汽油快要耗尽了。 The petrol is running out.
在运输中要允许有百分之五的损耗量. You must allow for five per cent wastage in transit.
该系统的主要弱点之一是消耗大量燃料。 One of the main disadvantages of this system is that it uses very large amounts of fuel.
减少元件和电路的几何尺寸,以达到增加电路的封装密度、减少功耗和减小信号传播延迟的目的。 The reduction in size of components and circuits for increasing package density and reducing power dissipation and signal propagation delays.
我们测量了这辆汽车的汽油消耗量. We have measured the car's fuel consumption.
他们不停地射击, 耗尽了所有的弹药. They went on firing until they had spent all their ammunition.
我买汽车时总要把燃油消耗量考虑在内. I always take fuel consumption into consideration when buying a car.
他来回走动着,大骂这场延误事故,因为每耽误一分钟都在消耗他的钱财。 He was walking to and fro swearing at the delay which was costing him so much money every minute.
这些拖拉机均具有结构紧凑,操纵简便,转向灵活,耗油省等特点。 The tractors are featured by compact construction, convenient operation, high maneuverability and low fuel consumption.
我们的食物储备已消耗殆尽. Our stock of food is greatly depleted.
他得悉噩耗: 父亲突然去世. He's had some bad news: his father has died suddenly.
他母亲去世的噩耗使他非常震惊. The news of his mother's death was a terrible shock to him.
我听到你父亲去世的噩耗, 十分难过. I was most distressed to hear the sad news of your father's death.
停车後不关前灯, 电池的电很快就会耗尽. If you leave your headlights on you'll soon run down the battery.
损耗,减损损耗的行为或过程 The act or process of depleting.
零售商须承受耗损的费用. The retailer has to absorb the cost of wastage.
这项工程耗费了长期的艰辛劳动 Spent many laborious hours on the project.
文书工作耗费了委员会许多时间。 Paperwork consumed much of the committee's time.
缺乏营养耗尽,由于缺乏营养或活力而造成的 Exhaustion, as from lack of nourishment or vitality.
该保险单对大多数损坏投保但不保机器的自然损耗。 The insurance policy cover most damage but not fair wear and tear to the machine.
耗子在墙上啃了一个洞。 The rat gnawed a hole through the wall.
耗尽被损耗的状态;精疲力竭,耗尽 The state of being depleted; exhaustion.
消耗量就是以每小时加仑表示的所耗费的燃料总数。 Consumption is the total amount of fuel consumed expressed in gallons per hour.
千瓦-小时电功率的单位,等于在一千瓦功率下一小时内消耗的功 A unit of electric power equal to the work done by one kilowatt acting for one hour.
技术规范中叙述了每台设备或全部设备所需的附件、专用工具和消耗件。 Accessories, special tools and expendable required with each unit or totally are described in the technical specification.