所有这些完全都是多余的。 All this is totally unnecessary.
我们准备把多余的苹果全部送人。 We are giving away all our surplus apples.
往日激情将熄的余烬仍可从他的文章中看出来。 The dying embers of a former passion can still be seen in his article.
他是一个业余画家。 He is an amateur painter.
我们的水果充足有余. We have enough fruit and to spare.
我所有的业余时间都用在诗歌阅读上。 I spent all my spare time reading poetry.
我用业余爱好来消除工作中产生的紧张情绪。 My hobby is a good safety-valve for the tension that builds up at work.
他把空余时间都用在园艺上了, 没有任何其他爱好. He spent his spare time gardening, to the exclusion of all other interests.
我卖给你一本新的地理书,其余的钱你可以能够还的时候还我。 I'll let you have the new geography and you may pay me the remainder of the money.
我们班上有三十位学生,只有一位通过考试,其余都不及格。 We have 30 students in our class; one passed the exam, and the others (=the rest) all failed.
他是个业余摄影爱好者。 He is an amateur photographer.
有关方面就我的婚姻状况以及银行存款余额对我进行了详细的调查. I was subjected to a lengthy inquisition into the state of my marriage and the size of my bank balance.
一名匪徒在街上制造事端引人注目,其余匪徒则抢劫银行。 One of the gang create a diversion in the street while the others rob the bank.
那篝火只有余烬尚存。 Only the embers of the bonfire remained.
晚霞;余晖日落后,天空中的大气所发散出的短暂光辉 The atmospheric glow that remains for a short time after sunset.
结婚,是一本第一章以式写成、其余各章则以散文写就的书。 Marriage is a book of witch the first chapter being written in poetry and remained chapter in prose.
巴西有很多剩余咖啡。 Brazil has a big surplus of coffee.
把多余的杯子都重新装入箱中. Repack all the superfluous cups in the box.
把客人都挤在剩余的几个房间里了。 Guests were crowded into the few remaining rooms.
假如我有选择的余地, 我三十岁就退休. If I had the choice, I would retire at thirty.
领先者在其余赛跑者加速时就逐渐失去了优势。 The leader is losing ground as the rest of the runners accelerate.
她的细致工作使得其余所有的人自愧不如。 Her careful work put all the rest to shame.
老师删去这个学生文章中的多余内容。 The teacher pruned the student's article of its superfluities.
除了卖给国家的余粮外,这个大队还建立了自己的粮食储备。 Above the surplus grain sold to the state, the brigade built up a good grain reserve of its own.
我把多余的房间出租(给房客). I let (out) my spare rooms (to lodgers).
在源文件中,打印在相同栏内的若干正文行的集合。在当前栏内所剩余的纵向空间放不下既定一段正文时,则这段正文从下一栏开始打印[或印刷]。在单栏格式的情况下,下一栏便是下一页。 In a source document, a collection of lines of text to be printed in the same column. When the vertical space remaining in the current column is insufficient for the block of text, the text is printed in the next column. In the case of single-column format, the next column is on the next page.
我们的钱省著花要是能富余出来,我倒是很想去度假。 I'd love a holiday if our money will stretch that far.
装填物为了增加重量或尺寸或填满空余而加进去的物质 Something added in order to augment weight or size or fill space.
为确保乘客安全而不遗余力. Great pains have been taken to ensure the safety of passengers.
她将放在冰箱里的一些残余食物拼凑成一餐饭。 He made a meal of the odds and ends that were left in the refrigerator.
在分时系统中,终端和其它设备进行一次数据交换,从而完成一个特定的动作或产生一个特定的结果。例如,输入客户的存款金额并修改客户的余额。 In systems with time sharing, an exchange between a terminal and another device that accomplishes a particular action or result; for example, the entry of a customer's deposit and the updating of the customer's balance.
你的食糖有富余吗? Do you have any sugar to spare?
超额量超过正常或所需或数额的数量;盈余 An amount or quantity beyond what is normal or sufficient; a surplus.
贵方所订购货物之其余部分, 一俟我方进货即可供应. The balance of your order will be supplied when we receive fresh stock.