炮兵部署在西边. Artillery was deployed in the west.
最近的丑闻给政府的反对派提供了大量的炮弹。 The recent scandal has provided the government's opponents with plenty of ammunition.
中国孩子会在春节前买很多鞭炮。 Chinese children like to buy many firecrackers before the Spring Festival.
我们的炮火控制了通往市区的各条道路。 Our guns covered every approach to the town.
炮弹在四处爆炸。 Shells were bursting all around.
炮火掩护步兵前进. Artillery gave cover (ie fired at the enemy to stop them firing back) while the infantry advanced.
我军高射炮击落五架敌军轰炸机. Our anti-aircraft guns accounted for five enemy bombers.
在那次战役中,坦克常常用来起支援作用;像机动炮那样掩护步兵。 In that campaign, the tanks were often used in a support role, shooting-in die infantry as mobile artillery.
炮台公园曼哈顿岛南端的公园,位于纽约东南部的纽约湾北端。1808年为保护港口而建,早期荷兰和英国的防御工事及克林顿城堡就在此地 A park at the southern tip of Manhattan Island at the upper end of New York Bay in southeast New York. It is the site of early Dutch and English fortifications and of Castle Clinton, built in1808 for the defense of the harbor.
夹叉射击按这种方式射出的炮弹 The shells fired in such a manner.
空中爆炸炸弹或炮弹的空中爆炸 Explosion of a bomb or shell in the atmosphere.
敌人的炮弹在士兵行列中炸成大洞。 The enemy's shells made great holes in the ranks.
密集的迫击炮火力从这些阵地射向由山谷那边上来的援军。 From these positions mortar fire was rained down upon reinforcements moving up through the valley.
我们的大炮已向敌人的阵地发起连续轰击。 Our big guns have been hammering away at the enemy positions.
她用连珠炮似的谩骂来攻击他。 She attacked him with a torrent of abuse.
炮轰敌军阵地之後, 我步兵开始进攻. Enemy positions were bombarded before our infantry attacked.
受重型迫击炮火力威胁的敌军阵地;受步枪火力的袭击 Subjected enemy positions to heavy mortar fire; struck by rifle fire.
射石炮早期发射石弹大炮的一种 An early form of cannon that fired stone balls.
现在是我方炮兵回击敌人的时候了。 It's time for our artillery to hit back.
那位发言者遭到了连珠炮般的追问。 The speaker was bombarded with questions.
这种大炮的威力很大。 The artillery did great execution.
大炮的射击毁了这座城市。 The cannon shot the town to pieces.
在暴动中,农奴们以赤手空拳对付钢枪铁炮。 In the uprising the serfs fought with bare hands against gunfire.
上个月数百名妇女儿童死于叛军的炮火。 Hundreds of women and children fell to the rebels’ gunfire last month.
燃放鞭炮不仅仅被看作讨厌的事,而且还被认为是对人的生命财产的严重威胁。 Setting off firecrackers is seen not merely as a nuisance, but also as a big threat to man's life and property.
一个上尉指挥一个连队或炮兵连。 A captain commands a company or battery.