你应该立即申请, 亲自去也好, 写信也好. You should apply immediately, in person or by letter.
她曾经写信给马克吗? Has she ever written a letter to Mark?
玛丽写信时,孩子们在外面玩耍。 While Mary was writing a letter, the children were playing outside.
我希望你不曾因为我好久不给你写信而感到担心。 I hope you were never put out by my long silence.
他既没打电话又没写信,这使她难以撇开由此而产生的一种隐约的担忧心情。 She found it difficult to set aside a vague feeling of anxiety caused by his failure to call or write.
公爵用一根羽毛笔写信。 The duke wrote a letter with a quill pen.
给主教写信应该怎样称呼? What form of address should one use when writing to a bishop?
他们[他]写信表示感谢我们赠送礼物. They wrote to thank us/he wrote thanking us for the present.
既没打电话也没写信给我们;既非植物也非动物的生命形态 Has neither phoned nor written us; life forms that are neither plants nor animals.
他来时,我正巧忙着写信。 It happened/chanced that I was busy writing a letter when he came.
我已写信订购我在报纸广告上看到的那种灯泡. I've sent off for those bulbs I saw advertised in the paper.
她写信来咨询玫瑰花的栽培方法。 She wrote in for advice on how to grow roses.