他昨天到达的。 He arrived yesterday.
他是第一个到达那里的。 He was the first to be there.
他在最适当的时候到达。 He arrived at the most opportune moment.
我的工资多达一万元。 I received no less than ten thousand yen for my work.
那辆火车三点钟准时到达。 The train arrived on the dot of three o'clock.
他刚刚到达就不得不又离开。 Scarcely had he arrived when he had to leave again.
我们会尽力来达到世界水平。 We'll do all we can to catch up the world level.
两国关系已达到出现危机的地步。 Relation between the two countries has reached a crisis point.
你有这样一位通情达理的父亲,真是幸运。 You are fortunate to have such a reasonable father.
你那篇文章的内容好极了, 但是表达方式不太好. The content of your essay is excellent, but it's not very well expressed.
我有一件红色的华达呢上衣。 I have a red gabardine coat.
我们赢得了合同,但是却经过了多次不屈不挠的谈判才达到目的。 We won the contract but only through a lot of tough negotiating.
那次行进速度很快, 到中午已抵达伦敦. It was good going to reach London by midday.
尽管(她讲的)内容有些枯燥, 但由於她善於表达, 大家仍听得津津有味. Although the subject-matter (of her talk) was rather dull her witty delivery kept the audience interested.
火车及时到达了。 The train arrived betimes.
法国是发达国家之一。 France is one of the develop countries.
他提前到达会面地点。 He arrived at the meeting place beforehand.
我们用词句来表达思想。 We express our thought by means of words.
她乘电梯迅速到达顶层. She (was) whisked up to the top floor in the lift.
你必须提前两小时到达机场。 You must arrive at the airport two hours early.
我们正在为达到共同的目标而努力. We're working towards common objectives.
她鼓励她表达个人深处的感情。 She encourages her to express her innermost feelings.
建筑费用涨到高达新台币两千万。 Building costs ran up to as much as NT$ 20 million.
在我看来,你跟他都没有达到标准。 In my opinion, neither you nor he has met the standard.
在他到达车间之前,机器已经开动了。 Before he gets to the workshop, the machine has been put in motion.
这段时间的失业人数又达到了创纪录水平。 In this period, unemployment reaches record levels.
诗人表达了他对所爱的女子火一般的激情。 The poet expressed his burning passion for the woman he loved.
到这次新闻发布时, 贸易量已达到最低点。 At the time of this news release, trading had reached its lowest point.
消防队到达时, 整座建筑物正在熊熊燃烧著. When the firemen arrived the whole building was blazing.
尽管有那么多困难,我们仍然及时地到达了这儿。 Disregarding all the difficulties, we arrived here in time.
不久她看出,她已经到达这座城市的郊区。 Presently she recognized that she was already in the outskirts of the city.
水源污染已经达到危及居民健康的程度。 Pollution of the water supply reached a level pernicious to the health of the population.
当我到达山顶的时候,我有一种巨大的成就感。 I felt a great sense of achievement when I reached the top of the mountain.
我们估计正午抵达德里. We reckon to arrive in Delhi at noon.
他们最后终于达成了协议。 Finally, they arrived at an agreement.
我们凑巧一同到达这儿。 By coincidence, we arrived here at the same time.
他已经达到了他事业的顶峰。 He has reached the zenith of his career.
达成和平协定的概率是零。 The probability of a peace agreement being reached is zero.
这个港口每年货物吞吐量达1亿吨. This port handles 100 million tons of cargo each year.
我们很快就抵达一片高度约九十英尺的高原。 Soon we reach a plateau at an elevation of about ninety feet.
这两个反对党达成了一项关于在选举中进行合作的协议。 The two opposition parties made an electoral pact.
他平安的消息到达她那里之前,那段时间似乎是无限漫长的。 It seemed an eternity before news of his safety reached her.
匆匆忙忙地大批量生产的自行车无法达到我们的一般标准。 These bicycles have been rushed out and not up to our usual standard.
他仅把结婚当作达到目的的手段, 他只是想要妻子的财产. He regarded his marriage merely as a means to an end: he just wanted his wife's wealth.
段在东方武术中,黑腰带的级别精通达12级中的任一级,如柔道和空手道 Any of12 levels of proficiency at the grade of black belt in martial arts such as judo and karate.
他们与雇主达成的协议是他们在工资方面降低要求, 但每周工时要缩短. The bargain they reached with their employers was to reduce their wage claim in return for a shorter working week.
组织秘书发给本党党员的通知在立法机构中传达给政党成员的一个在特定时间保证其出勤率的通知 A call issued to party members in a lawmaking body to ensure attendance at a particular time.
辐射作用已达到前所未有的程度. Radiation reached unheard-of levels.
由于管理有方,农场兴旺发达。 The farm prospered through good management.
请向你全家转达我真挚的问候。 Please give my sincere regards to all the members of your family.
没有良好的经营管理,事业就不会兴旺发达。 A business cannot thrive without good management.
图形记录便显示了在短的间隙内先后到达的三种波。 The graphic record shows three waves arriving one after the other at short intervals.
最后,我想借此机会请汤姆逊教授转达我们深厚的友谊,并表示对他的同胞良好的祝愿。 Finally, we want to take this opportunity to beg him to convey our profound friendship and best regards to his people.
伊卡罗斯代达罗斯的儿子,他乘着他父亲做的人工翅膀逃离克里特时,由于离太阳太近以致粘翅膀用的蜡溶化了,而掉进了爱琴海 The son of Daedalus who, in escaping from Crete on artificial wings made for him by his father, flew so close to the sun that the wax with which his wings were fastened melted, and he fell into the Aegean Sea.
我们将按时到达,是吗? We'll be on time, won't we?
(你)抵达旅馆後, 请听候进一步指示. On (your) arrival at the hotel please wait for further instructions.
据说第一批到达这个国家的移民是囚犯。 It is said that the first settlers of this country are prisoners.
一达到适当的年龄,孩子们就被鼓励,而不是被强迫,"离开老窝"。 Upon reaching an appropriate age, children are encouraged, but not forced, to "leave the nest".
她写道:亲爱的詹姆斯,刚听说你妻子过世了,我真不知道该怎样表达我的悲伤之情。 Dear James, she wrote, I have just heard of your wife's death. I can't tell you how sorry I am.
向你表达良好的祝愿。他让我一定转告你,他得知你的病情;好转后十分高兴。 Frank sends his best wishes, and he says to be sure and tell you how delighted he is to hear about your fine progress.
减少元件和电路的几何尺寸,以达到增加电路的封装密度、减少功耗和减小信号传播延迟的目的。 The reduction in size of components and circuits for increasing package density and reducing power dissipation and signal propagation delays.
美国以及其他发达国家的官员说,将保护科技(以阻止外流)与对付饥饿问题混为一谈是在混淆视听。 Officials of the United States and other developed countries said that linking technology protection to the fight against hunger was a red herring.
寓言,讽喻一种文学、戏剧或绘画的艺术手法,其中人物和事件代表抽象的观点、原则或支配力,从而使表面含义含有或表达一种对等的,但更深刻的象征意义 A literary, dramatic, or pictorial device in which characters and events stand for abstract ideas, principles, or forces, so that the literal sense has or suggests a parallel, deeper symbolic sense.
诗以生动的和充满想象的方式来表达经验、思想或情感的口述文学作品,以运用其声音和暗示力而选用浓缩的语言为特征,并运用如节奏、暗喻和音韵等文学手法 A verbal composition designed to convey experiences, ideas, or emotions in a vivid and imaginative way, characterized by the use of condensed language chosen for its sound and suggestive power and by the use of literary techniques such as meter, metaphor, and rhyme.
我把这消息传达给他了。 I conveyed the information to him.
他们表达了强烈的抗议。 They expressed a vehement protest.
我预定了到北京的直达车票。 I booked a ticket through to Peking.
他似乎有可能黄昏前到达. It seems probable that he will arrive before dusk.
请向您母亲转达我的祝愿。 Please convey my good wishes to your mother.
这条大船的马达坏了,无法再航行了。 With its engine broken, this great ship was not navigable.
报告人把所要的传达的重点讲得非常透彻。 The speakers struck home the points he wanted to convey.
当一行人到达月台上时,火车正从车站开出。 The train was pulled out as the party arrived on the platform.
情形很糟,但无论如何还是没有达到最糟的地步。 The conditions are bad, but not as bad as they might be, by a long way.
如果今年做出较大努力,我们有可能达到这个指标。 If we put in more efforts this year, we may be able to reach that mark.
他肌肉发达。 He's got plenty of beef.
罢工者与雇主已达成协议。 The strikers have reached a settlement with the employers.
我们设法达成了某种临时的妥协. We managed to achieve a kind of modus vivendi.
恶劣的天气阻止了我们准时到达那里。 The bad weather prevented us from getting there on time.
在圣诞节期间, 广告战已达到高潮. The advertising campaign reached a crescendo at Christmas.
无论如何, 医疗物资会在一周内到达。 At any rate, the medical supplies will reach you within a week.
现在向您表达我们对您的感激最为恰当。 It's the appropriate time for showing you our thanks.
现在是向您表达感激之情最为恰当的时刻。 It is the most appropriate time to show you our thanks.
突击队员在敌后来了一个突然袭击。摧毁了雷达站。 The commandos made a lightning strike behind enemy lines and destroyed the radar station.
我们经过好多小时的辩论以后,谈判有了转折,没用多久便达成了协议。 After all those hours of arguing, the talks began to head out and it was not long before we were able to reach an agreement.
聚合物许多天然和人工合成的化合物中的任一种,通常具高分子的重量,包含最多可达上百万个的彼此重复且相连的单位,每一个单位都是一个相对较轻和较简单的分子 Any of numerous natural and synthetic compounds of usually high molecular weight consisting of up to millions of repeated linked units, each a relatively light and simple molecule.
这旅馆可供达500位来宾住宿. This hotel can accommodate up to 500 guests.
威尔逊先生已按期于3月12日抵达北京。 Mr. Wilson arvada beijing Mar12 on schedule.
我们沿着一条人迹罕至的小径到达了寺庙。 We reached the temple through an unfrequented mountain track.
玩具销售额在圣诞节前夕达到最高峰, 现已逐渐下降. Toy sales peaked just before Christmas and are now decreasing.
令郎喜结良缘谨此致以诚挚的祝贺并请转达最美好的祝愿。 Sincere congratulations on your son wedding please convey our best wish.
多言的,罗唆的倾向于用超过传达意思所必需的词的,用超过传达意思所必需的词叙述的 Tending to use, using, or expressed in more words than are necessary to convey meaning.
这列火车是否直达伦敦? Does this train go right through to London?
一辆直达的公共汽车;一张直通票 A through bus; a through ticket.
这种新型号赛车於道路测试中时速达100英里. The new sports model achieved 100 miles an hour in road tests.
晦涩的以有意使风格或表达上含糊不清为特点的 Marked by deliberate obscurity of style or expression.
在电信发达的今天, 相距遥远已不再是什麽问题了. Distance is no problem with modern telecommunications.
我们必须让警察人数达到(全部)编制所需的数量. We must bring the police force up to (full) strength.
足球比赛中恣意闹事现在已经达到愈演愈烈的地步。 Football hooliganism is now reaching epidemic proportions.
裁减军备协议难以达成, 症结在於如何证实(如检查武器确已销毁). Verification (eg Checking that weapons have been removed) could be an obstacle to an arms agreement.
偿清了欠债之后,他长久以来一直在每个圣诞节寄给我20美元钱。他这是为了表达他的感激之情啊! He kept on sending me$20 every Christmas long after his debt was paid. That's gratitude for you!
光度视网膜亮度单位,相当于每平方米有一烛光亮度的表面,通过一平方毫米的瞳孔区域,到达视网膜的光线数量 A unit of retinal illumination, equal to the amount of light that reaches the retina through 1 square millimeter of pupil area from a surface having a brightness of 1 candela per square meter.
装备有雷达的飞机,在夜间飞行时飞行员能够在雷达屏幕上看见远处的建筑物、或许还能看见前面几英里远的险峻山峰。 The pilot in an airplane equipped with radar, flying at night, can see on the radar viewing screen distant buildings, or perhaps a dangerous mountain peak that is miles ahead.
已达成和解. An amicable settlement was reached.
观众总计达两万人。 The audience totalled20, 000.
一月份生产率达到最高点。 Productivity peaked in January.
他的行为没达到公认的标准。 His behaviour falls short of accepted standards.
再加点油,你就可以到达顶端了。 One more effort, and you will get to the top.
军官用无线电向士兵下达命令. The officer communicated his orders to the men by radio.
观众起立向那位歌手鼓掌达十分钟. The singer got a ten-minute standing ovation.
他一干预使他们的口角达到最激烈程度. His intervention brought their quarrel to a climax.
借助现代技术, 这个目标已经达到. It was achieved with the benefit (ie help, aid) of modern technology.
如果我们想准时到达那里,我们最好加快速度。 We'd better speed up if we want to get there in time.
不同的礼节程度决定所需的确切表达方式。 The level of formality determine the precise mode of expression.
双方并非在每一点上意见都一致, 但已达成和解. The two sides failed to agree on every point but came to an accommodation.
当我们到达山顶时,美丽景色展现在我们的眼前。 The beautiful scenery was set out before us as we reached the top of the hill.
仅仅经过几天的训练,她的打字技术就达到极其出色的程度。 After only a few day's instruction, she got typing off to a fine art.
鼓舞使人的心灵或情感受到刺激而达到更高层次情感和行动的东西 Stimulation of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity.
小汽车的优点是能够在其它车辆间穿行,并且常常比大客车先到达。 The advantage of a little car is that it can weave through the traffic and often get there faster than the big buses.
在二进制浮点数中,一种带有符号的特定值,其量值大于一台计算机所能表达的任何二进制浮点数。 In binary floating-point concepts, a value with an associated sign which is mathematically greater in magnitude than any binary floating-point number.
我们最终达成了协议。 Finally we reached an agreement.
他的债务共达五千镑。 His debts amount to 5,000 pounds.
日落时我们抵达了港口. We reached (the) harbour at sunset.
他的存款总额达五万元。 His total deposits are50000 yuan.
旅游业在八月份达到高峰。 Tourism is at its peak in August.
总统抵达时, 检阅了仪仗队. On his arrival the president inspected the guard of honour.
船经受住了暴风雨,安全抵达。 The ship weathered the storm, and arrived safely.
为撤离该城作准备的命令已下达。 Order go out to prepare for the evacuation of the city.
科学家推算出宇宙飞船抵达月球的时间。 The scientists calculated when the spacecraft would reach the moon.
让我们达成切实可行的协议以尽快开始工作. Let's have a clear no-nonsense agreement to start work as soon as possible.
感谢盛情款待,已安全到达并转告关心此事的朋友。 Thanks for hospitality arrival safely inform friend regard.
引出推论的表达推论的或置于推论前面的,用来修饰词语 Expressing or preceding an inference. Used of a word.
他徒步走了好几天,最后安全到达一个游击队根据地。 He travelled on foot for several days until he safely reached a guerrilla base.
办事处的气氛已紧张一段时日,而最近解雇员工一事使事态的发展达到了顶点。 The atmosphere in the office has been tense for some time but this latest dismissal brings matter to a head.
既然雇主们同工会领袖无法在直接谈判中达成协议,就指定了一位当地的名律师进行调解。 A well-known local lawyer has been appointed to mediate between the employers and the union leaders, since they can't reach an agreement in direct talks.
验证协议的程序,它从一个给定的初始状态机械地产生出一切可以到达的状态,并且审查每一状态下用户定义的条件的有效性。 A program for protocol verification which mechanically generates all states reachable from a given initial state and checks the validity of user defined conditions in each state.
马克思列宁主义马克思主义的延伸,包含了列宁的帝国主义是资本主义的最终表现形式的理论,并指出了斗争中心从发达国家到不发达国家的转移 The expansion of Marxism to include both Lenin's concept of imperialism as the final form of capitalism and a shift in the focus of struggle from the developed to the underdeveloped countries.
他的事业兴旺发达。 His business is prosperous.
6点钟时马达开动起来。 At six o'clock the motor started up.
我向他表达了诚挚的问候。 I send my regards to him with earnestness.
筹集的资金没达到所需的数额. The money collected fell short of the amount required.
他们在雷达屏上看到了那艘游艇. They picked up the yacht on their radar screen.
他们能够用雷达测定快艇的方位. They were able to position the yacht by means of radar.
七月份最高温度可能达到36摄氏度。 The maximum temperature in July may be 36 Celsius degree.
他利用那机会表达了对主席积压已久的怨气. He used the occasion to express all his old grievances against the chairman.
那个国家的潜力很大,但文明程度还不够发达。 The country has a big potential but civilization there is still in the rough.
一些经济学家对失业率达到前所未有的程度表示忧虑。 Some economists showed their anxiety on unprecedented level of unemployment.
分析型的以两个或两个以上的词代替屈折变化来表达语法范畴的 Expressing a grammatical category by using two or more words instead of an inflected form.
这位影星抵达该城市的消息一传开,大批的请柬雪片似的向她飞来。 Invitations showered on the film star as soon as her arrival in the city was known.
磁控管一种微波管,它里面的发热阴极发出的电子受到磁场和电场的影响,从而产生能用于雷达和微波炉微波辐射 A microwave tube in which electrons generated from a heated cathode are affected by magnetic and electric fields in such a way as to produce microwave radiation used in radar and in microwave ovens.
清晰地表达或呈现的;容易理解的 Clearly expressed or presented; easy to understand.
不要担心马达,会还给你们的[找到的]。 Don't worry about the motor.You'll get it back.
敌舰的影像已显现在雷达(屏幕)上. Enemy ships were detected on the radar (screen).
"你估计这马达功力有多大?""约为十二马力。" "What would you rate the engine at? " "About12 horse power."
贵方如愿意降价2%,我们就可能达成交易。 If you are preparing to cut down your price by2%, we may come to term.
惊奇的,诧异的感觉或表达敬畏、钦佩、吃惊或惊奇的 Feeling or expressing awe, admiration, amazement, or surprise.
史密斯先生将出任阿根廷大使的命令已经下达。 The decree has gone forth that Mr.Smith is to be the new ambassador to Argentina.
这些建议已向我们作了传达,既简明扼要,又很有说服力。 The proposals were put to us very briefly and forcibly.
在两个派别之间实现和平;毫无意义;没有达到定额 Made peace between the two factions; not making sense; didn't make the quota.
金属箔片为迷惑敌人雷达而从飞机上扔出的金属薄片;金属箔片 Strips of foil dropped from an aircraft to confuse enemy radar; chaff.
手泵式四轮小车由一个小马达或一台手泵驱动的小型无篷路轨车 A small open railroad car propelled by a hand pump or a small motor.
为本城父老乡亲医伤诊病近四十年后,现在,我打算退休,并迁居弗罗里达。 After nearly40 years of patching up the folks of this town, I'm planning to retire and move to Florida.
现代的新闻工作,以“最庸俗者生存”这伟大的达尔文式的原则来为自己的存在辩护。 Modern journalism justify its own existence by the great Darwinian principle of the survival of the vulgar.
合同,契约两个或两个以上当事人之间达成的一种协议,尤指具有法律效力的书面协议 An agreement between two or more parties, especially one that is written and enforceable by law.
治安官管辖权和管辖范围都小于县治安官的治安官,有权送达传票及逮捕(搜查)令并可以施行逮捕 A peace officer with less authority and smaller jurisdiction than a sheriff, empowered to serve writs and warrants and make arrests.
时机掌握掌握发生、步伐或协调以达到最理想效果的艺术或操作,如在音乐、戏剧、运动或机构中 The art or operation of regulating occurrence, pace, or coordination to achieve the most desirable effects, as in music, the theater, athletics, or mechanics.
马尔盖特英国东南部一自治市,位于伦敦的东部。是一个著名的海滨度假胜地,轻工业也较发达。人口121,900 A municipal borough of southeast England east of London. A popular seaside resort, it also has light industries. Population, 121,900.
工会与资方的最后谈判行将终结,双方努力争取在限期前达成协议。否则,发行187年的《纽约邮报》将被迫永远停刊。 Last-ditch talks headed down to the wire as union and management raced a deadline which could force the New York Post to close down today for good after187 year.
科技英语的一个重要的,也许是令人惊奇的特点是:无论是书面的传达,还是口头的交流,二者都是可以作为正式文体而通用的。 An important and perhaps surprising feature of technical English is that its normal style is common to both written and spoken communication.
甘地,穆罕达斯·卡拉姆昌德1869-1948印度民族主义者和精神领袖,推动了非暴力不抵抗运动并迫使英国于1947年允许印度独立,被一个印度教狂热分子暗杀 Indian political leader who served as prime minister(1966-1977) and(1980-1984). She was assassinated by Sikh extremists.
将近一万名西方平民(多半是英国人和美国人)躲藏在被占领的科威特城。如果萨达姆能如愿,使他们落在他手里,他们将被指定为活靶,难逃浩劫。 Nearly10, 000 Western civilians, mostly British and American, are holed up in captured Kuwait City. If Saddam gets his hands on them, as he intends to, they are to be designated human targets and doomed.
赫德并未讨论限期,可是他告诉英国广播公司说,国际联盟“行将达到的阶段是:大家都对现局加以估计,看我们所建立的以和平方式施压是否有效。” Mr.Hurd did not discuss deadlines, but he told the BBC that the international coalition was"approaching the stage when we all take stock and see if the peaceful pressures which we have been constructing are going to be good enough."
猜测萨达姆心里如何想法是毫无意义的。不论他是做给伊斯兰激进分子看,还是趁最后一个机会找布什麻烦,他与美国和全世界对抗,不久就成为克林顿先生的问题。 It's pointless to try to read Saddam Hussein's mind. Whether he is playing to Islamic radicals or simply taking a final poke at George Bush, his confrontation with America and the world will soon be one more problem for Mr.Clinton.
经过特别警告巴格达不得在伊拉克任何地方使用毒气和作战飞机(这些警告鼓励了少数民族叛变)以后,当伊拉克继续用作战直升机对付叛军时,布什却半途而废未加制止。 After having pointedly warned Baghdad not to use poison gas or combat aircraft anywhere in Iraq, warnings that had encouraged the rebellion, Mr.Bush pulled up short when Iraq continued to fly combat helicopters against the insurgents.