我们明天将一起吃午饭。 We will eat lunch together tomorrow.
可能的话,她想跟我们一起去。 If possible, She wants to go with us.
她把幸福和有钱联想到一起。 She associated happiness with having money.
我可不喜欢整天和他在一起。 I'm not too enamored with the idea of spending a whole day with him.
我们一起欢度的那个晚上是我最快乐的事情之一。 That evening together is one of my happiest recollections.
在一般情况下他都和我们一起来, 只是他现在身体不太好. In the ordinary way he would have come with us, but he's not feeling well.
我用一个纸夹把那几页纸夹在一起。 I fastened the pages together with a paperclip.
孩子将玩具汽车两端相连摆在一起. The child put the toy cars together endways.
这些羊被赶在一起,排成歪歪扭扭的一行。 The sheep were herded into a ragged line.
班里所有的男孩都想陪这个漂亮的女孩一起出游。 All the boys in the class want to go out with the pretty girl.
那些喜欢和他一起踢足球的小男孩都把他当作叔叔。 He is uncle to all the little boys who like to play football with him.
小手鼓一种用手敲击的鼓,连结在一起声调和谐的一对中的一个 One of a pair of connected tuned drums that are played by beating with the hands.
咱们一起复习你的英语练习好吗? Shall we go over your English exercises together?
那两个女孩经常一起在那棵大山楂树下玩耍。 The two girls always play together under the large hawthorn.
共用餐者如在军队集体食堂里经常与某人一起用膳的人 A person with whom one eats regularly, as in a military mess.
我们一起走进会场。 We trooped into the meeting.
他们一起做过生意。 They've done some business together.
命运把我们连在一起了. Destiny drew us together.
这两块木头已用金属丝捆在一起了。 The two pieces of wood were wired together.
共同的利益把这两人联系到一起。 me in strength but Common interest brings these two together.
能和你在一起对我是件极为安慰的事。 Your company has been a great consolation to me.
她喜欢和我一起溜冰。 She likes to ice-skate with me.
她把三幅布缝接在一起。 She joined the three widths of cloth.
这几页都粘在一起了--我揭不开. These pages are stuck together I can't pull them apart.
新娘的男亲属们聚集在一起为婚礼做准备。 The bride's kinsman gathered to make preparations for the wedding.
他们盖著毯子(在一起)搂著. They cuddled up (together) under the blanket.
跟他在一起的那个女人究竟是谁? Who on earth is that female he's with?
他完全是靠个人的魅力,说服他们和他在一起干。 He persuaded them to join him by the sheer magnetism of his personality.
"杰克,你和我们一起来吗?""不。不过,管它呢,反正我一到家就会遇到麻烦。" "Are you coming on with us, Jack? ""I shouldn't, but what the hell. I'm going to get into trouble when I get home, anyway."
医生说:“和护士们一起喝茶休息是十分值得的。我们总是谈本行。实际上我们只有这个时候才能一起聊聊我们病人的情况。” The doctor says,"a tea break with the nurses in immensely valuable. We always talk shop. It's the only real chance we get to chat about our patients."
欧洲进一步统一的计划可以尚未定案,可是从赫尔辛基到罗马的人在最近几星期得到一个时常令人痛苦的教训:他们各国的经济已经如何地牵扯在一起了。 Europe's plans for further unification may be up in the air, but people from Helsinki to Rome have been learning an often painful lesson in recent weeks about how entwined their economies have already become.
我只要做的就是说服他跟我们一起去。 All I have to do is persuade him to go with us.
把我应付你的钱都加在一起。 Add up all the money I owe you.
我母亲和我一起向你表示美好的祝愿. Mother joins (with) me in sending you our best wishes.
一堆,一叠按堆排放或扔在一起的一些东西 A quantity of objects stacked or thrown together in a heap.
要不然他还会在教书,因为他的心仍然在课堂上和他的学生们在一起。 Otherwise he would still be teaching, because his heart and soul were still in the classroom with his students.
喜悦和惊异交织在一起。 Joy mingled with surprises.
别惦记我们--我们不久就和你们在一起了. Don't bother about us we'll join you later.
你今晚不能和我们一起去看戏, 真可惜. What a pity that you can't come to the theatre with us tonight.
这种心理治疗是在一起活动的小组之间进行的. The psychotherapy is carried out in small interactive groups.
四个构成的一组因共同的财产或行为而联系在一起的四人小组或联盟 A group or combination of four associated by common properties or behavior.
那两个罪犯(彼此)勾结在一起. The two criminals were in cahoots (with each other).
比尔先唱独唱部分, 然後大家一起合唱. Bill sang the verses and everyone joined in the chorus.
我可以用铆钉把这些金属板固定在一起吗? Can I fasten these metal plates with rivets?
他装著不认识她, 其实他们暗中勾结(在一起). He pretended not to know her but in fact they were in league (together).
该组竭力想把最新消息和评论糅合在一起,不料发现它们彼皮格格不入。 The team tried hard to mix fresh news and comment only to find they were mixing oil and water.
内集团一群因共同的信仰、态度和兴趣而集合在一起并明显排斥外人的小集团;小集团 A group of people united by common beliefs, attitudes, or interests and characteristically excluding outsiders; a clique.
专门小组聚在一起策划或讨论一个问题、裁判一场比赛或在无线电台或电视台小测验节目中充当一个队的一群人 A group of people gathered to plan or discuss an issue, judge a contest, or act as a team on a radio or television quiz program.
我们两国被共同关切的问题连结在一起。 Our two nations are knit together by common concerns.
这两项实验的结果合并在一起了. The results of the two experiments were conflated.
团体,帮一群组合在一起的青少年,尤指一群少年犯 A group of adolescents who band together, especially a group of delinquents.
分子扩散运动两种或更多种物质的分子由于随机的热运动自发混合在一起 The spontaneous intermingling of the particles of two or more substances as a result of random thermal motion.
我记得感到上帝或某人把我们凑合在一起。 I remember feeling that God, or someone, had brought us together.
我们大家可以一起走--假定其他人不耽搁的话. We can all leave together assuming (that) the others aren't late.
虽然富人和穷人住在一起,但是条件相差极为悬殊。 Rich and poor live side by side but in conditions of extraordinary disparity.
在微波系统中,来自各处的分散的输入必须被汇集在一起,以形成一个综合的输入,然后由无线电发送和接收。 In microwave system the separate input from various sources must be brought together to give a composite input which is then transmitted and received by radio.
他和他妻子葬在一起. He was buried with his wife.
他们生活在一起十分融洽. They live in perfect accord with each other.
把这油和漆搀在一起,好好搅拌。 Mix this oil with the paint and stir well.
他很快就领悟到了其中的幽默,于是和大家一起欢笑起来。 He saw the joke quickly and joined in the general merriment.
奇异风格,形状怪诞的图案一种自然的形式和奇异的图形以一种奇异或古怪的方式结合在一起的绘画雕塑和装饰风格 A style of painting, sculpture, and ornamentation in which natural forms and monstrous figures are intertwined in bizarre or fanciful combinations.
工人们把沥青和沙子、石块混合在一起。 The workers mixed the asphalt with sand and gravel together.
回忆或遐想指与另一人、物或观点联系在一起的记忆中的或想象的感情、情感、观点或感觉 A remembered or imagined feeling, emotion, idea, or sensation linked to a person, object, or idea.
过去人们围着桌子一起合唱;如今则由于唱得较好这一荒唐的理由,而由一个男子独唱了。 Once men sing together round a table in chorus; now one man sing alone for the absurd reason that he can sing better.