他坐在风口上,着凉了。 He sat in a draught and catch a cold.
下点雨会使我们感到凉快一些。 Some rain would cool us down.
我想进村林子里去凉快一下 I'm going into the wood to cool off.
他用自来水龙头流出的凉水把手洗干净。 He cleaned his hands in the cold water from the tap.
他们坐在凉亭里,边喝茶边聊天。 They sat in the arbor and chatted over tea.
在阴凉处休息会使你凉爽。 A rest in the shade will cool you down.
咱们去吃点冰淇淋凉快凉快吧。 Let's go and have icecream to cool off.
在凉爽的天气里轻松地散步令人心旷神怡。 A brisk walk in cool weather is invigorating.
因为天气热,她穿了一件凉快的衣服。 As it was a hot day she wore a cool dress.
傍晚时地面变凉。 The ground cools off toward evening.
水泥地没铺地毯, 我的脚感到很凉. The bare concrete floor was cold on my feet.
他用冰凉的手捧起一杯滚热的巧克力饮料。 He cupped his cold hands round the cup of hot chocolate.
那可怕情景使我的背脊发凉. The gruesome sight sent a shiver down my spine.
燕麦主要生长在气候凉爽的地区。 Oats mainly grow in cool climate.
我们享受着湖面上吹来的凉爽微风。 We are enjoying the cool breeze that comes from the lake.
我怕我是着凉了。 I'm afraid I've caught a chill.
不能让你着凉。快去把湿衣服换掉。 I can't have you catching cold. Run and change your wet things.
灰壤,灰化土一种淋洗的土壤,主要形成于阴凉而湿润的地带 A leached soil formed mainly in cool, humid climates.
一定要用毛巾把孩子们彻底擦干,他们浑身湿透了,说不定会着凉的。 Do towel the children down very thoroughly, they're wet to the skin and might catch cold!
杰克匆匆脱下衬衫和长裤,跳进凉水中。 Jack threw off his shirt and trousers and plunged into the cool water.
看到战争造成的荒凉,他感到触目惊心。 He felt startled when he saw the desolation caused by war.
过去荒凉的山村已发展成为欣欣向荣的人民公社。 The once deserted mountain villages have grown into a flourishing people's commune.
火车一开, 一阵凉风吹来, 我们顿感凉爽. As the train began to move a pleasant draught cooled us all down.
月球多石的、荒凉的表面 The rocky, desolate surface of the moon.
荒原荒凉、贫瘠或遭到毁坏之土地 Land that is desolate, barren, or ravaged.
那栋旧房子荒凉空洞地伫立着,像一堆废墟。 The old house stood gaunt and empty, a complete ruin.