emission and propagation of energy in the form of rays or waves.
那部新出版的美国小说是市场上的畅销货。 The newly published American novel sold like hot cakes.
那把刀子被卡住了,她猛地一拔,把它拔了出来。 The knife was stuck but she pulled it out with a jerk.
我不太懂得瓷器,估计不出这些盘子的价钱。 I don't know enough about porcelain to be able to price these plates.
对销售额的仔细分析显示出明显的地区差别。 Close analysis of sales figures showed clear regional variations.
这个分裂出去的派别受到其他宗教团体的蔑视。 The break-away sect was contemned by other religious groups.
体育爱好者们欣喜若狂地从体育场中蜂涌而出。 The fans poured out of the stadium cheering wildly.
那种新汽车因有机械缺陷只好撤出市场. The new car had to be withdrawn from the market because of a mechanical defect.
那间房子是出售的,房子里有暖气设备和地下室。 That house is for sale. It has central heating and a base room.
飞机在大西洋中部飞行时, 其中一个发动机出了故障. One of the plane's engines gave out in mid-Atlantic.
尽管她贫穷,但她总想装出上流社会阶层的样子。 Although she was poor, she was living in genteel poverty.
哪怕是出了再小的差错,老板也会对他横加斥责。 His boss will jump on every little mistake he makes, no matter how trivial.
这个党竭力装出一付关心工人阶级的新形象. The party is trying to project a new image of itself as caring for the working classes.
出于个人利益考虑, 男子开始介入女子的工作领域。 Men begin to enter female jobs out of consideration for personal interest.
堤岸,小路高出的堤岸或小路,如沿着一条沟渠的堤岸或小路 A raised bank or path, such as one along a canal.
某一时期的文学可反映出该时期的价值观念和审美观念. The literature of a period reflects its values and tastes.
当前的贸易赤字表明我们的进出口贸易严重失调. The current trade deficit indicates a serious imbalance between our import and export trade.
我们原计划去游览,但后来汽车出了故障,没有去成。 They made plans for a visit, but subsequent difficulties with the car prevented it.
我的判断经常出错,但是我对祖国的忠诚是无可置疑的。 My judgement was frequently faulty, but my loyalty to the nation could not be questioned.
他对自己那本书的手稿先进行校订,然后才把它交给出版社。 He revised the manuscript of his book before sending it to the publisher.
我指出那方案的缺点, 但他申辩说各项计划尚未完成. I pointed out the shortcomings of the scheme, but he countered that the plans were not yet finished.
史密斯悄悄地向地向拍卖人做手势,然后把出价又抬高了1,000元。 Smith signaled the auctioneer quietly and kicked the bid up another thousand.
这家商店起初只出售报纸和杂志,后来又增售青少年读物。 At first this shop sold newspapers and magazines only, but it has since put in juvenile books.
销售开始下跌,公司财务不久便出现赤字,他们只得把那幢大楼卖掉。 Sales began to drop and the company was soon in the red. They had to sell the building.
贵市史密斯公司希望与本公司开展交易,指定贵处为信用出证人。 Mr. smith co., of your city, desire to open an account with us, and have give us your name as a reference.
电晕在电晕放电中在高压电极出现的一种微弱光辉,常伴随有朝向低压电极的电流 A faint glow enveloping the high-field electrode in a corona discharge, often accompanied by streamers directed toward the low-field electrode.
组织秘书发给本党党员的通知在立法机构中传达给政党成员的一个在特定时间保证其出勤率的通知 A call issued to party members in a lawmaking body to ensure attendance at a particular time.
把铝和其他金属混合,科学家们能够制造出各种合金,其中一些具有钢一样的强度,但其重量只是钢的三分之一。 By mixing aluminium with other metals, scientists have been able to produce a variety of alloys, some of which have the strength of steel but weigh only one third as much.
有些工程师认为,既然为这一系统起作用已付出如此巨大的努力,明智的做法是短期内将这项工作继续下去,而不是从头再来。 Some engineers take the view that since so much effort has been put into making this system work it would be sensible in the short term to continue the same line rather than start afresh.
风琴奏出庄严的乐曲。 The organ rolled out a stately melody.
火车隆隆地驶出郊区。 The train whooped out through the suburbs.
这演出纯粹是拙劣的模仿. The performance was an utter mockery.
他终于露出了他那邪恶的用心。 He showed his sinister motive at last.
那件事惹出了一连串的灾祸. The incident sparked off a whole chain of disasters.
机翼显出有金属疲劳的现象. The aeroplane wing showed signs of metal fatigue.
牛群踩出了一条通往池塘的小径。 The cattle had trodden a path to the pond.
他向银行经理提出贷款问题。 He broached the subject of a loan with his bank manager.
他遇雪崩被埋住了,得把他挖出来。 He was buried by an avalanche and had to be dug out.
上个月在这儿挖出了一尊古希腊雕像 An old Greek statue was dug up here last month.
大使馆的两名随员已驱逐出境. Two attaches at the embassy were expelled from the country.
他在黑暗中只能勉强辨认出道路。 He was just able to discern the road from the dark.
他竖起大衣领子, 匆匆冒雨出去了. He turned up the collar of his coat and hurried out into the rain.
全市居民倾城而出迎接凯旋球队. The city turned out to welcome back its victorious team.
他被公认为现代最杰出的作家之一。 He is generally rated as one of the best modern writers.
这幅画上的女人脸上露出忧郁的微笑。 The woman in this painting has a pensive smile.
发动机发出一阵轧轧声, 随即停了下来. The engine gave forth a grinding noise, then stopped.
导弹有极微小的偏斜也可能酿出大祸. The smallest deflection of the missile could bring disaster.
她平时懒惰从她的考试成绩可以看得出来。 Her laziness showed in her exam results.
我可以毫无疑问地得出结论他在说谎。 I can draw the conclusion without question that he is lying.
这个房间把她绘画的优点充分显示出来。 The room shows off her paintings to good effect.
猎人拿出了非常美味的鹿肉招待我们。 The hunter entertained us with venison which was very delicious.
男主人拿出了一瓶12年的优质麦芽威士忌。 The host took out a bottle of 12-year-old malt whisky to entertain us.
作出决策乃当务之急,此事必然地落在他身上。 The necessity for making decisions devolves on him.
回信免费邮寄至牛津牛津大学出版社宣传部. Reply to Publicity Department, FREEPOST, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
她未请示上级擅自把所有这些请柬都发了出去. She issued all these invitations without any reference to her superiors.
一个军官作出如此胆怯的行为使整个团都蒙受羞辱。 Such an act of cowardice by an officer shames his whole regiment.
他有了新创作的剧本, 巩固了他在国内的杰出剧作家的地位. With his new play he has consolidated his position as the country's leading dramatist.
我用力把螺丝往木头上拧,可是拧不进去,又掉出来了。 I've put the screw in the wood as tightly as I can, but it won't stay in, it keeps slipping out.
管弦乐队新来的指挥一上任就先把较差的演奏人员清除出去了。 The new conductor start by weed out the weaker player in the orchestra.
他们的谈判简直就是一场荒唐的笑剧,因为他们的领导们早就作出决定了。 Their negotiations were a farce since their leaders had already made the decision.
3个月前,汽车出事故以后,这个姑娘就昏迷过去了,至今还没有苏醒过来。 The girl went into a coma after the car accident three months ago, and has not woken up yet.
不一会儿,她把话题岔开了,不过全凭她施展出深通人情世故的女人的全部本事。 Presently, thought with all the skill of a woman of the world, she shuffled away the subject.
抛杆赛苏格兰高原上的一种竞赛,将一根又长又重的木杆一端接一端地抛掷,从而表现出力量 A long, heavy wooden pole tossed end over end as a demonstration of strength in Scottish highland games.
现象学研究人的经历中所有可能出现情况的学问,在此期间,并不考虑客观现实和纯粹的主观反应 The study of all possible appearances in human experience, during which considerations of objective reality and of purely subjective response are left out of account.
你得出了什么结论? What conclusion did you come to?
非洲向欧洲出口牛肉。 Africa is exporting beef to Europe.
干酪散发出强烈的气味。 The cheese was emitting a strong smell.
那鹅愤怒地向我发出嘶嘶声. The goose hissed at me angrily.
一步行走时跨出的一步;一大步 A step made in walking; a stride.
你肯出多少钱买我那辆旧车? How much will you give me for my old car?
你尝得出炖肉里有大蒜味儿吗? Can you taste the garlic in this stew?
他走出法庭时耷拉著脑袋. He had his head down as he walked out of the court.
他是否给出了令人满意的解释? Did he provide a satisfactory explanation?
出院时,我已经完全痊愈了。 When I left the hospital I was completely cured.
熨斗压在湿布上时发出嘶嘶声。 The iron hissed as it pressed the wet cloth.
他立正敬礼,鞋后跟发出咔嗒一声。 He saluted with a click of his heels.
部队从沦陷的城市安全撤出。 The troop made good their retreat from the occupied city.
经常吮吸拇指能使牙齿向外突出. Thumb-sucking can cause protrusion of the teeth.
我们开出约五十英里汽车就抛锚了. We had gone about fifty miles when the car broke down.
群众(为他[演出])鼓掌五分钟. The crowd applauded (him/the perfomance) for five minutes.
蜡烛发出轻轻的毕剥声後就熄灭了. The candle gave a few faint splutters and then went out.
他们正在考虑把办事处搬出伦敦。 They are pondering moving their offices outside London.
企业家要具备什麽素质才能出人头地? What qualities go to make a successful businessman?
要想外出度假时, 宠物会成为牵累. Pets can be a tie when you want to go away on holiday.
流星在空中画出了一道长长的弧线。 The falling star described a long curve in the sky.
所谓的叛徒均已(从队伍中)清洗出去. So-called traitors were purged (from their ranks).
报纸在印刷机上印出来後他拿了一份。 He took a copy of the newspaper as it come off the press.
学校的修缮将由教育部门出资。 The repairs to the school will be financed by the educational department.
我无法找出迷宫中扑朔迷离的路线。 I was unable to find out the intricate windings of the labyrinth.
医生叫我吸气然後(再)慢慢地呼出. The doctor told me to breathe in and then breathe out (again) slowly.
男孩子们突然迸发出刺耳的兴奋的欢呼声。 The boys broke into shrill, excited cheering.
没有人能想像出全面核子战争的後果. Nobody can envisage the consequences of total nuclear war.
他急忙伸出手臂把她扶住,她才没有跌倒。 He flung his arm out just in time to stop her falling.
在它宽敞的大厅里,展出了8000多件珍贵文物。 In its spacious halls are displayed over8000 priceless relics.
突出的高于所有其他的或比所有人都显著的;杰出的 Superior to or notable above all others; outstanding.
出海一周後, 又重新回到陆地上而感到愉快. After a week at sea, it was good to feel the earth under our feet again.
一个男子打扮成樵夫的模样出现在城堡的门口。 A man appeared at the castle gate in the guise of a woodcutter.
演出快进行到最惊险的部分时响起了咚咚的鼓声. A drum roll preceded the most dangerous part of the performance.
他小心翼翼地沿著突出的檐向那惊惶失措的男孩靠近。 He eased himself along the ledge to reach the terrified boy.
晚霞;余晖日落后,天空中的大气所发散出的短暂光辉 The atmospheric glow that remains for a short time after sunset.
我们应该实事求是地先把费用算出来, 然後再做决定. We must be practical and work out the cost before we make a decision.
经理还没有想出一个适当的举措来减少多米诺效应。 The manager hasn't worked out a suitable action to reduce the domino effect.
我出身於工人阶级, 在上流社会中感到很不自在. With my working-class background I feel like a fish out of water among these high-society people.
由喙部为红色这一特点可以辨认出其为雄性(以区别於雌性). The male is distinguished (from the female) by its red beak.
我们的新洗衣机老出毛病--完全是因为做的质量太差。 Our new washing-machine keeps breaking down it's entirely due to shoddy workmanship.
你难道不能想出一个比`好'更恰当的字眼来形容你的假日吗? Can't you think of a better word than `nice' to describe your holiday?
喂,把桥牌轰出去吧;让咱们找个更愉快的方式一同难受好了。 I say banishing bridge; let's find some pleasant way of being miserable together.
我得出去进修一个星期——经理今天早晨突然向我宣布此事。 I've got to go away for a week on a training course-the manager sprang it on me this morning.
灵魂出窍,亡魂显现活着的人在其临死前出现的作为预兆的鬼魂 An apparition of a living person that appears as a portent just before that person's death.
积累而成的,累积的以积累效果为特征的或者表现出积累效果的;累积的 Characterized by or showing the effects of accumulation; cumulative.
在一次教会举办的专题座谈会上,有数百名妇女出席讨论堕胎问题。 At a church rap session a few hundred women came to talk about their abortions.
武夷红茶,红茶一种中国红茶,起初是精选出来的高等级品,后来质量较差 A black Chinese tea, originally the choicest grade but later an inferior variety.
前年夏天它就坏了。虽然我早就许诺过我自己修,但是我从未腾出空来。 It had broken down the previous summer, and though I promised to repair it, I had never got round to it.
大型电子工业公司研制出了电视, 但这有赖於贝尔德的实验为此指出了方向. Large electronics companies developed television, but Baird pointed the way with his experiments.
你认为那个冬季——那个叫做不愉快的冬季——十之八九会现再次出现吗? Do you think there is a likelihood that winter-the winter of discontent as it was called-could be repeated?
那位百万富翁是从很少的钱开始的.但是在最充分利用机会方面表现出他的本领。 That millionaire started with very little, but showed a skill in playing his cards right.
他总吹嘘自己在网球场上的杰出技术,可是帕姆毫不费力地连续数局败他,使他马上威风扫地。 He was boasting as usual about his prowess on the tennis court, but Pam soon cut him down to size by beating him effortlessly in straight sets.
贴在窗上的海报写着:所有的电冰箱、洗衣机和吸尘哭降价5%,许多其它家用电器也赔血本出售。 The poster on the window read:5% reduction on all refrigerators, washing-machines and vacuum cleaners. Many other household appliances at cut-throat prices.
合伙契约两个人或多个人签订的法律契约,每个人都同意为一个商业实体出一部分资金和劳力,从而每个人都可分享固定比例的一部分利润和承担固定比例的一部分损失 A legal contract entered into by two or more persons in which each agrees to furnish a part of the capital and labor for a business enterprise, and by which each shares a fixed proportion of profits and losses.
除了14行诗和其他诗体之外,莎士比亚的形式感隐蔽起来了,不存在着威胁。不论这一看法多么不对,它确实使这位紧跟在莎士比亚后面浮现出来的诗人一时生产一种幻觉:他可能是有惊无险。 Except in the sonnets and poems, Shakespeare's formal sense is disguised and does not threaten. No matter how wrong this idea might be, it does give the poet bobbing in Shakespeare's wake the momentary illusion that he might be waving instead of drowning.
显然,美国运通在罗宾逊离开以后将成为较小的公司。可能出售它的希尔森·里曼兄弟公司,放弃成为“财务超级市场”的梦想。公司的作风也可能改变-从一个贵族和官僚作风的帝国变成一个较为实事求是的公司。 Clearly, AmEx will be a smaller company in the post-Robinson era. It is likely to sell its Shearson Lehman Brothers division, giving up dreams of becoming a"financial supermarket." Company culture, too, may change, from an aristocratic and bureaucratic empire to a company that is more down to earth.
她出身高贵. She was a lady by birth.
他不是出卖我们的人。 He is not the man selling us.
这会儿我不想出去散步。 I don't feel like a walk just now.
那辆出租车飞快地开走了。 The taxi sped off at full speed.
她在危急关头总是挺身而出. She's always to the fore at moments of crisis.
小心--你要是出事故, 我要负责的. Be careful if you have an accident I'll be liable.
她在最不合适的时候讲出了实话。 She plumped out the truth at the oddest times.
他提出这种要求,只能说是正当的。 It's only just that he should claim it.
他从她那里问出了他所需要的信息。 He succeeded in eliciting the information he needed from her.
他没有钱, 所以, 他必定会出现的。 He hasn't got any money, so he's bound to turn up sooner or later.
我们本周有紧急任务, 所以人人都该出把力. We've an urgent job on this week, so it's (a case of) all hands to the pump.
他装作一本正经,可是你看得出他是在开玩笑。 He pretended to be serious, but you could tell that he had hi tongue in his cheek.
努力,尽力,出力 Exert oneself to do sth.
树木能结出果实. Trees bring forth fruit.
爱情自会寻出路。 Love will find out the way.
他经常出入于舞会。 He often shows up at balls.
请把行李预先送出. Send your luggage on in advance.
他显示出领导才能。 He shows quality of leadership.
他流露出傲慢的口气。 He had an arrogant tone of voice.
一本新书即将出版。 A new book is about to be brought out.
他提出一个无情的要求。 He made an inexorable demand.
鲜血从伤口中流出. Blood was welling(out) from the wound.
她眼中流露出调皮的神情. There was mischief in her eyes.
她两眼露出幸福的光彩。 Her eyes were sparkling with happiness.
男孩儿们恨不得马上就出发. The boys were champing to start.
她对我发出靠近她的暗号。 She made a sign for me to approach her.
从一副牌中任意选出一张 Chose a card at random from the deck.
给我一份打印出的统计资料. Get me a printout of the statistics.
警察让他出示身份证。 The police asked him to show his identity card.
他们出动军队包围了该城. They have surrounded the town with troops.
他觉得很难说出自己的感受. He finds it hard to say what he feels.
这场演出正在进行实况转播. This show is going out live.
一个新规则很快就要出台了。 A new rule will soon come into being.
子弹击中他时他疼得哼了出来。 He grunted as the bullet hit him.
这出新戏获得了巨大的成功。 The new play was a spectacular success.
全村的人都出来欢迎教皇. The whole village turned out to welcome the pope.
我父母向来不赞成深夜外出. My parents always frown on late nights out.
我们给她些压力她就会讲出来。 She'll sing if we put the pressure on.
夹叉射击按这种方式射出的炮弹 The shells fired in such a manner.
他给他们出主意怎样制止侵略。 He advised them how to stop the invasion.
四面八方立即伸出援助之手。 Offers of help are coming in thick and fast.
政府发出了预防水灾的警告。 The government put out a warning against flood.
这一小群人发出了刺耳的喊叫。 A ragged shout went up from the small crowd.
灯塔每一分钟发出两次信号。 The lighthouse flashes signals twice a minute.
她听到出事的消息吃了一惊。 The news of the accident gave her an unpleasant jolt.
我们已用白线画出运动场地. We have marked the playing area off with a white line.
她在工作中表现出高度的技巧. She shows a high degree of skill in her work.
他出身于一个小资产阶级家庭。 He came from a petty-bourgeois family.
你能觉察出他们之间有对立情绪. You could sense the antagonism between them.
不要这么赶,否则你可能会出事故。 Do not rush or you may have an accident.
他怕在所有朋友面前出洋相. He's afraid of looking foolish in front of all his friends.
反对党已对议案提出几项修正. The Opposition have tabled several amendments to the bill.
陆同志表现突出,是一个劳动模范。 Comrade Lu stands forth as a model worker.
移民局的官员将要求你出示证件. Immigration officials will ask to see your papers.
军队从山里开出, 进入宽阔平原. The army debouched from the mountains into a wide plain.
要正式提出投诉是有固定程序的. There is a set procedure for making formal complaints.
喷气式飞机正要起飞时出了事故。 The accident happened as the jet was about to take off.
凡是定长远的计画都难免出偏差. Long-term planning is always rather a hit-or-miss affair.
这个人显示出对戏剧界的守旧态度。 The man displayed provincial attitudes towards the theatre.
我带你出去用餐, 花费多少都无所谓. I'm going to take you out to dinner, no expense spared.
父亲答应让他的儿子单独出国旅行。 The father allowed (=permitted) his son to travel abroad alone.
这个房客因为没有交房租而被赶出去了。 The tenant was evicted for non-payment of rent.
这些音乐家作了一场绝对完美的演出。 These musicians gave an absolutely faultless performance.
我们出门散步时,孩子们总是落在后头。 The children always lag behind when we go for a walk.
要想召集会议什么的,就要出个通知。 If you want to call a meeting or anything, put up a notice.
这个会我来不了, 我让助手代我出席. I can't attend the meeting but I'll send my assistant in my stead.
背书小学生将已准备好的课文口头背出来 Oral delivery of prepared lessons by a pupil.
政府为到访的元首派出了武装卫队. The government provided an armed escort for the visiting head of State.
她很会让那些给她出难题的人自讨没趣。 She know how to score off people who ask difficult question.
根据出身不同而区别待人是不对的. It is wrong to differentiate between people according to their family background.
我在做出决定之前不得不再三考虑此事。 I have to turn the matter over and over before make a decision.
我深信每个人都是靠出卖什么东西生活的。 I am convinced(that) everyone lives by selling something.
他生病的整个阶段都表现出非凡的忍耐力。 He showed remarkable endurance throughout his illness.
你只要拉这个拉出器,就可以很容易地把罐头打开。 You may open the tin simply by pulling the puller.
当一行人到达月台上时,火车正从车站开出。 The train was pulled out as the party arrived on the platform.
她给你这份精美礼物足以表示出她对你的思念。 The nice present she gave you spoke volumes for what she thinks of you.
他表现出了事业有成的经理人员所具有的一切品质. He incarnates all the qualities of a successful manager.
石油化学制品从石油或天然气中提炼出的化学产品 A chemical derived from petroleum or natural gas.
我们自己无法做这项工作, 所以要承包出去. We haven't the resources to do the work ourselves, so we'll put it out to contract.
这个官员对穷人的需求表现出完全漠视的态度。 The official has shown a total disregard for the needs of the poor.
他们的动机很快就能看出, 完全是自私自利. Their motives, as will soon become apparent (ie as you will soon see), are completely selfish.
如果今年做出较大努力,我们有可能达到这个指标。 If we put in more efforts this year, we may be able to reach that mark.
长期地经验使他们能制订出一个正确和切实的方案 Long experience enabled them to hammer out a correct and practical scheme.
不要出难题了,我们必须赶五点钟前把这项工作干完。 Don't be awkward: we have to get this finished by five o'clock.
我想着重指出,我们愿意在任何时候与管理部门会谈。 I would like to emphasize that we are ready to meet the management at any time.
目前我不能出让那所房子, 此刻房价正在急剧上涨. I'd hold on to that house for the time being; house prices are rising sharply at the moment.
到目前为止,主席只能提出个大体规划,还不能很具体。 So far, the chairman has only been able to trace out the outline of the plan, without any details.
如果我们不能按期完成,我们可以分出一些工作给另外一个公司。 If we can't meet the schedule, we can hive off some of the work to another firm.
总统派出他的高级助手去组织安排对立派别之间的和平谈判。 The president has sent his top aide to master-mind peace negotiations between the opposing factions.
扩展器在某一给定范围的输入电压内产生较大输出电压的转换器 A transducer designed for a given range of input voltages that produces a larger range of output voltages.
他困得那副样子, 连汽车朝那房子开去时发出的声音都没能使他清醒. In his sleepy state, the sound of a car driving up to the house scarcely impinged on his consciousness.
学生需要有人指导他们来应付为他们所开设的一大堆课程,从中选出最适合他们的课程。 Students need someone to steer them through the mass of courses offered to them, to choose the best ones for their needs.
在你看来,停车时把汽车的保险杆部分突出在人行道上似乎是微不足道的,但就法制观念而言,这仍旧是一种犯法的行为。 Parking with your car bumper overhanging the pavement may seem trivial to you, but in the eyes of the law it is still an offence.
代际联系父母与后代之间亲密关系的形成过程,常常在孩子出生时就开始,是更深的感情联系的基础,影响着孩子的生理和心理发育 The attachment process occurring between a parent and offspring that usually begins at the time of birth, is the basis for further emotional affiliation, and influences the child's physical and psychological development.
血从伤口中涌出. Blood was pouring from the wound.
人们涌出了车站. People were streaming out of the station.
我出去疯狂地购物。 I went out on a shopping spree.
他出身于贫苦的家庭。 He comes spring in the poor family.
小丑扮出了可笑的鬼脸。 The clowns pulled funny faces.
他们爆发出一阵笑声。 They burst into a spasm of laughter.
大树小树都已长出嫩芽. The trees and hedgerows are in bud.
他被查出得了不治之症。 He was found in incurable disease.
冰山把那船撞出了窟窿. The ship was holed by an iceberg.
我偶尔晚上出去看看戏. I enjoy an occasional night out at the theatre.
股票按超出票面价值出售。 Shares are selling at a premium.
烟火炸开放出一阵火花. The firework exploded in a shower of sparks.
出版社侵犯了他的版权。 The publishing house infringed his copyright.
它已经超出法院的权限。 It has beyond the competence of the court.
烟囱里冒出来团团黑烟. Volumes of black smoke poured fromthe chimney.
烟从烟囱里一股一股地喷出来. Smoke puffed from the chimney.
她出于情感的缘故做了此事。 She did it for sentimental reasons.
他们订出了该城的防御计划. They planned the defence of the town.
灯塔在远处发出闪烁的光. A lighthouse was flashing in the distance.
汽车冲出路面,陷进沟里。 The car careered off the road into a ditch.
这个男孩表现出很高的智慧。 The boy evinces great intelligence.
她的眼里流露出受委屈的神情. Her eyes took on a hurt expression.
把你的游泳衣里的水拧出去. Wring the water out of your wet bathing costume.
他在自己的领域里已经出名了。 He has become famous in his own field.
她的声音中能听出有些颤抖. You could hear the quaver in her voice.
我推荐她代表我们出席会议。 I nominate her to present us at the meeting.
水从管道里通畅地流了出来。 A free flow of water came from the pipe.
该房供出售并能立即占有。 The house is for sale with vacant possession.
她出于虚荣心而嫁给了那个富人。 She married the rich man out of vanity.
猪肉炼出的油可用来煎炸食物. The grease from pork can be used for frying.
现在只有出现奇迹她才能得救。 Nothing but a miracle can save her now.
警察大批出动,以制止骚乱。 The police were out in force to stop any trouble.
小偷乘没人注意时溜了出去. The thief slid out (of the door) while no one was looking.
他的鞋子太重,脚上磨出了水泡。 His heavy shoes raised blisters on his feet.
她喘著气好不容易才说出了几个字来. She managed to gasp (out) a few words.
他惊讶得眼珠子差一点跳出来。 His eyes nearly jumped from their sockets in surprise.
公司冒险将产品削价出售。 The company took a gamble by cutting the price of their products.
人民不惜付出任何代价也要争取和平. The people wanted peace at any price.
他把诗中记得住的都背诵出来了。 He recited as much of the poem as he could remember.
我们要动动脑筋找出解决的办法来. We must apply our minds to finding a solution.
敌军推进时, 士兵都撤出了那地区. The soldiers evacuated the area as the enemy advanced.
在夜空的映衬下显出大树的轮廓。 The huge trees were profiled against the night sky.
有一只老虎跑出, 正在城里东逃西窜. An escaped tiger is roaming free in the town.
我正打算出去一会儿,可我舅舅来了。 I was just going out for a bit when my uncle came.
探照灯发出强光, 照亮监狱场地. The searchlights glared, illuminating the prison yard.
这所学校培养出了一些第一流的学者. The school has turned out some first-rate scholars.
做广告的根本目的是要多出售货物. The primary reason for advertising is to sell more goods.
他们出国时把家具送到仓库保管起来. They've stored their furniture while they go abroad.
我已经计算出你应分摊的费用是10英镑. I've worked out your share of the expenses at 10.
她在攀登过程中表现出极大的耐力。 She exhibited great powers of endurance during the climb.
我们焦急万分地等候医生做出诊断。 We waited in great suspense for the doctor's diagnosis.
她是出色的作家, 你不妨学学她的写作风格. She's a good writer: try to copy her style.
她透过雾眯着眼看,想找出正确的路。 She peers through the mist, trying to find the right path.
政府为修建医院拨出了大笔款项。 The government has appropriated a large sum of money for building hospitals.
因为气温很高,有大量空调售出。 A large quantity of air-conditioners has been sold since the temperature is high.
一声吼叫,呼地从林子里冲出一只老虎来。 Following the roar, out rushed a tiger among the bushes.
这出戏里有若干典型的斯托帕特式的场景. The play contains a number of typical Stoppard set pieces.
天亮之后,他们军队的部署就会显露出来。 Daylight will reveal the disposition of their troops.
他设法抓住悬崖表面向外伸出的岩石. He managed to hang on to a piece of rock protruding from the cliff face.
舞台灯光暗了下去, 这出戏的第一幕结束了. The stage lights (were) dimmed, and the play's first act was over.
若不立即签署合同我就撤回我提出的条件. Unless the contract is signed immediately, I shall withdraw my offer.
要照出清晰的照片,就要把焦点对准物体。 Bring the object into focus if you want a sharp photograph.
要写出好文章, 必须先从逻辑上理顺思绪. To write a good essay you must first organize your ideas logically.
参谋人员在地图上把这个地区精确地标了出来。 The staff officers mapped out the area thoroughly.
我一定是瞎了眼, 连我们身临险境也看不出来. I must have been blind not to realize the danger we were in.
她泪眼蒙蒙,几乎不能认出自己的儿子。 She could hardly recognize her son through the mist of tears that filled her eyes.
边缘地带刚刚超出或恰好在某特定地区的地带 A region just beyond or at the edge of a settled area.
他们极力装出情愿的样子撤回了反对意见. They withdrew their objections with as good a grace as they could manage.
老太婆一个个地数出三十便士给了售货员. The old lady counted out thirty pence and gave it to the shop assistant.
我们有个协议,不向对方的顾客出售货物。 There is an understanding between us that we will not sell to each other's customers.
我希望你们中能有足够的人手准备协助这场演出. I hope enough of you are prepared to help with the show.
宇宙是从一个本来就存在著的球体中产生出来的. The universe was created out of a primordial ball of matter.
该快餐店通过出售联营经销权而扩大了生意。 That fast food business have expanded through the sale of franchise.
她说她很难过, 但从她的眼神里却流露出她内心的喜悦. She said she was sorry, but her eyes betrayed her secret delight.
他雪天出门,裹着厚厚的围巾,穿着暖和的大衣。 He walked out into the snow, heavily muffled up in a thick scarf and warm overcoat.
首相对询问选举日期一事称尚未作出决定. Asked about the date of the election, the Prime Minister commented that no decision had yet been made.
市政当局要拆毁这些建筑物以让出地方修筑新公路。 The city will tear down these buildings to make room for the new highway.
一个外国人走近柜台,要求拿些明信片出来让我看看。 A foreigner came up to the counter and asked to be shown some postcards.
当他经过一个黑胡同尽头时,有一个人冲出来袭击他。 As he was passing the end of a dark alley, a man darted out and set on him.
弱者被逼太甚,也会进行抗争,你最好还是给她一条出路。 Even a worm will turn. You had better give her a way out.
有时候他的演说很成功,有时候却大出洋相,当众出丑。 Sometimes he is a successful speaker, but sometimes he lays an egg.
如果刷油漆用滚筒而不用刷子,那么刷出的面积要大得多。 The paint will go much further if you roll it on instead of using a brush.
威利玩他父亲的手枪时不小心走火了, 把墙壁打出一个洞。 Willie accidentally lets off his father's shotgun and made a hole in the wall.
你千万别穿戴成那样子出去. 那会让你祖母躺在坟里也不得安生. You can't go out dressed like that. It's enough to make your grandmother turn in her grave!
那项政策的失败使他们又回到若干时间以前提出的一项方案。 The failure of that policy threw them back on a scheme which had been put forward some time previously.
电视台为出现的干扰表示歉意,那是由于恶劣的天气状况造成的。 The television station apologized for the interference, which was due to bad weather conditions.
交割失信在股票或抵押品售出后,未能在规定日期内办理交接手续 Failure to receive the proceeds of a transaction, as in the sale of stock or securities, by a specified date.
副现象在一种疾病中出现的附带条件或症状,与该病无必要关联 An additional condition or symptom in the course of a disease, not necessarily connected with the disease.
别的男孩都叫汤米娘娘腔的男孩因为没有母亲在旁他就不肯出来玩。 The other boys called Tommy a mama's boy because he wouldn't come out to play unless his mother stayed near him.
这家小公司推出新产品获得成功,因为这种新产品恰好是大众所需要的。 The small company hit the mark with its new product because it was just what the public wanted.
最后公民们奋起反抗残忍的统治者们,将他们逐出国,并夺取了政权。 The citizens at last rebelled against their cruel rulers, drove them from the country and took power themselves.
她再与也不会干涉你了,你有了独立自主权,你已经有了你自己出入大门的钥匙。 She won't interfere with you any more; your independence is achieved and you have won your latchkey.
世界性的饥饿问题是个极其难以解决的问题,我恐怕人们在我这一辈子都找不出解决的办法。 The question of world hunger is a very hard nut to crack. I doubt if we'll find the answer to it in my lifetime.
无产阶级工业社会中挣工资的阶级,他们既没占有资本也没有生产资料,必须通过出卖劳动谋生 The class of industrial wage earners who, possessing neither capital nor production means, must earn their living by selling their labor.
那狗嗅出有老鼠的气味。 The dog scented a rat.
他是一个杰出的中国公民。 He is an eminent citizen of China.
他从未忘记过自己出身卑微. He never forgot his humble origins.
她一出生就受到天主教的熏陶. She was born and bred a Catholic.
一只狐狸从灌木丛中窜了出来。 A fox dart out of the midst of the thicket.
他们决定把小单元廉价出租. They decided to let (off) the smaller flats at lower rents.
他演奏钢琴时表现出极强的感受力. He plays the piano with great feeling.
他的声音在空荡的大厅里发出回声。 His voice echoed in the big empty hall.
出租人可驱逐不付租金的承租人。 The lessor can evict the lessee for failure to pay rent.
他颤抖的双手显示出他内心的恐惧。 His shaking hands showed his inward fear.
八条大道从广场呈辐射形伸展出去。 Eight roads radiate from the square.
他一听到汽笛声就立即走出船舱。 He made out of the cabin at once on hearing the siren.
我出门之前,把煤气的总阀关掉了。 I turned the gas off at the mains before I went out.
把瓶盖儿盖好, 要不汁液就洒出来了. Put the cap back on the bottle, otherwise the juice will spill.
我建议,就提出的协议拟定一个草案。 I suggest that a draft be made of the proposed agreement.
泥土被洪水冲走, 露出光秃秃的岩石. The soil was washed away by the flood, exposing bare rock.
鸽子被放出去传送发生叛乱的消息。 Pigeons were sent out to spread the tidings of rebellion.
警方掘出尸体, 发现有中毒的痕迹. When the police exhumed the corpse they discovered traces of poison in it.
我今年22岁了, 也就是说, 我是 1975年出生的。 I am 22, that is to say, I was born in 1975.
你那只狗竟然把我的水仙花全给扒出来了。 That dog of yours has been and dug up all my daffodils!
老虎逃出了动物园, 张牙舞爪乱窜了几小时. The tiger escaped from the zoo and ran amok for hours.
春季出口商品交易会在5月15日于广州闭幕。 The Spring Export Commodities Fair closed in Guangzhou on May15.
如果阁下愿意给我时间,我就能拿出证据来。 If your Lordship will give me time, I will produce the evidence.
俄罗斯队提出正式抗议,反对美国队的战术。 The Russian team entered a protest against the tactics of American side.
把你受伤的手指浸在消毒剂里,把毒浸泡出来。 Dip your injured finger in the disinfectant to soak out the poison.
吉姆的子女都成家了,他成天都呆在家里不出门。 Jim's children are married and he stays at home all the time.
公司发给汤姆一笔额外奖金以表彰他工作出色. The firm recognized Tom's outstanding work by giving him an extra bonus.
牛心形樱桃培育出来的大而甜的多种樱桃,多汁水果 A variety of cultivated cherry having sweet, juicy fruit.
对银行偿付能力出现恐慌更加速了经济的崩溃。 Fears about the solvency of the banks precipitated the great economic crash.
那些部队进入敌人领土所表现出来的放肆令人厌恶。 The license shown by the troops when they entered enemy territory disgusted everyone.
如若给以发展的机会,她是很可能会成为一个杰出的艺术家的。 Given the opportunity she might well have become an outstanding artist.
新闻界收集,出版,传播或播送新闻的媒体和机构的总称 The entirety of media and agencies that collect, publish, transmit, or broadcast the news.
她打开门,里面射出的灯光在她的身影四周镶了一圈黄色的边。 She opened the door, and the yellow light from inside rimmed about her.
这家公司廉价出售略好一些的次品,但将大多数次品丢弃。 The factory sells some of its better rejects cheaply, but it throws most of the rejects away.
假如高大的烟囱状通风管伸出海面的话,这条隧道的通风将是良好的。 The tunnel would be well- ventilated if tall chimneys were built above sea-level.
山自然形成的高出于地面的一块高地,占地广大,通常外侧陡峻且比丘陵要高 A natural elevation of the earth's surface having considerable mass, generally steep sides, and a height greater than that of a hill.
我展望前头,纽约的高楼大厦在我前面升起,似乎是从童话故事的篇章中出现的一座城市。 I look ahead, and before me rise the fantastic towers of New York, a city that seems to have stepped from the pages of a fairy story.
数据媒体的初始化,使某一特定计算机系统能将数据存在媒体中,随后又可从该媒体中检索出来。 The initialization of a data medium such that a particular computer system can store data in and subsequently retrieve data from the medium.
计算机在检查了16000种可能的设计方案之后,选出了以最低的成本生产最多化工产品的工厂的设计方案。 After running through16, 000 possible designs, the computer picked out the plan for the plant that would produce the most chemicals at the lowest cost.
祝福夫君生日快乐,你给流逝的岁月增添了醉人的情意,你让平凡的事情发出耀眼的光芒,感谢你已成为我生命中特别重要的一部分。 Happy birthday to my dear husband. You add a special happiness to days that come and go. You give an extra sparkle to the ordinary things. It's so nice to have you being a special part of my life.
犁一种农具,由在一根横梁端部的厚重的刃构成,通常系在一组牵引它的牲畜或机动车上,用来破碎土块并耕出槽沟从而为播种做好准备 A farm implement consisting of a heavy blade at the end of a beam, usually hitched to a draft team or motor vehicle and used for breaking up soil and cutting furrows in preparation for sowing.
谁把牛奶泼出来了? Who has spilt/spilled the milk?
终于播出相声了! The cross- talk is on at last!
牛奶沸腾得溢出来了. The milk is boiling over.
十天後出现了症状. The symptoms manifested themselves ten days later.
这小巷有车胎轧出的凹痕. The lane was rutted with tyre tracks.
螺栓折了, 轮子脱了出来. The bolt sheared (off) and the wheel came off.
火焰(从喷嘴中)喷出来了. Flames jetted out (of the nozzles).
水(从贮水池)缓缓流出. The water slowly emptied (from the cistern).
她脸上显出严厉、 木然的神情. Her face wore a grim, set look.
清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。 The clear water mirrored the blue sky.
那个贼偷偷(从後门)溜出去了. The thief slipped out (by the back door).
我把多余的房间出租(给房客). I let (out) my spare rooms (to lodgers).
桶的摇晃使一些牛奶溢了出来。 The sway of the pail cause some milk to spill out.
是什麽促使你做出这等蠢事来的? What induced you to do such a stupid thing?
唾液是由口腔的唾液腺分泌出来的. Saliva is secreted by glands in the mouth.
从他的说法中得出这种结论恰当吗? Is that a fair inference (to draw) from his statement?
你可曾想到被你最好的朋友出卖? Did it ever occur to you to be betrayed by your best friend?
他用一只手臂围住她做出保护的姿势。 He put his arm round her in a protective gesture.
他的内疚使得他把一切和盘托出。 His guilty conscience forced him to make a clean breast of everything.
他将管子里的最後一点牙膏挤了出来。 He squeezed out the last bit of toothpaste from the tube.
不同身份的、形形色色的人都出席了。 Divers persons were present, of all stations in life.
那农民耕地时挖出一个人类的头颅骨。 The farmer turns up a human skull while ploughs the field.
这间老房子的地板发出吱吱嘎嘎的响声。 The floorboards in the old house creaked noisily.
他们祈求上帝把他们从危险中拯救出来。 They prayed to God to deliver them from danger.
燃烧著的煤开始发出了黄色与橙色的火焰. The burning coals started to flame yellow and orange.
对原文的分析研究鉴定出作者是莎士比亚. Textual analysis identified the author as Shakespeare.
你要是以为我是出於私心, 那你就冤枉我了. You wrong me if you think I only did it for selfish reasons.
你应该给缝纫机上点油,以免发出轧轧声。 You should oil the sewing machine to stop the squeaking.
紧跟在他身後出现了一个带角的分趾蹄动物 Close behind him appear an animal with horn and cleave hooves.
她列出了我们要购买的东西--糖、 茶叶、 肥皂等. She enumerated the items we had to buy sugar, tea, soap, etc.
约翰逊上上下下打量了她一番,决定邀请她出去。 Johnson looked her up and down and decided to ask her out.
他总是含糊至极,写出的东西可谓“模棱两可”。 He is vague as may be; writing in what is called the"soaped-pig" fashion.
她从容地掏出钱夹付了一千镑现金, 多麽豪爽! She just took out her purse and paid a thousand in cash: what a cool customer!
今天气温有多少度? 五十几度(不到六十度[五十度出头]). How warm is it today? It's in the (high/low) fifties.
那调皮孩子哪儿去了? 我看, 他到哪儿也做不出好事来. Where's that naughty child now? I'm sure he'll be up to no good wherever he is.
即使灯泡中的空气被抽出,钨丝也会慢慢地蒸发。 Even with the air pumped out the bulb, the tungsten filament slowly vaporizes.
电视、广播或演出节目为舞台、银幕、电视或电台制作的作品 A work produced for the stage, screen, television, or radio.
劳动体力或脑力的运用,尤指出现困难或精疲力尽时;工作 Physical or mental exertion, especially when difficult or exhausting; work.
许多伟人曾经是贫苦、不足轻重的小孩。好汉不怕出生贱。 Many great men were once poor, unimportant boys. Great oaks form little acorn grow.
我得对他们说他们被开除了, 我总得替老板(出面)做这种倒霉事儿. I had to tell them they'd lost their jobs: I always have to do the boss's dirty work (for him).
约翰是一名出色的演讲者,他可以不费气力地把任何听众鼓动得激动若狂。 John is a good speaker. He can easily work any crowd up into a fever of excitement.
大型电子工业公司研制出了电视,但这有赖於贝尔德的实验为此指出了方向。 Large electronics company develop television, but baird pointed the way with his experiment.
他们保证该党一定把种族主义分子清除掉[把种族主义分子从党内清洗出去]. They promised that the party would be purged of racists/that racists would be purged from the party.
亨利认为他总是对的,如果有人敢于反驳他的话,他就摆出一副盛气凌人的架势。 Henry thinks he is always right and gets on his high horse if anyone dares to contradict him.
别取笑青年人的装模作样;他们只不过是为了找寻自我而逐一试装出各种面孔罢了。 Do not laugh at a youth for his affectations; he is only trying on one face after another to find his own.
奥布赖恩,埃德纳生于1932爱尔兰作家。作品包括孤独的姑娘和约翰我几乎认不出你了(1977年),探索今日爱尔兰的女性生活 Irish writer whose works, including The Lonely Girl(1962) and Johnny I Hardly Knew You(1977), explore the lives of women in modern-day Ireland.
我以为他母亲已去世,幸亏在我寄出吊唁信之前,我碰到了一个那天上午还在医院里见过她母亲的人,他使我避免了这场误会。 I thought his mother had died, but fortunately I met someone who'd actually seen her that morning in the hospital and he set me right before I sent off my letter of sympathy.
在足球锦标赛的最后3分钟时,两队还是不分胜负,突然切尔斯队的中锋非常出色地在罚球区之外将功赎罪球顶入了网内。 The two teams were drawing with only three minutes of play left in the Cup Final when Chelsea's centre forward pulled a master stroke and headed the ball into the net from outside the penalty area.
石脑油一种高度挥发性的易燃液态碳氢化合物混合物,从石油、煤焦油和天然气中提炼出来,并用作石油、溶剂和制造各种化合物中 Any of several highly volatile, flammable liquid mixtures of hydrocarbons distilled from petroleum, coal tar, and natural gas and used as fuel, as solvents, and in making various chemicals.
矫作物非正常出现而是由外界因素或作用所产生的一种结构或物质,如经固定后,在显微镜下才能看到的标本中的一种活生命组织中不会出现的结构 A structure or substance not normally present but produced by an external agent or action, such as a structure seen in a microscopic specimen after fixation that is not present in the living tissue.
她正想得出神。 She was in a brown study.
他让他的马退出了比赛。 He withdrew his horse from the race.
为了和平我们做出了让步. We made concessions for the sake of peace.
我想用加急电报把它发出。 I want to have it send by an urgent telegram.
这个男孩做不出这道代数题。 The boy can't figure out the algebra problems.
我将在这星期或下星期出差。 I will go on business either this week or next week.
本事不是天生的,是锻炼出来的。 Ability is not innate, but comes through practice.
机器出了毛病, 工作便停顿下来. Work was brought/came to a halt when the machine broke down.
他讲话中时而不自觉地冒出地方方言。 Every now and then he would lapse into the local dialect.
一个医生一天可能要给病人开出30张处方. In a day, a doctor may write (out) 30 prescriptions for patients.
我父亲刚出去散步,但半个钟点后就要回来。 My father has just gone for a walk, but he'll be back in half an hour.
从她的学习成绩单可看出她算术和生物成绩差. Her school report shows that she is weak at/in arithmetic and biology.
他将钟表里的发条取了出来,可现在装上不了。 He took the spring out of the clock but now he can't get it back.
我们绝少外出. We go out very seldom.
灯发出暗淡的光。 The lamp threw out a dim light.
我飞往东京出差。 I flew to Tokyo on business.
你必须为此付出代价。 You'll have to pay for that.
老狗学不出新把戏。 An old dog cannot learn new tricks.
这个公司出租房地产。 This company leases out property.
他用红笔画出三角形. He outlined the triangle in red.
他们乘出租马车去旅行。 They make a trip with a hackney.
她脸上流露出惊慌的神色 Her face registered dismay.
结果超出了我们的期望。 The results have gone beyond our hopes.
我恳求你不要出卖国家。 I conjure you not to betray your country.
警察系上皮带,走了出去。 The police belted up and went out.
香味从厨房飘了出来. Delicious smells were emanating from the kitchen.
她露出天真愉快的神态。 She shows a spontaneous gaiety of manner.
我开支票提出一百万美元。 I checked out one million dollars.
我出了一趟远门,很疲乏。 I'm tired out. I've had a long journey.
她对着镜子作出各种面容。 She was making faces in the glass.
这个问题又以新的形式出现。 The problem has assumed a new form.
法官将于明天做出判决。 The judge will give his decision tomorrow.
出版商们总吹捧他们的新书 Publishers who puff their new books.
她做出决定后立即感到后悔。 She immediately regretted her decision.
她用步子量出了花园的长度。 She paced out the length of the garden.
水手很利落地把绳子放出去了. The sailor ran the line out neatly.
她渐渐出落成美丽的姑娘。 She is growing into a beautiful young woman.
别空想了,还是从实际出发吧。 Stop daydreaming and be realistic.
他提出护送她,但她谢绝了。 He offered to be her escort, but she declined it.
我逐步构想出小说的情节. The plot for the novel gradually developed in my mind.
我得修改图表. 我出了点儿错. I'll have to alter the diagram. I've made a mistake.
要预测出谁将获胜是不可能的. It is impossible to predict who will win.
我因为严寒没出去看电影。 I did not go to the cinema because of the intense cold.
组织者熟悉国王出访的礼仪. The organizer was familiar with the protocol of royal visits.
极好的某种东西出奇地好或奇妙的 Something exceptionally exciting or wonderful.
我登台演出前总要温习一下台词. I always run over my lines before going on stage.
政府派警方出动恢复治安. The government ordered the police out to restore order in the streets.
她的女儿出落成一个漂亮的女孩。 Her daughter is blossoming into a beautiful girl.
这次考试之难出乎我的意料之外。 The exam is more difficult than I have bargained for.
他对我们提出的反对意见一概置之不理。 He waved aside all out objections.
那个地方在地图上以十字形记号标出. The place is marked on the map with a cross.
资方在与工人谈判中作出了让步. Employers made concessions to the workers in negotiations.
全体会员都被要求出席这次晚会。 It is requested that all members be present at the party.
超出费用实际费用超过预计费用量 The amount by which actual costs exceed estimates.
他出名是靠他的戏剧, 并不是靠小说. His fame rests more on his plays than on his novels.
他演讲的神态还显出有点缺乏自信. His public speaking manner is still not very assured.
我们的邮政系统临时出了一点小问题. There's been a slight hiccup in our mailing system.
她通过与几位诗人的交往而出名了. She became famous through her association with several poets.
人类已经学会如何从生铁制出磁铁。 Human beings have learned out how to make magnet of cast iron.
我们不可排除这孩子离家出走的可能性. We must not exclude the possibility that the child has run away.
他们大多数人是解放战争期间出世的。 Most of them came into the world during the War of Liberation.
石油输出国家组织冻结石油输出,价格看涨。 OPEC freezes output, sees prices easing.
她追问那小孩让其说出把包放到了何处。 She pumped out of the little boy where he had put the bag.
原油已经取代咖啡成为我们的主要出口货物。 Oil has supplanted coffee as our main export.
去年他被推选出席了先进工作者会议。 Last year he was chosen to attend a conference of advanced workers.
把我们的零碎东西收拾起来,出租车快来了。 Get our bits and pieces together. The taxi is coming.
老板因我不能找出差错而痛骂了我一顿。 The boss rapped me on knuckles for failing to spot the mistake.
推断由实际情况或证据而作出推理的行为 The act of reasoning from factual knowledge or evidence.
该地区的中立国为结束战争作出了努力。 Neutral state in the area have tried to bring an end to the war.
试用照相机斜著照, 照出来的相片更有意思. Try angling the camera for a more interesting picture.
我军收复了该市,但为此付出了沉重代价。 Our troops recapture the city, but they pay a heavy price for it.
世代相传的历代都出现的,历代都有此特征的 Appearing in or characteristic of successive generations.
这件事的两种说法有很大出入. There is (a) considerable discrepancy/There were many discrepancies between the two versions of the affair.
这个国家很大程度上依靠农产品的出口。 The country is heavily dependent on its exports of agricultural commodities.
在这张地图上长征路线是用红线标示出来的。 The route of the Long March is lined out in red on the map.
她的鲜红的帽子使她在姑娘们中间显得特别出众。 Her bright red had set her apart from the other girls.
他那语重心长的话语终于使对方说出了实情。 His words of sincerity and affection have at last drawn the badger.
如果货物品质不好,则理应向制造商提出控诉。 If goods were not well made, you shall complain to the manufacturer.
演出中有一次中场休息,让听众们稍事休息。 There is a break during the performance for the audience to take a rest.
我们的钱省著花要是能富余出来,我倒是很想去度假。 I'd love a holiday if our money will stretch that far.
我刚才只是主张应该外出就餐,以节省时间。 I am merely putt forward toe opinion(that) we shall dine out to save time.
正做出努力来宣扬总统在解决危机中的作用。 An attempt was made to play up the president's role in settling the crisis.
但我必须指出,我们的厂家手头上的过期订单很多。 But I must point out that our factory has a lot of back order on hand.
他摆出一幅笑脸,不过这似乎让他使尽了全身的气力。 He summoned up a smile, though it seemed to take all his strength.
这座工厂排出的化学物质改变了整个地区的生态. Chemicals in the factory's sewage system have changed the ecology of the whole area.
出名所付出的代价是不管你走到哪里,都会被人认出来。 Be recognized wherever you go is the price you pay for is famous.
假如查出你向该国走私货物,你的货物可能会被没收。 If you are caught smuggling goods into the country, they will probably be confiscated.
仅仅经过几天的训练,她的打字技术就达到极其出色的程度。 After only a few day's instruction, she got typing off to a fine art.
律师对那个要求提出异议,并力图证明它是一种无理的要求。 The lawyer contested the claim, and tried to prove that it was false.
假设已知一个物体的重量和比重,我们就能算出它的体积。 Granted the weight and the specific gravity of a body, we can calculate its volume.
这些领导可能会走出来,打出自己的旗号,并向群众大会演说。 The leaders may go out to show the flag and address mass rallies.
由于这位母亲为儿子照顾得无微不至,把他弄得没什么出息了。 The mother took so much care of her son, that she has make him be good for nothing.
但是我们不必象对待其他矿藏那样把人送下去将油取出。 But we do not need to send men down to get the oil out, as we must with other mineral deposits.
尽管被众人质问,但是这位领导人仍然表现出神气十足的样子。 Despite being heckled by the crowd, the leader bore himself with dignity.
如果他们拒绝很快地作出诚心诚意的道歉,我们只好起诉了。 If they refuse to make heart-felt apologies soon we will have to bring an action against them.
尽管几位名角演出都很出色,却未曾想竟让一名新秀抢尽风头。 Despite fine acting by several well-known stars it was a young newcomer who stole the show.
活页文选小短文或专题论文,常关于一个流行的题目,出版时未经装订 A short essay or treatise, usually on a current topic, published without a binding.
特写一种简要但有戏剧性的重要演员的出场,如动作画面的单一场景 A brief but dramatic appearance of a prominent actor, as in a single scene of a motion picture.
据说由于原材料市场上升且捉摸不定,制革商们不愿报出实盘。 The tanner is said to be reluctant to quote firm price because of a rising and uncertain raw material market.
平常的地下火车接近车站时,发出的声音可能是最大声的喷射机的两倍。 An ordinary subway train, approaching the station, can be twice as loud as the loudest jet.
儿子,别担心,作不出来就算了。告诉你老师,别忘了诗人是天生的,不是教出来的。 Stop worrying if you can't do it, son, and tell your teacher to remember that poets are born, not made.
由终端操作员或计算机发送的字符或其它的短报文,用以指出已经收到前一报文。 By a terminal operator or computer;to send a character or other message to indicate that the previous message has been received.
资方准备谈判工资问题,并且充分利用谈判带给他们的机会,提出劳动生产率的问题。 The employers were prepared to discuss wages, and they pressed home the advantage this gave them by raising the matter of productivity.
我了解你提出的这个计划的所有优越性,但是现在首要的问题是我们没钱投入,再说也没用。 I am aware of all the advantages of the scheme you propose, but we haven't the money to put down in the first place, and there's an end of it.
第二天早上我与妻子离别之时,我已经走出门外几步,她叫我回来,小声地对我说要多加小心。 My wife, however, next morning, at parting, after I had gone some paces from the door, called me back, to advise me, in a whisper, to have all my eyes about me.
本届政府并没有显示出应有的远见,应有的常识,不能看出这些人民正以伟大的战争来换取自由。换取更好的生活水平,过上好日子。 I don't think this Administration has shown the foresight, has shown the knowledge, has been identified with the great fight which these people are waging to be free, to get a better standard of living, to live better.
他连自己的五分钟时间都不愿拿出,证明他对这一个解决问题的方法不感兴趣,与前一段统计中不赞成这一同样用法的比率百分之九十三相比,没有什么大的差别 His unwillingness to give five minutes of his time proves that he is disinterested in finding a solution to the problem, a proportion that is not significantly different from the93 percent who disapproved of the same usage in an earlier survey.
通风设备出故障了。 The ventilation isn't working.
油灯发出柔和的亮光。 The oil-lamp sent out a gentle beam.
你的房间整洁得出奇. Your room is a marvel of neatness and order.
我母亲恰巧那天出去了。 It happened that my mother was out that day.
我正想洗出一两块抹布。 I just want to wash out one or two rags.
敬请您出席股东会议. Your presence is requested at the shareholders' meeting.
他神色紧张, 显出有罪的样子. His nervous looks condemned him.
她的眼睛里闪耀出激动的神色。 Her eyes kindled with excitement.
大浪在堤上冲出一个缺口. The huge waves made a breach in the sea wall.
我们出售的产品是各式各样的。 The products we sell are many and various.
他计算出他的资产和负债总和。 He summed up his assets and liabilities.
强迫的表现出或倾向于强制的 Characterized by or inclined to coercion.
我可以从她的眼睛里看出她的喜悦。 I can see her gladness in her eyes.
老板同意向罢工者做出让步。 The boss agreed to meet the strikers half way.
她不至于愚蠢到干出那样的事来。 She is not so foolish as to do that.
这些信流露出她的教养和才华。 These letters revealed her wit and civilization.
去年的出生人数大于死亡人数。 Last year there were many more births than deaths.
我们出国前匆匆探望了她一次. We paid her a fleeting visit before leaving the country.
法庭已经做出不合法杀害的裁决。 The court has made a verdict of unlawful killing.
他出示假证据,这就是蔑视法庭。 He gave false proof, which set the court at defiance.
辩护律师提出理由认为证据不充分. The defence argue/argues that the evidence is weak.
他就人权问题提出的抗议听来很空洞。 His protests on human rights sound hollow.
血液还能从身体组织里排出废物。 The blood can also export waste products from the tissues.
她为获得额外收入决定租出一个房间. She decided to rent out a room to get extra income.
必须对警方的权限作出明确的规定。 The powers of the police need to be clearly defined.
那台陈旧的发动机抖动著发出摩擦的声音。 The old engine ground and shuddered.
这一新方法用于从页岩油里提炼出石油。 The new process extracts oil from shale.
有一棵树横在铁轨上, 造成机车出轨. The engine was derailed by a tree lying across the line.
我们必须把公文归档工作弄出些条理来. We must get some method into our office filing.
疾病和衰老使她的模样变得认不出了。 Illness and age had changed her out of all recognition.
陪审团做出被告无罪的裁决. The jury returned a verdict of (ie reached a decision that the accused was) not guilty.
汽车放出的废气在污染我们城市的空气。 Gases from cars are poisoning the air of our cities.
我们向经销商出售汽车, 不卖给一般人. We sell cars to the trade, not to the general public.
他们气得拒不接受对方提出的妥协建议。 Out of pique they refuse to accept the compromise offer.
她作出的他此时已经死亡的推论是正确的。 Her deduction that he was now dead was correct.
她对他脸上露出的责备的神色感到惊讶。 She is astonished at the look of reproach on his face.
如果你匆匆忙忙地做事,那你就要出差错。 You make mistakes if you do things in a hurry.
陪审团根据证据作出结论, 认定她有罪. The jury concluded, from the evidence, that she was guilty.
他急匆匆地走出办公室,好象很生气的样子。 He hurriedly left the office as if angry.
既然大家都在,她不妨把想法都谈出来。 Now that they were all there she might as well speak her mind.
守门员用手掌将球托出了球门的横木。 The goalkeeper just managed to palm the ball over the crossbar.
在工厂后面的荒地上突然长出了草木。 Greenery has sprouted out in the waste land behind the factory.
我庆幸自己不必在天气这样恶劣的夜晚外出. I'm glad I don't have to go out on such a dirty night.
我每天尽量腾出一些时间锻炼一下身体. I try to set aside a few minutes each day to do some exercises.
有些报纸刊登出生, 婚姻, 死亡的通告. Announcements of births, marriages and deaths appear in some newspapers.
那位职员用算盘将上周的花销计算出来。 The clerk reckoned the expenditure last week with an abacus.
火山灰火山爆发喷射出来的粉末状颗粒物质 Pulverized particulate matter ejected by volcanic eruption.
科学家推算出宇宙飞船抵达月球的时间。 The scientists calculated when the spacecraft would reach the moon.
他在总统竞选中曾以改革者的姿态出现。 He have project himself as a reformer in the presidential campaign.
税率低而政府支出大, 结果出现预算赤字. Tax was low and state spending was high, resulting in a budget deficit.
妙语,俏皮话经常是即兴说出的机智风趣的话语 A clever, witty remark often prompted by the occasion.
这孩子偷偷摸摸地溜出了屋子, 走向游泳池。 The boy slipped out of the room and headed for the swimming pool secretly.
出示确凿的证据之后,对方不得不作出让步。 After being shown conclusive evidence, the other side had to back down.
在我们这个时代先进人物正在大量地涌现出来。 Advanced figures are emerging in multitude in this era of ours.
法院匆促做出的不公正裁决使这次审判形同儿戏. The unfair and hasty decision of the court made a mockery of the trial.
这一设计图纸还未画出就被认为不实用而遭废弃。 The design is scrubbed at the drawing board stage as being impractical.
你心地真好,在我出差期间照顾我年迈的外婆。 It's very noble of you to look after my old grandmother when I was out for business.
引出推论的表达推论的或置于推论前面的,用来修饰词语 Expressing or preceding an inference. Used of a word.
警方声称这男子是被谋杀的,但未提出任何证据。 The police alleged that the man was murdered but they have given no proof.
从这种药草提炼出来的精华对治疗高血压有效。 The essence drawn out from this medicinal herb is good for high blood pressure.
该养老基金在几家主要出售股份给公众的公司中均有股份. The pension fund owns shares in several major public companies.
所提出的事实会揭示社区中普遍存在的一种可悲的情形。 The facts quoted would reveal a sorry state of affairs in any community.
纵使大众也曾偏向正途也罢,那总是出于错误的原因。 If the multitude ever deviate into the right, it is always for the wrong reason.
由于这笔交易金额很大,买主在做出决定之前必须再三考虑。 As this transaction involve a very large sum, buyer have to think twice before deciding.
马克曾想谋求秘书的职位,但因提出太迟,错过了被考虑录用的时机。 Mark tried for the post of secretary, but was too late to be considered for it.
串联一系列部件或网络,其中每个部件的输出传递到下一个的输入 A series of components or networks, the output of each of which serves as the input for the next.
捏造,想象虚构的作品或托词,并不代表是真实的,而是被编造出来的 An imaginative creation or a pretense that does not represent actuality but has been invented.
一连串的持续跳动以数量短促而突然的变化为特征的一系列间歇性出现 Any of a series of intermittent occurrences characterized by a brief, sudden change in a quantity.
人言沉默是金,但这世界出产的顶尖蠢才们则对这问题未见有话说过。 Silence is said to be golden, but the best fool the world has has ever produced nothing to say on the subject.
当顺序写操作超出文件原长度时,在文件末端另分配给该文件的空间量。 The amount of space to be allocated at the end of a file each time a sequential write exceeds the allocated length of the file.
那家公司的今年年度预算出现亏损。因为公司时常出现赤字,不久将会关闭。 The annual budget of that company continues to show a deficit this year. It will go out of business because it is always in the red.
我已经注意到有些雇员上班迟到一个小时. 我不点出名字来, 但是要是你觉得我说的是你.... I have noticed some employees coming to work an hour late. I shall name no names, but if the cap fits....
脚注放在书或手稿的页底的注释,对文中的标明的一部分加以评论或引出参考书目 A note placed at the bottom of a page of a book or manuscript that comments on or cites a reference for a designated part of the text.
对于贵方的发票金额,贵方可开出以我方为付款人,自发票出具之日起三个月后付款的汇票。 For the amount of your invoice you may cover yourself by drawing upon me at three months from the date of the invoice.
边座,楼座剧院或大礼堂中为了增加座席,而从后面或侧墙突出的具有倾斜地板的上面部分 An upper section, often with a sloping floor, projecting from the rear or side walls of a theater or an auditorium to provide additional seating.
我们的房子只住我们两人实在太大了,所以我们利用周末抽空外出看看是否有合适的套房,想买一套。 Our house is too large for just the two of us and so we spent part of the weekend seeing over some flats with a view to buying one.
在一出极为成功的演出中,一位著名演员有一次被选派扮演一名贵族。这位贵族被关押在巴士底狱已20年了。 A famous actor in a highly successful play was once cast in the role of an aristocrat who had been imprisoned in the Bastille for twenty years.
验证协议的程序,它从一个给定的初始状态机械地产生出一切可以到达的状态,并且审查每一状态下用户定义的条件的有效性。 A program for protocol verification which mechanically generates all states reachable from a given initial state and checks the validity of user defined conditions in each state.
马克思列宁主义马克思主义的延伸,包含了列宁的帝国主义是资本主义的最终表现形式的理论,并指出了斗争中心从发达国家到不发达国家的转移 The expansion of Marxism to include both Lenin's concept of imperialism as the final form of capitalism and a shift in the focus of struggle from the developed to the underdeveloped countries.
他已潜逃出境. He absconded from the country.
他的下巴凸出很多。 His chin juts out rather a lot.
他呼出的气中有蒜味. His breath smelt of garlic.
禁止煤炭输出。 Prohibition was laid on the export of coal.
比分屡次出现平局。 The score was tied several times.
他以精力充沛而出名。 He was noted for his vigor.
在搏斗中打出了几拳. In the struggle several punches were thrown.
把这些捣乱分子赶出去。 Let's pitch out the troublemakers.
爱护的表现出父亲的慈爱的 Showing the affection of a father.
隧道的尽头露出了亮光. A light appeared at the end of the tunnel.
壁炉凸出在外,伸入房间。 The fireplace came out into the room.
出动了警察将集会驱散. Police were called in to break up the meeting.
他并未喝醉,而是茫然出神。 He wasn't drunk, he was goofing off.
那鸟在冰上啄出了一个洞. The bird picked a hole in the ice with its beak.
那人被驱逐出基督教会。 The man was excommunicated from the Christian Church.
那条狗在花园里刨出一根骨头. The dog scratched up a bone in the garden.
乌鸦啄出了那头死羊的眼睛。 The crow pecked out the eyes of the dead sheep.
男孩子们带着猎鹰出去打猎了。 The boys went hunting with their falcon.
父亲在花园里掘出一枚古钱币。 Father dug up an old coin in the garden.
我见过火山喷发出的熔岩流。 I've seen the stream of lava from a volcano.
部长被查出挪用了公款。 The minister was found to have appropriated government money.
商店连同其商誉一并出售. The goodwill is being sold together with the shop.
幸福的光芒从她的眼中散发出来。 Happiness radiated from her eyes.
对他贪污的控告已经提出. Accusations of corruption have been made/brought/laid against him.
血红蛋白尿尿液中出现血红蛋白 The presence of hemoglobin in the urine.
他被判犯有毒品罪而遭驱逐出境. He was convicted of drug offences and deported.
出版商付给他雇佣的文人很低的费用。 The publisher paid his hacks low.
禁止向16岁以下的儿童出售烟草. It's forbidden to sell tobacco to children under 16.
我们可以用一个筛子把石头分离出来。 We can separate the stones out with a sieve.
吉姆把他的一切支出都记在笔记本里。 Jim entered all his expenses in a notebook.
我无法把这颗螺丝钉从墙上取出。 I can't get this screw to come out of the wall.
医生给他打开胸膛并取出肿瘤。 The surgeon cut his chest open and took out the tumour.
她正在把米过筛,好把石头筛出。 She is sieving the rice in order to sieve out the stones.
他们俩都外出工作, 雇了个保姆看家. They both go out to work and have a nanny living in.
箱子突然打开,从里面蹦出只小狗。 Suddenly the box split open and a puppy jumped out.
酝酿了一会儿想法,然后把它宣布出来 Incubated the idea for a while, then announced it.
我的报销申请中包括 15 英镑杂项支出. My expenses claim includes 15 for sundries.
她忧戚的面容反映出她内心的思想。 Her sad looks reflected the thought passing through her mind.
第三天,他们就交出了两万箱鸦片。 On the third day, they handed over20000 chests of opium.
新的建筑物如雨后春笋般大批出现。 New buildings sprang up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain.
她开始与罗杰外出约会, 就把我撇开了. She gave me the elbow when she started going out with Roger.
在再装烟丝之前,他磕出了烟斗里的烟灰。 He knocked his pipe out before refilling it.
贼车被撞坏得很厉害,容易辩认出来。 The thieves' car was badly damaged and easy to recognize.
东道主队在6局中的击球打得十分出色。 The home team were very good at the bat for six innings.
防盗警报器一响,警卫就放出了警犬。 The guard loosed the dogs when the burglar alarm went off.
没渗出来了,因为没箱上有一个小洞。 The oil leaked away because there was a small hole on the tank.
他从一个害羞的人转变为出色的政治家。 He changed from a shy person into quite a politician.
她很会变魔术, 能从帽子里变出兔子来. She's very good at magic; she can conjure a rabbit out of a hat.
稻子经过收割,筛清和去壳以后才出售。 Rice is gathered, cleaned and hulled before being sold.
侦探根据所掌握的线索推断出作案的人。 Detective deduce from the clue who have commit the crime.
他从衣兜里拿出一些钱递给出租车司机。 He took some money from his pocket and gave it to the taxi driver.
士兵们用铁锹在丛林中开出一条道路。 The soldiers cut a passage through the jungle with their spades.
秋季来临时,玉米地里呈现出丰收的景象。 As autumn draws near, the cornfields show signs of ripeness.
她把棍子朝里面捅了好深,可是没有动物出来。 She poked the stick in a long way, but no animal came out.
他用两小时左右的时间草草拟出了故事的大纲。 He batted out an outline of a story in about two hours.
他因刺探该国海军基地的情报而被驱逐出境。 He was expelled from the country for spying on their naval bases.
杰克不小心出了差错,老板狠狠训了他一顿。 Jack's boss jumped all over Jack because he made a careless mistake.
这些细节原属秘密,可是不知怎么给泄露出去了。 The details were supposed to be secret but somehow leaked out.
要从小诗人那儿榨出钱来,得施行一次大手术。 It take a major operation to extract money from a minor poet.
大门锁上了,但是我们从篱笆的缺口中钻了出去。 The gate was locked but we went through a gap in the fence.
她杰出的才干已经由她获得迅速提升而得到证明. Her outstanding abilities were attested by her rapid promotion.
该杂志被归类成淫秽出版物,已被海关没收。 The magazine is classed as an obscene publication and seized by the customs.
螺纹接口用于接合电气装置和引出盒的螺纹接口 A threaded electrical fitting to connect a fixture to an outlet box.
在某种意义上说我同意您,但爱出名是人皆有之的。 I concur with you in a sense, but love of fame is universal.
一刹那间,他慈善的假面扔掉,露出了他的真面目。 For a moment his mask of benevolence fell and the real man was revealed.
砂矿开采地一个用来清洗出有用矿物的砂矿开采地 A place where a placer deposit is washed to extract its mineral content.
阐述教义无误的阐释有关信仰或精神的教义时不出错的 Incapable of error in expounding doctrine on faith or morals.
他若能买得起豪华的快艇, 就更能匀出钱来还债了. If he can afford a luxury yacht, then a fortiori he can afford to pay his debts.
不,我要去看一出国剧,比利昨天给我一张招待券。 No, I'm going to see a Chinese opera. Billy gave me a complimentary ticket yesterday.
塞口物,口衔强塞进嘴里或压在嘴上防止出声的东西 Something forced into or put over the mouth to prevent speaking or crying out.
盐是从海水中结晶出来的,这被视为一种物理变化。 Salt is crystallized from sea water, which is known to be a physical change.
归纳法由特殊的事实或例子推理出的普遍性规律的过程 The process of deriving general principles from particular facts or instances.
好几位国际知名人士出席了这位政治家的追悼仪式。 Several international celebrities are present at the statesman's memorial service.
如果说我们缺点不断出现,那么上帝的恩爱却定会永无止境。 And if our flaws are endless, God's love is truly boundless.
富豪,政治家在商业或政治上获得杰出成绩而闻名的人 One who is known for achieving excellent results, as in business or politics.
点射由于扣动扳机而从自动武器中射出的一定数量的子弹 The number of bullets fired from an automatic weapon by one pull of the trigger.
能被选拔出来代表国家参赛, 是多数运动员的最高荣誉. To be chosen to represent their country is the highest accolade for most athletes.
从简陋的设备起家,他们已生产出不少高质量的机器。 Starting with very simple equipment, they have produced a number of high-quality machines.
如果你们在墙板之间的空隙处糊上墙纸,空隙就看不出来了。 If you paper over the spaces between the wallboards, they won't show.
我刚提出筹集基金的问题, 他急忙插嘴说问题已经解决了. When I brought up the question of funding, he quickly interjected that it had been settled.
流行乐团迷跟随摇滚乐队巡回演出的迷恋者,尤指年轻女性 A fan, especially a young woman, who follows a rock group around on tours.
在师主力部队之前先行派出装甲车去侦察敌军的活动。 Armoured cars were sent ahead of the main body of the division lo spot enemy troop movements.
小心点,哈里,你再这样盯着别的女人,她会把你的眼珠抠出来。 Be careful, Harry, she'll scratch your eyes out if you so much as glance at another woman.
强盗把老人的胳膊一拧,老人立即把兜里所有的钱都交了出来。 The robber gave the old man's arm a twist, and he at once came across with all he money he had in his pocket.
我想我们今天的讨论大家都谈得差不多了。让我的秘书来送诸位出去吧。 I think that just about concludes our discussion. Let my secretary show you out.
人道主义,博爱精神对人类福利的关注,尤指通过慈善活动表现出来的 Concern for human welfare, especially as manifested through philanthropy.
卡祖笛一种当吹奏者向吹口处低吟或哼唱时一个膜能够发出声音的玩具乐器 A toy instrument with a membrane that produces a sound when a player hums or sings into the mouthpiece.
她用一个问答的方式引起她的演讲。这支乐队通过全国巡回演出来创下了自己的记录 She followed her lecture with a question-and-answer period. The band followed its hit record with a national tour.
盈亏平衡点尤指在出售货物或服务的水平上,投资的收益与投资的数量恰好相等的一点 The point, especially the level of sales of a good or service, at which the return on investment is exactly equal to the amount invested.
但愿上帝使我们不至于鄙视我们的统治者,更愿上帝使他们不至于作出我们禁不住要鄙视他们的行动。 Oh Lord, grant that we may not despise our rulers; and grant, oh Lord, that they may not act so we can't help it.
对比染色剂,对照染色剂一种对比颜色的染色剂,用来染制主染色剂染后显不出的显微术标本成分 A stain of a contrasting color used to color the components in a microscopic specimen that are not made visible by the principal stain.
三色性某些矿物质所具有的特性,当放在白光下从三个不同的方向观察,会呈现出三种不同的颜色 The property possessed by certain minerals of exhibiting three different colors when viewed from three different directions under white lights.
水冶金术通过液体过程,象过滤,提炼,沉淀等方法处理金属,从矿石中或矿石浓缩物中分离出金属 The treatment of metal or the separation of metal from ores and ore concentrates by liquid processes, such as leaching, extraction, and precipitation.
描述逻辑函数的一种表,表中列出输入值的全部可能组合,并列出与每种输入组合相对应的实际的输出值。 A table that describes a logic function by listing all possible combinations of input values and indicating, for each combination, the true output values.
库存品已经变质,而且全都搞混了,因此经理决定快刀斩乱麻,把它们当作废品出售,然后重新储藏新的物资。 The old stock had deteriorated and was all mixed up so the manager decided to cut the Gordian knot, sell it all as scrap, and re-stock with new materials.
最近几个月,泰恩经历了一系列失败的捕捞,老板对他非常不满,于是他决定在捕鱼季节结束前再一次出海。 For several months Tyne has had a run of disappointing catches, and his boss was quite dissatisfied with him. So he decides to make one more trip before the end of the fishing season.
如果这种婚姻出自一个女人的自愿选择,甚至是不顾亲友的劝告而选择的,那么就让她自己去品尝这枚果实的滋味吧。 But this never fails, if the bad husbands were of their own choosing, against their friends consent; for then they will be sure to make good their own folly.
磁控管一种微波管,它里面的发热阴极发出的电子受到磁场和电场的影响,从而产生能用于雷达和微波炉微波辐射 A microwave tube in which electrons generated from a heated cathode are affected by magnetic and electric fields in such a way as to produce microwave radiation used in radar and in microwave ovens.
中立船证由联盟的外国政府颁发给船只的一种官方文件,尤指战时授权中立商船在特定水城内自由进出和航行的文件 An official document issued by an allied foreign government to a ship, especially a neutral merchant ship in time of war, authorizing it to enter and travel through certain waters freely.
分析家说,通过影艺公司向哈考特提出的优厚条件似乎颇有成功的希望,并应可解除这家困难重重的出版商的庞大债务负荷,而使基本上健全的营业得到生机。 A sweetened offer for Harcourt by General Cinema appears to have a good chance of success, analysts said, and should give the troubled publisher a new lease on life by freeing its basically sound businesses from the burden of overwhelming debt.
因此,看起来政治家们取得了胜利。我惟一的想法是,他们为此付出了惨重的代价,未免得不偿失。世界上其他任何一个国家的政治家之间的分歧都没有这里的政治家之间的分歧那么大,那么公开。 So it looks as it the politicians have won. My only point is that it has been a Pyrrhic victory. In no country in the world are politicians held in greater or more open division than they are here.
以低于信号中最高频率两倍的频率进行信号取样时出现的一种效应,即当由取样状态还原时,还原后的信号将不再含有原来信号中的高频成分,并将显示出虚假的低频信号。 An effect that occurs when a signal is sampled at a rate less than twice the highest frequency present in the signal.The subsequent signal recovered from the samples will not contain the high frequency component of the original signal and will display a false low frequency signal.
她露出贪婪的表情。 She shows a covetous look.
温度计上显示出40C. The thermometer recorded 40C.
我的口腔出现了溃疡。 My mouth has an ulcer.
沼泽地里冒出了瘴气. A miasma rose from the marsh.
她出身於特权阶层. She came from a privileged background.
出事後他的左腿瘸了. The accident made him lame in the left leg.
你从前看过这出芭蕾舞剧吗? Have you seenthis ballet before?
他纯粹出於恶意抨击政府. His attack on the government was pure vitriol.
委员会什麽时候做出裁决? When will the committee give/make its ruling?
她最近出版的书论述14行诗。 Her latest book discourses upon sonnets.
博茨瓦纳的主要输出品是什麽? What are the chief exports of Botswana?
是什麽促使你推测出这样的结论? What made you conjecture that?
大雨过后,下水道溢出水来。 The drains overflowed after the heavy rain.
指定,指明指有;标明,指出 The act of designating; a marking or pointing out.
杰出的在同类中显著的;杰出的 Standing out among others of its kind; prominent.
他奋力开出一条生路;他奋战一生。 He fought his way through life.
你以後要为你的愚蠢行动付出 代价的. You'll pay later for your follies.
阿根廷是牛肉制品的一大出口国。 Argentina is a big exporter of beef products.
演出拖延很久, 最後总算开始了. After a long delay the performance finally started.
这老人想把痰咯出来但他不能。 The old man tried to spit up sputum, but he could not.
不好客的没有表现出好客的;不友好的 Displaying no hospitality; unfriendly.
金属门猛一关上时发出 光的响声. The metal door rang as it slammed shut.
他那彬彬有礼的举止显出他是个绅士. His polite manners bespoke the gentleman.
机车喷出一股蒸气後就停了下来. There was a puff of steam from the engine before it stopped.
她出身上层社会[她社会地位极高]. She's out of the top drawer/She's very top drawer.
农夫用镰刀在地里刈出一条路来。 The farmer cut a swathe in the field with his scythe.
不要逾期不缴房租, 否则会被逐出. Don't fall behind with the rent, or you'll be evicted.
海关查出了隐藏在货物中的海洛因. The Customs have found heroin hidden in freight.
他的谦逊[愉快的样子]都是装出来的。 His modesty [air of joviality] was all put on.
亟须找出解决方法, 这是鞭策他的动力. The need to find a solution urged him on.
她把全部存款取出後离开了那个国家. She withdrew all her savings and left the country.
由於技术上出现临时故障而发射延期. The launch was delayed by a technical hitch.
大选後有几位新议员脱颖而出. After the election several new Members of Parliament came to the fore.
他说:"我的竞选已始出现声势。" "There is momentum beginning to occur is my campaign, "he said.
巨大的,庞大的规模巨大或大得出奇的;巨大的 Of enormous size or magnitude; huge.
女王将爵士头衔授予几位杰出人士. The Queen conferred knighthoods on several distinguished men.
她为寻回遗失的手镯提出以酬金答谢. She offered a reward for the return of her lost bracelet.
我们能否确定这一犯罪动机是出於嫉妒? Can we assign jealousy as the motive for the crime?
你能辩认出这些潦草的字迹是什麽意思吗? Can you work out what these squiggles mean?
这些都是事实, 你能从中得出什麽结论? Those are the facts; what do you conclude from them?
马车翻了, 车上的人都(被)摔出来了. The carriage overturned and the passengers (were) pitched out.
女王将爵士头衔授予几位杰出人士。 The Queen conferred knighthood on several distinguished men.
最早的在时间和次序上首次出现的;最早的 Occurring first in time or sequence; earliest.
你怎麽竟然做出这种事? 你难道不知羞耻吗? How could you do such a thing? Have you no shame?
小职员迪克很快就被排挤出了这家店铺。 Dick, the junior clerk, was soon shouldered out of the shop.
那个胖子坐下时,旧椅子发出嘎吱的响声。 The old chair gave a groan when the fat man sat down on it.
他从政三十年之後,终於决定退出政坛。 After thirty years in politics, he is finally bowing out.
通行证可以自由出入的许可、票证或权力 A permit, a ticket, or an authorization to come and go at will.
最後总算把孩子从躲藏的地方都找了出来. The children were finally all winkled out of their hiding places.
水源,泉水从地下流出的地方;泉或喷泉 A place where water issues from the earth; a spring or fountain.
这些酒杯半价出售,因为玉上有瑕疵。 These wine glasses were sold at half price because of blemishes in the jade.
卓越的,杰出的以卓越或杰出为特点的;卓著的 Characterized by excellence or distinction; eminent.
电影胶片从卷轴滑出缠绕在放映机上了. The film flew off the spool and wound itself round the projector.
他们的儿子出世後他送给她一枚表示永恒的戒指. He gave her an eternity ring when their son was born.
你们有没有输出功率是一百五十(150)马力的? Have you got the one which has an output of150 horsepower?
由於全体演员的出色表演, 那出戏才获得成功. The play succeeded thanks to fine acting by all the cast.
向她索取的比帐单上显示的数额多出4英镑. She was charged an excess of 4 over the amount stated on the bill.
肆意地作出粗暴的行为;纵情享受最新时尚 Indulged in outrageous behavior; indulged in all the latest fads.
她出生後不久父母双亡,是由姑母抚养大的。 Her parents died when she was a baby and she was brought up by her aunt.
一个笨重的、凶恶的脑袋紧挨着艾尔的脸露出来了。 A heavy, evil head appeared, right next to Al's face.
珀尔不得不在放弃工作和雇保姆之间作出选择。 Pearl had to choose between giving up her job or hiring a nanny.
排出物从生命体排生物或废物,如脓、屎、尿等 Discharge or waste, such as pus or feces, from a living organism.
进口与出口的比例(入超)令政府担忧. The proportion of imports to exports (ie excess of imports over exports) is worrying the government.
人们通常认为基督时代是从耶稣出世开始算起的。 The Christian age is usually reckoned from the birth of Christ.
富孀,是惟一可以一流的价钱出售的二手货色。 Rich widows are the only secondhand goods that sell at first-class prices.
他批评以前的同事, 并非出於气愤而是为他惋惜. It was more in sorrow than in anger that he criticized his former colleague.
他在干一个有收益的副业----向游客出售明信片。 He runs a profitable sideline selling postcard to tourist.
黎明前,这个负伤的男人被神秘地带出了庄园宅邸。 Before dawn the wounded man is spirited away from the house.
她量出一定量的面粉、黄油和糖,开始拌做糕饼。 She measured out the flour, butter, and sugar and started to mix a cake.
史密斯先生将出任阿根廷大使的命令已经下达。 The decree has gone forth that Mr.Smith is to be the new ambassador to Argentina.
这孩子把关在笼里的鸟儿放出来,鸟儿吱吱叫着飞走了。 The boy set his caged bird loose, and it flew away chirping.
论点,主旨,主题标题当中显示出来的主题、论点或题材 A theme, an argument, or a subject indicated in a title.
暗号为通过岗哨而必须给出的秘密记号或口令;暗语 A secret sign or signal to be given to a sentry in order to obtain passage; a password.
他想让我接受贿赂--我但愿我决不至於做出这种低级的事. He tried to make me accept a bribe I hope I would never stoop so low.
我头脑[记忆]里(完全)是一片空白--连一个答案也想不出. My mind/memory was a (complete) blank I couldn't think of a single answer.
帆下桁从桅杆上伸出的长杆,用来支撑或伸展帆的下端 A long spar extending from a mast to hold or extend the foot of a sail.
马赫先生从抽屉里拿出一条链子,链子一头挂着一串钥匙。 From the drawer Mr Mach took out a chain, with a bunch of keys dangling at its end.
金属箔片为迷惑敌人雷达而从飞机上扔出的金属薄片;金属箔片 Strips of foil dropped from an aircraft to confuse enemy radar; chaff.
先用尺在纸上划出方格,这样你就能把图精确地摹绘下来了。 Square the page off with your ruler, then you'll be able to copy the drawing accurately.
由於发动机突然出现故障, 飞行员不得不(在爱尔兰海上)紧急降落. A sudden engine failure forced the pilot to ditch (in the Irish Sea).
英国广播公司在播放那部电视连续剧以後,即将出版一部有关的书。 As a follow-up to the television series the BBC is publishing a book.
自从某寄宿学校传出有人吸毒之後, 高年级有几个男生已被开除. Following reports of drug-taking at a boarding-school, several senior boys have been expelled.
大门一种构造,可被摇晃、牵引或降低,从而堵塞一出口或一过道 A structure that can be swung, drawn, or lowered to block an entrance or a passageway.
调查人员在飞机残骸中搜索, 希望找出造成这一悲惨事件的原因. Investigators are searching the wreckage of the plane to try and find the cause of the tragedy.
律师的生意是:质问一切事情、得不出任何结果、而按钟点收费说话。 It is the trade of lawyers to question everything, yield nothing, and to talk by the hour.
他没有足够的肉体来大大方方地遮掩其精神;他的才智突出得不像样子。 He has not body enough to cover his mind decently; his intellect is improperly exposed.
事件剧一种即兴的、通常是自发的、尤指由观众参与的场景或演出 An improvised, often spontaneous spectacle or performance, especially one involving audience participation.
海上养殖在海洋生物的天然栖息地养殖这些生物,通常是出于商业目的 Cultivation of marine organisms in their natural habitats, usually for commercial purposes.
还从没有一个出版商主动来与我接洽,这种屈尊有点让我受宠若惊。 I had never been spontaneously approached by a publisher and such condescension rather turned my head.
解说员在伊丽莎白戏剧中朗诵序言和尾声以及有时关于演出评论的演员 An actor in Elizabethan drama who recites the prologue and epilogue to a play and sometimes comments on the action.
呼吸气量测定器;肺活量计用以测量肺部吸入或呼出空气的力量或体积的一种仪器 An instrument for measuring the force or volume of inspiration or expiration in the lungs.
场后围栏用于阻止球被投出或打出比赛场地的一种屏障或栅栏,如在棒球比赛中 A screen or fence used to prevent a ball from being thrown or hit far out of a playing area, as in baseball.
走读生凡拟在校用午餐者希于10时前通知总务管理员,今天你在家吃午饭还是出去吃饭? Non-resident students who wish to lunch in should inform the Bursar before ten o'clock.
羞怯的,局促不安的具有害羞的、胆怯的、不安的特征的,表现出此种特性的,由此种特性引起的 Characterized by, showing, or resulting from shyness, self-consciousness, or awkwardness.
我公司伦敦分公司向贵公司开出面额300,000元的汇票一张,兹同函奉上,请承兑后寄还为荷。 Enclosed we hand you a draft,$300,000, draw on you by our london house. kindly accept same and return.
计算机是一种快速、精确的符号加工系统,它能接收、存储、处理数据并产生输出结果。 A computer is a fast and accurate symbol processing system. It can accept, store, process data and produce output results.
诉讼要点,案情摘要包含与案件有关的所有证据、论点的文件,由律师出庭辩论时提出 A document containing all the facts and points of law pertinent to a specific case, filed by an attorney before arguing the case in court.
我们的全部电机都包换1年;如出现机械故障,任何有故障的零部件均由制造厂无偿更换。 All our electric motors are guaranteed for one year; in the event of mechanical failure, the makers will replace any faulty part free.
科伯,威廉1731-1800英国诗人,被认为是浪漫主义的先锋。他的最杰出的作品任务赞美了农村生活和休闲 British poet considered a precursor of romanticism. His best-known work, The Task(1785), praises rural life and leisure.
换码,转义,退出,逸出,中断执行尤指用来中断一条指令、停止程序运行或者在同一个程序中改变层次 A key used especially to interrupt a command, exit a program, or change levels within a program.
未来学一门以当前状况和趋势为出发点,对如科学、技术和社会潜在的发展作出预测或研究的学科 The study or forecasting of potential developments, as in science, technology, and society, using current conditions and trends as a point of departure.
动物优于人类的几点有:没有神学家为它们说教,殡殓不费分文,更无一个对其遗嘱提出诉讼者。 Animals have these advantages over man: they have no theologians to instruct them, their funerals cost them nothing, and no one starts lawsuits over their wills.
重组父母没有表现而其子嗣自然形成基因重组之现象,这是由于采用了杂交或独立分类的方法而出现的 The natural formation in offspring of genetic combinations not present in parents, by the processes of crossing over or independent assortment.
与电子业有关的另一项新发展是电子“中间站”的出现,这种中间站正开始在全国各地涌现出来。 Another development related to the electronic cottage is the emergence of electronic" halfway houses" which are beginning to crop up across the country.
抓钩,多爪锚一端有爪的铁矛,通常用绳子抛出并用来抓持和固定,尤指用于沿着边拖拽和固定敌船的那种 An iron shaft with claws at one end, usually thrown by a rope and used for grasping and holding, especially one for drawing and holding an enemy ship alongside.
我对艺术一窍不通,我没见过什么大人物,我也不进好裁缝铺,这些全与我无缘。我不是出自他所认为的社会上层。 I don't know anything about art, and I haven't met any grand people, and I don't go to a good tailor, and all that, I'm not what he calls out of the top drawer.
密耳长度单位,等于一英寸的千分之一(10-3)(0。0254毫米),如用来标明电线的直径或按页出售的材料的厚度 A unit of length equal to one thousandth(10-3) of an inch(0.0254 millimeter), used, for example, to specify the diameter of wire or the thickness of materials sold in sheets.
历史可以证明,德国人在1944年12月的反攻巴尔吉之战中使出了最后的力量,从那时起,他们的失败只不过是时间问题而已。 History may prove that in Dec.1944, the Germans shot their bolt at the Battle of the Bulge; after that, their defeat was just a matter of time.
闪光泡一种内部装有铝箔或镁箔的精细碎片的玻璃灯泡,用电点燃以发出短暂的高强度闪光,从而拍摄照片 A glass bulb filled with finely shredded aluminum or magnesium foil that is ignited by electricity to produce a short-duration high-intensity light flash for taking photographs.
印刻作用,烙印社会性动物生命早期出现的认知过程,通过与父母或一个其他角色模式的接触而形成的特别的行为方式 A learning process occurring early in the life of a social animal in which a specific behavior pattern is established through association with a parent or other role model.
盖鲁萨克,约瑟夫·路易斯1778-1850法国化学家和物理学家,析出硼元素(1809年),并且确切陈述了解释气体在固定压力下的表现方式的定律 French chemist and physicist who isolated the element boron(1809) and formulated a law that explains the behavior of a gas under constant pressure.
啤酒瓶底的沉淀物一到瓶颈部位,就不要往外倒啤酒了。此时你的一杯啤酒会金灿灿地发亮,酒泡鼓出酒杯口,而又不会溢出杯外。 As soon as the sediment starts creeping up the shoulder of the bottle, stop pouring. You should now have a glass of star-bright beer with a head(of foam) that stands proud of the glass but does not overflow.
除非某个心怀不满的大亨加以反对并威胁要退出,这样决定下来的名单就成了人名单。如果出现反对或退出的行为,那就称为“撕毁候选人名单”。 The list so settled it now a slate, unless some discontented magnate objects and threatens to withdraw. To do so is called"breaking the slate".
据悉,在审理戈蒂时,格拉瑟对联邦调查局、检察官、被告律师以及媒体毫不客气。他打了好几通电话给塞申斯,要他必须查出《每日新闻》的消息来源。 Glasser, who rode roughshod over the FBI, prosecutors, defense lawyers and the press during the Gotti trial, made a series of telephone calls to Sessions demanding that the sources for The News story be found, sources said.
虽然助选团故意贬低她的作用,可是她以她的长才试行州长的想法,挑剔他的理论,评论他的演讲,并且时常指出他竞选作业的弱点并予改正。 Although the campaign plays down her role, she is the talent that test-drives the Governor's ideas, punches holes in his theories, comments on his speeches and often identifies the weak spots in his campaign operation and helps get them corrected.