他们之间的交易告吹了。 The transaction between them was dismissed.
这家商店因公平交易而获好名声。 This store has an excellent reputation for fair dealing.
这一交易需经政府批准. The deal needs the government's seal of approval.
在今日的交易中, 日元已升值到历史的最高水平. The yen hit a record high in trading today.
他在股票交易中买卖精明, 赚了很多钱. His clever manipulation of the stock markets makes him lots of money.
他们拒绝同恐怖分子做交易,以免原则受到损害。 They refused to compromise their principles by doing a deal with the terrorists.
我们的商行正处在十字路口,倘若此番交易不能成功,我们将会破产。 Our business is at the crossing, if this deal does not succeed, we shall be bankrupt.
贵市史密斯公司希望与本公司开展交易,指定贵处为信用出证人。 Mr. smith co., of your city, desire to open an account with us, and have give us your name as a reference.
商品交易兴旺. Trading in commodities was brisk.
纽约是国际证券与股票的交易中心。 New York is an international mart for stocks and shares.
证券交易所的运作情况大多数人都不了解。 The working of the stock exchange is beyond most people's ken.
我们的商号正处在紧要关头: 倘若此番交易成功, 前途自无问题, 否则就要破产. Our business is at the crossroads: if this deal succeeds, our future is assured; if not, we shall be bankrupt.
他在这笔交易中的失利完全是由于他自己的粗心大意。 His failure in this transaction was due to nothing else than his own carelessness.
这笔交易完全是一个奇迹。 This transaction is nothing less than a miracle.
交易会将于5月19日开幕。 The fair was to open on May19.
交易会定于5月30日闭幕。 The Fair is scheduled to close on May30.
春季出口商品交易会在5月15日于广州闭幕。 The Spring Export Commodities Fair closed in Guangzhou on May15.
娱乐场,游乐场在商品交易会、狂欢节、马戏团或展览会所在地提供杂耍表演和其它娱乐活动的地方 The area of a fair, a carnival, a circus, or an exposition where sideshows and other amusements are located.
我相信通过双方的努力,交易往来定会朝着互利的方向发展。 I am convinced that with joint effort, business between us will be developing to our mutual benefit.
我们以批发交易方式进货. We buy our supplies wholesale.
作为交易方式, 支票已经很大程度地取代了现金。 Cheques have largely replaced money as a means of exchange.
您既然不能降价,那这笔交易不如就拉倒吧。 Since you cannot reduce the price, we may call off the deal(business) as well.
票据交换结算总额票据交换所中每天进行的交易总额 The total of claims presented daily at a clearing-house.
由于这笔交易金额很大,买主在做出决定之前必须再三考虑。 As this transaction involve a very large sum, buyer have to think twice before deciding.
空头支票代表虚构的金融交易的可转让票据,暂时用于维持信贷或筹集钱款 A piece of negotiable paper representing a fictitious financial transaction and used temporarily to sustain credit or raise money.
贵方如愿意降价2%,我们就可能达成交易。 If you are preparing to cut down your price by2%, we may come to term.
该珠宝公司不过是进行非法的钻石交易的幌子。 The jewellery firm is just a front for their illegal trade in diamonds.