要是太阳从西边出来,他就会通过考试--他不可能通过考试。 If the sun were to rise in the west, he would pass the exam.
在年终联欢会季节,晚上是几乎不可能叫到计程车的。 It's next to impossible to catch a taxi at night during the year- end party season.
我不可能及时赶到会场,除非我赶上了较找的一班火车。 I couldn't have got to the meeting on time -- unless I had caught an earlier train.
用一把这么钝的刀子切菠萝是不可能的。 It's impossible to cut a pineapple with such a dull knife.
我看到的不可能是鬼--一定是幻想的东西吧。 I can't have seen a ghost it must have been imagination.
我是实事求是的人--知道不可能在一夜之间改变人们的看法。 I'm a realist I know you can't change people's attitudes overnight.
任何人对她报道的饥荒情况都不可能无动于衷。 It's impossible to remain unmoved by her reports of the famine.
当他们在放映幻灯片时,要我保持清醒是不可能的。 It is impossible to stay awake when they show slides.
我们有了孩子以后不可能再居住在单间套房里了,爹爹帮了我们大忙,把买房的定金借给了我们。 It was impossible living in a one-roomed flat after we had the baby but Dad pulled the chestnuts out of the fire by lending us the deposit for a house.
她不可能如此迟钝. She cannot possibly be so obtuse.
我们的新型洗衣粉顾客都很满意, 成千上万的人不可能都错了, 您也不妨试一试好吗? Thousands of satisfied customers can't be wrong, so why don't you try our new washing-powder?
在这种地方保密是不可能的。 In this place privacy is impossible.
这是他最不可能做的尝试。 This is the last attempt (that) he would make.
要预测出谁将获胜是不可能的. It is impossible to predict who will win.
再重建这座建筑物是不可能的。 Reconstruction of that building is impossible.
这场纠纷根本不可能获得解决. There is no prospect of a settlement of the dispute.
那种工作不可能做到十全十美. Perfection is impossible to achieve in that kind of work.
我是最不可能去尝试回答这个问题。 I would be the last to attempt to answer the question.
他与顾客的关系是事务性的,理所当然不可能跟他们之间有多少个人感情。 His relations with his clients were also cut and dried, very little personal feeling could in the nature of things come into them.
对任何一件东西都要以正确的名称来称呼的人,几乎不可能走过马路而不被人作为共同的敌人来打倒的吧。 A man that should call everything by its right name, would hardly pass the streets without being knocked down as a common enemy.
按我目前的财务状况我是不可能买车的。 My present finances preclude the possibility of buying a car.
模态逻辑命题的限制条件,建立在其内容的肯定或否定其可能性,不可能性,偶然性或必然性基础之上 The classification of propositions on the basis of whether they assert or deny the possibility, impossibility, contingency, or necessity of their content.
你犯的这种罪不可能被处以绞刑. You can't hang for such a crime.
这个建议完全是荒唐可笑的, 根本不可能采纳. The entire proposal is risible: it will never be accepted.