牛奶可制成凝乳。 Milk can be made into curds.
尝一点儿这种乳酪吧! Just have a taste of this cheese!
喂,我要订一个(份)大的乳酪比萨。 Hello, I'd like to order a large cheese pizza, please.
这种酸乳酪不含人造香料或著色剂. This yoghurt contains no artificial flavouring or colouring.
小牛摸索着妈妈的乳房找奶吃。 The calf fumbled for its mother's udder for milk.
我不得不买些白色的乳状漆来粉刷墙壁。 I have to buy some white emulsion paint to freshen the walls.
鲸鱼和马一样都是哺乳动物。 A whale is no less a mammal than a horse is.
我喜欢乳酪果酱,不过这是后天养成的一种嗜好。 I like jam with cheese, but it's an acquired taste.
医生发现她患乳癌. Doctors found a cancer on her breast.
那王子骑著乳白色的马. The prince rode a ,milk-white horse.
外科医生切除了她乳房的肿块. The surgeon excised the lump from her breast.
乳脂提供我们活力,以及我们身体上无法产生之脂肪酸。 Milkfat provides energy and essential fatty acids that our bodies cannot make.
胸脯其它哺乳动物的相应器官 A corresponding organ in other mammals.