这种食品应低温保存。 The food should be kept at low temperature.
我认为这些有趣的旧习俗应该保存下去。 I think these interesting old customs should be preserved.
日记簿用来保存个人经历记载的本子 A book for use in keeping a personal record, as of experiences.
他保存了很多剪报。 He saved many cuttings from newspaper.
把食品装罐加以保存。 Food is tinned to preserve it.
这些画保存的非常好。 The paintings were in an excellent state of preservation.
部落的知识和风俗口耳相传保存下来. Tribal lore and custom have been passed down orally.
夏天收获的大量水果可冷藏或装瓶装罐加以保存。 In the summer, large crops of fruit may be preserved by freezing or bottling.
你是把水果装在罐里保存呢,还是冷冻起来保存? Do you bottle your fruit or freeze it?
早期的手稿保存下来的不多. Few of the early manuscripts have been preserved.
抄袭者,起码也有保存文物的功劳。 Plagiarists, at least, have the merit of preservation.
某个具体事件发生次数的累计总数,作为事实记录保存。 The cumulative total of the number of times a specific event occurs, kept as a factual record.
如果放入冰箱的话,这种农产品可以保存更长的时间。我需要一辆经久耐用的汽车 Produce lasts longer if it is refrigerated. I wanted a car that would last.
有些猎获的飞禽一直保存到开始变质才烹制. Some game-birds are kept until they are high before cooking.