他开始对工作感到厌倦。 He began to weary of the work.
他最後厌倦了这种艰苦的尝试. Eventually he tired of trying so hard.
他因艰苦的工作而疲倦。 He is weary with hard work.
我厌倦了你那没完没了的牢骚. I'm tired of your unending complaints.
他疲倦得十页中犯了十个错误。 He was tired enough to make ten errors in as many (=in ten) pages.
听到新生儿的哭叫声,倦极了的母亲笑了。 The exhausted mother smiled at the wail of her newborn baby.
你工作得愈久,你愈会疲倦,那必然是真的。 It follows that the longer you work, the more tired you will be.
他厌倦了享乐。 He was satiated with pleasure.
那孩子又疲倦又烦躁不安。 The child was tired and fretful.
他很困倦,上课时候都睡着了。 He was so sleepy that he fell asleep during the class.
玛丽谈起她聪明伶俐的儿子从不感到厌倦。 Mary never tires of talking about her clever son.