他们热烈地欢迎主席。 They gave the chairman a tumultuous welcome.
主席的讲话将向全国广播。 The chairman's speech will be broadcast nationwide.
担任主席的人有责任安排会议。 The holder of the office of chairman is responsible for arranging meetings.
他们选他做主席。 They elected him chairman.
他被选为会议主席。 He was elected chairman of the meeting.
主席敲击桌子以维持秩序。 The chairman rapped on the table for order.
接替他担任主席的人将参加本次会议。 His successor as the chairman will be at the conference.
主席一职由委员会的成员轮流担任。 The post of chairman rotates among members of the committee.
除了没挂名以外,实际上他就是委员会的主席。 He is the chairman of the committee in all but the name.
我现在辞去主席职位,交由我的副手接替。 I am resigning as chairman and handing over to my deputy.
主席的简短陈辞概括了委员会的观点. The chairman's short statement encapsulates the views of the committee.
主席敦促党的工作人员采取行动。 The chairman exhorted the party workers to take action.
主席没有基层的支持。 The chairman has no grass-root support.
到目前为止,主席只能提出个大体规划,还不能很具体。 So far, the chairman has only been able to trace out the outline of the plan, without any details.
主要活动如下: 第一项, 总裁讲话; 第二项, 秘书做解答; 第三项, 主席做总结. The main events were as follows: first, the president's speech, secondly the secretary's reply and thirdly, the chairman's summing-up.
在演讲开头主席开了一个玩笑。 At the beginning of the speech the chairman cracked a joke.
随著新主席的到来, 公司也开始有了起色. With the advent of the new chairman, the company began to prosper.
那发言者讲话结结巴巴的, 有时得由主席提示. The speaker was rather hesitant and had to be prompted occasionally by the chairman.
主席一直以沉闷的语调讲了几小时. The chairman droned on for hours.
他被邀请担任本地摄影俱乐部的主席。 He was invited to become president of the local camera club.
他利用那机会表达了对主席积压已久的怨气. He used the occasion to express all his old grievances against the chairman.