我们的狗喜欢用嘴接饼乾. Our dog likes catching biscuits in its mouth.
他(用手巾)轻轻把脸拍乾. He patted his face dry (with a towel).
她把画儿上的一小部分擦乾净了. She cleaned a small segment of the painting.
这些儿童在早餐与午餐之间有牛奶与饼乾作点心. The children have a mid-morning snack of milk and biscuits.
井都乾了. The wells ran dry.
用这条毛巾把手擦乾. Dry your hands on this towel.
把饼乾放到上面的架子上. Put the biscuits on the shelf above.
你的大衣需要刷乾净, 上面满是灰尘. Your coat needs brushing down. It's covered in dust.
长期的乾旱之后有雨是一大慰藉。 It is a great relief to have rain after a long time of drought.
用放大镜把阳光聚到乾叶子上, 叶子就能燃烧. If you focus the sun's rays through a magnifying glass on a dry leaf, it will start to burn.
把这些乾豆子泡一夜. Leave the dried beans to soak overnight.
乾酪是固体,奶是液体。 Cheese is a solid; milk is a liquid.
由於乾旱, 农作物歉收. The crops failed because of drought.
他把衣服拧乾後晾到绳子上. He wrung the clothes (out) before putting them on the line to dry.
在乾旱时, 每天有几小时停止供应自来水. The water was turned off for several hours a day during the drought.
比赛是如此令人兴奋,以致我把即将来临的期末考忘得一乾二净。 So exciting was the game that I forgot all about the coming finals.
让碟子控乾. Leave the dishes to drain.
油漆未乾--请勿触摸. Fresh paint please do not touch.
剃刀锋利刮得就乾净. A sharp razor gives a close shave.
他把一小块乾净的布缠住脚腕. He wrapped a clean rag around his ankle.
她用抹布把房间擦得乾乾净净。 She went over the room with a duster.
我提议为新娘新郎的幸福乾杯. I should like to propose a toast to the bride and bridegroom.
我今天在厨房里做了一阵扫除, 现在确实乾净了. I had a blitz on the kitchen today, and now it's really clean.