这本杂志登载优秀的小说。 This magazine published excellent stories.
他们在恶劣的天气条件下登上了山的顶峰。 They climbed up the last part of the mountain in formidable weather conditions.
恰恰就在我登上公共汽车踏板的时候,车子开动了。 At the precise moment that I put my foot on the step, the bus started.
无论报纸上刊登什么荒谬的东西,总有人相信。 Whatsoever nonsense the newspaper prints, some people always believe it.
顾客赊帐簿商人登记顾客购买的商品的本子 A book in which a merchant records credit sales.
我登记住进了旅馆。 I checked in at the hotel.
你不能自己去登山。 You can't go mountain climbing by yourself.
他登上王位时才八岁。 He was only eight when he ascended the throne.
他在职业介绍所登记要当秘书。 He enrolled with an employment agency for a secretary.
女王在一所古老的大教堂里举行登基仪式。 The queen was enthroned in an ancient abbey.
咱们打个比方吧, 有个某某先生来旅馆登记. Let's suppose a Mr So-and-so registers at the hotel.
留点力气准备攀登吧. Reserve your strength for the climb.
他已经登上事业的顶峰。 He has reached the pinnacle of his career.
登记出生或死亡的手续很简单. Registering a birth or death is a straightforward procedure.
登圣母峰绝不是一次轻松的旅途。 Climbing Mt. Everest is anything but a pleasure trip.
哪怕是个有经验的登山者也会馅入困境。 Even an experienced cumber will get into trouble.
我们向着陡峭山顶攀登。 We have a precipitous climb to the peak.
请登记你的姓名、年龄以及供养的亲属的人数。 Please state your name, age, and the number of dependants you have.
我们把旅客登记簿翻了一下,发现我们的采购员三天前就已登记了。 Looking through the reception book of the hotel we found our purchasing agent had booked in three days before.
那小队攀登山的北坡. The team climbed the north face of the mountain.
攀登的人脚踩的地方要很牢固. A climber needs secure footholds.
所有日报都刊登了这条消息. The news was blazed all over the daily papers.
向顶峰攀登时身上都热起来了。 It was a warm climb to the summit.
她在攀登过程中表现出极大的耐力。 She exhibited great powers of endurance during the climb.
他们攀登那座山的一切尝试都失败了. They failed in all their attempts to climb the mountain.
报刊杂志刊登了许多名家的文章。 The newspapers and magazines carry a lot of articles written by famous experts.
今天报纸上登载了总统访问的详尽报道. Today's papers carry full reports of the President's visit.
与岩石之间的摩擦加上攀登者的重量,使得绳子断了。 Friction against the rock, combined with the weight of the climber, caused his rope to break.
她控告某报刊登诽谤性文字。 She sued a newspaper for libel.
去柏林的英航125航班旅客请办理登机手续. Passengers should check in for flight BA 125 to Berlin.
那攀登者不得不紧扒着悬崖峭壁。 The climber had to cling onto the cliff.
本人欲应聘今天<中国日报>上刊登的征聘行政秘书一职。 I am applying for the position of executive secretary, advertised in today's China Daily.
这次攀登并不难--对於有经验的登山运动员应是轻而易举的事。 It's not a difficult climb it should be child's play for an experienced mountaineer.
兰登作了一次不成功的朗诵。老师有点不悦,对他说道:“兰登,你在这门课上好像进步不大,你好像缺乏志向。” Landon had made an unsuccessful attempt at the recitation, and the doctor, somewhat nettled, said:"Landon, you don't seem to be getting on very fast in this subject."
部队已在几个地点登陆. Troops have been landed at several points.
登山队员在半山腰扎营. The climbers made camp half-way up the peak.
士兵离开营房得登记签字. Soldiers sign out when they leave the barracks.
那一带海岸没有安全的登陆处. There is no safe landing on that coast.
我登台演出前总要温习一下台词. I always run over my lines before going on stage.
他登上顶端时气喘得很厉害. He was quite puffed by the time he reached the top.
要买瓷砖的订货已登记下来了。 The order for ceramic tiles has been booked in.
有些报纸刊登出生, 婚姻, 死亡的通告. Announcements of births, marriages and deaths appear in some newspapers.
这家杂志刊登了一个中学生所写的短篇小说。 The magazine publish a short story write by a high school student.
如果能把这篇文章登在你的期刊上我将很高兴。 I should be glad if you could insert this article into your periodical.
正是设备的低劣才导致一些徒步旅行者不愿继续攀登 Inferior equipment was precisely the reason some hikers refused to continue the climb.
海陆空协同作战的与陆军和海军联合军事登陆有关的或为此而组织的 Relating to or organized for a military landing by means of combined naval and land forces.
乐队奏乐欢迎演员登台. The band played the performers onto the stage.
登一则招聘广告,也许有用。 Insert a want ad, and it may help.
炊事员把罐头食品分给所有登山队员。 The cook served out tins of food to all the mountaineers.
上周末失踪的登山队至今下落不明,全无踪迹。 All trace has been lost of the climbing team missing since last weekend.
戈登接近禁区了。 Gordon's near the penalty area.
他跌下来也并未气馁,继续攀登。 He continued the climb, undaunted by his fall.
你的名字已登记在选民名册上了吗? Have you got your name on the electoral register?
该报每周刊登一篇关於一个优秀运动员的简介。 The newspaper publish a profile of a leading sportsman every week.
他在得知这消息时所发的议论不宜见诸报端(语言粗俗难登大雅之堂). His comment when he heard the news was not printable! ie was too rude to be printed.
这里摘登一封'亲爱的爱毕'的回信,刊登在一九七三年三月九日的'费城公报'上。 Here is a letter adapted from DEAR ABBY, Philadelphia Bulletin, March9,1973.