把这本书给她。 Give her the book.
我昨天买了好几本书。 I bought several books yesterday.
这是本有教育意义的书。 This is an instructive book.
我喜欢在图书馆学习。 I like to study in the library.
我们在图书馆外边见面. Let's meet outside the library.
那个学生昨天丢了书。 That student lost his book yesterday.
书页因年久而变黄。 The leaves of the book had yellowed with age.
我在写现代英语的语法书. I'm writing a grammar of modern English.
我要去图书馆还这些书。 I'm just going to check in these books at the library.
没有这么大的地方来放这些书。 There is not so much room for these books.
我希望这本书的字再大一点儿。 I wish this book was written in bigger character.
这本书从前很出名, 现在没人看了. This book was once famous, but nobody reads it today.
班个子太矮了, 拿不到桌子上的书。 Ben is so short that he can not get at that book on the table.
也许这本书会对你的研究有用处。 Perhaps this book will prove to be of some use to you in your studies.
那城市有自己的公用图书馆和公园。 The town has its own public library and public gardens.
他的书上个月出版了。 His book came out last month.
他从箱子里拿出一本书。 He took out a book from the case.
并不是每个人都喜欢这本书。 Not everyone likes this book.
警方查获了各种书和磁带. The police seized various books and tapes.
请于每段第一行缩格书写。 Please indent the first line of each paragraph.
电话在底楼的小书房里。 The telephone was in the little study on the ground floor.
这本书是他以前写的剧本的扩充。 This book is an expansion of the play he wrote before.
你可以在这本书的第一部分找到你要的资料。 You may find the information you need in the first portion of the book.
这本书形象地描写了一百年前的中国生活。 This book gives a good picture of life in China 100 hundred years ago.
这一千本书将构成学校新图书馆藏书的基础。 These 1000 books will form the nucleus of the new school library.
就翻译训练而言我认为这是一本无出其右的好书。 This is a book, which I dare say, is unequaled as far as translation practice is concerned.
那本旧书是我最珍贵的财产。 That old book is my most precious possession.
我有五倍于汤姆的书。 I have five times the number of Tom's books.
那个图书馆从上午9点到下午6点开放。 The library is open from 9 to 6.
我正在看一本关于罗马帝国兴衰的书。 I am reading a book about the rise and fall of the Roman Empire.
规范语法阐述的是该派语法学家认为的某语言的口语或书面语的标准形式. A normative grammar of a language describes how its authors think the language should be spoken or written.
你选哪本书? Which one of the books is your pick?
这本新书名叫《爱情故事》。 The new book is entitled Love Story.
这本书名为《美国文学指南》。 This book is titled An Introduction to American Literature.
她提 一个棕色的纸包,里面是书。 She was carrying a parcel of books done up in brown paper.
作者从每本卖出的书中可得10%的版税。 The writer gets a 10% royalty on each copy sold of his book.
我们(各处)找了半天, 却找不到那本书. We searched (around) for hours, but couldn't find the book.
这一段里面有很多名词,例如男孩、女孩和书本。 In this paragraph there are many nouns, such as boy, girl, and book.
你的书好像比我的有意思, 你愿意(和我)交换吗? Your book looks more interesting than mine: do you want to swap (with me)?
我那趟班机误点了, 我只好看书消磨时间[打发了两小时]. My flight was delayed, so I killed time/killed two hours reading a book.
你从图书馆借的书上的戳记表明,这本书必须明天归还。 The stamp in your library book shows it must be returned tomorrow.
你看见语法书在哪儿呢吗? 词典都在正对著的书架上. Can you see where the grammar books are? The dictionaries are on the shelf directly opposite.
把你们的学习室收拾一下,孩子们,"妈妈说,"你们把所有的书都弄得乱七八糟的了。" "Tidy up your study, kids, "Mother said, "all your books are in a muddle."
她把书包了起来. She parcelled up the books.
你应该努力读书。 You should study hard.
这本书有红色的包装。 The book has a red wrapper.
她是活的医学教科书. She's a walking textbook of medicine.
我很想到国外去读书。 I have a good mind to study abroad.
她在大街开了一家书店. She set up shop as a bookseller in the High Street.
图书馆每周五对读者开放。 The library is open to readers on every Friday.
这时她注意到书记走了进来。 At this moment she noticed the secretary coming in.
他没有一次到书店而不买一些书。 He never went to the bookstore without buying some books.
这本书可能有用,只是相当贵。 The book is likely to be useful, only it's rather expensive.
我已经好久没有读到过这样好的书了。 I've not read such a good book for many a long day.
小男孩喜欢在书页空白边上做笔记。 The little boy likes to make notes in the margin of books.
我经常收到读过我的书的读者的来信。 I regularly get letters from people who have read my books.
我的朋友都是男生,他们一点也不关心读书。 My friends were all boys who cared nothing about studying.
这本书很有趣。 This book is interesting.
这个男孩埋头读书。 The boy buried himself in his books.
他把书放回到书架上。 He replaced the book in the shelf.
别在光线不好的地方看书。 Don't read in poor light.
每天晚上他都埋头读书. In the evenings he buries himself in his books.
光线太暗,我看书有困难。 The light was too dim for me to read easily.
凡有文化的人都该一读此书. Every literate person should read this book.
这本书出版社已印了10000册. The publisher has printed10000 copies of the book.
太阳把这本书的书皮晒弯了. The hot sun had warped the cover of the book.
她的秘书处理她的一切约会。 Her secretary took care of all her appointments.
他叫秘书把文件复制一份。 He asked his secretary to make a copy of the document.
图书馆的书是按科目分类的。 The books in the library are classified by subject.
她的书法有了明显的进步。 There's been a noticeable improvement in her handwriting.
这本书描述了一个演员的一生。 The book portrays the life of an actor.
这位教授目前正在写一本书。 The professor is presently writing a book.
秋天比任何季节都适合读书。 Autumn is better for reading than any other season.
她把自己的第一本书献给了丈夫。 She dedicated her first book to her husband.
这些印度客人对这本书很熟悉。 These Indian guest are familiar with this book.
这本书包含你所需的一切资料。 This book contains all the information you need.
我喜欢读一些关于电子音乐的书。 I like to read books on electronic music.
这本书简单易懂,适合儿童。 The simplicity of the book makes it suitable for children.
这个图书馆星期一至星期六都开放。 The library is open on weekdays only.
他在职业介绍所登记要当秘书。 He enrolled with an employment agency for a secretary.
他们断言这个女孩子读了不少书。 They affirmed that the girl did quite a bit of reading.
首席书记官某些法院中的最高书记官 The principal clerk in certain courts of law.
这本书未经作者许可就给翻译了。 The book was translated without the sanction of the author.
这本书表明他是一个有创造力的作家。 This book shows that he is an ingenious author.
这家新图书馆上星期正式落成起用。 This new library was officially opened last week.
图书管理员从书架上随便拿了一本书。 The librarian took a book at random from the shelf.
本阅览室的参考书不得私自带出。 No reference books are to be taken out of the reading room without permission.
他每次外出都会顺道去那家书店待一会儿。 He never goes out but he drops in at that bookstore.
在编写这本书的过程中,她起了显著的作用。 She play a notable role in compile the book.
你在这样弱的光线下看书会损伤视力的。 You will strain your eyes by reading in such poor light.
经过多月的努力, 这本新书渐渐像个样子了. After months of work, the new book is gradually taking shape.
他是她的私人秘书, 能接触到她所有的信件. As her private secretary he has access to all her correspondence.
我喜欢书架上所有的书,但这本是我最喜欢的。 I like all the books on the shelf but this one is my favorite.
只因为我的新书包和他的一模一样,他就说我学他的样。 He called me a copycat just because my schoolbag looks like his.
根据我们的记录,你借的书现在应该还给图书馆了。 According to our records, the books you have borrowed should now be returned to the library.
我卖给你一本新的地理书,其余的钱你可以能够还的时候还我。 I'll let you have the new geography and you may pay me the remainder of the money.
这套书出版以来,在市场上反应良好,我们决定推广这种学习方法。 The series of books gained applause. We decided to popularize the method.
条款书面文件中的具体章节或一系列中的条款,如合同,章程或条约 A particular section or item of a series in a written document, as in a contract, constitution, or treaty.
担保一种字据或保证,通常为书面的,以保证某种产品或服务的质量或耐用性 A promise or an assurance, especially one given in writing, that attests to the quality or durability of a product or service.
他奔向书架。 He ran to the bookshelf.
该书的结尾寓意乐观. The book ended on an optimistic note.
当时没有印刷的书籍。 There were no printed books in those days.
气候潮湿,把书都霉坏了。 The dampness of the climate decayed the books.
她写了一本关于巴黎公社的书。 She wrote a book on the Paris Commune.
这堆书晃了几下,然后就倒了。 The piles of books tottered and then fell.
这本书被翻译成多种译文并行销全球。 The book was translated into many versions and sold all over the world.
我们的秘书刚刚辞职, 下星期特别令人担心. Next week will be particularly fraught as we've just lost our secretary.
他对自己那本书的手稿先进行校订,然后才把它交给出版社。 He revised the manuscript of his book before sending it to the publisher.
我买了一本关于神权自使徒传至教皇及其他主教的一脉相承的书。 I bought a book on the passing of spiritual authority from the apostles through successive popes and other bishops.
组织秘书发给本党党员的通知在立法机构中传达给政党成员的一个在特定时间保证其出勤率的通知 A call issued to party members in a lawmaking body to ensure attendance at a particular time.
这本书有庸俗的味道。 This book has plebeian tastes.
多读书或许可以减少你的疑惑。 More reading may be allaying your doubt.
那个冒失的新秘书兴冲冲地蹦跳到我跟前,问我是否在这里工作。 That cheeky new secretary just pranced up to me and asked if I worked here!
她用欺骗手法取得了理科教员的职位,她谎称曾在大学读过书。 She got the job of science teacher by fraudulent means; she pretended she'd studied at university.
那册书还能买到吗? Is that volume still in print?
你能区别好书与坏书吗? Can you discriminate good books from bad?
这本参考书对我有用处吗? Is this reference book of any use to me?
我浏览了一遍书架上的书。 I had a browse through the books on the shelf.
你能为我觅到那本罕见的古书吗? Can you procure the rare old book for me?
别那麽使劲扯书页,那会撕破的。 Don't pull the pages so hard or they will tear.
图书馆的书是按照[根据]科目分类的. The books in the library are classified by/according to subject.
他赶回办公室,给王书记打了-个电话。 He hastened back to the office and rang up Secretary Wang.
请把那本地图册从书架上取下来(递给我). Please reach (me) the atlas down from the bookshelf.
他把晚年用在教书和编纂以前的著作。 He spent his last years (in) teaching and editing earlier writings.
人家不看使用说明书, 我又有什麽办法呢? Can I help it (ie Is it my fault) if people don't read the instructions?
《哈姆雷特》是今年高级程度考试中指定的必读书. `Hamlet' is a set text for A level this year.
结婚,是一本第一章以式写成、其余各章则以散文写就的书。 Marriage is a book of witch the first chapter being written in poetry and remained chapter in prose.
我没有真正地看过这本书,只是浏览了一下看是关于什么的罢了。 I haven't read the book properly, I just flipped through it to see what it was like.
同函奉上55美元书款支票一张,外加每册14分邮费在内。请查收。 I am enclosing a cheque for$55.00 which covers the cost of the book plus the postage charge of14 cents a volume.
我今晚不想念书。 I don't feel like studying tonight.
窗口摆了一些书。 There was an arrangement of books in the window.
这本书教我们如何写作。 The book is used to teach us how to write.
你必须在一个安定的地方读书。 You need to study in a quiet place.
这本书是原始民族神话集。 The book is about the mythologies of primitive races.
这本书太难而不适合大多数的高中生。 The book is too difficult for most senior high school students.
一本新书即将出版。 A new book is about to be brought out.
你应该更用功念书。 You should study harder and harder.
她是我们公司的一位秘书。 She is a secretary in our company.
我们把书在地板上堆起来。 We put the books in piles on the floor.
他把一些书放在窗台上。 He keeps some books on the window ledge.
他照大小顺序排列这些书。 He ranged the books according to size.
我的秘书真是个难能可贵的人。 My secretary is an absolute gem.
你要把这些书按字母顺序排好. You must arrange these books in alphabetical order.
她把书放在一旁, 点了一支香烟. She set aside her book and lit a cigarette.
市长主持了市图书馆的落成仪式。 The city library was inaugurated by the mayor.
他把一捆就杂志卖给了旧书店。 He sold a bundle of old magazines to the second hand bookstore.
即使他失败了,却仍然用功念书。 He studied none the less hard because he had failed.
书和我的关系正如同水和植物的关系。 As water is to the plant, so are books to me.
我的新秘书很好,确实是难得的人才。 My new secretary is very good; quite a find, in fact.
背书小学生将已准备好的课文口头背出来 Oral delivery of prepared lessons by a pupil.
这种书桌的高低可以按照你的需要调节。 This kind of desk can be adjusted to the height you need.
他对那把墨水倒翻在书上的孩子臭骂了一顿。 He swore at the boy who dropped ink on the book.
该代理机构每年可为约2000名秘书安排工作. The agency places about 2000 secretaries per annum.
因为尺子被书盖住了,所以我没找到它。 I could not find my ruler because it was covered up by the books.
我和他激烈地争斗了几分钟,终于从他手中夺走了那本书。 I tussled with him for a few minutes and managed to wrench the book from his grasp.
要不然他还会在教书,因为他的心仍然在课堂上和他的学生们在一起。 Otherwise he would still be teaching, because his heart and soul were still in the classroom with his students.
今年香港将为教师开设一家图书馆以提供防止青少年自杀的教学资料。 A library of teaching materials for preventing teenage suicides will open for educators in Hong Kong this year.
地质学书籍或论著 A book on geology.
他狂热地爱好书籍。 He is mad about books.
好书未必畅销。 A good book does not necessarily sell well.
他的书在柜子里找到了。 His book turned up in the cupboard.
经理收到了二十份求职申请书。 The manager received twenty applications for the post.
文书组长负责监督该部门的工作. The chief clerk supervises the work of the department.
她教起书来就像鸭子下水般轻而易举. She's taken to teaching like a duck to water.
总的说来, 这本书是讽刺性的. Overall, the tone of the book is satirical/the book is satirical in tone.
威尔非常专心读书, 以至于没有吃晚餐。 Will was so absorbed in reading that he went without his dinner.
在这些孩子的眼里, 父亲的书房是最神圣的地方. To the children, their father's study was the holy of holies.
秘书长对缓和那个地区的紧张局势做了很多工作。 The secretary general do much to ease the tension in the area.
书记员保管档案记录及从事法庭或立法机关日常事务的人 A person who keeps the records and performs the regular business of a court or legislative body.
该书含有诽谤性的内容。 The book contains scandalous text.
书本凌乱地散置在地上. The books were scattered pell-mell over the floor.
我没有秘书简直一筹莫展. I simply can't get along without a secretary.
执照,奖状赋予某种荣誉和特权的证书 A certificate conferring a privilege or honor.
奖学金包括八十美元的书籍费津贴。 The scholarship includes an allowance of 80 dollars for books.
您近日询问的书暂时无货, 谨此奉覆. In answer to your recent inquiry, the book you mention is not in stock.
利息单证券上的代表一定数目利息的可流通证书 A negotiable certificate attached to a bond that represents a sum of interest due.
角帖书一种早期初级读物,即为一张盖有透明角片作为保护的书页,以前供儿童认字用 An early primer consisting of a single page protected by a transparent sheet of horn, formerly used in teaching children to read.
她写了一本关於舞蹈的书. She has written a book on (the) dance.
今天下午你读的什么书? What is the book you are poring over this afternoon?
我们买了一些书籍、衣服等等。 We bought some books, clothes, etc.
良好的书藉是使人生变得充实之物。 Good books are an enrichment of life.
这个婴儿打开书本彷佛他会念书。 The baby opened the book as if he were able to read.
装订术,业装订书本的技艺、行业或职业 The art, trade, or profession of binding books.
词书编纂者必须精於给词语下定义的技巧. Dictionary writers must be skilled in the art of definition.
他在写一部关於其种族所受迫害的历史书. He is writing a history of the persecutions endured by his race.
琼自从获得了第一游泳证书后非常骄傲,瞧不起人。 June is as proud as a peacock after winning her first swimming certificate.
没有(别的)一本文法书比这一本更受高中生的欢迎。 No grammar book is more popular than this one with senior high school students.
本人欲应聘今天<中国日报>上刊登的征聘行政秘书一职。 I am applying for the position of executive secretary, advertised in today's China Daily.
主要活动如下: 第一项, 总裁讲话; 第二项, 秘书做解答; 第三项, 主席做总结. The main events were as follows: first, the president's speech, secondly the secretary's reply and thirdly, the chairman's summing-up.
经过五年的艰苦工作,他们完成了一套高质量的教材。该书分为六级,从小学4年级到初中3年级。 After five years of hard work they presented a high quality textbook, which consisted of six levels from grade4 to grade9.
他在法学院读书。 He is at law college.
书是通向知识的道路。 Books are avenues to knowledge.
这些书是指定给他的。 These books are destined for him.
回答用言语或书写的回复 A response in speech or writing.
这本书是我特意为你买的。 I bought the book especially for you.
孩子们正在学习读书写字. The children are learning to read and write.
有的人一面读书一面做注解。 Some people annotate as they read.
她认为你的书面作业不太好. She has a rather poor opinion of your written work.
总的来说,我很喜欢这本书。 On the whole, I like the book very much.
新图书馆建在校园的中心。 The new library was built in the centre of the campus.
他的书法不错,但是很难和你的相比。 His handwriting is not bad, but it's hardly comparable with yours.
请在纸的正反两面书写, 但不要写在四周的边上. Please write on both sides of the paper, and don't write in the margin.
附言,续篇如一本书或一篇文章正文后的附加信息 Additional information appended to the manuscript, as of a book or an article.
他埋头读书. His head was bent over a book.
她在埋头读书. Her head was buried in the book she was reading.
他随意打开了这本书。 He opens the book at random.
他坐着埋头看书。 He was sitting with his head buried in a book.
他从头至尾读了那书。 He read the book from beginning to end.
她已创业成为书商. She has set up in business as a bookseller.
书信书信,尤指正式信件 A letter, especially a formal one.
学生们排队取新书。 The students all stand in line to get their new books.
公司给我配备了一名秘书. The firm put a secretary at my disposal.
你用圆珠笔或铅笔书写均可. You may write in biro or pencil.
出版商们总吹捧他们的新书 Publishers who puff their new books.
近年来她写的书质量下降了. Her books have gone off in recent years.
我把这本书从头到尾看完了。 I've read the book from beginning to end.
她以其秀丽的书法而使我惊异。 She astonished me with her beautiful handwriting.
市民可以免费使用这个图书馆。 Citizens may have free access to the library.
她已接获对她操行的书面警告. She has received a written warning about her conduct.
已经决定这本书要重新修订。 It has been decided that the book shall be revised.
读一本好书可以带来心灵的净化。 Reading a good book may bring purification to souls.
政府援引国家机密保密法以禁该书. The government has invoked the Official Secrets Act in having the book banned.
他们在请愿书上签名,支持工人的请求。 They signed a petition in support of the workers' demands.
你应该会发现这本书的结尾比开头好。 You may well find that the end of the book is better than the beginning.
要到国外读书, 你最起码要掌握那种语言。 To go abroad to study, you should at least master the language.
我书面考试已经及格了, 下一个难关是面试. I've passed the written test; the interview is the next hurdle.
这本书将为读者展现经济思想的新远景。 The book will open up to readers new vistas on economic thinking.
他的书对这一问题的论述是最好的,仅次于我的书。 His book is the best on the subject after mine.
你最好把我的书给我,否则我的测验将要不及格了。 You'd better give me my book, otherwise I'll fail my test.
那小说作者在书的结尾让他的女主人公自杀了. The novelist makes his heroine commit suicide at the end of the book.
我的书法很好,但与我父亲的相比,我的就很差了。 My handwriting is good, but it is poor as compared to my father's.
纸张盒,文具盒一种用于装文具和其它书写用具的盒子 A box used to hold stationery and other writing materials.
构思这本书只用了五分钟,但写这本书却花了一年。 The conception of the book took five minutes, but writing it took a year.
他带我到他的藏书室,里面的藏书虽然杂乱无章,数量却相当可观。 He took me into his library, a littery but considerable collection.
在写这本书时,作者查阅了许多与此同类题材的著作,从中得益非浅。 In writing this book, the author has greatly profited from consulting many works on the same subjects.
彩色插图书的整页图解,经常为彩色,印刷在与印刷正文页材料不同的纸张上 A full-page book illustration, often in color and printed on paper different from that used on the text pages.
交错书写方法一种古代的书写方法,其中每一行交替地自右至左和自左至右书写 An ancient method of writing in which the lines are inscribed alternately from right to left and from left to right.
他以他的书法为自豪。 He prides himself on his handwriting.
我们不经销那一类书。 We don't handle that sort of book.
评定一本书,不能凭封面。 Judge not a book by its cover.
她 的新书论述残疾人的问题. Her latest book discusses the problems of the disabled.
一部好的百科全书是知识宝库。 A good encyclopaedia is a mine of information.
他正在写他的最新畅销书的续集。 He is writing a sequel to his latest best seller.
文书工作耗费了委员会许多时间。 Paperwork consumed much of the committee's time.
我劝他不要急急忙忙递交辞职书。 I dissuade him from rush in to submit his resignation.
我劝他不要冲进去,递交辞职书。 I dissuaded him from rushing in to submit his resignation.
这本小说是去年最畅销的书之一。 This novel was one of last year's best-selling titles.
他拼命在她的书桌里搜寻那封信。 He was rifling through her desk in a desperate search for the letter.
有些人一直密谋想让老板把秘书解雇。 Some of the members had been intriguing to get the secretary dismissed.
请书面申报你在国外购买的全部商品。 Please make a written declaration of all the goods you bought abroad.
星期五之前我必须把这两本书归还图书馆。 I must give back the two books to the library before Friday.
她在乡村图书展销会上买到一本珍贵的首版书。 She picked up a valuable first edition at a village book sale.
我估计我的申请书不知道让哪个无能的官僚给弄丢了. I suppose my application has been lost by some incompetent bureaucrat.
为了使它更实用,这本书在下一版本中将编有索引。 The book will be indexed in the next edition so as to make it more useful.
马克曾想谋求秘书的职位,但因提出太迟,错过了被考虑录用的时机。 Mark tried for the post of secretary, but was too late to be considered for it.
主任管理人或监督人,作为某一收藏品展览或图书馆的行政主管 One that manages or oversees, as the administrative director of a museum collection or a library.
脚注放在书或手稿的页底的注释,对文中的标明的一部分加以评论或引出参考书目 A note placed at the bottom of a page of a book or manuscript that comments on or cites a reference for a designated part of the text.
这位女秘书一心忙于勾引新来的经理,简直未觉察到办公室里人人都在暗中笑她。 The secretary was so busy getting her hooks into the new manager, that she hardly noticed that everyone in the office was laughing at her.
他过去毫不留情地欺侮他的秘书,但是如被逼太甚,最温顺者也会反抗的,结果有一天她不辞而别了。 He used to bully his secretary without mercy, but even a worm will turn and one day she walked out and left her job without even saying goodbye.
这是一本关于古罗马历史的书。 Here is a book about Roman history.
那部耸人听闻的书曾轰动一时. The outrageous book created a sensation.
这本书中有很多淫秽的语言。 There are much obscene languages in this book.
这个淘气的孩子把书藏在了灌木丛里。 The naughty boy hid the books in the shrub.
该请愿书奉命暂搁一边,以后讨论。 The petition was ordered to lie on the table.
书中女主人翁是作者的真实写照。 The heroine is the spitting image of the author.
她的第一本书在文学界大为轰动. She has made quite a splash in literary circles with her first book.
要是过去没有书,我们就会愚昧无知。 If there had been no book, we will have been ignorant.
作者在前言中阐明了他写这本书的原因。 In his preface the author set forth his reasons for writing the book.
那小孩假装会看书,但他把书都拿颠倒了。 The boy pretended he could read, but he was holding the book upside down.
英国第一台打字机专利证书是一七一四年颁发的。 The first English patent for a typewriter was issued in1714.
图书馆最近增添的书籍是一位百万富翁捐献的。 The library's latest acquisitions were donated by a millionaire.
读了这本书,我们会对主人翁的斗争寄予同情。 Reading this book, we can identify with the main character's struggle.
我想我们今天的讨论大家都谈得差不多了。让我的秘书来送诸位出去吧。 I think that just about concludes our discussion. Let my secretary show you out.
该书有库存[已脱销]. The book is in/out of stock.
`招聘秘书: 须有经验.' `Secretary wanted: previous experience essential.'
她最近出版的书论述14行诗。 Her latest book discourses upon sonnets.
你读过那本书的全文版本吗? Have you read the unabridged edition of that book?
在书写时, Doctor头衔的缩写是Dr. In writing, the title `Doctor' is abbreviated to `Dr'.
这本书破旧了,封面上有墨渍。 The book is worn out and has ink stain on its cover.
吵闹的声音这样大,我怎能读书呢? How can I read with all this row going on?
我只差一本书就可配齐狄更斯全集了。 I need one volume to complete my set of Dickens.
这个书架承受得住这些书的重量吗? Will this shelf sustain the weight of all these books?
她写了一本书抨击我们这腐败的社会. She wrote a book declaiming against our corrupt society.
该书的缺点在於作者未能把论证展开. The book's weakness is the author's inability to sustain an argument.
她的书抓住了文艺复兴时期人文主义的精髓. Her book captures the quintessence of Renaissance humanism.
整本书的内容只用一片硅芯片就可以装下。 The entire content of a book will be located on a single silicon chip.
如果有人配得上获"年度秘书奖",那么就是你。 If anyone deserves the"Secretary of the Year Award", it's you.
我们得把申请书仔细筛选一下以甄别优劣. We have to sift through the application forms very carefully to separate the wheat from the chaff.
在字(词)处理技术中,书信和其它文献的主要部分。 In word processing, the main text of a letter or other document.
这本书的作者是一个退休上校,他过去常参与策划间谍活动。 The book was written by a retired colonel who used to take part in cloak and dagger plots.
英国广播公司在播放那部电视连续剧以後,即将出版一部有关的书。 As a follow-up to the television series the BBC is publishing a book.
边缘装饰在桌子顶部、托盘或书架边缘处的直立的装饰品或造型 A decorative upright trimming or molding along the edge of a table top, tray, or shelf.
"但是到目前为止,公众已经用书信向新闻界对大学生们表示感激。" "But so far, the public has expressed its gratitude to the students in letters to the Press."
互见参照从书、索引、目录或文件的一部分到另一含有相关资料部分的参照 A reference from one part of a book, index, catalogue, or file to another part containing related information.
玛丽错把老师的书拿回了家,第2天一早她便在无人知晓的情况下将它归还了。 Mary took the teacher's book home by mistake, but early the morning she returned it with nobody the wiser.
希伯莱圣经;托位包括伯莱经典的一大部书籍,用于宗教仪式时向人们布道 A scroll of parchment containing the first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures, used in a synagogue during services.
合同,契约两个或两个以上当事人之间达成的一种协议,尤指具有法律效力的书面协议 An agreement between two or more parties, especially one that is written and enforceable by law.
附注列在一篇文章、一个章节或一本书尾的注解,对文中指定部分做评论或引述参考书 A note placed at the end of an article, a chapter, or a book that comments on or cites a reference for a designated part of the text.
科技英语的一个重要的,也许是令人惊奇的特点是:无论是书面的传达,还是口头的交流,二者都是可以作为正式文体而通用的。 An important and perhaps surprising feature of technical English is that its normal style is common to both written and spoken communication.