他们之间的交易告吹了。 The transaction between them was dismissed.
两块田之间有一条树木带。 A belt of trees grew between the two fields.
汉字与日文之间有密切关系。 There is an affinity between Chinese and Japanese character.
这两种颜色之间的差别很难区别。 The difference between the two colors is imperceptible.
他的政治观点在两个极端之间摇摆不定. He oscillates between political extremes.
生产者与消费者之间的利益冲突将永远存在。 The conflicting interests of producers and consumers will be everlasting.
人类的种种经验都证明了爱与怕之间的紧密联系。 All kinds of human experience testify to the close link between love and fear.
我认为我和我女儿之间没有隔阂。 I think there is no gulf between my daughter and I.
这两个概念之间有何联系? What is the connection between the two ideas?
这些儿童在早餐与午餐之间有牛奶与饼乾作点心. The children have a mid-morning snack of milk and biscuits.
在两点到三点之间向经理报到。 Report yourself to the manager between2 and3.
希望今后两国人民之间有更多的交往。 We hope from now on there will be more exchanges between our two peoples.
我们之间的观点不一致。 The views between us are discordant.
请注意这两个词之间的区别。 Please pay attention to the difference between the two words.
劳资双方之间存在大量矛盾. There is a great deal of friction between the management and the work force.
这两门课程之间不存在重叠的问题。 There is no question of overlap between the two courses.
文化交流是国与国之间建立联系的桥梁. Cultural exchanges are a way of building bridges between nations.
运费中不包括火车站至轮船码头之间的运输费用。 Fares do not include conveyance between railway stations and steamer piers.
中间色,半调色在光线最强处与黑色暗影之间的一种色调或明暗的配合 A tone or value halfway between a highlight and a dark shadow.
社会是由形形色色的人组成。有些人很好,有些人很坏,也有些人介乎两者之间。 Society is made up of a variety of people; some are good, others (are) bad, and still others (are) in between.
两国之间存在着涉及那个岛屿归属的领土争端。 The two countries had a territorial dispute over which one owned the island.
该组织旨在促进各国之间的友谊. The organizationworks to promote friendship between nations.
吸烟与肺部疾病之间有关系吗? Is there a link between smoking and lung disease?
我是实事求是的人--知道不可能在一夜之间改变人们的看法。 I'm a realist I know you can't change people's attitudes overnight.
你能觉察出他们之间有对立情绪. You could sense the antagonism between them.
这两个敌对的党派之间没有共同点. The two rival parties have no common ground between them.
他个头很大, 夹在我和窗户之间, 我看不见外边的东西了. He interposed his considerable bulk (ie body) between me and the window, so that I could not see out.
我向来不大想看到你,咱们俩之间大概从来不曾有过好感。 I never had much in seeing you. There was no love lost between us, at any time, I think.
总统派出他的高级助手去组织安排对立派别之间的和平谈判。 The president has sent his top aide to master-mind peace negotiations between the opposing factions.
代际联系父母与后代之间亲密关系的形成过程,常常在孩子出生时就开始,是更深的感情联系的基础,影响着孩子的生理和心理发育 The attachment process occurring between a parent and offspring that usually begins at the time of birth, is the basis for further emotional affiliation, and influences the child's physical and psychological development.
这种心理治疗是在一起活动的小组之间进行的. The psychotherapy is carried out in small interactive groups.
这两国之间的边界问题历来是争议的焦点. The border has always been a bone of contention between these two countries.
过渡过渡点或过渡时间,尤指占星术的两个天宫之间的 A transitional point or time, as between two astrological signs.
缩小贫富之间的差距是政府面临的主要难题之一. Reducing the gap between rich and poor is one of the main challenges facing the government.
与岩石之间的摩擦加上攀登者的重量,使得绳子断了。 Friction against the rock, combined with the weight of the climber, caused his rope to break.
感谢你们使我的访问如此有价值。我将珍惜我们之间的友谊及你们给予我的盛情款待。 Thank you for making my visit so worthwhile. I shall treasure your friendship and kind hospitality you have given me.
英国和法国之间隔著英吉利海峡. England is separated from France by the Channel.
撒哈拉沙漠是北非与中非之间的天然屏障。 The Sahara Desert is a natural barrier between north and central Africa.
阿克巴湾红海的一个海湾,在西奈半岛及沙特阿拉伯西北部之间。它长期以来在中东具有重要的战略性 An arm of the Red Sea between the Sinai Peninsula and northwest Saudi Arabia. It has long been of strategic importance in the Middle East.
这两种学说之间没有什麽关联. There is a distant connection between the two theories.
我们两国之间的往来可以追溯到上个世纪。 The assiciation between our two countries can be traced back to last century.
经过了这麽多年,你想消除你们之间的分歧谈何容易。 It will be difficult for you to smooth over your difference after so many years.
内分泌学研究身体腺体和激素以及他们之间相关的失调的科学 The study of the glands and hormones of the body and their related disorders.
片害共栖有机体之间共生的作用关系,一个物种受另一个物种侵害或抑制,而后者不受前者的影响 A symbiotic relationship between organisms in which one species is harmed or inhibited and the other species is unaffected.
照片之间夹杂着新闻兴评论的文章。 The photographs are intermingled with news and articles.
放大率图像的尺寸和实物尺寸之间的比率 The ratio of the size of an image to the size of an object.
这些与世隔绝的人之间有强烈的兄弟般的情谊. There is a strong spirit of fraternity among these isolated people.
角距离,是由一定点到两物体之间所量度的夹角。 Angular distance is the distance between two objects measured as an angle from a given point.
国与国之间的边界未明确划定时,通常会发生纠纷。 When boundaries between countries are not clearly defined, there is usually trouble.
我希望我们之间的贸易将在平等互利的基础上进一步发展。 I hope the trade between us will be further developed on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.
正如公报中所说,两国同意在未来的一年中扩大两国之间的贸易关系。 As spelled out in the communique, the two countries agreed to expand their trade relations in the coming year.
他与顾客的关系是事务性的,理所当然不可能跟他们之间有多少个人感情。 His relations with his clients were also cut and dried, very little personal feeling could in the nature of things come into them.
双方球迷之间发生了骚乱. Rioting broke out between rival groups of fans.
公车定期往返于那两个城市之间。 Buses ply between the two cities.
这条路穿过两条山脉之间的峡谷。 The road goes through a gap in the hills.
该团体的成员之间有牢固的友情. There were strong ties of friendship between the members of the society.
我们之间产生了一连串的误解, 因而关系紧张了. Relations between us have become frayed through a series of misunderstandings.
双方之间的任何争议都应通过友好协商来解决。 Any dispute between the two parties shall be settled by friendly consultation.
那老人的头脑一犯起糊涂来,仓促之间是很难复原的。 The old man's wits, once gone a-wool-gathering, rarely came back in a hurry.
界面在相关区域,实体,物质或阶段之间所形成共同界限的面 A surface forming a common boundary between adjacent regions, bodies, substances, or phases.
对抗作用一个生物和另一种生物新陈代谢物之间的对抗性关系 The antagonistic association between an organism and the metabolic substances produced by another.
齿隙两齿之间的间隙或空隙 A gap or space between two teeth.
价格在5英镑与6英镑之间波动. The price fluctuates between 5 and 6.
他们之间存在的分歧应通过协商解决。 The difficulty among them should be resolved by consultation.
如果你们在墙板之间的空隙处糊上墙纸,空隙就看不出来了。 If you paper over the spaces between the wallboards, they won't show.
空隙,间隙允许自由运动所介入的空间或距离,如在机器零件之间的 An intervening space or distance allowing free play, as between machine parts.
深景尤指人透过如两排建筑或树木之间空隙看到的远景或视觉感受 A distant view or prospect, especially one seen through an opening, as between rows of buildings or trees.
两帮少年无赖之间的持续暴动力行为,使得那个宅区的大部分成了禁区。 The continuing violence between rival gangs of youths has made a large part of the housing estate a no-go area.
吊床一种易摆动的吊床或躺椅,用帆布或厚网挂在两树或别的支撑物之间 A hanging, easily swung cot or lounge of canvas or heavy netting suspended between two trees or other supports.
这是一个应该避免使用的非正式术语。该术语有时用于一种逻辑元件,这种逻辑元件可以实现特定的功能或在变量之间提供链接。 An improper term to be avoided. This term is sometimes used to designate a logic element which performs a specific function or provides a linkage between variables.
尽管有大量的宗教派别,研究美国宗教惯常做法的学者发现,在许多情况下,许多新教教派之间在信仰方面并没有多大的不同,只是在仪式方面有较小的差异。 In spite of the great number of denominations, students of religious practice in the United State find that in many cases there are no major differences in belief, and only minor ones in ritual between many of the Protestant denominations.
因此,看起来政治家们取得了胜利。我惟一的想法是,他们为此付出了惨重的代价,未免得不偿失。世界上其他任何一个国家的政治家之间的分歧都没有这里的政治家之间的分歧那么大,那么公开。 So it looks as it the politicians have won. My only point is that it has been a Pyrrhic victory. In no country in the world are politicians held in greater or more open division than they are here.
别让她在你们之间挑拨--她就是太忌妒了。 Don't let her make mischief between you she's only jealous.
珀尔不得不在放弃工作和雇保姆之间作出选择。 Pearl had to choose between giving up her job or hiring a nanny.
在市中心和飞机场之间有往返的穿梭运行班车。 There is a shuttle service between the city center and the air station.
在两个派别之间实现和平;毫无意义;没有达到定额 Made peace between the two factions; not making sense; didn't make the quota.
经过了这麽多年, 你想消除你们之间的分歧谈何容易. It will be difficult for you to smooth over your differences after so many years.
矛盾,不相符不符合或不一致,如在事实和宣称之间;差异 Divergence or disagreement, as between facts or claims; difference.
结算银行间支票、汇票和钞票之间的交换和相应差额的结算 The exchange among banks of checks, drafts, and notes and the settlement of consequent differences.
通信双方之间交换信息的格式和相对定时[同步]的一种规范。 A specification for the format and relative timing of information exchanged between communicating parties.
那音乐老师每星期来两次,为的是填补多罗西与萧邦之间的一大段空白。 The music teacher came twice each week to bridge the awful gap between Dorothy and Chopin.
合同,契约两个或两个以上当事人之间达成的一种协议,尤指具有法律效力的书面协议 An agreement between two or more parties, especially one that is written and enforceable by law.
在光记录技术中,指光道上两个凹槽之间的区域。在制作母盘时记录激光束不照射这些区域。参阅pit。 In optical recording, refers to the areas of the data tracks which are between the pits. These are typically the areas not touched by the recording laser beam during mastering.
用于修饰或说明经由通道到通道适配器连接的处理部件,通过这些适配器在处理机之间传递控制信息。参阅tightly-coupled。 Pertaining to processing units that are connected by means of channel-to-channel adapters that are used to pass control information between the processors.
学校训练和工作训练之间的差距确实是英国制度方面的一个最大失败。“一般地说,学校不想了解任何与工作中的人们有关的情况,”海斯先生说。 The gap between school training and work training is, indeed, one of the greatest failures of the British system."In general schools don't want to know anything to do with the world at work, " says Mr Hayes.
不过,任何解决[苏联经济失调]办的法都受到权力危机的影响,在改革与开放,经济与政治之间产生一种自相矛盾僵持不下的情况:任何振兴经济的办法不过煽起民众的忿怒并损及政府威信而已。 Any solution [to Soviet economic malaise], however, is hostage to the crisis of authority, creating a catch-22 stalemate between perestroika and glasnost, between economics and politics: any measure to shore up the economy only fans public anger and reduces the authority of the Government.