父辈应当被尊重。 A sire should be respected.
她一辈子搞戏剧。 She is been in the theater all her life.
她讲了一辈子中文。 She has spoken Chinese all her life.
我伯伯威廉上周去世了,他享年90岁奋斗一辈子了。 My Uncle William passed away last week; he was ninety, and game to the end.
老一辈的各类人都在那里. Many representatives of the older generation were there.
你应该对长辈和上级尊重些. You should show greater respect for your elders and betters.
他用长辈的口气劝告年轻的同事. He adopts an avuncular tone of voice when giving advice to junior colleagues.
我这一代人和我父辈及祖辈表现不同. My generation behaves differently from my father's and grandfather's.
世界性的饥饿问题是个极其难以解决的问题,我恐怕人们在我这一辈子都找不出解决的办法。 The question of world hunger is a very hard nut to crack. I doubt if we'll find the answer to it in my lifetime.
他一辈子都住在这里。 He all lives here all one's life.
女老前辈一个团体中最年长或地位最高的女性 A woman who is the eldest or senior member of a group.
他把一辈子的积蓄保藏在一口旧箱子里. He's got his life savings stashed (away) in an old suitcase.
新上任的警察局长很快就让人感觉到他不是平庸之辈。他的主张一付诸实施镇里犯罪情况就少多了。 The new chief police officer quickly made his presence felt, and there was much less crime in the town after his ideas were put into practice.
你能甘心一辈子失业吗? Could you reconcile yourself to a lifetime of unemployment?
也许我这么说可以更清楚一点:老一辈人一般都是保守的。 Perhaps I can make that clearer by saying the older generation is generally conservative.