月球对地球的吸引力造成潮汐。 The attraction of the moon for the earth causes the tides.
气候潮湿,把书都霉坏了。 The dampness of the climate decayed the books.
看样子要过一段寒潮天气。 It looks as if we were in for a cold spell.
庆祝会的高潮是燃放烟火。 The climax of the celebration was a firework display.
潮湿的日子里,食物很容易发霉。 Foods are easily to be mouldy in humid days.
赶时髦的,新潮的对于流行的和时新的东西很敏感的并且积极响应的 Highly aware of and responsive to what is fashionable and up-to-date.
那个东西掉在潮湿的沙子上, 然後沉了下去. It fell onto the wet sand, then sank (in).
曼谷为一个广阔潮湿的冲积平原所环绕,有纵横交错的运河网。 Bangkok is surrounded by a vast, damp, alluvial plain, crisscrossed by a network of klong.
底层很潮湿。 The underneath part felt damp.
高潮即将来到。 A climax is pending.
旧房大都潮湿. Old houses are often damp.
在圣诞节期间, 广告战已达到高潮. The advertising campaign reached a crescendo at Christmas.
时装新潮很快就在全世界流行起来。 Fashion trends diffuse themselves rapidly around the globe.
早期艺术家某一艺术思潮发展初期阶段的艺术家,尤指文艺复兴以前的艺术家 One belonging to an early stage in the development of an artistic trend, especially a painter of the pre-Renaissance period.
这块潮湿的木材有些翘棱了. The damp wood began to warp.
在潮湿天气,她经常犯支气管炎。 She often gets chesty in wet weather.
木材潮湿後往往会膨胀. Wood often swells when wet.
乐曲接近高潮。 The music approached a climax.
潮水正在高涨。 The tide is at the flood.
皮革受潮可变质. Leather can deteriorate in damp conditions.
青少年经常反潮流而动. Teenagers often go against the stream.
一个建设的新高潮正在兴起。 A new upsurge in construction is in the making.
天气潮湿是这个地区生活的一个特色。 Wet weather is a feature of life in this area.
大规模的农场聚集在白人的所有权之下,这在当时是一股潮流。 The aggregation of immense farms under white ownership was a trend at that time.
最后乐章的高潮慢慢发展到了顶点。以重复主旋律而告终。 The crescendo in the last movement leads up to a grand climax and a repeat of the main theme.
正如今天的报道,英磅进一步下跌导致了市内的抛售的一股新浪潮。 The further decline of the pound as reported today has set off a fresh wave of selling in the city.
流行敏感的,赶新潮的对最新的潮流或发展很敏感的,感兴趣的或了解的 Keenly aware of, knowledgeable about, or interested in the latest trends or developments.
那船逆著潮水缓慢地前进. The boat made slow headway against the tide.
潮水退去,我们就能寻找贝壳了。 As the tide receded we were able to look for shells.
波浪起伏的显示短而杂乱的波浪的,比如在海潮中 Exhibiting short, jumbled waves, as a tidal rip.
在加利福尼亚州发现金矿一事掀起了一场淘金者蜂拥而至的热潮。 The discovery of gold in California set off a rush to get there.
知道“第三次浪潮”吗? Know anything about the third wave?
股票市场上人心惶惶, 掀起抛售浪潮. Panic on the stock market set off a wave of selling.
你认为学生会对这些现代哲学思潮感兴趣吗? Do you think the students will plug in to these modem philosophy trend?