他也学习汉语。 He studies Chinese as well.
我的日语相当差。 My knowledge of Japanese is rather poor.
她会说日语和英语。 She can speak Japanese as well as English.
口语体口语化或口语用法 Colloquial style or quality.
我很少听见他讲汉语。 I seldom hear he speaks Chinese.
我只懂得一点法语。 I have only a limited understanding of French.
你我都不会说汉语. You're no more capable of speaking Chinese than I am.
我在写现代英语的语法书. I'm writing a grammar of modern English.
我是最近才开始学法语的。 I've only recently started learning French.
我为准备英语考试的人做辅导。 I coach people for English exams.
学习外语离不开好的词典。 A good dictionary is indispensable for learning a foreign language.
他不但会说英语,而且还会说法语。 He speaks not only English but also French.
你应该在课堂上完成语法练习。 You should finish your English grammar drills in the class.
我已经通过了日语的中级水平考试。 I've passed the intermediate level exam of Japanese.
不要指望一个星期就能学会一门外语. You can't expect to learn a foreign language in a week.
讲一口流利的英语需要多年的刻苦操练。 It took years of hard work to speak good English.
他自从参加了会话班,法语取得了很大进步。 His French has come on a lot since he joined the conversation class.
我的主修科目是法语。 My major is French.
他的叔叔教他法语。 His uncle instructed him in French.
他稍微会一点儿日语. He has some little acquaintance with the Japanese language.
英语现在通用于全世界。 English is spoken all over the world today.
参加考试的人大多数语法及格. Most candidates passed in grammar.
他学习日语的兴趣逐渐消失了。 His interest in learning Japanese has petered out.
他毕业于一所知名的外语学院。 He graduated from a famous foreign language institute.
学习英语口语不只是玩游戏而已。 Spoken English learning is not all beer and skittle.
他已学了足够的德语来进行会话。 He had learned enough German to carry on a conversation.
人们误以为选修语言课程较轻松“ Language courses are wrongly thought to be soft options.
该学院采用新的外语教学法。 New methods of teaching foreign languages are adopted in this institute.
学习外语女孩总是比男孩强. In learning foreign languages, the girls knock spots off the boys every time.
法语教师每隔一周给这班学生做一次听写。 The French teacher dictates to the class every other week.
你要是英语讲得不好,找工作时就会处于非常不利的地位。 If you don't speak good English, you'll be at a big disadvantage when you try to get a job.
他不辞劳苦地学习英语。 He spares no pains to study English.
他对疯狂英语很着迷。 He is crazy about Crazy English.
人类是在幼年开始学习第一种语言的。 Mankind learns its first language in early childhood.
那是一个以几种语言叙述的古老的故事。 It's an ancient tale which appears in various guises in several languages.
拉丁语系, 例如法语, 意大利语, 都起源于拉丁语。 The Roman languages such as French, Italian, are all derived from Latin.
学习英语和德语等现代语言比学习拉丁语更为有用。 It's more useful to learn modern languages, such as English and German, than Latin.
老师正在审阅汤姆的英语答卷。 The teacher is reading Tom's English paper.
在我们学校几乎没有人懂得丹麦语。 Few people know Danish in our school.
我觉得你嘲笑他说英语的方式刺伤了他的自尊心。 I think you hurt his pride by laughing at the way he speaks English.
规范语法阐述的是该派语法学家认为的某语言的口语或书面语的标准形式. A normative grammar of a language describes how its authors think the language should be spoken or written.
你懂挪威语吗? Do you know Norwegian?
你会说什么语言? What languages can you speak?
把德语课本翻到第28页。 Open your German readers at page 28.
你从哪里学会说英语的呢? Where did you learn to speak English?
澳大利亚是一个讲英语的国家。 Australia is an English speaking nation.
精通一门外语难不难? Is it difficult to feel at home in (ie confident when using) a foreign language?
咱们一起复习你的英语练习好吗? Shall we go over your English exercises together?
咒语将青蛙和老鼠又变回成了人。 The magic spell changed the frogs and rats back into men.
德语中有三性: 阳性、 阴性和中性. There are three genders in German: masculine, feminine and neuter.
你们参加高级程度英语考试要读哪些必修课本? What are your set books for English A Level?
我以前从未听到过这个词语,是最近新造的吗? I hadn't heard that expression before ; is it a recent coinage?
念咒口头咒语或符咒的仪式性的吟诵以产生魔力的效果 Ritual recitation of verbal charms or spells to produce a magic effect.
你看见语法书在哪儿呢吗? 词典都在正对著的书架上. Can you see where the grammar books are? The dictionaries are on the shelf directly opposite.
她需要使请求语气柔婉,以便尽可能把它变成有礼貌与客气。 She needed to soften her request to make it as polite and courteous as she could.
他的英语有进步。 He is forward in his English.
他能准确流利地说英语。 He can speak English fluently and accurately.
那条广告口号是双关语. The advertising slogan was a play on words.
她向一个中国教员学习英语。 She learned English from a Chinese teacher.
他法语还不错, 但应该再好些. His knowledge of French is fair, but ought to be better.
正因为他操一口流利的英语,她更爱他。 She likes him all the better for his fluent spoken English.
就英语作文而言,练习是最好的方法。 So far as English composition is concerned, practice is the best way.
我懂一点儿德语。 I know a little German.
德语中有三性。 German has three genders.
他操一口流利的德语。 He speaks fluent German.
他实际上不懂英语。 He knew practically no English.
他用低沉的语调说话。 He spoke in sepulchral tones.
她用挖苦的语调和他说话。 She talked with him with sarcastic tones.
她已刻苦攻读法语数月. She's been plugging away at her French lessons for months.
他说阿拉伯语和英语都一样自如. He speaks Arabic and English with equal ease.
我正在学习德语,但还说不好。 I'm learning German, but I still can't speak it properly.
不论你到哪里,语言几乎是相同的。 The language is almost the same wherever one goes.
说阿拉伯语的人说阿拉伯语民族的一个成员 A member of an Arabic-speaking people.
他对语言的热爱促使他从事翻译工作. His love of languages inclined him towards a career as a translator.
别尽用那种专门术语--用普通的词语解释吧. Don't use all that technical lingo try and explain in plain English.
在学习一种新语言时,词典是非常有用的工具。 A dictionary is an invaluable aid in learning a new language.
我正在成人学校补习法语,到时好让他们大吃一惊。 I'm brushing up on my French at adult school just to surprise them.
一种表示确定的概念或观念的语言元素,例如字树。 An element of language that expresses a definite image or idea, for example, the word tree.
大多数语言学家都会说,他们主要研究各种语言的结构。 Most linguists would say they were concerned primarily with the structure of languages.
你如果考虑到她学英语才不过六个月,那么她英语讲得的确不错了。 If you consider that she has only been studying English for six months, she speaks it very well.
一本好的学生字典应该既提供词语的含义,又举出应用这些词语的例子。 A good learner's dictionary should give both the meanings of the words and examples of the constructions in which they are used.
她是语音学权威. She's an authority on phonetics.
她说的斯瓦希里语非常流利. She speaks Swahili with great fluency.
他语气中带有威胁的口吻。 A tone of menace entered into his voice.
直陈动词陈述语气中用的动词 A verb in the indicative mood.
叙述清楚比语言优美更重要。 Clearness of statement is more important than beauty of language.
他能感觉到他们对他拙劣作品的讽刺语调。 He could feel their sarcastic tone about his poor work.
她需要把阿拉伯语学好才能到开罗工作. She needs to perfect her Arabic before going to work in Cairo.
`亲爱的'是亲昵语. `Darling' is a term of endearment.
她失踪一事引起了各种流言蜚语. Her disappearance gave rise to the wildest rumours.
她花言巧语也未能打动他们卖掉别墅。 All her wiles were not enough to persuade them to sell the villa.
条件(从句)表示条件的语气、时态、从句或词 A mood, tense, clause, or word expressing a condition.
德语和意大利语课程分别设於慕尼黑和罗马。 German and Italian courses are held in munich and rome respectively.
他散布流言蜚语危害很大, 事後才真相大白. His malicious gossip caused much mischief until the truth became known.
他的耳朵对伦敦郊区的语音仍然一听就能辨别。 His ear is still attune to the sound of the London suburb.
俚语,是脱下上衣、吐一口唾沫在掌上、跟着就着手工作的语言。 Slang is language that takes off its coat, spits on its hands, and goes to work.
想到将要发生的事,她语音中充满了惊异。“我的态度是:事情发生了,设法应付,但避免正面冲突。” A note of surprise filled her voice at the prospect."My attitude is to roll with what happens, " she said.
诗以生动的和充满想象的方式来表达经验、思想或情感的口述文学作品,以运用其声音和暗示力而选用浓缩的语言为特征,并运用如节奏、暗喻和音韵等文学手法 A verbal composition designed to convey experiences, ideas, or emotions in a vivid and imaginative way, characterized by the use of condensed language chosen for its sound and suggestive power and by the use of literary techniques such as meter, metaphor, and rhyme.
我要不时地再给你们介绍一些成语。 I'll give you some more idioms from time to time.
要学好英语就要处处学习用英语思考。 To learn English well one has to learn to think in English at every turn.
我正在尽力学英语。 I'm trying to learn English.
她明年选修法语. She is taking French as an elective next year.
声明一个语气强调的宣告 An emphatic declaration.
他沉默不语意味着同意了。 His silence implied agreement.
一条标语在黑板正上方。 A slogan is over the blackboard.
她把我拉到一旁,对我耳语。 She drew me aside and whispered in my ear.
他的言语伤害了读者的感情。 His words hurt the reader's sensibility.
成语的类似成语的或具有成语性质的 Resembling or having the nature of an idiom.
语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。 Language teaching is both a science and art.
理奇比你占优势, 因为他会讲德语。 Rich has an advantage over you since he can speak German.
他经常用充满爱意的语言谈论他的女朋友。 He often talks about his girlfriend in terms of love.
成语通常不能照字面译成另一种语言。 Idioms usually cannot be translated literally in another language.
他访问过许多国家,并学会了好几种外语。 He's visited many foreign countries and has learnt several foreign languages.
在上高中时, 我们有语文, 英语, 科学等课程。 In senior high school we have Chinese, Science, English, and so forth.
人群中的人将宣扬他们的政敌的标语撕了下来。 The crowd ripped down posters depiction their political opponents.
但是,英语的确有一个可能的致命敌人这就是它自身。 But, English does have one possible mortal enemy-itself.
公式计算语言的简称,应用不太广泛的一种高级程序设计语言。 An abbreviation for formula calculation language, a high-level programming language not too widely used.
学习英语就象建房子,打下扎实的基础是最基本也是最重要的一步。 Learning English is like building a house, laying a strong foundation is the first and most important step.
该学院开设英语速成课程,一年之内将初学者的英文水平提高到大学入学考试的水平。 The college offers a crash course in English from beginners’ to Entrance Examination level in one year.
在计算机程序设计中,一种高级语言的语句或指令,其功能是将一个值放到程序指定的内存地址单元内。 In computer programming, a high level language instruction that places a value in a program specified memory address, location.
全场里悬挂着标语。 Slogans were hung in the hall.
我欣赏他那富有诗意的话语。 I appreciate his poetic utterances.
许多语言都以拉丁语为基础。 Many languages have Latin as their base.
六十岁时, 他开始学俄语。 At the age of sixty he took up the study of Russian.
他不会说法语, 这使他很吃亏. His inability to speak French puts him at a disadvantage.
她会说法语, 德语, 还会说一点儿俄语. She speaks French and German and also a little Russian.
除了英语以外, 我们还学俄语及西班牙语。 Apart from English, we study Russian and Spanish.
这种句法结构不可与按规则变化的被动语态相混淆. This construction should not be confused with the regular passive.
大厅里有窃窃私语声。 There was a low murmur of conversation in the hall.
他注视著那些语句, 茫然不解. He stared at the words in complete puzzlement.
那时英语是唯一必修的外国语。 English was the only foreign language required.
参加董事会议必须习惯那些古板的语言。 At board meetings you have to get used to the formality of the language.
英语是必修科目吗? Is English a compulsory subject?
`小便'是`排尿'的委婉语. `Pass water' is a euphemism for `urinate'.
<大学英语词汇综合测试题>。 "Practice Tests For College English Vocabulary"
肢体语言一个从容的、有力的动作或手势 A deliberate, vigorous motion or gesture.
这寥寥数语充分显示了她的高贵品质。 These few words fully revealed her noble quality.
`啊!'、 `小心!'、 `哎哟!'都是感叹词语. `Oh!', `Look out!' and `Ow!' are exclamations.
词书编纂者必须精於给词语下定义的技巧. Dictionary writers must be skilled in the art of definition.
英语的元音字母有a,e,i,o,u,有时也包括y。 The vowels in the English alphabet are a,e,i,o,u, and, sometimes, y.
"商务剑桥英语考试一部分是笔试,一部分是口试。" "The Cambridge Business Exams are part written, part oral."
这个精神病人老是自言自语地说:“是我不好,是我不好。” The mad man is always thinking aloud:"It was my fault.It was my fault."
他们用一周时间教速成英语课程, 那几天可真紧张! They teach you English in an intensive course lasting just a week; it's quite an intensive few days!
贝尔的父亲甚至为聋人发明了一套所谓的“可见的语言”。 Bell's father had even gone so far as to develop a system of so-called"visible speech" for the deaf.
为便于编写计算机辅助教学的课程软件而发展的一种专用语言。参阅authorlanguage。 A special language for easily developing software of computer-aid courses.
个人语型,个人言语方式(变体)在所处的语言或方言环境中被作为独特的语言形式的个人语言 The speech of an individual, considered as a linguistic pattern unique among speakers of his or her language or dialect.
回答用言语或书写的回复 A response in speech or writing.
有些学校极注重语言学习. Some schools put/lay/place great emphasis on language study.
这位神父可听取用英语和法语的告解. The priest will hear confessions in English and French.
他说话带着美国英语口音。 He spoke with an American accent.
他显示了对阿拉伯语的精通。 He demonstrated a mastery of Arabic.
言语是他那一行必不可少的工具。 Words are the tools of his trade.
要闹清楚每个习惯用语的意思是不容易的。 It is no easy thing to get at the meaning of every idiom.
要到国外读书, 你最起码要掌握那种语言。 To go abroad to study, you should at least master the language.
所有的学生毫无例外,都必须参加英语考试。 All students without exception must take the English examination.
词语的定义不应比所解释的词语更难理解. Definitions should not be more difficult to understand than the words they define.
他那语重心长的话语终于使对方说出了实情。 His words of sincerity and affection have at last drawn the badger.
他人极聪明,毫无诚意的花言巧语骗不了他。 He was too wise to be imposed upon by fair words spoken without sincerity.
上流社会的上流社会的或适合于上流社会的,尤其是在语言用法上 Of or appropriate to the upper class, especially in language usage.
他丧失了言语能力. He has lost the power of speech.
西班牙语与拉丁语近似。 Spanish is akin to Latin.
她使用的词语未免太陈旧了。 She uses rather dated words and phrases.
主席一直以沉闷的语调讲了几小时. The chairman droned on for hours.
那个加拿大籍日本人两种语言都精通。 The Canadian-Japanese is at home in both languages.
妙语,俏皮话经常是即兴说出的机智风趣的话语 A clever, witty remark often prompted by the occasion.
引出推论的表达推论的或置于推论前面的,用来修饰词语 Expressing or preceding an inference. Used of a word.
我学法语的时间还不长, 所以我只能凑合著说几句. I haven't been learning French for long, so I can only manage (ie speak) a few words.
在编辑语言中,把若干值变换为由给定格式所规定的表示形式。 In programming languages, transforming values to the representations specified by a given format.
一种用于按照严格的过程规则实现的数学和逻辑运算的通用术语。 A generic term for all mathematical and logical operations carried out according to precise rules of procedure.
假使语言是为了隐藏思想而被发明的,那么报纸就是对这不良发明的一大改进。 If word were invented to conceal think, newspaper should be a great improvement on a bad invention.
表处理语言用于处理包含有表格的数据的编程语言,被广泛地运用于人工智能研究 A programming language designed to process data consisting of lists. It is widely used in artificial intelligence research.
今天大地在太阳光里向我营营哼鸣,象一个织着布的妇人,用一种已经被忘却的语言,哼着一些古代的歌曲。 The earth hums to me today in the sun, like a woman at her spinning, some ballad of the ancient time in a forgotten tongue.
凯尔特人的惯用语 A Celtic idiom.
他的妙语引起一阵哄堂大笑。 His witty remark caused a storm of laughter.
这本书中有很多淫秽的语言。 There are much obscene languages in this book.
蠢话,蠢事愚蠢的言语或笨拙的行为 A foolish or stupid utterance or deed.
说英语时, 重音和节奏是很重要的. Stress and rhythm are important in speaking English.
他父母雇佣了一位家庭教师来教他希腊语。 His parents employed a tutor to teach him Greek.
分析型的以两个或两个以上的词代替屈折变化来表达语法范畴的 Expressing a grammatical category by using two or more words instead of an inflected form.
这是一个应该避免使用的非正式术语。该术语有时用于一种逻辑元件,这种逻辑元件可以实现特定的功能或在变量之间提供链接。 An improper term to be avoided. This term is sometimes used to designate a logic element which performs a specific function or provides a linkage between variables.
这使他完全茫然(而语塞)了. It left him at a complete loss (for words).
【谚】孩子和傻子,口中无诈语。 Children and fools tell the truth.
隽语一个简明,机智,常常似是而非的陈述 A concise, clever, often paradoxical statement.
暗号为通过岗哨而必须给出的秘密记号或口令;暗语 A secret sign or signal to be given to a sentry in order to obtain passage; a password.
`他说:  我要来. '在间接引语中变成`他说他要来.' In indirect speech, `He said, ``I will come''' becomes `He said he would come.'
冒昧,放肆放肆地傲慢或令人不愉快的行为或语言;厚颜无耻 Behavior or language that is boldly arrogant or offensive; effrontery.
这个词还可以用於复数的主语之後或复数动词的间接宾语之後。 It can also follow a plural subject or an indirect object with a plural verb.
他在得知这消息时所发的议论不宜见诸报端(语言粗俗难登大雅之堂). His comment when he heard the news was not printable! ie was too rude to be printed.
语素一种含有一个单词的有意义的语言单位,如人或一词素,如-ed在单词walked中,不能被划分为更小的有意义单位 A meaningful linguistic unit consisting of a word, such as man, or a word element, such as-ed in walked, that cannot be divided into smaller meaningful parts.
英国习语,英国特有用词,英国式的语言现象英语,尤其是在英语口语中所特有的单词、短语或习惯用语;英国式语言现象 A word, a phrase, or an idiom peculiar to the English language, especially as spoken in England; a Briticism.
科技英语的一个重要的,也许是令人惊奇的特点是:无论是书面的传达,还是口头的交流,二者都是可以作为正式文体而通用的。 An important and perhaps surprising feature of technical English is that its normal style is common to both written and spoken communication.