我从来没有在一个地方长住过,一定是我性格中有吉普赛人的特性。 I've never lived in one place too long, it must be the Gypsy in me.
它具有操作灵活简便、功能强大、多任务、多线程、以及即插即用等特性。 It is well established for its flexible operations, powerful functions, multitasking, multithreading and plug and play.
我们所需要的金属要求具有下列特性。 The metal we need requires the following particular properties.
新生的婴儿唤起了她女性的特性. Newborn babies bring out the woman in her.
生命活的有机物区别于死的有机物和无机物的特性和性质,主要表现在新陈代谢、生长发育、生殖、对刺激的反应、对环境的适应等有机体本身所固有的机能中 The property or quality that distinguishes living organisms from dead organisms and inanimate matter, manifested in functions such as metabolism, growth, reproduction, and response to stimuli or adaptation to the environment originating from within the organism.
大量众多的状态或者特性 The condition or quality of being numerous.
不是一切形式的物质都具有相同的特性的。 All forms of matter do not have the same properties.
计算机病毒的一种主要特性。 A main feature of computer virus.
用于修饰或说明与故障或错误的检测和隔离有关的特性。 Pertaining to the detection and isolation of a malfunction or mistake.
属性,特性符合一种大体模式或属于特定的组或类的倾向 A tendency to conform to a general pattern or belong to a particular group or category.
周期律化学元素在周期表中有相似位置时具有相似特性的趋势 The tendency of chemical elements with similar positions in the periodic table to have similar properties.
三色性某些矿物质所具有的特性,当放在白光下从三个不同的方向观察,会呈现出三种不同的颜色 The property possessed by certain minerals of exhibiting three different colors when viewed from three different directions under white lights.
精髓赋予特性或增添活力的物质或性质 A substance or quality that imparts identity and vitality; essence.
羞怯的,局促不安的具有害羞的、胆怯的、不安的特征的,表现出此种特性的,由此种特性引起的 Characterized by, showing, or resulting from shyness, self-consciousness, or awkwardness.
这个理论清楚地阐述了一种新的、影响深远的有关空间、时间、运动、质量、能量的特性及控制这些的关系的结论。 The theory set forth new and farreaching conclusions about the nature of space, time, motion, mass, energy, and the relations governing all these.