除我之外,他们都去睡觉了。 They all went to sleep except me.
这位演说者除了想搞笑之外,没有别的目的。 The speaker has no other purpose except to make people laugh.
我们除了同意他们之外,没有别的选择。 We have no other choice than to agree with them.
妇女被排斥于寺院之外使得她们很难过。 The exclusion of women from the temple made them feel sad.
除了14行诗和其他诗体之外,莎士比亚的形式感隐蔽起来了,不存在着威胁。不论这一看法多么不对,它确实使这位紧跟在莎士比亚后面浮现出来的诗人一时生产一种幻觉:他可能是有惊无险。 Except in the sonnets and poems, Shakespeare's formal sense is disguised and does not threaten. No matter how wrong this idea might be, it does give the poet bobbing in Shakespeare's wake the momentary illusion that he might be waving instead of drowning.
城市之外的一个小地方 A little place outside the city.
马克思主义认为世界存在于我们之外,而且独立于我们而存在。 Marxism believes that the world exists outside us and independently of us.
除了他的孙子之外, 这个老人谁也不想见。 The old man wanted to see nobody other than his grandson.
示威抗议者驻扎在职业大楼之外进行示威的人或一群人 A person or group of persons present outside a building to protest.
有许多中国人住在唐人街,其人数比中国本土之外世界其他任何地方的华人都多。 More Chinese live in China Town than in any other part of the world outside China.
如果请费尔南德斯走路,教育局可以付钱马上终止合约,或是让他做满任期。费尔南德斯按规定可以在十九万五的年薪之外,还可以领未用病假和其他福利折合现金四十万元。 If Fernandez is shown the door, the board could either buy out his contract immediately or allow him to serve out his term. Fernandez is set to collect$400, 000 in past sick pay and other benefits on top of his$195, 000 salary.
在足球锦标赛的最后3分钟时,两队还是不分胜负,突然切尔斯队的中锋非常出色地在罚球区之外将功赎罪球顶入了网内。 The two teams were drawing with only three minutes of play left in the Cup Final when Chelsea's centre forward pulled a master stroke and headed the ball into the net from outside the penalty area.
我除了要通过考试之外,没有别的心愿。 I have no other wish except to pass the examination.
除此之外,她还有五顶别的帽子。 She has five other hats besides this.
这次考试之难出乎我的意料之外。 The exam is more difficult than I have bargained for.
除了远处的零星的小冲突之外,这个地区是和平的。 This area is peaceful except for a few skirmishes in the distance.
获得物获得的东西,尤指一确定范畴或群体之外的 Something acquired, especially an addition to an established category or group.
除酒之外, 烟草在多数国家都要徵税. Tobacco is taxed in most countries, along with alcohol.
作为居住场所,这个岛似乎为他提供了人们所想望的一切——除了谋生的条件之外。 As a place to stay, the island seemed to him to offer all that the heart could desire except the means of earning a living.
在计算机程序运行过程中发生的一种不希望有的或意料之外的停机,一般是由于编码失误、硬件故障或操作者的错误而引起的。参阅run。 In computing, an unwanted or unforeseen halt in a program run, due to faulty coding, hardware errors or operator mistakes.