信封内装有几份附件。 There are several enclosures in the envelope.
请给我们公司寄一份详细的简历。 Please send a detailed resume to our company.
把这条句子的各个成份加以分析。 Analyze the sentence into its constituent parts.
这家工厂的所有女职工在三八节都得到了一份礼物。 All the female workers in this factory got a present on March 8.
我们送给那个可怜的小女孩一份生日礼物作为友谊的表示。 We sent the poor girl a birthday present in token of friendship.
他放弃了一份安定的工作而自己创业,表现出了极大的勇气。 He showed a lot of pluck to leave a safe job and set up his own business.
很遗憾,你没有得到那份工作。 I'm sorry that you didn't get the job.
她抬起头来,凝望着十二月份阴沉沉的天空。 She looked up staring at the sombre December sky.
她新找的这份工作星期六放假,而原来的那份工作周末是隔周放假。 She get Saturday off in her new job as against work alternate weekend in her last one.
你能不能派个助手来取这份档案? Can you send one of your minions to collect this file?
他把工资的一部份存起来。 He sets aside part of his salary.
他起草了一份讲话的概要。 He drew up a brief for his speech.
他是四月份搬进这所房子的。 He moved into this house in April.
我是这份报纸的长期读者。 I am a regular reader of this newspaper.
这份文件上盖有王室印章。 This document carries the royal seal.
她意外地发现了他的真实身份。 She stumbled on his true identity.
他叫秘书把文件复制一份。 He asked his secretary to make a copy of the document.
别降低身份为这事去跟她争吵。 Don't stoop to quarrel with her about it.
我通过职业介绍所找到了这份工作。 I got this job through an employment agency.
你得去上班了, 要不然就要失去这份工作了. You must go to work or ,else you'll lose your job.
他不会放弃任何机会以获得一份好工作。 He will in no wise give up any chances to get a better job.
把这份报告中的有关事项提交委员会讨论。 The relative items in this report will be submitted to the committee for discussion.
要使这份报告包括最新资料,我仅有几点事实需补充。 I have only a few additional facts to add to bring the report up to date.
你应该继续保留著石油股份. You should hold on to your oil shares.
请你把这封信复印一份好吗? Could you Xerox this letter please?
这份报告我只来得及浏览了一遍. I've only had time to dip into the report.
对这份工作, 我们接到400人的申请. We received 400 applications for the job.
喂,我要订一个(份)大的乳酪比萨。 Hello, I'd like to order a large cheese pizza, please.
报纸在印刷机上印出来後他拿了一份。 He took a copy of the newspaper as it come off the press.
你把议事日程表给(我)复印二十份好吗? Could you run (me) off twenty copies of the agenda?
这份色拉是由苹果、梨、土豆和芹菜做成的。 This salad is made of apple, pear, potato and celery.
假使她获得这份工作,那对彼得是当头一棒;他是拼命想得到这份工作的。 If she gets the job, that's one in the eye for Peter: he was desperate to get it.
他以主人身份接待来客。 He acted as host to visitors.
给我一份打印出的统计资料. Get me a printout of the statistics.
警察让他出示身份证。 The police asked him to show his identity card.
这份工作主要是行政性的。 This job is mainly administrative.
我们已经订阅了一份晚报。 We have subscribed to an evening newspaper.
待在像这样的地方不合我的身份。 I don't belong in the place like this.
她给你这份精美礼物足以表示出她对你的思念。 The nice present she gave you spoke volumes for what she thinks of you.
我失掉这份工作也没有关系,我随时都能再找到工作。 It's no skin off my nose if I lose this job, I can always get another one.
他大约十分钟就吃完了两份排骨和一满盘青菜,而且吃完还要。 He knocked off two chops and a plateful of vegetables in about ten minutes, and then asked for more.
她得到了一份新工作,这个月又连加三级工资。她在上头一定有熟人。 She has had a new job and three increases in her wages this month. She must have friends in high places.
他那份工作报酬甚微. He gets paid peanuts for doing that job.
那时他没暴露他的身份。 He didn't reveal his identity at that time.
该杂志的销售量为2000份。 The distribution of the magazine is 2000.
她的合伙人企图骗走她的股份。 Her partner tried to trick her out of her share.
这份手稿只有专家才看得懂. The manuscript requires an expert to understand it.
经理收到了二十份求职申请书。 The manager received twenty applications for the post.
申请这份工作的人数多得惊人. There were an astonishing number of applicants for the job.
承蒙足下推荐, 我已获得这份工作. I got the job on the strength of your recommendation.
议会对议案的数份修正案进行了辩论. Parliament debated several amendments to the bill.
别耽误了,现在就去索取一份免费的目录吧。 Don't delay. Write now for a free catalogue.
在演讲开始时,他总是先分发一份提纲。 At the beginning he would always hand out an outline of the lecture.
一家美国的大联合企业持有该公司的大部分股份。 An American conglomerate holds a major share in the company.
他还申请了另外两份工作, 以防这份工作面试不合格. He's applying for two other jobs as an insurance against not passing the interview for this one.
好战份子大肆宣传或欲鼓动起战争的人 One who advocates or attempts to stir up war.
该商行於八月份公布会计帐目. The firm publishes its accounts in August.
不同身份的、形形色色的人都出席了。 Divers persons were present, of all stations in life.
卢西塔尼亚古代一个地区,是古罗马帝国在伊伯利亚半岛的一个省份,大致相当于今天的葡萄牙 An ancient region and Roman province of the Iberian Peninsula. It corresponded roughly to modern-day Portugal.
干沙吸收水份。 Dry sand absorbs water.
他正起草一份计划。 He is drawing up a plan.
她对他们过份和气。 She lavished kindness on them.
我订阅了几份杂志。 I subscribed to several magazines.
这份职业具有挑战性。 This career offers a challenge.
本月份鱼供不应求. Demand for fish this month exceeds supply.
二月是一年的第二个月份. February is the second month of the year.
他向老板提交了一份报告。 He submitted a report to his boss.
一月份生产率达到最高点。 Productivity peaked in January.
正月是一年当中最冷的月份。 January is the coldest month in a year.
请把这份文件依次传递给他人。 Please hand on the document to others.
这份调查是真正内行人做的. This survey is the work of a real professional.
请替我把这份报告写一份摘要。 Please write me a summary of this report.
如果幸运的话,她将得到那份工作。 With luck, she will get the job.
稻子是大多数南方省份的主要作物。 Rice is the chief crop in most southern provinces.
她经验更丰富,这是她得到那份工作的决定性因素。 Her greater experience tipped the balance in her favour and she got the job.
不要过份相信陌生人。 Don't be too confidential with strangers.
他在千方百计谋求这份差使。 He is bucking for the job.
旅游业在八月份达到高峰。 Tourism is at its peak in August.
会所决定增加报刊订阅份数. The club has/have decided to increase subscriptions.
由于他是牧师,言行须顾虑到自己的身份。 As he is a parson, he has to respect the cloth.
对他来说,要得到那份工作,文凭是很重要的。 The diploma is very important for him to get the job.
他作曲家和指挥家的双重身份使他非常繁忙。 His dual role as a composer and a conductor made him very busy.
她挑拨两个对手相争, 自己却获得了那份工作. She played her two rivals off against each other and got the job herself.
他真是愚蠢,竟会拒绝做那份名报的新闻记者。 It is stupid of him to refuse a job as a reporter on that well known newspaper.
该养老基金在几家主要出售股份给公众的公司中均有股份. The pension fund owns shares in several major public companies.
他们正计划九月份访问巴勒斯坦。 They are planning to visit Palestine in September.
七月份最高温度可能达到36摄氏度。 The maximum temperature in July may be 36 Celsius degree.
一份最近的民意调查表明,大多数人对不断增长的犯罪率表示忧虑。 A recent survey of public opinion shows that most people are worried about the increasing crime.
雅典人不介意人家聪明伶俐,只要他只对他自己施展那份聪明伶俐的劲儿就行了。 The Athenians do not mind a man being clever, as long as he keeps it to himself.
它的用处是备份大量的数据或增加存储容量。硬盘的存储容量从几百兆字节不等。 Hard disks provide tremendous storage capacities ranging from hundreds of megabytes to several gigabytes.
她有公司的40%股份. She has a 40% holding (ie share) in the company.
女王授予他爵士身份。 The queen conferred a knighthood on him.
新工厂将於三月份投产. The new plant comes on stream in March.
你是说我务必去弄一份签证? Do you mean I have to get a visa?
十二月是一年的最後一个月份. December is the last month of the year.
你们是不是都得到了公平的一份了? Have you all had a fair whack?
你能否给我一份有规格说明的价目单吗? Can you give me a price list with specification?
固有的作为一种基本成份或典型特征而存在的;内在的 Existing as an essential constituent or characteristic; intrinsic.
我想我很可能得到这份工作, 可是假设鲍勃也申请的话, 那[他]可能使我的计画落空. I think I'm likely to get the job, but if Bob applies for it too it/he could queer my pitch.
参照今日和你方的谈判记录,兹随函寄上详细叙述订购卫生衣的订单2份,请查收。 Referring to my conversation with you today, I now enclose an order sheet for hosiery as specified.
福建中国东南部的一个省份,濒临东海和台湾海峡。经济以农业和渔业为主,省会为福州。人口27,130,000 A province of southeast China on the East China Sea and the Formosa Strait. Agriculture and fishing are important to its economy. Fuzhou is the capital. Population, 27,130,000.
减去食物与能源的费用以后——这两项每月可能大幅变动——成品制造价格指数仍以略快的速度攀升百分零点四,相形之下,四月份仅上升零点二。 After subtracting food and energy costs, which can vary widely each month, the Producer Price Index for Finished Goods still rose at a moderately fast clip of four-tenths of1 percent, compared with a two-tenth rises in April.