气候影响了他的健康。 The climate affected his health.
我们都关心她的健康。 We are all concerned about her health.
吸烟有害健康。 Smoking is bad for the health.
吸烟对健康有害。 Smoking is injurious to health.
体育运动有益健康。 Athletic sports are good to the health.
吸烟对你的健康没有好处。 Smoking is not good for your health.
忧虑损害了她的健康。 Cares preyed upon her health.
让我为你的健康干杯。 Let me drink to your health.
他个子小但身体很健康。 He was small and healthily built.
我们要为新娘的健康干杯。 We must drink to the health of the bride.
他的肺部不健康. His lungs were unsound.
他仍是健康的典范。 He is still a fine specimen of health.
这男孩已彻底恢复健康。 The boy has quite recovered.
新鲜空气有益于健康。 Fresh air is beneficial to our health.
手术后他恢复了健康。 He regained his health after the operation.
他的健康状况时好时坏。 There are fluctuations in the state of his health.
新鲜空气和运动有益于健康。 Fresh air and exercise are good for the health.
他总的健康状况相当令人满意。 His general state of health is fairly satisfactory.
或许这些营养品对你的健康有帮助。 Maybe these nutrients are helpful to your health.
他病得非常厉害,不大可能恢复健康了。 He is very ill and unlikely to recover.
吸烟有害健康,这是大家公认的。 It is generally accepted that smoking is harmful to our health.
假期过后,我觉得健康恢复得相当不错。 I feel quite restored to health after my holiday.
许多危害健康的情况都与吸烟有关。 There are many serious health hazards associated with smoking.
看到他仍然像以前一样健康,真叫人安心。 It is a great relief to see him still as strong as he was.
水源污染已经达到危及居民健康的程度。 Pollution of the water supply reached a level pernicious to the health of the population.
这工作的附加福利包括一辆小汽车和免费健康保险。 The fringe benefits of this job include a car and free health insurance.
看见他的健康情况这样不佳,我很伤心。 It grieves me to see him in such bad health.
个人清洁对于健康和仪表同样重要。 Personal cleanliness is important to health as well as to appearance.
锻炼可增进健康。 Exercise promotes health.
健全的精神是与健康的身体不可分割的。 A sound mind is inseparable from a sound body.
以牺牲健康来求得工作上的成功是不值得的。 Success in your job is not worth the sacrifice of your health.
他不仅强壮健康,而且还很聪明。 He is not only strong and healthy but also very smart.
这件丑闻可以说明这个党在整体上不健康. This scandal will reflect badly on the Party as a whole.
成功的唯一途径是勤奋及过健康的生活. The one way to succeed is to work hard and live a healthy life.
良好的饮食有益於健康. A good diet conduces to good health.
假使一个人健康什麽事都能率得到。 Given good health, one can achieve anything.
她的病情终于宣告有了好转—不久就恢复健康了。 At last she was pronounced upon the mend and then convalescent.
我们应该更注重心理健康。 We should pay more attention to our mental health.
我盼望她很快会恢复健康。 I trust (that) she'll recover soon.
失去健康才知道健康的可贵。 We do not know the value of health till we lose it.
官方尚未就总统的健康状况发表公告. There has been no official pronouncement yet on the state of the president's health.
请勿在本店吸烟以利健康. In the interests of hygiene, please do not smoke in this shop.
多年的劳累和疏于保养损害了他们的健康。 Years of hardship and neglect had taken their toll.
虚报你的健康状况以获取廉价的保险是不对的。 It is not right to lie about your health to get cheap insurance.
吸烟有害於健康. Smoking damages your health.
你看起来多么健康啊! How well you look!
健康尤指身体或心智的健康;免受疾病或反常影响的 Soundness, especially of body or mind; freedom from disease or abnormality.