他们又提高了汽油的价格。 They have increased the price of petrol again.
我们跟服务员争执那顿饭的价钱. We argued with the waiter about the price of the meal.
你与其要他减价还不如求助于一棵树。 You might as well ask the tree for help as request him to reduce the price.
他欣然接受了我的报价。 He pounced on my offer.
谣传近期鸡蛋要涨价。 A rumor went forth that the price of eggs would be raised soon.
你若对我们的报价感兴趣,请与我们联系。 Should you be interested in our offer, please contact us.
好的水果冬天难得见到,而且价格昂贵。 Good fruit is scarce in winter and costs a lot.
你能告诉我这些鞋子的零售价吗? Could you tell me the retail prices of these shoes?
价格仍然在急剧上涨。 Prices are still spiralling.
这出戏得到很好的评价。 The play was very well reviewed.
石油的价格已经上涨了。 The price of oil has gone up.
这件衣服的价格太高了。 The price of this dress is unreasonable.
与其给折扣,不如减价。 Better reduce the price than allow a discount.
我认为这样的集会毫无价值。 I feel that such gatherings are worthless.
今年物价没显出多大变化。 Prices have not shown much variation this year.
供求规律决定商品的价格. The law of supply and demand governs the prices of goods.
西红柿的短缺提高了它的价格。 The shortage of tomatoes kept the prices up.
农产品价格的提高有助于农业。 High prices for farm products encouraged farming.
近来差不多样样东西都涨价。 In recent times the price of just about everything has gone up.
他们的研究项目实用价值很有限。 Their research project has limited practical utility.
我愿意接受此品种,因为价格合理。 I'd like to accept this item, seeing (that) the price is reasonable.
你收集到的大部分情报没有实用价值。 Much of the information you have gleaned is of no practical use.
商店趁一时缺货而提高价格从中获利。 The shop is cashed in on temporary shortage by raising price.
政府已经采取了措施以确保物价稳定。 The government has taken a measure to maintain the stability of prices.
我不计较价钱,只要车很好用就行了。 I don't care about the price, so long as the car is in good condition.
这些价值对于我们的生活方式是至关重要的。 Such values are central to our way of life.
这个价钱把全部固定装置和设备都打在里面了。 The price includes all fixtures and fittings.
由于目前的价格情况,我方不得不调整报价。 Due to the present price level, we cannot help but adjust our offer.
我们所有的建议都遭到拒绝,不管这些建议的价值如何。 All our proposals were rejected, regardless of their merits.
收成可能低于平均水平,请以同样价格再采购一些。 Crop likely below average will suggest renew purchase contract same price
这个城市在飞速发展,市中心的房地产价格越来越贵。 The city is developing rapidly and property in the center is becoming more expensive.
法郎的兑换价要调高. The franc is to be revalued.
股市上股票价格暴跌. Share prices tumbled on the stock-market.
这些圆珠笔零售价为70便士. These biros retail at/for 70p.
他们应该设法阻止价钱上涨。 They should try to keep prices from rising.
对我来说,价格太高是一个障碍。 The high price is a balk to me.
有迹象表明物价将上涨。 There are some indications that the prices will rise.
今日股票交投活跃, 价格看涨. Share prices were buoyant today in active trading.
这出戏公演时,当地报纸对它评价不佳。 When the play opened, the local press gave it the thumbs down.
这恰恰减低了他正在提倡的政策本身的价值。 It beggars the very policy he was advocating.
我不太懂得瓷器,估计不出这些盘子的价钱。 I don't know enough about porcelain to be able to price these plates.
通货膨胀率可能上升。如果是这样,物价就会上涨。 Inflation may be rising, if (it is) so, prices will go up.
某一时期的文学可反映出该时期的价值观念和审美观念. The literature of a period reflects its values and tastes.
史密斯先生不想因坚持按市价购进而失去做买卖的机会。 Mr Smith did not want to lose his market by sticking to having it at the market price.
在珠宝饰物的制造中,手工与艺术的结合决定了珠宝的价值。 The conjunction of workmanship and artistry in making jewelry decides the value of the jewelry.
史密斯悄悄地向地向拍卖人做手势,然后把出价又抬高了1,000元。 Smith signaled the auctioneer quietly and kicked the bid up another thousand.
物价渐趋稳定. Prices are steadying.
物价上涨引起了叛乱。 The rise in prices was a signal for rebellion.
感谢你方寄来的电冰箱报价函。 Thank you for your quotation for the refrigerators.
原料费用昂贵使得产品价格居高不下。 The high cost of raw materials is keeping prices up.
如果你作弊,考试及格也没什么价值。 There is little merit in passing the examination if you cheated.
旅馆的单人房间的价钱每天从20美元到50美元不等。 The tariff at the hotel ranges from 20 dollars to 50 dollars a day for a single room.
本星期买胡萝卜和洋白菜最合算,因货源充足,价格低廉。 Best buy of the week are carrot and cabbage, which are plentiful and cheap.
哎呀!没想到价格这么高! Dear me, I didn't know the price is so high!
这些衬衫的批发价是45美元。 The wholesale prices of these shirts are 45 dollars.
这种所谓的大减价不过是个骗局! This so-called bargain is just a con!
美元的买入价是100美元付864元人民币。 The buy rate of US dollar note be846 yuan per hundred dollar.
新建的发电厂能够满足我们对廉价能源的需求吗? Will the new power-station be able to supply our cheap energy requirements?
他们把通货膨胀大幅度增长归咎于石油价格的上涨。 They blamed the rise in oil prices for the big increase in inflation.
贴在窗上的海报写着:所有的电冰箱、洗衣机和吸尘哭降价5%,许多其它家用电器也赔血本出售。 The poster on the window read:5% reduction on all refrigerators, washing-machines and vacuum cleaners. Many other household appliances at cut-throat prices.
这些发现毫无价值。 These discoveries are not worth the candle.
我对他的功劳评价不很高。 I don't rate his merits very high.
这所房子应该卖个好价钱。 This house should fetch a good price.
从长远看, 物价肯定要涨. In the long run pricesare bound to rise.
无实质的,无价值的,无根据的 Lacking substance, value, or basis.
他在同事中受到的评价很高。 He is highly estimated among his colleagues.
这家饭馆的价钱对我来说贵了些. This restaurant is a bit pricey for me.
在过去十年里,物价一直在上涨。 Prices have risen steadily during the past decade.
这两种计算机价格没多大差别. There's not much difference in price between the two computers.
生产成本的增加必定使价格上涨。 Any increase in production costs is bound to send up prices.
这些商品现正供应不足,价格会上涨。 These goods are in short supply; the price will be high.
我不知道这件衣服的价钱,它的标签掉了。 I don't know the price of the dress; its ticket has fallen off.
大减价货物中最便宜的物品很快抢购一空. The cheapest articles at the sale were quickly snapped up.
价格的上涨与生产成本的增加成比例. The price increases are proportionate to the increases in the costs of production.
千万不要照牌价购买汽车, 总得讲讲价才是. Never pay the advertised price for a car; always try to bargain.
我对于这个价格既没有表示惊异,也没想接受。 I neither expressed surprise at the price nor attempted to accept it.
目前我不能出让那所房子, 此刻房价正在急剧上涨. I'd hold on to that house for the time being; house prices are rising sharply at the moment.
在软件产品评价技术中,对特定软件产品进行软件质量度量的活动。 In software product evaluation, the action of applying a software quality metric to a specific software product.
股票按超出票面价值出售。 Shares are selling at a premium.
公司冒险将产品削价出售。 The company took a gamble by cutting the price of their products.
人民不惜付出任何代价也要争取和平. The people wanted peace at any price.
以丧失独立来换取和平是极高的代价. Loss of independencewas a high price to pay for peace.
政府对每包香烟额外提价十便士. The Government has clapped an extra ten pence on a packet of cigarettes.
他提高售价以补偿材料增加的成本。 He raised his prices to offset the increased cost of materials.
为了获得他们的支持,任何代价均在所不惜。 No price is too high for winning their support.
如果我们不把价格压低,就甭想拿到订单。 If we do not keep the price down, go bang our chance of get the order.
若生产成本增加, 则价格也要相应提高. If production costs go up, there will be a pro rata increase in prices/prices will increase pro rata.
假使上天认为财富是有价值的东西的话,它就不会将之给予这样的一个恶棍的吧。 If heaven had looked upon riches to be a valuable thing, it will not have given them to such a scoundrel.
感谢你们使我的访问如此有价值。我将珍惜我们之间的友谊及你们给予我的盛情款待。 Thank you for making my visit so worthwhile. I shall treasure your friendship and kind hospitality you have given me.
上述价格不包括佣金在内。 The above price excludes your commission.
他们决定把小单元廉价出租. They decided to let (off) the smaller flats at lower rents.
廉价照相机的质量并总不比昂贵的差。 A cheaper camera is not always inferior to a more expensive one.
这个集邮迷决心无论代价如何都要搞到那枚稀有的邮票。 The stamp collector decided to get that rare stamp at all costs.
这家公司廉价出售略好一些的次品,但将大多数次品丢弃。 The factory sells some of its better rejects cheaply, but it throws most of the rejects away.
我不管目前化妆品的价格如何,这不重要,但你仍旧得不到更多的零用钱。 I don't care how much make-up costs these days. That's not the point; you're still not getting any more pocket money.
餐车饭店一种小型的通常具有柜台和座位的廉价的餐馆,并设计在类似于餐车的屋子中 A small, usually inexpensive restaurant with a long counter and booths and housed in a building designed to resemble a dining car.
古董由于年代久远而具有特殊价值的物体,尤指由于工艺,美观和兴起时期等方面受到重视的土产,家具或手工艺品 An object having special value because of its age, especially a domestic item or piece of furniture or handicraft esteemed for its artistry, beauty, or period of origin.
健全的身体比金冕更有价值。 A good healthy body is worth more a crown in gold.
值得嘉奖的值得奖励或称赞的;具有价值的 Deserving reward or praise; having merit.
这个宝石的价格十分昂贵--简直是个天文数字。 The price of this gem is expensive -- as much so as astronomical figures.
一位漂亮花园的资深培育者;进行有价值的公司联络的人 An inveterate cultivator of beautiful gardens; a cultivator of valuable corporate contacts.
化合价,原子价原子或原子团与其它原子反映时由所失、增加成共享的电子数目决定的化合能力 The combining capacity of an atom or a radical determined by the number of electrons that it will lose, add, or share when it reacts with other atoms.
为了加强数据的保护,防止非法的存取,用于评价计算机系统、存储空间和运行过程完整程度的一种指标。 A term applied to a computer system, spaces, or operating procedures when considering the protection of data from corruption or unauthorized access.
诊断通过评价病人的病史、体检情况和阅读试验数据的方式对人体机能进行检验或对人体引起病痛的原因进行鉴别的行为或过程 The act or process of identifying or determining the nature and cause of a disease or injury through evaluation of patient history, examination, and review of laboratory data.
现在的钢材涨价了。 Now the steel comes high.
这些货物定价过高. These goods are priced too high.
你必须为此付出代价。 You'll have to pay for that.
眼下物价高得上了天. Prices are sky-high at the moment.
那幅画一定价值连城. That painting must be worth a king's ransom.
重新评估重新估计或评价 A new appraisal or evaluation.
这些油田产的油以美元定价. Oil from these fields is priced in dollars.
我用这张通行证坐火车半价. This pass enables me to travel half-price on trains.
他把旧汽车折价添钱买了辆新型号的。 He traded in his car for a new model.
即使涨价后石油的消费仍在增长。 Consumption of oil increase even after it rise in price.
有道理,我认为那是非常公道的价格。 Fair enough, I think that's a very reasonable price.
这价格是合情合理的,因为质量极好。 The price is reasonable because the quality is super.
她把与顾客讨价还价看作自己的专长. She regards negotiating prices with customers as her special preserve.
房价稳定了几个月, 现在又上涨了. House prices, which have been static for several months, are now rising again.
石油输出国家组织冻结石油输出,价格看涨。 OPEC freezes output, sees prices easing.
我军收复了该市,但为此付出了沉重代价。 Our troops recapture the city, but they pay a heavy price for it.
您既然不能降价,那这笔交易不如就拉倒吧。 Since you cannot reduce the price, we may call off the deal(business) as well.
出名所付出的代价是不管你走到哪里,都会被人认出来。 Be recognized wherever you go is the price you pay for is famous.
评估对人及事物的质量,价值,重要性或量的识别 Recognition of the quality, value, significance, or magnitude of people and things.
女士们喜欢在自由市场呆上很长时间,同货主们讨价还价。 The ladies like to spend hours in the free market, bargaining about the goods.
计算机性能和价格关系的法则,即性能与价格的平方大体上相等。 A theory that the power of a computer is equivalent roughly to its cost squared.
这些附件及专用工具的费用应包括在该品目的基本价格之中。 The cost of these accessories and special tools shall be included in the basic price of the item.
和美国家庭的这种爱同时并存的是自强及独立的文化价值观。 Coexisting with such love in the American family are cultural values of self-reliance and independence.
我们调查证实过了。恐怕我将不得不取消这笔生意,除非您降价。 That has been confirmed by our survey. I'm afraid I'll have to cancel the deal unless you reduce your price.
指一个其价格已包含在计算机或产品的价格中的软件或硬件产品。 Pertaining to a software or hardware product that is included in the price of a computer system or product.
对如此大数量的订购,本公司希望以比价目表内所订价格为低的批发折扣来采购。 For an order of this large quantity we expect a wholesale discount off your price-list.
当我们查明何时有货,价格多少时,将立即通知贵公司,以什么价格可以成交。 As soon as the purchase is made, and the price ascertain, I will inform you at what they will be invoiced.
平价制度为保证在选定的基期内农民具有相同的购买力而主要由政府支持的农产品价格水平 A level for farm-product prices maintained by governmental support and intended to give farmers the same purchasing power they had during a chosen base period.
价格的起点是五镑。 Prices start at£5.
与你的财力相称的价格 Prices to fit your pocketbook.
他不惜一切代价帮助我们。 He spared no expense in helping us.
推销员拒绝讨价还价。 The salesman refused to bargain over the price.
降低,划减资产帐面价值的降低 A reduction of the entered value of an asset.
一旦价格回升,询盘将恢复活跃。 As soon as the price picks up, enquiries will revive.
市价已见回升,仓促处理掉,不足为取。 Hurried disposal unadvisable market recovery envisage.
他提高了售价以补偿材料成本的增加. He put up his prices to offset the increased cost of materials.
该项预测展望经济前景暗淡, 因而股票价格大跌. Share prices plunged as a result of the gloomy economic forecast.
该项预测展望经济前景暗淡,因而股票价格大跌。 Share price plunge as a result of the gloomy economic forecast.
欣赏意识或灵敏的感知力,尤其指审美品质或价值 Awareness or delicate perception, especially of aesthetic qualities or values.
因经济衰退状况终止有望,股票价格得以保持高位。 Share prices were buoyed up by hopes of an end to the recession.
鉴于你我双方长期的业务关系,我们可以考虑减价。 In view of our long-standing business relations, we can consider a price reduction.
减价销售原来预料要持续一周, 然而实际上现在已经结束了. The sale was supposed to last for a week, but for all practical purposes it's over.
日本一家公司同意就手表不精确向我们赔偿总价值的百分之四。 The Japanese Company agreed to compensate us for the defective watches by4% of the total value.
部分因为物价高涨,部分因为时机不好,生活真是愈来愈难过了。 What with the high prices, and what with the badness of the times, we find it hard to get along.
即使要求很高的市场对不同种类的商品,也需要有各种档次的货色和价格。 Even highly demanding markets require a wide range of quality and price levels for any group of products.
等值用不同种货币以一个固定的官方交换汇率表示的一定货币的等量价值 The equivalent in value of a sum of money expressed in terms of a different currency at a fixed, official rate of exchange.
发票为到岸价35英镑. The invoice was for 35 cif.
这家商店也销售廉价珠宝。 The shop sells baubles as well.
黄金和白银的起伏不定的价格 The fluctuating value of gold and silver.
价格在5英镑与6英镑之间波动. The price fluctuates between 5 and 6.
用廉价的仿制品骗不了行家. You can't fob an expert off with cheap imitations.
平均每天被窃取的货物价值为15英镑。 On average, 15 worth of goods is stole every day.
当地超级市场本周烘豆罐头大减价。 Baked bean is on offer this week at the local supermarket.
一有贬值的消息,股票价格就暴跌了。 Share price plummet or plunge on the news of the devaluation.
这不是原作,它只不过是廉价的复制品。 This is not the original; it's only a cheap reproduction.
含汞的与汞有关的或含汞的,尤指含一价汞的 Relating to or containing mercury, especially with valence1.
水银的与水银有关的或含水银的,尤指含二价汞的 Relating to or containing mercury, especially with valence2.
虚报你的健康状况以获取廉价的保险是不对的。 It is not right to lie about your health to get cheap insurance.
一枚钱币的内在价值是造这枚钱币的金属的价值。 The intrinsic value of a coin is the value of the metal it is made of.
您只要把我们的报价与其他供应商的开价相比较就会知道我方价格多么优惠。 If you compare our quotation with those offer by other supplier, you'll see how favorable ours be.
通货紧缩由于可获得货币和信贷的减少,导致消费品价格水平的持续下降或货币购买力的持续提高 A persistent decrease in the level of consumer prices or a persistent increase in the purchasing power of money because of a reduction in available currency and credit.
因此,看起来政治家们取得了胜利。我惟一的想法是,他们为此付出了惨重的代价,未免得不偿失。世界上其他任何一个国家的政治家之间的分歧都没有这里的政治家之间的分歧那么大,那么公开。 So it looks as it the politicians have won. My only point is that it has been a Pyrrhic victory. In no country in the world are politicians held in greater or more open division than they are here.
【谚】美德是无价之宝。 Virtue is a jewel of great price.
你以後要为你的愚蠢行动付出 代价的. You'll pay later for your follies.
他喝著廉价的香槟酒, 样子十分放荡. He was drinking cheap champagne with a raffish air.
你能否给我一份有规格说明的价目单吗? Can you give me a price list with specification?
面包、土豆及其他主食的价格继续上涨。 Bread, potato and other staple continue to rise in price.
面包、 土豆及其他主食的价格继续上涨. Bread, potatoes and other staples continue to rise in price.
这家公司估计这栋新房的造价为8,000英镑。 The firm estimated the cost of the new house at£8, 000.
经急剧通货膨胀之後物价现已趋於平稳. After a period of rapid inflation, prices have now reached a plateau.
经急剧通货膨胀之後物价现已趋於平稳。 After a period of rapid inflation, price have now reach a plateau.
这些酒杯半价出售,因为玉上有瑕疵。 These wine glasses were sold at half price because of blemishes in the jade.
我们双方都作些让步以弥合价格差距怎么样? How about meeting each other halfway to fill the price gap?
她要买店里最好的水果而(跟店主)讨价还价. She dickered (with the shopkeeper) for the best fruit.
贵方如愿意降价2%,我们就可能达成交易。 If you are preparing to cut down your price by2%, we may come to term.
富孀,是惟一可以一流的价钱出售的二手货色。 Rich widows are the only secondhand goods that sell at first-class prices.
因飞机票涨价, 他们在度假费用中向我们增收了10%附加费. They've surcharged us 10% on the price of the holiday because of a rise in air fares.
兹寄上经过修订的商品目录和价目表。有些可能对贵方合适。 I send you my revised catalog and price- list, in the hope that you may find something to suit you.
经过一段时期的波动后,预料伦敦市场的黄金价格将稳定下来。 Gold prices on the London market are expected to flatten out after a period of fluctuation.
对价,承诺被允诺、提供或做成的事物,它能使一项协议成为具有法律效力的契约 Something promised, given, or done that has the effect of making an agreement a legally enforceable contract.
汽车修理厂给我5英镑折价换取我的汽车旧电池,这使我比较容易接受得买一个新电池的事实。 The garage gave me five pounds for trading in my old car battery, which took the sting of having to buy a new one.
减去食物与能源的费用以后——这两项每月可能大幅变动——成品制造价格指数仍以略快的速度攀升百分零点四,相形之下,四月份仅上升零点二。 After subtracting food and energy costs, which can vary widely each month, the Producer Price Index for Finished Goods still rose at a moderately fast clip of four-tenths of1 percent, compared with a two-tenth rises in April.