现代的人想法不同。 People today think differently.
他的人生观与你的不同。 His view of life is different from yours.
这段文字可以有不同的解释。 This passage may be given several interpretations.
他摇摇头,因为他的想法与此不同。 He shook his head, for he thought differently.
尽管我努力劝说,他还是不同意。 In spite of my efforts at persuasion, he wouldn't agree.
尽管我俩相貌不同,但都讨人喜欢。 Although our looks differ, we are both attractive.
她和她姐姐外貌相似,但性格不同。 She resembles her sister in appearance but not in character.
起初我不同意他的提议,不过后来我改了主意。 Initially, I disagree with his proposal, but later I changed my mind.
和他兄弟不同,他有种幽默感。 Unlike his brother, he has a good sense of humor.
我们有不同的派,例如苹果、樱桃和草莓派。 We have different pies, such as apple, cherry, and strawberry pies.
他最初的反应是不同意。可是後来他改变了主意。 His first response was to say no. Later, however, he changed his mind.
老实讲,我不同意你的计划。 To tell the truth, I don't agree to your plan.
老是唱反调的人批判地不同意的人 One who critically disagrees.
你和我属于不同的政治阵营。 You and I belong to different political camps.
这些东西的区别只是大小不同而实质一样. They differ in size but not in kind.
我觉得这是个合理的建议,但他不同意。 I thought it was a reasonable proposal, but he didn't agree.
这些式样均可改动以适应个人不同的爱好. These styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes.
老师的办公室里堆满了大批不同的论文。 There is a heterogeneous mass of papers in the teacher's office.
我丈夫想买一条小狗,但我得照料它,因此我坚持不同意。 My husband wanted to buy a puppy, but I would have to look after it so I put my foot down and said No.
这两种体系只是在表面上有某种相似之处, 其实根本不同. There is only a formal resemblance between the two systems; they are in fact radically different.
我不同意,布莱顿城更为热闹。 I disagree, brighton's more lively.
"羽毛球有些像网球吗?-"不,根本不同。" "Is badminton anything like tennis? "-"No, as different as chalk from cheese."
根据出身不同而区别待人是不对的. It is wrong to differentiate between people according to their family background.
眼睛能自动调节以便观看远近不同的景物。 The eye can accommodate itself to seeing objects at different distances.
去海外旅行时,许多人会感觉到不同文化的冲击。 Most people feel culture shock when traveling to a foreign culture.
不同种族混合的由不同性别,种族或社会阶层组成的人和 Made up of people of different sex, race, or social class.
虽说委员会中的多数赞成这项议案,但还有一些人持不同看法。 Although most of members of the committee spoke for the bill, a few still held different views.
我这一代人和我父辈及祖辈表现不同. My generation behaves differently from my father's and grandfather's.
天文学是一门严谨的科学, 与占星术完全不同. Astronomy, as distinct from astrology, is an exact science.
镇上有些所谓的娱乐, 但与城里的截然不同. The town offers entertainments of a kind, but nothing like what you'll find in the city.
在某些国家,凡是同政府持有不同意见的人都被视为罪犯。 In some countries, people who disagree with the government are classed as criminals.
资本主义制度下的被压迫人民生活在一个与我们截然不同的世界里。 The Oppressed people under capitalism live in a world far other
纽约是不同国籍的人的聚居地. New York is a vast melting-pot of different nationalities.
具有不同凡响的深度和流畅性的一次钢琴演奏 A piano performance of particular depth and fluidity.
就模拟输入而言,使模数转换器不能区别其变化的超范围的绝对电压值。超载值对于正输入和负输入可能不同。 For analog inputs, any absolute voltage value above which the analog-to- digital converter cannot distinguish a change. The overload value can be different for plus and minus inputs.
冰、雪和蒸汽是水的不同形态。 Ice, snow and steam are different forms of water.
不同身份的、形形色色的人都出席了。 Divers persons were present, of all stations in life.
英美两国的政府体制有什么不同? What are the difference between the American and British systems of government?
玉米、小米和高粱较易适应不同的自然条件。 Maise, millet and kaoliang adapt readily to varying natural conditions.
他揍了你我毫不同情——是你先打他的,你挨打活该。 I'm not sorry he hit you- it serves you fight for starting the fight!
八分音符、四分音符和二分音符在乐谱上是不同长度的三个音符。 Quavers, crotchets and minims are three of the different lengths of note in written music.
背离既定路线者;阴谋破坏者采用不同路线,进行分裂或从事破坏活动的人 One engaged in diversionary, disruptive, or subversive activities.
那两组交通灯不同步。 The two sets of traffic lights were out of phase.
试从不同的角度来看这件事。 Try looking at the affair from a different angle.
那两组交通灯不同步因而发生了几起事故. The two sets of traffic lights were out of phase (ie did not show the same change at the same time) and several accidents occurred.
在日光下看, 颜色显得不同. The colours look different when viewed in daylight.
他们兄弟俩的性情完全不同。 The two brothers have entirely different temperaments.
无论如何我也不同他调换地方。 I would not change places with him for all the world.
和我妹妹不同,我是一个糟糕的厨师。 Unlike my sister, I am a terrible cook.
不同的礼节程度决定所需的确切表达方式。 The level of formality determine the precise mode of expression.
变异的从标准变化来的,通常只是一些轻微的不同 Deviating from a standard, usually by only a slight difference.
请试试这个巧克力。有三种不同风味的巧克力供应。 Please try this chocolate. There are three different flavors available.
这位部长在她的讲话中表示不同意对现行法律作任何更改。 In her speech, the Minister came out against any change to the existing law.
彩色插图书的整页图解,经常为彩色,印刷在与印刷正文页材料不同的纸张上 A full-page book illustration, often in color and printed on paper different from that used on the text pages.
人不同于野兽,因前者能笑,而后者却不能。 Man differs from beasts in that the former is able to laugh, while the latter aren't.
即使要求很高的市场对不同种类的商品,也需要有各种档次的货色和价格。 Even highly demanding markets require a wide range of quality and price levels for any group of products.
等值用不同种货币以一个固定的官方交换汇率表示的一定货币的等量价值 The equivalent in value of a sum of money expressed in terms of a different currency at a fixed, official rate of exchange.
民法与刑法是不同的。 Civil law is different to criminal law.
基督教教义和穆斯林教义极为不同。 Christian and Muslim doctrines are very different.
讲课人继续解释说民法与刑法是不同的。 The lecturer continued that civil law was different to criminal law.
政治迫害表面上是开展揭露颠覆的活动,但实际上用于扰乱和削弱持不同看法的人的调查 An investigation carried out ostensibly to uncover subversive activities but actually used to harass and undermine those with differing views.
三色性某些矿物质所具有的特性,当放在白光下从三个不同的方向观察,会呈现出三种不同的颜色 The property possessed by certain minerals of exhibiting three different colors when viewed from three different directions under white lights.
鉴别器,鉴频器一种将输入信号的某一特征,如频率或相位转变为幅度变化装置,其变化大小因信号与标准或参考信号的不同程度而异 A device that converts a property of an input signal, such as frequency or phase, into an amplitude variation, depending on how the signal differs from a standard or reference signal.
尽管有大量的宗教派别,研究美国宗教惯常做法的学者发现,在许多情况下,许多新教教派之间在信仰方面并没有多大的不同,只是在仪式方面有较小的差异。 In spite of the great number of denominations, students of religious practice in the United State find that in many cases there are no major differences in belief, and only minor ones in ritual between many of the Protestant denominations.
那种鸟雄鸟的喙呈橙色, 与雌鸟不同. The male's orange beak differentiates it from the female.
睿智与机灵不同,前者可随着年龄增加。 Sagacity, unlike cleverness, may increase with age.
我绝不同极端分子来往[与极端主义格格不入]. I'll have no truck with extremists/extremism.
这些罐子可盛的液体多少不等[容量不同]. The jars hold different volumes of liquid/have different volumes.
与新来乍到者不同,对那些工作多年的雇员将予以优待。 Employee who has worked here for many years will be given preference over newcomer.
对伽利略来说,地球上和太空中有不同的运动法则是没有多大意义。 It didn't make much sense to Galileo to have different rules for motion on earth and in space.
脱轨器,转撤器通过在不同大小的扣链齿轮间移动链条而转换自行车齿轮(换档)的装置 A device for shifting gears on a bicycle by moving the chain between sprocket wheels of different sizes.
人生是一种考验,而这个世界就是考场。每一代都要面对一些问题--可能是相同的问题--只不过问题的形式不同。 Life is a test and this world a place of trial. Always the problems- or it may be the same problem will be presented to every generation in different forms.