连长说军队生活可以使新兵锻炼得更坚强。 The company leader said that army life would toughen the recruits up.
共用餐者如在军队集体食堂里经常与某人一起用膳的人 A person with whom one eats regularly, as in a military mess.
军队在移动. The army is on the move.
军队是极其复杂的组织。 The army is an extremely complex organism.
敌人以强大的军队围困城市。 The enemy beset the city with a strong army.
服从命令在军队中是很重要的。 Obedience to order is very important in an army.
双方军队在边境的冲突引发了战争。 A border clash between the two armies started the war.
之后我们进一步巩固和扩大了我们的军队。 After that we further consolidated and expanded our army.
军队遇到强烈的抵抗。 The forces met with strong opposition.
入侵的军队将该城镇掠夺一空。 The town was pillaged by the invading army.
国家元首被军队废黜了。 The head of state was deposed by the army.
军队占领了敌国首都. The army occupied the enemy's capital.
他们出动军队包围了该城. They have surrounded the town with troops.
解放军队获得了大部分奖牌。 The army team carried off most of the medals.
军队正在把大量旧装备拍卖掉. The Army is auctioning off a lot of old equipment.
军队从山里开出, 进入宽阔平原. The army debouched from the mountains into a wide plain.
天亮之后,他们军队的部署就会显露出来。 Daylight will reveal the disposition of their troops.
军队按时沿边界巡逻. The army regularly patrol (along) the border.
调遣为了战略目的而对军队、船只或飞机部署的变化 A change in the location of troops, ships, or aircraft for tactical or strategic purposes.
军队正在进行沙漠作战演习. The army is on (ie taking part in) manoeuvres in the desert.
他的军队从来不向侵略者屈服。 His army never came under the yoke of invaders.
在那里驻扎大量军队会有一定的危险性。 Stationing large forces there would involve a considerable risk.
被击败的军队偷偷潜回到它在山里的据点里。 The defeat army slinked back to its stronghold in the mountain.