领导做了英明的决定。 The leader made a sagacious decision.
他们决定开办一家合作社。 They decided to set up a cooperative.
我们决定立刻去火车站。 We determined to go to the railway station at once.
对我们来说,很难决定走哪一条路。 It was difficult for us to decide which road to take.
这个决定将被通知给所有直接有关的人。 All those who are immediately involved will be informed of the decision.
他决定到我们的岛上居住。 He decided to dwell on our island.
我们决定把婚礼推迟到明年。 We decided to delay our wedding until next year.
男孩子们已决定下个星期去露营。 The boys have decided to go camping next week.
等到我得知这项决定时,已经太迟了。 I wasn't informed of the decision until too late.
他们决定结束彼此的关系. They decided to end their relationship.
我们会把决定及早通知申请者。 Applicants will be notified of our decision in good season.
我们经济的决定性因素是控制通货膨胀。 The determinate factor of our economy is to control inflation.
我们若决定购买这座别墅,就得重新进行装修。 If we decide to buy the cottage we'll have to do it up.
他对他的决定很坚定。 He is unmoved in his decision.
我们决定开办一家合作社。 We decided to set up a cooperative.
我们非常后悔做此决定。 Bitterly did we repent our decision.
政策的条款是临时决定的. Points of policy are decided ad hoc.
我决定不再追查那事. I have decided not to pursue (ie investigate) the matter any further.
这个决定受他情绪的影响。 The decision was affected by his fluctuation of mood.
供求规律决定商品的价格. The law of supply and demand governs the prices of goods.
他决定开一间小规模杂货店。 He has decided to open a grocer store in a small way.
我们决定为我们的新产品做广告。 We decided to advertise our new product.
他们决定明天去田野里打野兔。 They decide to go potting at rabbits in the field tomorrow.
敌人在一场决定性的战斗中被击败. The enemy was defeated in a decisive battle.
他们决定将下一次会议的日期提前。 They decided to bring forward the date of the next meeting.
我们不必争论已经决定的事--只好听他的. Let's not argue the toss we have to accept his choice.
为发展业务, 我们决定开一家分公司。 With a view to develop our business, we decided to establish a branch office.
委员会决定取消对他那项计划的资助。 The committee decided to make a withdrawal of financial support for his scheme.
这个报告使整个方针发生了决定性的变化。 The report brought about a decisive change in the whole policy.
这套书出版以来,在市场上反应良好,我们决定推广这种学习方法。 The series of books gained applause. We decided to popularize the method.
决定大选的日期是首相的特权。 It's the Prime Minister's prerogative to decide when to call an election.
我们决定就工资问题与雇主谈判。 We've decided to negotiate with the employers about our wage claim.
我已经决定买一部脚踏车,不论贵不贵。 I have decided to buy a bicycle, whether it is expensive or not.
医生们进行会诊,决定是否需要动手术。 The doctors held a consultation to decide whether an operation was necessary.
在珠宝饰物的制造中,手工与艺术的结合决定了珠宝的价值。 The conjunction of workmanship and artistry in making jewelry decides the value of the jewelry.
董事会决定大规模生产这种汽车。 The board of directors made the decision to produce the car on a large scale.
他们的谈判简直就是一场荒唐的笑剧,因为他们的领导们早就作出决定了。 Their negotiations were a farce since their leaders had already made the decision.
董事会注意到维持有效通讯的需要,因此决定建立一个新的通信网。 Mindful of the need to maintain efficient communication, the board of directors decided to construct a new communication network.
他们以抓阄来决定谁先去。 They drew lots to decide which of them should go first.
综合各种因素之後她决定辞职。 A combination of factors led to her decision to resign.
我们要对文件仔细审阅後再作决定. The document will need a careful going-over before we make a decision.
校长决定开除该生以儆效尤. The headmaster decided to make an example of the pupil and expel him from the school.
我们应该实事求是地先把费用算出来, 然後再做决定. We must be practical and work out the cost before we make a decision.
我们来抛硬币决定谁先走吧,你是要正面还是要反面? Let's flip a coin to decide who should go first - do you want heads or tails?
他们决定夜晚进攻. They decided to attack at night.
我已决定购买那辆自行车。 I've decided to buy that bike.
他们决定要打破传统. They decided to break with (ie not observe) tradition.
当官的无疑将决定我们的未来。 Officialdom will no doubt decide our future.
我为她力争,以求改变决定。 I intervened on her behalf to try to get the decision changed.
这兄弟俩决定去美国碰碰运气。 These two brothers decided to go to America to try their fortunes.
对队员的挑选似乎完全是主观决定的。 The choice of players for the team seems completely arbitrary.
我在做出决定之前不得不再三考虑此事。 I have to turn the matter over and over before make a decision.
指挥官决定把大规模的进攻推迟到春天进行. The commander decided to postpone the big push until the spring.
他经过了几天的思想斗争,决定接受我的建议。 After tussling with himself for some days, he decided to accept my offer.
我并不了解讨论的情况,所以无法告诉你做了什么决定。 I was not privy to the discussion, so I cannot tell you what was decided.
附近的居民们一致赞成市政委员会关于关闭这座小印染厂的决定。 The residents in the neighbourhood all applauded the council's decision to close the small dye factory.
议会决定废除那项法令。 The Congress decided to repeal the law.
我们遗憾地把我们的决定通知她。 We informed her with regret of our decision.
商人决定用骆驼载运货物穿过沙漠。 The merchant decided to use camels to carry his goods across the desert.
经过慎重的考虑,我们决定接受他们的提议。 After careful consideration, we've decided to accept their offer.
我决定学摄影以便更能欣赏自然的美。 I've decided to learn photography in order that I may better appreciate the beauty of nature.
首相对询问选举日期一事称尚未作出决定. Asked about the date of the election, the Prime Minister commented that no decision had yet been made.
衡量驾驶员水平的决定性考验, 就是看他在紧急关头能否保持镇静. The acid test of a good driver is whether he remains calm in an emergency.
他们决定把小单元廉价出租. They decided to let (off) the smaller flats at lower rents.
我踌躇了一阵,还是无法做决定。 I faltered for a while and was still unable to make a decision.
只有一个枕头--我跟你掷硬币决定谁用吧. There's only one pillow I'll toss you for it.
不要轻率地奔赴险境,做任何决定之前都要认真想想。 Don't rush headlong into danger; think it through carefully before you make any decisions.
她先去请教顾问然後再来宣布决定. She withdrew to confer with her advisers before announcing a decision.
她决定在获得学士学位之後继续深造. She decided to pursue her studies after obtaining her first degree.
咱们在获取更多情报之後再做决定不迟. Let's postpone making adecision until we have more information.
你现在先别决定接受这项工作: 考虑一天再说. Don't say now if you'll take the job: sleep on it first.
约翰逊上上下下打量了她一番,决定邀请她出去。 Johnson looked her up and down and decided to ask her out.
他决定将全部东西—房子、家具、汽车统统卖掉。 He decided to sell the whole shooting match—his house, furniture and car.
阿诺德在预赛中跑得太好了,因此完全有把握赢得决定的胜利。 Arnold ran so well in the heats that it's a moral certainty he'll win the final race.
亨利八世决定开放若干公爵猎园,把它们改作更加有益的牧场。 Henry VIII decided to dispark the Duchy parks and turn them more profitably into pasture.
化合价,原子价原子或原子团与其它原子反映时由所失、增加成共享的电子数目决定的化合能力 The combining capacity of an atom or a radical determined by the number of electrons that it will lose, add, or share when it reacts with other atoms.
政府决定紧缩通货. The Government decided to deflate.
我决定当场立即就做。 I decided to do it then and there.
他决定单干创业. He decided to go it alone and start his own business.
她做出决定后立即感到后悔。 She immediately regretted her decision.
已经决定这本书要重新修订。 It has been decided that the book shall be revised.
他的律师决定向高一级法院上诉。 His lawyer decided to take an appeal to a higher court.
开会时间将由班长自行决定。 The hours of the meetings will be fixed at the monitor's discretion.
不同的礼节程度决定所需的确切表达方式。 The level of formality determine the precise mode of expression.
我们决定绕远路来, 为的是看看野外的景色. We decided to come the long way round in order to see the countryside.
乡村风光太美了,以致于他决定再多呆一星期。 The rural scenery was so beautiful that he decided to stay one more week.
她经验更丰富,这是她得到那份工作的决定性因素。 Her greater experience tipped the balance in her favour and she got the job.
那对新婚夫妇因缺乏坚实的经济基础决定实行计划生育。 The newlyweds decided to conduct family planning for lack of a sound economic base.
公司决定任命一位新司库。 The company decided to appoint a new treasurer.
农夫决定让土地休耕一年。 The farmer decided to leave the land fallow for a year.
这个党的核心成员决定一切。 The hard core in the party make all the decisions.
会所决定增加报刊订阅份数. The club has/have decided to increase subscriptions.
她为获得额外收入决定租出一个房间. She decided to rent out a room to get extra income.
政府决定对进口汽车征收保护税。 The government decided to impose a protective tariff on foreign cars.
由于这笔交易金额很大,买主在做出决定之前必须再三考虑。 As this transaction involve a very large sum, buyer have to think twice before deciding.
我们经充分讨论决定迁往牛津. After much debate, we decided to move to Oxford.
医生们决定为他开刀切除肿瘤。 The doctors decided to operate on him for the tumor.
我们来到了岔路口,不能决定走哪一条岔路。 We came to a fork in the road and could not decide which fork we should take.
库存品已经变质,而且全都搞混了,因此经理决定快刀斩乱麻,把它们当作废品出售,然后重新储藏新的物资。 The old stock had deteriorated and was all mixed up so the manager decided to cut the Gordian knot, sell it all as scrap, and re-stock with new materials.
最近几个月,泰恩经历了一系列失败的捕捞,老板对他非常不满,于是他决定在捕鱼季节结束前再一次出海。 For several months Tyne has had a run of disappointing catches, and his boss was quite dissatisfied with him. So he decides to make one more trip before the end of the fishing season.
他们最後毅然决定结婚. They have finally decided to take the plunge and get married.
我们旅行多年後, 决定在此定居. After years of travel, we decided to settle here.
遗传与环境可以决定一个人的性格吗? Do heredity and environment determine one's character?
他从政三十年之後,终於决定退出政坛。 After thirty years in politics, he is finally bowing out.
我们把硬币一掷(如以此法决定某事), 落下後是漫面朝上. We tossed a coin (eg to decide sth by chance) and it came down heads.
基督教加尔文派教义中上帝没有指明该诅咒的人,只决定了自己的选民 The Calvinist doctrine that God neglected to designate those who would be damned, positively determining only the elect.
除非某个心怀不满的大亨加以反对并威胁要退出,这样决定下来的名单就成了人名单。如果出现反对或退出的行为,那就称为“撕毁候选人名单”。 The list so settled it now a slate, unless some discontented magnate objects and threatens to withdraw. To do so is called"breaking the slate".