公爵命令仆人把一封信送给国王。 The duke ordered the servant to send a letter to the king.
青年仆人正服侍他的主人进晚餐。 The young servant is waiting upon his master to have dinner.
她没有端著架子把我们当作仆人对待. She doesn't stand on her dignity and treat the rest of us as servants.
仆人唱名通报史密斯先生来访。 The servant announced Mr. Smith.
每一处农庄都有大批购买来的和配给的仆人从事开垦荒地。 For its rough cultivation each estate had a multitude of hand—of purchased and assigned servants.
她喜欢仆人前呼後拥地侍候她. She loves to have servants dance attendance (up) on her.