侦探特别强调细节。 The detective laid great stress on details.
公司雇佣了一名侦探来调查这次事故。 The company hired a detective to investigate the accident.
侦探根据所掌握的线索推断出作案的人。 Detective deduce from the clue who have commit the crime.
这个侦探试图查明都有谁参加了聚会。 The detective was trying to ascertain exactly who was at the party.
这个侦探反复琢磨想弄明白那个窃贼是怎样逃跑的。 The detective tried to reason out how the thief had escaped.
侦探们又开始在那楝房子警戒了。 The detectives resumed their vigil at the house.
那个流浪乞丐乔装得同侦探一样。 The tramp was none other than a detective in disguise.