不要把过去的事都翻出来。 Don't rake up the past.
我希望演说者不要离题。 I wish the speaker would confine himself to the subject.
不要指望一个星期就能学会一门外语. You can't expect to learn a foreign language in a week.
请不要责怪你自己。 Please don't blame yourself.
他警告我晚上不要到那去。 He warned me against going there at night.
孩子睡觉时,不要练习打鼓。 You mustn't practise drums while the baby is sleeping.
为了安全起见,在市内开车时速不要超过三十公里。 For safety's sake, don't drive more than 30 kilometers per hour in the city.
不要践踏草地。 Don't trample on the grass.
不要干涉别人的事情。 Don't meddle with other men's business.
拍照时照相机不要晃. Try not to jerk the camera when taking a photograph.
不要嘲笑他。 Don't laugh at him.
请不要嘲笑他。 Please don't laugh at him.
不要着急:这项工程会有好结果的 Don't worry: this project will come out in the wash.
不要忘记在支票上写上日期. Don't forget to date your cheque.
我希望你不要看不起这种工作。 I wish you wouldn't look down on this kind of work.
这没什么要紧,不要为它烦心了。 It's not important; don't bother your head about it.
不要看不起他的努力。他已经取得了很大的进步。 Don't sniff at his effort. He's made great progress.
不要虚度时光。 Don't loiter your time away.
那绝对不要紧. It doesn't matter in the least.
我才不要你的臭钱呢. I don't want your stinking money.
不要动不动就挑毛病. Don't be so ready to find fault.
专心工作, 不要说话. Attend to your work and stop talking.
他父亲提醒他不要马虎。 His father reminds him not to be careless.
不要把烟灰掉在地毯上。 Don't drop cigarette ash on the carpet.
我要吃面条而不要吃馒头。 I'll plump for noodles rather than buns.
你如果不停止吃糖,你就不要吃饭。 Stop eating sweets, or you won't get any dinner.
咱们不要在现阶段著手处理具体问题。 Let's not enter into details at this stage.
不要责骂这孩子, 他过了那一阵就会好的. Don't scold the boy; he'll come round in time.
不要一下子全吃光留下一些以后再吃。 Don't eat them all at once; save some for later.
你最好不要碰这些衣服,好避免传染病。 You'd better not touch these coats to avoid contagion.
不要把馒头放在桌子上,它会干硬的。 Don't leave that steamed bread on the table, it will dry out.
我希望他不要将烟灰往地毯上乱弹。 I wish he would refrain from scattering his ash all over the carpet.
我建议你不要和那个不诚实的商人合作。 I advise you not to cooperate with that deceitful businessman.
不要把感情浪费在他身上,他是永远不会爱你的。 Don't squander your affection on him, he'll never love you.
我希望你最近转变成的这样子永远不要再变。 I hope you'll never change back from the person you have recently become.
一个学生犯了错误不要光去责备他,我们最好帮助他改正错误。 Instead of railing at a student for his mistakes, we had better help him to correct them.
吃东西不要狼吞虎咽. Don't wolf down your food.
机动车协会劝告开车的人暂时不要使用公路。 Motoring organization is urging driver not to travel by road if possible.
很遗憾你的饼烘坏了,但不要紧,下次烘得好些。 I'm sorry the cake you baked turned out a flop; never mind, better luck next time.
不要大家一齐说! Don't all speak at once!
赢不了也不要紧--只要你尽力而为。 It doesn't matter if you don't win just do your best.
什麽事都不要依靠他--他光会说空话。 Don't rely on him to do anything he's just a talker.
我们的口号是: `要循序渐进, 不要剧烈变革.' Our watchword is: Evolution, not revolution'.
把这件事当作你的教训, 再也不要玩火柴了! Let this be a lesson to you never to play with matches!
警察告诫围观者, 不要靠近燃烧 的建筑物. Police warned bystanders to keep away from the blazing building.
`你没赶上公共汽车吗? 不要紧, 五分钟後就来一辆.' Did you miss the bus? Never mind, there'll be another one in five minutes.
不努力是考不及格的, 因此不要欺骗自己(以为可以及格). You can't pass exams without working, so don't deceive yourself (into thinking you can).
不要反对这个制度。 Don't try to buck the system.
我想我不要独自一人去。 I don't think I will go alone.
不要做违背他心意的事。 Don't do anything that should go against his will.
你决不要受别人意见的支配。 You must not be governed by the opinions of others.
不要责备他,他毕竟是个新手。 Don't blame on him, after all, he is a green hand.
不要这么赶,否则你可能会出事故。 Do not rush or you may have an accident.
不要灰心,每个人都有转运的一天。 Don't lose your hope, every dog has his day.
千万不要照牌价购买汽车, 总得讲讲价才是. Never pay the advertised price for a car; always try to bargain.
这个地区很危险,所以你身上不要带太多现金。 This is a dangerous area, so don't carry too much cash on you.
不要出难题了,我们必须赶五点钟前把这项工作干完。 Don't be awkward: we have to get this finished by five o'clock.
不要试图掩盖错误。 Do not try to cover a mistake.
不要与坏同伴往来。 Don't associate with bad companions.
不要辜负人民对你的信任。 Don't betray the people's trust in you.
这些废墟形象地提醒人们不要忘记战争的恐怖。 These ruins are an eloquent reminder of the horrors of war.
不要对结果妄加猜测. Don't conjecture about the outcome.
不要被他那副讨人喜欢的外表所迷惑, 其实他冷酷无情. Don't be taken in by his charming manner; he's completely ruthless.
不要轻率地奔赴险境,做任何决定之前都要认真想想。 Don't rush headlong into danger; think it through carefully before you make any decisions.
讲课时不要岔开(主题). Don't digress (from the subject) when lecturing.
不要把奥地利跟澳大利亚弄混淆了. Don't confuse Austria and/with Australia.
偶尔借点钱倒没什麽, 只是不要成为一种习惯. It's all right to borrow money occasionally, but don't let it become a habit.
先生,你要不要试穿一下这件夹克衫,看看尺寸是否合适? Would you like to try this jacket on for size, sir?
不要助长孩子的坏习惯. Don't encourage bad habits in a child.
请在纸的正反两面书写, 但不要写在四周的边上. Please write on both sides of the paper, and don't write in the margin.
不要急于下结论。 Don't jump to conclusions.
不要碰它,它容易破碎。 Don't touch it, it breaks easily.
我恳求你不要出卖国家。 I conjure you not to betray your country.
要把球接住, 不要让它落地. Try to catch the ball before it lands.
在雷雨期间不要站在树下。 Don't stand under a tree during a thunderstorm.
你最好不要冒险投资这么多。 You had better not invest so much money at your peril.
我们的律师劝告不要起诉房东。 Our lawyer have advise against suing the landlord.
叫他保持冷静,不要操之过急。 Tell him to keep calm and not to crowd the mourners.
不要替我操心床铺的事。我就睡在地板上好了。 Don't worry about a bed for me, I can kip down on the floor.
我警告过你不要同已婚女子胡来,那样总是会惹麻烦的。 I have warned you not to meddle with married women, it always leads to trouble.
如果你不喜欢分配给你的任务,干脆不要做,而不要草率从事。 If you do not like the assignment, just do not do them, but do not scamp them.
不要崇拜财富。 Don't make an idol of money.
不要忽略枝节问题。 Don't neglect minor issues.
不要过份相信陌生人。 Don't be too confidential with strangers.
不要让机遇从我们身边溜走。 Don't let chances pass by.
请不要为了等我们而延缓吃晚饭。 Please don't wait dinner for us.
我劝他不要急急忙忙递交辞职书。 I dissuade him from rush in to submit his resignation.
我劝他不要冲进去,递交辞职书。 I dissuaded him from rushing in to submit his resignation.
我三番五次地告诉过你, 不要做那种事. I've told you again and again not to do that.
你最好变换一下饮食,不要总吃同样的东西。 It's better to vary your diet rather than eat the same things all the time.
孩子们经常有他们自己的天地,你最好不要干涉他们的事。 Children are often in a world by themselves. You'd better not interfere in their business.
我曾经警告过他不要调换工作,可如今他被迫在一家亏损公司工作。他这是自作自受。 I warned him not to change his job but now he is forced to work for a company that is losing money. He has made his own bed and now he must lie in it.
不要空腹时游泳。 Don't swim on an empty stomach.
尽量不要过于为此烦恼。 Try not to get too upset about it.
已经特别叮嘱过你不要吃鱼. You were specifically warned not to eat fish.
警方向群众呼吁不要惊慌. The police appealed to the crowd not to panic.
饭前不要吃糖以免影响食欲. Don't spoil your appetite by eating sweets before meals.
不要偏离车道--这一带沼泽地多. Keep to the track the moor is very boggy around here.
我已多次告诫过你不要做那件事. I've warned you over and over (again) not to do that.
我给你拍照的那一刹那, 你不要动。 Hold yourself still for a moment while I take your photograph.
我曾经叮嘱他不要和任何人讲这件事。 I had warned him not to tell anyone about it.
领队告诫我们在大赛之前不要太激动. The manager warned us not to get too keyed up before the big match.
金融家告诉我们不要再用那种方法做业务。 The financier told us not to do business in that way.
我们大家不要回避棘手的问题。 Let's not skirt round the awkward questions.
不要逾期不缴房租, 否则会被逐出. Don't fall behind with the rent, or you'll be evicted.
不要担心马达,会还给你们的[找到的]。 Don't worry about the motor.You'll get it back.
奶酪蛋糕非常可口。要不要来一块? The cheesecake is very tasty. Can I bring you a piece?
不要对他期望过高;他只不过是个学生。 Don't expect much of him; he is at best a student.
"不要泄气,不要泄气,"我一直对自己说。 "Don't give up. Don't give up, " I kept telling myself.
不要相信他的记忆力--他有点神不守舍的。 Don't rely on his memory he's a bit of a dreamer.
暂且不要考虑你从直觉上憎恶他这一因素. Set aside for a moment your instinctive dislike of the man.
把文章写在练习簿里, 不要写在草稿纸上. Write the essay in your (exercise-)books, not on rough paper.
哎呀,不要这样死要面子啦,告诉我真心话吧! Oh, don't be so respectable! Tell me what you really feel.
不要因为我说你的头发是姜黄色就大发雷霆-你也知道事实就是这样。 Don't get into a wax because I said you hair is ginger-you know that it is.
啤酒瓶底的沉淀物一到瓶颈部位,就不要往外倒啤酒了。此时你的一杯啤酒会金灿灿地发亮,酒泡鼓出酒杯口,而又不会溢出杯外。 As soon as the sediment starts creeping up the shoulder of the bottle, stop pouring. You should now have a glass of star-bright beer with a head(of foam) that stands proud of the glass but does not overflow.