他在面对危险的时候表现出非凡的勇气。 He showed remarkable courage when he faced the danger.
他是个自命不凡的官员。 He is a pompous official.
凡有文化的人都该一读此书. Every literate person should read this book.
凡是漂亮的男子, 她见一个追一个. She runs after every good-looking man she meets.
凡是飞机驾驶员均应对乘客的安全负责. All pilots are responsible for their passengers' safety.
凡希望受到皇帝恩宠的人都要拜倒在他面前. Those who wished a favour of the emperor had to grovel on hands and knees before him.
这个凡人叫阿拉喀涅,她有一手非凡的纺织和刺绣本领,每当这位少女干活儿时就连林中和喷泉中的神女们也都拥来观看。 That mortal was Arachne, a maiden who had attained such skill in the arts of weaving and embroidery that the nymphs themselves would leave their groves and fountains to come and gaze upon her work.
在我看来, 凡是留须的人模样都很像. Men with moustaches all look the same to me.
凡是定长远的计画都难免出偏差. Long-term planning is always rather a hit-or-miss affair.
他生病的整个阶段都表现出非凡的忍耐力。 He showed remarkable endurance throughout his illness.
在办公室是熬过了平凡的一天后,我精疲力竭了。 After an ordinary day at the office I feel completely washed up.
凡是有正义感的人都一定会对这种暴行感到震惊. All ,right-minded people will be surely shocked by this outrage.
在某些国家,凡是同政府持有不同意见的人都被视为罪犯。 In some countries, people who disagree with the government are classed as criminals.
不停的动乱和日常生活的平凡活动看来会阻碍或者至少会使人不能安静地集中思考。 The incessant hurry and trivial activity of daily life seem to prevent, or at least, discourage quiet and intensive thinking.
凡得90分的学生列为甲等. A student who gets 90% is graded A.
具有不同凡响的深度和流畅性的一次钢琴演奏 A piano performance of particular depth and fluidity.
祝福夫君生日快乐,你给流逝的岁月增添了醉人的情意,你让平凡的事情发出耀眼的光芒,感谢你已成为我生命中特别重要的一部分。 Happy birthday to my dear husband. You add a special happiness to days that come and go. You give an extra sparkle to the ordinary things. It's so nice to have you being a special part of my life.
对於我们凡人来说,生活依旧。 Life goes on for those of us who remain here below.
平凡,琐屑平凡、琐屑的性质或状态 The quality or condition of being trivial.
人间,俗世世间凡人凡物居住的地方;凡尘世界 The realm of mortal existence; the temporal world.
她有非凡的自立的精神和坚韧不拔的精神。 She have an unusual degree of self-reliance and mental toughness.
全是狂人,不过,凡是能够分析自己的妄想者就被称为哲学家。 All are lunatics, but he who can analyze he delusion is called a philosopher.
【谚】凡事不可半途而废。 Never do things by halves.
这个错误证明他也是个凡人;人的脆弱 A mistake that shows he's only human; human frailty.
走读生凡拟在校用午餐者希于10时前通知总务管理员,今天你在家吃午饭还是出去吃饭? Non-resident students who wish to lunch in should inform the Bursar before ten o'clock.
最后,如果一个人竟能像《圣经》中的圣保罗那样,肯为了兄弟们的得救甚至甘于忍受神的诅咒;那么他就必定超越了凡人,而且有真正基督徒的品格了。 But above all, if he has St. Paul's perfection, that he would wish to be anathema from Christ, for the salvation of his brethren, it shows much of a divine nature, and a kind of conformity with Christ himself.